Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 511 Chapter Family

Chapter 511
"Ahead is the Lingtai." In Liu Fufeng's words, the sword cage slowly fell to the ground, and there was a mountain under the clouds. At this time, Liu Fufeng and the others landed on the halfway of a mountain.

Xifeng has a weird expression on her face.

When the sword cage was flying in the sky just now, she deliberately paid attention to the path, and found that the place where it landed was a little beside the city of Luoyan City, but when was there a barren mountain here?
No, it cannot be said to be a barren hill, but it should be a green hill, surrounded by streams, surrounded by clouds and mists, full of vitality, but there is no trace of human habitation.

"Climbing the Lingtai? Where is it?" After landing on the ground, Xifeng looked around, and all he could see was trees, full of life, but there was no way.

"In front." Liu Fufeng replied casually, all her attention was focused on Lu Ling.

"Sister, are you feeling better?"

"I...better..." Saying this, Lu Ling opened her eyes and tried to let go of Liu Fufeng.

The moment he let go, his legs softened and he sat on the ground directly.

"... yes."

Lu Ling bit her lower lip: "...It's not good."

She felt that she was gone from the waist down, and her legs were so weak that she couldn't stand up.

"Forget it, come up." Liu Fufeng squatted down, and Lu Ling seemed to be more accepting of carrying it than hugging.

Sure enough, after seeing Liu Fufeng's back, Lu Ling's eyes lit up, and she put her arms around her neck.

Standing up and holding Lu Ling's butt, Liu Fufeng turned to look at Zhao Yingge, who hadn't spoken since morning.

"Sister Zhao, are you okay?"

"Okay, very good." Zhao Ying sang and danced a gun flower, and then the silver gun hit the ground, sank more than a foot, and pulled it out casually, bringing up fresh soil.

"Brute force." Xifeng shook her head.

"Okay, then let's go up the mountain, follow me." Liu Fufeng walked forward with Lu Ling on his back.

After walking for a while, Liu Fufeng looked at the wall in front of him and thought for a while.

This is where she went up the mountain.

"This is it?" Xifeng touched the stone wall in front of her, and tapped it with a branch.

Bang bang, not blindfolded.

"That's it."

Liu Fufeng took out the token and touched it on the stone wall. Under the eyes of everyone, the stone changed into water vapor, forming a cloud of water mist.

"Oh? It's amazing." Lu Ling tried to touch it, and after seeing her finger piercing through the water mist, she said excitedly: "Look, Junior Sister, it's passed through! It's passed through!"

"Well, Senior Sister said it's just an ordinary enchantment, it's not worth making a fuss about." Liu Fufeng shook his head, then moved away: "Sister Zhao, Sister Xifeng, you go in first."

She's going to stay behind.

"..." Xifeng hesitated for a moment, but Zhao Yingge passed through the barrier first without the slightest pause.

Seeing this, Xifeng cut and also passed through the barrier.

Liu Fufeng glanced back, then put away the token, and walked in.

At the moment of passing through, strong spiritual power rushed to the face, which lifted people's spirits.

Looking around, the fairy spirit is lingering. The [-]-meter white jade staircase is in front of you, inlaid with gold thread. At the end of the staircase, on the top of the two white jade pillars, the word Denglingtai is written. The font is gentle and delicate. There is a small " One" word.

Going up is the first floor of the Lingtai.

After expulsing all the turbid air in his abdomen, Liu Fufeng let out a long sigh of relief.

finally arrived at home.

"We're home! Ah—" Lu Ling yelled out what Liu Fufeng was thinking.

Is this... is Lingshan?

Xifeng and Zhao Yingge stood blankly, looking at the vast golden silk and white jade in front of them, and the surrounding clouds and mists.

Spectacular, grand, but also revealing the unique delicacy of women.

Xianmen, Xianmen.


Xifeng took a deep breath, and immediately felt refreshed, and her breathing was much smoother than before.

When Lu Ling yelled loudly, the two girls on the stage looked at the group of people below and covered their faces with smiles.

"Look at her!" The girl showed a dimple.

The girls on duty today are all on the first floor of the Lingtai, so they are quite familiar with Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng.

"Junior Sister is back? I warn you, don't mention Master Dongfang in front of Junior Sister, Senior Sister Qin will be angry." Another person reminded.

"I got it, I got it." The girl waved her hand, and then shouted down: "Little junior sister, come up quickly! Don't stand below."

Although she wanted to help Liu Fufeng carry Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng would definitely not let her go. She knew how much this junior sister liked Lu Ling.

"Yes!" Lu Ling waved to the two girls, and then said to the person below: "Junior Sister, hurry up."

