Chapter 512
Before returning home, Lu Ling thought about what would happen after returning home. After thinking about it, she decided to come to Nanyuan first...

sir, sir...

If the junior sister is around, it doesn't matter if Jiufeng's family is there or not, the person Lu Ling most wants to see is Li Zhuzi.

In front of Nanyuan Academy.

"Junior Sister, Junior Sister, let me down." Lu Ling slapped Liu Fufeng's thigh and shouted.

"What? Can you come down?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"It's fine, it's fine." Lu Ling nodded vigorously.

"En, then be careful." Liu Fufeng squatted down, and then carefully supported Lu Ling, with an attitude as if Lu Ling was a porcelain doll that might be broken at any time.

"Ahem, Junior Sister." Lu Ling gave Liu Fufeng a wink.

"What?" Liu Fufeng hadn't reacted yet.

"Oh, junior sister, come here." Lu Ling signaled Liu Fufeng to bring his ear closer, and Liu Fufeng did as he did.

"that is……"

Lu Ling murmured a lot of words in Liu Fufeng's ear, and after a while, Liu Fufeng showed a dazed look, and gave Lu Ling a weird look.

When did Ah Ling learn this...but she was right.

Lu Ling told her just now that Li Zhuzi didn't like that he spoiled her too much... If Li Zhuzi saw her walking with Lu Ling on her back, he might not be happy.

This is also the reason why Lu Ling insisted on getting down and walking by herself even though her legs were still a little weak.

"Is it okay?" Liu Fufeng glanced at Lu Ling worriedly, she only had one leg to move...

"It's okay, don't worry." Lu Ling waved her hand, then broke free from Liu Fufeng's hand, and tried to take a step forward.

His stature suddenly became shorter, but he finally stabilized.

"I'll just say yes." Lu Ling turned her head and looked at Liu Fufeng ostentatiously.

"Senior Sister..." Liu Fufeng swallowed, wanting to say something, but finally shook his head.

"What are you doing? I'll see you soon, sir. Look a little better." Lu Ling said, she turned around and was about to knock on the door, but before she could take a step, she bumped into a soft object, and the reaction force made her stagger. , Seeing that he was about to sit on the ground.

Fortunately, a hand wrapped around her waist in time, and pulled her around her body forcefully.

Lu Ling was in a cold sweat from fright, and was about to say thank you when she suddenly froze.

She smelled a familiar smell... the aroma of bamboo.

Looking up, the target is the brown coat, and that very visually striking figure...

Her head was now buried in Li Zhuzi's chest.

"First, first, sir..."

Stuttering back a step, Lu Ling stood firm, not daring to look at the woman in front of her.

With her husband's ability, it is very likely that she felt it as soon as she appeared. Does that mean that the husband heard what she said to her junior sister just now...

She was getting scared.

Compared to being pampered by the junior sister, it is obvious that her doing these superficial tricks will make the husband more angry...

Subconsciously covered his butt.

"First, sir, early... early..."

What Lu Ling didn't expect was that Li Zhuzi was not angry at all, but yawned instead.

"Morning, are you back?"

Li Zhuzi squinted his eyes when he spoke, and his whole body exuded a feeling of laziness, which was completely different from the capable and serious before, as if...he hadn't woken up.

"Ah, I'm back." Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, why is Mr. strange.

Only then did she realize that although Li Zhuzi was wearing a long brown robe, his hair was not tied into a ponytail, but rather scattered on his shoulders, and it seemed that he hadn't had time to take care of his appearance.

"Sir, are you all right?"

Lu Ling asked worriedly. After seeing Li Zhuzi's abnormal behavior, she was not afraid of being punished by her husband.

"Me? What can I do, just... I didn't wake up, I didn't have class this morning, and I went to bed late yesterday." Li Zhuzi patted the side of his face, trying to shake the sleepiness out of his mind.

She hasn't slept for several days... This is unbelievable for a person like her who is lazy whenever she is free, but there is no way, the exercises for Lu Ling have come to an end, and it must be done in one go...

Fortunately, it has been completed now and can be handed over to Lu Ling at any time.

It was also the first time Liu Fufeng saw Li Zhuzi like this, and she didn't react for a while, but soon, she spoke first: "Master Li... Otherwise, why don't you go back to sleep for a while?"

"En...but wait a minute." Li Zhuzi yawned, his body flashed, and then he opened his eyes completely, without any sleepiness.

"Back?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"I'm back." Lu Ling nodded.

This is the usual sir...

"It's good to be back." Li Zhuzi nodded, and then took a fixed look at Lu Ling: "The Soul Separation Realm is at its peak, spiritual power..."

stunned for a moment.

