Chapter 501 Handling
"What happened? Where's Aya?"

Zhao Yingge looked outside worriedly. At this moment, the snowstorm blew out the lights, and the black clouds in the sky were dispersed, revealing the originally bright starry sky.

But in the pitch darkness and the blizzard, it was unclear about Lu Ling's safety. If possible, Zhao Yingge would rush out to find Lu Ling right now.

Xifeng was also very worried, tightly clasping the ring in her hand.

"Don't look at me, I don't know." Luo Hanyi was the first to raise his hand.

However, in Zhao Yingge's view, her behavior was undoubtedly self-inflicted.

Reaching out, Zhao Yingge tore off Luo Hanyi's bath towel, ignored her screaming, and covered herself with the bath towel.

"Sakura! What are you doing!"

"I'm cold." Zhao Ying sang.

"Cold... by the way, you are afraid of the cold, then you can use it, I... I'll squat for a while." Luo Hanyi squatted on the ground with her chest in aggrieved way. Can't help the figure that is about to come out.

Zhao Yingge completely ignored this woman, turned her head and glanced at Liu Fufeng, and found that the latter did not show any anxious emotions, so she breathed a sigh of relief, shook the wheelchair in front of Luo Hanyi, and looked at her quietly.

"Okay, tell me, what happened to Ah Ling, what do you know?"

Hearing this, Xifeng also looked over. The reason why this kind of thing happened was that she insisted on asking Lu Ling to read the letter for her. If something really happened to Lu Ling, she had no choice but to go down to accompany her...

Moreover, there has been such a big commotion here, the sound of the hurricane whistling and the heavy snowfall in a small area here, coupled with the rich night market in Luoyan City, it has already been spread widely, if it weren't for the black armor guarding outside Look, it is estimated that the outside is already crowded.

Now Hei Jia is worried about Xifeng's safety and is about to come to rescue her.

If it wasn't for Liu Fufeng's calmness, Xifeng had already rushed out. In fact, she had already rushed out to find Lu Ling just now, but she was dragged by Liu Fufeng.

Liu Fufeng didn't speak yet, but she wasn't too worried, using her talent, even with her eyes closed, she could catch Lu Ling's figure in the wind and snow. This girl was squatting in the middle of the courtyard and shivering.

Ah Ling's own strength just looked terrifying, and it wouldn't hurt her at all.

Stretching out her hand, Liu Fufeng shook his head as he watched the violent snowflakes fall quietly on her palm.

Let's listen to what my uncle has to say.

"Uncle, what happened?" Liu Fufeng asked, even if Lu Ling would not be injured, but such a big change happened, Ah Ling might be frightened... It's better to find out the reason.

"Ah..." Seeing Liu Fufeng speak, Luo Hanyi, who was squatting on the ground, looked up pitifully and whispered.

"The output of spiritual power was too much, Xiaoling couldn't control it, and then it exploded..."

Before Liu Fufeng could speak, Zhao Yingge got furious and said angrily.

"Then how much strength do you want her to use!"

Luo Hanyi was a little wronged: "Then I don't know, a little girl in the late stage of the Soul Splitting Realm can have such a large amount, or is it a pure ice type..."

"Aren't you her uncle? Do you have such an uncle!" Zhao Yingge grabbed Luo Hanyi's arm and was about to pull her up.

"Yingge, let go, don't pull me, I don't have any clothes on, alas! My hair!" The weak female voice screamed again and again, and the bully was a "tomboy" with short hair and a huge figure. Just look at this picture If so, it is safe to say that a female ruffian is bullying a woman from a good family.

"Okay, let Senior Uncle go, she didn't do it on purpose." Liu Fufeng pleaded with Zhao Yingge: "And, don't worry, Senior Sister is fine, and the wind and snow outside is already light."

"It's all right? That's good." Hearing this, Zhao Yingge and Xi Feng both heaved a sigh of relief, and if Liu Fufeng said it was all right, then it must be all right.

Xifeng finally let go of her ring and gave up her plan to call Heijia.

"It's cheaper for you." Zhao Yingge let go of Luo Hanyi, and the latter looked at his reddened wrist, flattened his mouth, and then glanced at Liu Fufeng gratefully.

Then, Luo Hanyi didn't say anything, she just leaned on her long hair to cover her body, crouching in a corner in embarrassment.

"Xue is small, let's go out and have a look." Zhao Yingge took the lead to push the wheelchair out, not at all considering that he is only a mortal body, and in this environment, it is very easy to catch wind and cold, Luo Hanyi wanted to say it, but he didn't dare .