"En." Liu Fufeng led a few people up to the altar.

The vast white jade platform has a paper table on it.

"A Ling, you're finally back? Remember to come to Erfeng to play." After seeing Lu Ling, the girl came up and pinched Lu Ling's face.

"Yes, Senior Sister!" Lu Ling nodded.

Liu Fufeng smiled at the two senior sisters.

It seems that during the few months she was away, Lu Ling had a good time on the mountain, especially the second peak, where the senior sisters seemed to like her very much.

Erfeng is the home of Senior Sister Qin.

Xifeng and Zhao Yingge are also absorbing all the knowledge around them, from dialogue information to buildings, they also noticed the word Erfeng.

Xifeng still remembers meeting that woman named Bailing before.

"Lingshan is a good place, you are still very lucky, the premise is that you don't go to the second peak..."

Although I don't know the reason for Bai Ling's original words, Xifeng feels that it is necessary to listen to them.

After the politeness, Liu Fufeng turned around, ready to introduce Xifeng and Zhao Yingge.

"Sister, this is..."

"New girls? I see."

Just about to speak, was interrupted.

A nun walked out and looked at the paper in her hand.

"Zhao Yingge...well, there's also... Xifeng." The nun compared the two people in front of her, and was suddenly stunned: "Wait, Xifeng..."

Then, as if remembering something, the look in Xifeng's eyes was a little weird.

"Well... Now that it's settled, I won't say anything, we are destined." The nun patted Xifeng on the shoulder: "Girl, come on."

"En..." Xifeng nodded, to be honest she was a little embarrassed now.

After all, I am 30 years old, and today I am always called a girl... But when I think that these seemingly ordinary women in front of me may be hundreds of years old, I feel that there is nothing wrong with it.

Zhao Yingge no longer has such worries, she just feels——

Lingshan doesn't seem to be suitable for her.

The women here are so beautiful.

Not to mention the two senior sisters next to her, they are young girls with extraordinary bearing, and the figure of this Taoist nun who suddenly appeared is even more plump and full of charm.

From Taoist nuns to Lu Ling, they are all beauties...

And she...

For the first time, Zhao Yingge felt that her hair was a little weird.

However, after thinking about Shen Gui, this kind of thinking faded a lot.

"Uncle, what about us now?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"Oh, you go and hand in the sign, it's the place where you usually go down the mountain." The Taoist nun looked at the paper in her hand, then raised her head: "Xifeng and Zhao Yingge follow me later, and take the postgraduate entrance examination with the new disciples in a few days. Follow the instructions above."

When she was one of Yifeng's divisions, she is now in charge of these newcomers.

Lu Ling asked: "Then sister Zhao and the others, when will they be able to..."

"It will take a while." The nun said, "But there is no need to worry. During this period of time, I will live in Denglingtai and get used to the rhythm of Lingshan. Isn't everyone here like this?"

"Is it...?" Lu Ling was confused.


Hearing this, Liu Fufeng nodded. Before she was assigned, she lived in the corner of Denglingtai.

"Okay, you guys come with me, you haven't had breakfast yet, we just happen to be together." The nun waved at Xifeng and Zhao Yingge, and then said to the two girls beside her, "You two come together too, don't just stand around stupidly Yes, it's just the two of them who came this morning."

"Oh? Uncle Wang, what if someone worships the mountain..." One of the girls hesitated.

"If you worship the mountain, let him wait. It's important to have breakfast. Look at your development, is it plausible?"

"That... that... people don't want it either." The girl was unhappy.

The corner of Daoist Wang's mouth curled up: "Okay, okay, there are also two worshipers, so you don't need to receive them, don't worry, let's go."

"Sister Liu, let's go then." Xifeng said.

She originally thought that it would be more convenient if Liu Fufeng was around, but now it seems that she should get used to it by herself.

Moreover, there is breakfast to go up the mountain... This is a bit different from what Xifeng thought, shouldn't I give someone a blow first or something?Why does she think this nun is so kind...

It is very different from the fairy gate she imagined.

"Well, senior sister and I are going back first." Liu Fufeng nodded.

Then, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge followed Taoist nun to a teleportation formation and left.

It was still early in the morning, just after breakfast.

"Junior Sister! Go home!" Lu Ling pinched Liu Fufeng's face.

"What's the matter?" Liu Fufeng shook his head: "The token hasn't been returned yet, and why don't you go and see Master Li first?"

"Sir? That's right." Lu Ling nodded.

Liu Fufeng led Lu Ling through a layer of enchantment with ease and came to a cliff.

