Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 502 I haven't seen each other for many days, I miss you very much

Chapter 502 I haven't seen each other for many days, I miss you very much

After touching Lu Ling's skin, Liu Fufeng froze for a moment.

A Ling's body cold became more and more serious.

This is definitely not a good sign for women. Although Lu Ling has a yin and cold physique, based on what Liu Fufeng learned in Lingshan, a pure yin physique plus pure yin skills, for a girl, It hurts the body very much.

After a pause, he took the envelope off Lu Ling, and Liu Fufeng shook the worry out of his mind.

I believe that Master Li should have a way to help Ah Ling, and it is useless for her to worry about it.

Pick up the letter.

Sure enough, as Lu Ling said, the red letter paper became more colorful, and at the same time, a line of small characters appeared on the surface.

Looking over, Liu Fufeng's expression froze.

"Junior Sister, I haven't read what it is about." Lu Ling stretched her head after putting on her bathrobe.


Also stunned.

The above things were never expected by Lu Ling.



Xifeng adjusted her mentality, put on the black gauze, and opened the door to enter.

At this moment, in Xifeng's eyes, several people were sitting in a circle around the table.

Under Liu Fufeng's pleading, Luo Hanyi had already put on a bath towel, and the rest of them were also undressed, since the closet was right next to them.

"What are you looking at?" Xifeng asked strangely.

"..." Nobody paid any attention to her.

Walked over curiously.

at this time.

After holding back for a long time, Luo Hanyi reached out to grab the letter on the table, but Zhao Yingge grabbed the towel on his chest as soon as he made a move.

"What do you want to do?" Zhao Yingge said coldly.

"Let me see what's written in it." Luo Hanyi expressed his curiosity.

"Master, this is not good, it says "Dearly" on it." Liu Fufeng expressed his opinion.

"What kind of relative, I am her relative..." Luo Hanyi pouted.

Hearing this, Lu Ling shook her head: "Uncle, the meaning of opening personally is to open it personally. It is written on the envelope, hoping that the recipient will open the letter by himself, and everyone except the recipient should not open the letter to read. In addition, please The recipient should not publicize the meaning of the contents of the letter."

"Oh, I know, you have to teach me how to use it." Luo Hanyi curled her lips in dissatisfaction, she just wanted to see what was written in it, what did that man want to say, after so many years, it would be a lie to say that she was not curious of.

"What are you talking about?" Xifeng asked.

Liu Fufeng said: "Sister Xifeng, you are here, this is the letter you gave us earlier, the recipient knows who it is."

"Is that so?" Xifeng froze for a moment.

She vomited a few mouthfuls of blood in the room just now, so she forgot about the envelope for a while. After all, in Xifeng's heart, the first city lord had been in the past for hundreds of years, and even if there was a recipient, there was no place to collect it.

I just want to know what this first-generation lord left behind.

In fact, the current legal system of Luoyan City is mature, and there is no need for the first generation, but out of fanatical respect for the previous city lords, Xifeng gradually became excited, she asked.

"What is written? Can you open it?"

"No." Lu Ling said firmly, "It's written on it personally."

At this time, there was still a seal on the letter paper, but Lu Ling would not open it.

"Professional?" Xifeng glanced at Lu Ling strangely: "How long has it been, who is it for? Let me see."

Picking up the letter, Xifeng narrowed her eyes looking at the jet-black characters on it.

The words are good.

The black characters are very beautiful, full of charm, fluent in writing, soft but firm, and it can be seen from the hands of a gentle literati.

Then read it word by word.

"Dong... Fang... Lian... People... Kiss me."

Eastern pity?who.

Curiously, he turned the letter over and found that there was still a line of small characters that had been crossed out, which seemed to be something crossed out by the first generation.

[Submit the letter to the Oriental girl, and I would like to set it on the't seen each other for many days, I miss you very much...]

It should be a waste manuscript, but I don’t know why it is still there. There are some small characters behind it, but they are all blurred.

After Xifeng tried it and found it couldn't be opened, she raised her head and asked, "This is it? Can I open it?"

"No." Lu Ling was the first to raise her hand: "It's said above that I won't open it if you open it personally."

"I know, but so many years have passed, where can I find this person, and Luoyan City has never heard of such a person." Xifeng looked at Lu Ling helplessly.