"Okay." Liu Fufeng originally wanted to go see it alone, but seeing Zhao Yingge and Xifeng's worried looks, there was no way to say it out, so the three of them went out together with lanterns.

The heavy snow has gradually disappeared, leaving only a little residual snowflakes. The blizzard comes quickly and goes faster.

Xifeng lit the lights in the courtyard one by one, and turned to look when the light reappeared.

The whole person was taken aback.

Theoretically, after the baptism of the snowstorm, the courtyard should be messy, but the fact is just the opposite.

The light green courtyard turned into a silvery world. The ground was covered with a thick layer of ice crystals due to snowflakes and water vapor, and there was no impurity. The pure blue ice covered the trees in the distance. Han Bing, from a distance, looks like an ice sculpture, completely unrecognizable from its original appearance.

As for the hot has long been buried under the ground by solid ice.

Xifeng now understands why Luo Hanyi asked her if the garden treasures are precious... It's a pity that her own hot spring... But it seems that there is nothing wrong with changing to such a world of ice and snow...

Aya, that's amazing.

There were only some lights, and the depths of the darkness could not be seen clearly, so Liu Fufeng could only speak.

"The road here is not easy to walk, sister Zhao, please wait here, let's go over there and have a look."

"...Okay." Although he wanted to follow, the ice was too slippery and the wheelchair couldn't move at all. Zhao Yingge could only nod helplessly, watching Liu Fufeng and Xifeng go in together.

After walking a few steps, Liu Fufeng saw Lu Ling.

The girl was still squatting on the ground and shivering, as if she was completely unaware that the blizzard had stopped.

Liu Fufeng walked over, bent down and patted Lu Ling's shoulder.

Lu Ling shook violently, her heart skipped a beat.

Then his eyes gradually cleared up, and he finally realized that the snowstorm was coming.

After a moment of silence, he threw himself into Liu Fufeng's arms and hugged her without saying a word.

"It's okay, I'm scared..." Liu Fufeng comforted Lu Ling as if he was grooming a cat.

"One thing..." Lu Ling admitted decisively. To be honest, her left hand is still trembling a little... Although she knows that her strength will not hurt her, she is in the eye of the storm and she can't help but look at the surrounding area. The hurricane is still a bit exciting for Lu Ling now.

"Junior Sister, let me hug you for a while...just for a while, it will be fine soon." Lu Ling took a deep breath.

Feeling the pounding heartbeat of the girl in his arms, Liu Fufeng nodded.

At this time, Lu Ling's bathrobe was not messy, and Liu Fufeng was also wrapped in a bath towel. The two of them stood in the ice and snow scene like a dream, but they didn't feel cold at all.

Lu Ling has almost recovered from the cold, so she is not afraid of it anymore, and although Liu Fufeng is not wearing ice glaze, she is surprisingly not afraid of the cold, because Lu Ling's Yinshangqin is still hanging on her ear, Liu Fufeng brought this After the earrings, I always felt a warm force coming from the earrings, so I didn't feel the slightest coldness, and even the whole person was much calmer than before.

Meditation mantra, and the effect of killing evil and not invading.

Otherwise, even if he knew that Lu Ling would be fine, Liu Fufeng wouldn't just watch Lu Ling being caught in the storm, and would have rushed in long ago.



Neither of them were afraid, but Xifeng and Zhao Yingge suffered disasters. Zhao Yingge was fine, and retreated into the house alone. The cold air was restricted by Lu Ling and could only move around in the courtyard, so it was not cold after entering the house. At most, it would be a sneeze, or drink some hot water to relieve the cold.

And Xifeng...

Stepping into the ice field with a mortal body, her body was completely infiltrated in an instant, not to mention, her own body was already exhausted, if she could live for three to five years Now, it's not certain whether Xifeng can survive this summer, but she doesn't feel anything, it's just cold, and she can bear it.

Looking at the two girls hugging each other not far away, Xifeng's expression was a little complicated.

She called Liu Fufeng sister these few days, and thought she had a good relationship with her, but the reality dealt her a serious blow.

Xianfan is something else after all.

An ignorant girl like Lu Ling has such strength, but what about Liu Fufeng?What about Luo Hanyi?
What about Shen Gui who is Senior Sister Liu Fufeng in the room?

Moreover, Liu Fufeng said that she is the bottom existence in Lingshan...

Although he had long realized that the gap was inevitable, it was too cruel for Xifeng to confirm it from the little girl Lu Ling.

At this time, when Xifeng was thinking wildly, Liu Fufeng suddenly waved at her.

Then he said a word.