Lu Ling's progress was much faster than she had imagined. It seems that she did not save the Zen Master Duwo in vain, and completed the task supernormally.

"Not bad, very good." Li Zhuzi nodded: "In this case, I will arrange for you to practice martial arts in a few days."

"Well, everything is up to the master." Lu Ling obediently stood aside.

In fact, I haven't seen Li Zhuzi for a long time. What Lu Ling cares about is not about cultivation, nor the verbal rewards Li Zhuzi gave her...

To be honest, she wants her husband to give her a hug more now - that didn't count at first.

"Liu are not bad." Li Zhuzi made no secret of his admiration for Liu Fufeng.

Although Liu Fufeng still hasn't reached the threshold of condensing Qi, Li Zhuzi can see Liu Fufeng's progress. With her inspiration, she can now accumulate to this level, which shows that she has put in a lot of hard work.

It is no exaggeration to say that Liu Fufeng spent at least twice as long as Lu Ling.

Lu Ling has never experienced Liu Fufeng's despair, so she can't understand the feeling of cultivating desperately.

"Thank you, Master Li." Facing Li Zhuzi's praise, Liu Fufeng was neither humble nor overbearing.

For her, except for her own and Lu Ling's thoughts, she doesn't care much about other people's thoughts, and... for some reason, Liu Fufeng's mood is a bit complicated now.

"Okay, now that you're back, don't stand around stupidly, go into the house to rest, and I'll cook." Li Zhuzi said after patting Lu Ling on the head.

To her, it's just that she hasn't seen Lu Ling for a month, so it's not considered separation at all... So although she noticed Lu Ling's thoughts, she didn't show the attitude of reuniting because she couldn't get used to Lu Ling.

However, it is still possible to cook a meal, and it should be regarded as a reward for Lu Ling's hard work in cultivation.

"Sir? You cook yourself??" Lu Ling said in surprise.

"Why, you don't like it? Then let's go to the dining hall?" Li Zhuzi said.

"No no no, I like it, I'll go to the sir's room and wait!" After saying that, Lu Ling jumped over the threshold and went to the bamboo forest skillfully, and she didn't forget to take a look at Liu Fufeng before leaving.

For cooking, her junior sister can also help.



After Lu Ling left, only Liu Fufeng and Li Zhuzi were left here.

Looking at Liu Fufeng, Li Zhuzi said.

"I haven't seen you for a few months. You have changed more than I thought."

"..." Liu Fufeng didn't speak, for some reason, he didn't dare to look Li Zhuzi directly.

"Well, you've worked hard." Li Zhuzi turned around: "I have something to tell you."

Liu Fufeng looked up.

"Jiu Feng, we will open up in the future. After you go back, have a good talk with your master... Forget it, she can't talk about it in this state." Li Zhuzi had a headache: "After I go back, Han Xue will naturally find you."

"En, I see." Liu Fufeng nodded. She probably understood what Liu Fufeng meant. It meant that there would be more than just the two of them living on Peak Nine. Although I felt a little uncomfortable, this way If so, it means that someone will take care of Lu Ling in the future, and there is no need to bother Li Zhuzi with everything.

It also means that she doesn't need to practice so mindlessly, someone will give her advice...probably.

After hesitating, Liu Fufeng still asked.

"Master Li, my senior sister... have you made arrangements for your future training?"

Of course it was the news about Lu Ling.

"Her? Everything is ready." Li Zhuzi looked at Liu Fufeng: "Actually, what you should care about right now is not Lu Ling, but yourself."


Liu Fufeng paused for a moment: "I'll just...forget it, as long as Senior Sister can..."

"Are you serious?" Li Zhuzi interrupted her.

She doesn't like to help others practice, except for Lu Ling, the girl in front of her is the exception.

She also regarded Liu Fufeng as a half-disciple.

"..." Liu Fufeng stopped talking.


Why do you have to ask yourself this kind of question...


She understood that Li Zhuzi had good intentions...

But what can be done?Begging Master Li for help?Will she help herself?Without even thinking about it, Liu Fufeng knew that Li Zhuzi would not help her.

Lingshan has the rules of Lingshan, which Xu Xu told her a long time ago.

The fact is that Li Zhuzi really won't help her.

Li Zhuzi has longevity fruit, and so far the only longevity fruit that can be used in Lingshan is in her hands.

Longevity fruit can help Liu Fufeng save decades of cultivation, but Li Zhuzi won't help her, at least not now.

"I'm very satisfied with you." Li Zhuzi said something that surprised Liu Fufeng, who raised his head in surprise.

"The roots and talents are all top-notch." Li Zhuzi looked at her: "It's just that the inspiration is a bit's not that important."