Turning his gaze, Liu Fufeng saw that familiar nerdy nun in the corner.

At this time, because it was breakfast time, the nerdy Taoist nun was holding a small soup dumpling in her mouth, sipping the soup. Of course, even if she was eating breakfast, her eyes were still on the novel in her hand.

Liu Fufeng walked over.

"Senior Sister, we are here to return the token."

"Hmm... woo woo woo..."

Yun Shu is reading a book.

"Senior Sister, what did you say?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment.

"Woooooo..." Yun Shu carefully swallowed the food in his mouth, raised his head and said, "I said, just put it here... Oh, it turned out to be you."

She said, why did someone call her Senior Sister...

good mood.

"Are you back?" Yun Shu glanced at Lu Ling, who also recognized the senior sister, thinking that she was causing trouble, so he lowered his head and dared not look at her.

"En, I'm back." Liu Fufeng said, and put the token in his hand on the table.

"It's good to be back." Yun Shu looked at Lu Ling up and down, and then seemed to find something surprising: "Wait, you've reached the peak of the soul division? So fast."

"Hurry up...?" Lu Ling scratched her head.

"It's pretty fast." Yun Shu nodded vigorously. She didn't care much about Lu Ling, let alone Lu Ling. She didn't have any feeling for the fairy sword. Quick, still a little surprised.

"My talent was pretty good back then, you..." Yun Shu glanced at the novel on her desk: "Well, you are just like the protagonist here, you have your own halo."

"Halo?" Lu Ling thought about the icy halo that Mo Qing taught her, and nodded: "Yes, senior sister, how do you know that I have a halo, I thought it was already put away."

Yun Shu: "???"

This little girl is not humble, she was crying over there before asking her to save someone...

Well, that's a good thing.

"Yes, work hard, you are the protagonist, the future master sister of Lingshan." Yun Shu looked like I liked you, and then picked up a soup dumpling.

Before he ate, he saw Lu Ling staring straight at her and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Put down the buns.

"Are you still leaving? Do you want to eat?"

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded vigorously.

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister..." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling helplessly.

"It's okay, it's okay, just say what you want to eat." Yun Shu motioned Lu Ling to take it by herself: "By the way, have you met a person named Mingyue?"

Lu Ling held the soup bag, and after taking a bite, the soup splashed out. She didn't pay attention, and was still wondering why there was no soup. After hearing Yun Shu's words, she froze for a moment.

Swallow the buns.

"Mingyue?" Lu Ling pretended to be thinking.

Liu Fufeng is also a little strange, she doesn't know a person named Mingyue, when did she appear?
"I... saw it once." Lu Ling was a little embarrassed, she remembered... She also touched the butt of that woman named Mingyue... in that strange state.

"I knew that this woman doesn't keep promises at all. Next time we meet, I have to ask her how many books she wants." Yun Shu said eagerly, "It's okay, don't talk to her from now on, that's fine, let's go."

"Well, goodbye, senior sister." Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling and left.

"The little girl is so polite now, she is gifted in space... She has everything, but the inspiration is not very good..." Yun Shu said to herself: "If you directly increase your spiritual power, Li Zhuzi's lotus seeds can do it, but it's basically useless, Xiao Changsheng The cultivation of fruit is still in progress, is it true that only longevity fruit is the most suitable?"

"It's a pity, there are not many longevity fruits..."

Shaking her head, the little guy naturally has the blessings of the little guy, so she doesn't care.

It's more important to eat. Speaking of it, she went to Luoyan City, and she gained nothing. She found a novel that she hadn't read before. It's a rare romance...

But still very nice.

It's a pity that almost no one writes this type in the mortal world, and after reading this book, there will be no more.

Every page you read is one page less.

So, she looked very slowly, very slowly.

Holding the soup bag in her mouth, after taking a small bite, and sucking the soup inside, Yun Shu turned her attention to her novel.


On the page of yellow paper I was looking at, a bright watermark swept across it, and the inferior ink was soaked in gravy, exuding a strong fragrance.

But I can see clearly, only two lines of words are dirty.



Yun Shu's body froze, and the bun in his mouth fell to the ground.

After silence.

There was a terrible scream.

"Lu—— Ling!!!!!!"



Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng had already reached Nanyuan, and were going to visit Li Zhuzi first.

"Junior Sister, why do you think the soup dumplings I ate had no soup? Obviously, Senior Sister tastes delicious."

"Want to eat? I'll make it for you tomorrow." Liu Fufeng's focus was different from Lu Ling's: "Have breakfast with Master Li later?"


Lu Ling nodded.

The two went to Nanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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