The excessive cold paralyzed her nerves, and she was distracted for a while and couldn't hear what Liu Fufeng said clearly, but she recalled Liu Fufeng's mouth shape.

To let her get out of here first.

Forget it, let's go.

Let's talk about the envelope... Since Lu Ling is fine, I hope that the letter will not be destroyed. Although water and fire are not invading, Xifeng has never had the heart to really destroy it. God knows such a heavy snowstorm, the letter is still there not there.

"Why are you back? Where's Xiaoling? How's it going?" Seeing Xifeng coming back, Luo Hanyi in the corner asked nervously.

"It's okay, I'll come in right away, Ah Xie." Xi Feng rubbed her nose, and then said: "Wait a minute, I'll go put on some clothes, Sister Luo, do you want to come with me?"

"Of course..." Luo Hanyi was about to agree to go outside and put on his own clothes, when he suddenly saw Zhao Yingge's playful eyes, swallowed his saliva, and said with restraint.

"...Of need."

"Then I'll go by myself, Axie." Xi Feng sniffed and left first.

If you want to squat like this, you can squat, anyway, the people of Xianmen will not catch cold.

After going out, Xifeng coughed violently a few times, and some sweat broke out on her forehead, cold sweat.

It seems... to play too big.

Just wear a little less, it should be fine.

Qiang dragged his struggling body back to his room.



In the light snow, Lu Ling got off Liu Fufeng.

At this time, the originally dreary sky was completely blown away by the storm, revealing the bright starry sky under the dark clouds. The moonlight shone on Lu Ling's face, reflecting the girl's somewhat rosy face.

"Well, junior sister, I'm fine."

"It's fine if it's okay." Liu Fufeng nodded, and didn't ask Lu Ling what happened, but Lu Ling explained it herself.

"I released the spiritual power before, and then forgot to adjust the stability of the spiritual power when I received it. In order to prevent the rioting spiritual power from blowing up the courtyard, I used the great monk... no, use the control taught me by the old Zen master The method of spiritual power created the blizzard just now." Lu Ling said in a low voice.

"Senior sister, you controlled the previous blizzard?" Liu Fufeng was surprised.

"That... just controlled a prototype, and then... lost control." Lu Ling was very embarrassed. If she could really control it perfectly, she wouldn't be so frightened and trembling, for fear that the storm would send her to the sky... Even if you don't send it to heaven, it would be embarrassing to scrape off the clothes.

"It's okay, senior sister, you are already very powerful." Liu Fufeng stroked Lu Ling's messy long hair, helped her take care of it carefully, and asked at the same time: "Senior sister, can this courtyard be changed back?"

"Change back?" Lu Ling looked down at her snow-white feet and the blue ice beneath them.

"Yes, yes."

Her ability to control the cold air was not learned in vain, and she was not eating dry food for half a month. It is very easy to take back the cold air and then break down the water system.


Lu Ling said cautiously: "Junior Sister, if you change back, you may not be able to see this courtyard... Before, the land was lifted up, so it's not as good as it is now..."

Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

What Ah Ling said makes sense, giving Xifeng a yard that has been scrapped is not as cost-effective as the current dreamlike scene.

Seeing Liu Fufeng pondering, Lu Ling was silent, and said a little lost.

"Well, junior sister, I made a mistake again, and I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Okay, I don't blame you, it's just a yard, your sister Xifeng won't care, besides, it's just a loss to accompany her." Liu Fufeng gave Lu Ling a reassurance.

"That's the best." Lu Ling still had concerns, but she had no choice but to apologize to Sister Xifeng.

"By the way, senior sister, what happened to that letter?" Liu Fufeng asked, if the letter could be read, Ah Ling's destruction was not in vain, at least her goal was achieved.

If it was torn apart in the snowstorm...then she could only apologize together with Lu Ling.

Hearing Liu Fufeng's words, Lu Ling suddenly became excited.

"Letter? By the way, letter, junior sister, there are words on that letter, sister Xifeng should be very happy."

"What word?"

"I didn't pay attention."

"Where's the letter? Take it out and let me have a look."

"Okay." Lu Ling nodded, then put her hand into her bathrobe in front of Liu Fufeng, groping up and down her chest and abdomen.

"Huh? Where's my letter? Just now I was afraid it would blow away, so I put it in my arms." Lu Ling was in a hurry.

"Don't worry, look for it slowly...wait a minute." Liu Fufeng shook his head, and then held down Lu Ling.


"On your back." As he spoke, Liu Fufeng reached into Lu Ling's bathrobe, and when he touched Lu Ling's back, he flinched.

Cold, very cold.

A Ling's body cold became more and more serious.

(End of this chapter)

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