"Looking for it? Why are you looking for it?" Lu Ling's tone seemed natural.

Hearing this, Xifeng frowned: "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Uncle Dongfang's things cannot be opened privately." Lu Ling said, swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

Just kidding, others don't mind, she will open the letter to Master Dongfang when she is tired of work, who knows how Master Dongfang will concoct her if he finds out, she doesn't want to be infected with that terrible poison again in her life.

"Dongfang...Uncle?" Xifeng was stunned: "You know this pity Dongfang?"

"Of course I do." Lu Ling nodded.

"A person from Lingshan?" Xifeng continued to ask.

"Yes." Lu Ling continued to nod.

Xifeng was a little unbelievable. The letter left by the first city lord was addressed to a woman from Lingshan, and she was still alive. In an instant, the instinct of a woman made Xifeng think of many things.

Especially the line of fine print crossed out on the reverse side.

One [Taiqi] is enough to make her dream.

"This Dongfang she still alive?" Xifeng asked.

"Of course I'm alive. Uncle Dongfang slept with me some time ago." Lu Ling said casually.

"... Huh?" Before Xifeng could respond, Luo Hanyi was furious.

"Dongfang slept with you? What do you mean? It's not what I thought it meant."

"..." Lu Ling's face turned red immediately, but her mouth was quick, she didn't think about it for a while, and said intermittently: "That should be what you think, uncle."

This matter has spread, so Lu Ling will not hide it anymore, anyway, Luo Hanyi will naturally know after returning to the mountain.

"..." Luo Hanyi twitched the corners of his mouth and stopped talking.

When did Dongfang also get into this bad habit... It seems that he will consider going around her in the future...

"Wait, wait, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand." Xifeng was confused, her brows were locked together.

Zhao Yingge shook her head: "I still don't understand? The recipient of your letter is the fairy from Lingshan, who is also Lu Ling's uncle, who is about the same age as this silly woman, and is alive and well. That's why Ah Ling is unwilling to open the letter. .”

"About the same age as Sister Luo?" Xifeng glanced at Luo Hanyi.

Zhao Yingge understood what Xifeng was thinking, and said, "This silly woman said she is four hundred years old, do you believe it?"


After a moment of silence, Luo Hanyi flung himself at Zhao Yingge with all his teeth and claws.

"Sakura, the age of a woman..."



Here, Xifeng was completely dazed, ignoring the two women who were quarreling together, looking at Liu Fufeng and saying.

"Sister Liu, is this Dongfang Lian really your uncle?"

"Really." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"Interesting." After Xifeng glanced at Lu Ling, she put away the letter.

"Sister Xifeng, who is this?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand.

"Didn't Ah Ling say she didn't want to open it? Then why leave it there." Xifeng shook her head: "Although you are from Lingshan, the best way is for you to deliver the letter to this oriental girl, but I The invitation to Luoyan City, although many years have passed..."


"It has lost its original meaning, but if you want to take it away, let her come to me in person."

"...That's fine." Liu Fufeng nodded after hearing this.

Here, after hearing Xifeng's words, Luo Hanyi also calmed down.

This seems to be the best plan. Let Dongfang come and pick it up by himself. Dongfang loves her so much, so he will definitely show her. She wants to see what that hateful man wrote in the letter.

But... an invitation?

Lu Ling also understood Xifeng's meaning, as she said, it is indeed a better choice for Master Dongfang to pick it up by himself.

"Then I'll go back and tell Uncle Dongfang about this." Lu Ling nodded. Although she was also curious about what was written in the letter, it was wrong to peek into other people's privacy.

"That's it." Xifeng said.

Lu Ling suddenly said: "However, I still have a doubt. What does the invitation mean? Isn't it a letter?"

"Aling, do you know what [Taiqi] means?" Xifeng asked back.

"I don't know." Lu Ling shook her head, Luo Hanyi and Zhao Yingge were also confused, and only Liu Fufeng was thoughtful.

Liu Fufeng had noticed the small characters crossed out on the reverse side before.

[Taiqi], which was later changed to pro-qi.

In their city of Picheng, such words are only used on wedding invitations.

If this is the case, then there should be the names of the bride and groom in the words behind the Taiqi, but what I see here is a blur.

And Sister Xifeng said that this was a letter left by the first city lord... How could such a person make such a mistake, and write something new directly on the back, which is too impolite.

In other words, this line of small characters was intentionally left by the city lord for Master Dongfang to read.


For a moment, Liu Fufeng also became curious about the relationship between these two people.

Liu Fufeng's eyes rubbed against Xifeng's, and both of them could see the strong curiosity in each other's eyes.

However, compared to Liu Fufeng, Xifeng saw it more carefully.

[Submit the letter to the Oriental girl, and I would like to set it on the't seen each other for many days, I miss you very much...]

I haven't seen each other for more than a day, and I miss you very much.

The invitation card for the big wedding was written by the first generation himself, so it could only be his big wedding, but on this day, he used such words to a woman from Lingshan.

I haven't seen each other for a long time, and the sentence "Nian Shu Yin" is mostly used to express one's admiration.

Is it really appropriate for a person who is about to get married to use such a word?

She really wanted to see who this pity from the east was.

"It's a pity, I thought I would leave something behind, but I didn't expect it to be just a private matter. This oriental girl... really wants to meet." After coughing twice, Xifeng stood up.

Seeing Xifeng's pale face, Liu Fufeng was a little worried, but he had no choice but to speak after ignoring that sickness.

"Sister Xifeng, I think it's better to tell you something, Master've seen it before."

"I've seen it?" Xifeng froze for a moment.

Luo Hanyi and the others also looked over suspiciously.

"When did Dongfang meet her?"

"Cough." Liu Fufeng coughed dryly, and said in Xifeng's ear with a voice that she could hear alone: ​​"Uncle Dongfang, it was just before..."

After a while.

Xifeng got a shock.

Dongfang Lianren was the charming and charming woman who drugged her when she and Liu Fufeng first met, and said they would take her chaste.

This kind of lawless person is actually from Lingshan, or Lu Ling's uncle.

In other words, she is also Liu Fufeng's uncle.

No wonder, Liu Fufeng was able to save himself from this woman.

And just now, she asked this woman to come here to pick up the letter by herself...

Twitching the corner of her mouth, Xifeng took the letter out of her pocket.

"Is it too late for me to regret it now?"

Lu Ling shook her head: "Why, Sister Xifeng, what you said is very good. The letter from Luoyan City to Master Dongfang is now out of date. It is more appropriate for Master Dongfang to take it by himself."

"..." After Xifeng was silent, she put the letter away again.

Is she lifting a rock to shoot herself in the foot...

If possible, she really wanted to stay away from the person who poisoned her, the farther the better.

Xifeng is also a woman with a normal mind, which woman would like someone who poisons herself...

"Forget it, let's end this matter here." Xifeng adjusted her mentality: "It's so late, don't leave today, and go back tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Liu Fufeng nodded, A Ling has made such a big mess, it's not easy to leave now.

"Sister Xifeng, your yard..." Liu Fufeng said.

"It's okay, it's just a hot spring. Besides, it's not a bad thing to be like this now." Xifeng waved her hand: "It's summer, I'm not too happy to have an ice garden."

"That's good." Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief, and then decided that the compensation should still be paid, although Xifeng didn't care.

"Okay, you guys put on your own clothes, and I'll take Ah Ling away." Xi Feng hugged Lu Ling up.

"Hey! I want to get dressed too." Lu Ling screamed.

"What are you doing, little girl, dressed so neatly, this is enough." Xi Feng said.


"Sister will take you to see some interesting things! Just say go, or not." Xifeng looked at the girl in her arms.

"...Go, why not go?"

Then, Xifeng took Lu Ling to play.

Liu Fufeng didn't say anything.

She also has something to think about.

The days in Luoyan City should not be many, and there are still some problems that have not been resolved. Although she should not take care of them, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge can be regarded as her friends.

When will these two people enter Lingshan?

And Sister Xifeng's body.

It's a pity that her medical skills are not enough.

Let's take a step by step.



at night.

The women's boudoir, the room is blue, and the whole room is full of pens, inks and books.

There was a graceful young girl lying on the bed, but her face was ruddy, and she was panting heavily, very attractive.

Obviously poisoned.

At this time, another woman came in and took the girl into her arms after going to bed.



After silence.

Dongfang Lianren held her younger sister motionless and sighed.

"Linglong, tell me... why can't my sister forget him..."

(End of this chapter)

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