Inspiration is completely useless after the Void Transformation Realm. With Liu Fufeng's talent, it is inevitable that he will soar into the sky.

But the premise is that she has that perseverance.

This arduous process is not necessarily a precious asset, especially for an ordinary girl like Liu Fufeng, the benefits of tempering her mind are immeasurable.

As soon as they met, Li Zhuzi keenly discovered Liu Fufeng's problem.

Liu Fufeng fell into confusion again... From the moment he went up the mountain and saw Lingshan, he had something on his mind, and after Li Zhuzi mentioned Lu Ling's cultivation speed, the subtle expression on Liu Fufeng's face did not escape Li Zhuzi s eyes.

This girl is afraid.

As a teacher, Li Zhuzi felt that it was necessary for her to remind Liu Fufeng.

She has unlimited potential.

"You can have nothing, but you can't live without self-confidence."


Li Zhuzi knew, but Liu Fufeng didn't listen.

"You know, Lu Ling has no self-confidence." Li Zhuzi said.

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

"Lu Ling doesn't have self-confidence, you can't, do you understand what I mean?" Li Zhuzi looked at her seriously.

Sure enough, as long as it was about Lu Ling, Liu Fufeng would be extremely concerned.

Indeed, Ah Ling no longer has self-confidence, she can't live without...

"I understand." Liu Fufeng nodded, she will keep working hard, and won't let Lu Ling see her tiredness.

Li Zhuzi shook his head, Lu Ling was more useful to her... I really don't know why Liu Fufeng likes Lu Ling so much, but at least the result is good, as long as Liu Fufeng doesn't give up cultivation.

Under Liu Fufeng's surprised gaze, Li Zhuzi patted her head.

Very warm feeling.

"If you really can't stand it, tell me." Li Zhuzi said softly.


After the silence, Liu Fufeng hummed lightly, and then turned his head to look in the direction of the Lingtai...

In the past, Master Li asked her what she saw, but she didn't know.

Now, she knows.

This is Lingshan and her home.

Master Li... is really a good person.

Because of Li Zhuzi's words, a large part of the burden in Liu Fufeng's heart was relieved.

She just needs to practice, and one day she will be able to condense her energy.

"Okay, that's all for now. If you have time, go and see Xu girl, she has been nagging you several times." Li Zhuzi said.

"Senior Sister Xu, I miss her too." Liu Fufeng smiled, and then entered the room with Li Zhuzi.



An hour later, Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng came out from Nanyuan.

"Junior Sister, how is your craft?" Lu Ling burped.

"Very good." Liu Fufeng expressed surprise on his face.

In her opinion, Li Zhuzi's craftsmanship is actually better than Qin Qin's... This made her unable to realize it for a while.

"I also feel very good." Lu Ling scratched her head: "However, Mr. seems to be very tired, and fell asleep..."

After breakfast, Li Zhuzi simply went to bed because there was still class in the afternoon.

"Maybe I'm tired." Liu Fufeng said something casually.

"Then let's go home. We say that there will be no spider webs growing in our house." Lu Ling held Liu Fufeng's hand and walked out of Nanyuan together.

As soon as she left Nanyuan, Lu Ling saw a familiar figure.

"Qin..." Before Lu Ling finished speaking, the girl in the light green dress rushed up to give her a bear hug, and then kissed her, making her drool all over her face.

Qin Qin let go of Lu Ling, looked at the dizzy girl in her arms, and said excitedly.

"A Ling! You are back."

She had just finished breakfast when she saw Shen Gui coming back... You know, Shen Gui and Lu Ling went down the mountain one after the other... After asking, Shen Gui said that she had already sent Lu Ling back, Qin Qin Her first reaction was to come to Nanyuan to block Lu Ling, and sure enough, every block was accurate.

"I'm back... I'm back..." Lu Ling struggled a bit: "Senior Sister Qin, can you... let me go first..."

"Yes." Qin Qin let go of Lu Ling, and then said to the girl beside her, "Junior Sister, you are back too! It has been two months."

"Senior Sister Qin, long time no see." Liu Fufeng said, she was very happy to see Qin Qin...Of course, Qin Qin's behavior towards Lu Ling made her a little uncomfortable...

"Just come back, let's go, you and I will go to Erfeng to play first, and let me see if Ah Ling's piano skills have regressed." Qin Qin pulled Lu Ling and was about to leave.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng with some embarrassment.

"Okay, let's go." Liu Fufeng nodded.

Senior Sister Qin hasn't seen Ah Ling for a long time, she can understand this feeling.

Qin Qin showed joy: "Okay, let's go..."

At this time, a discordant voice suddenly appeared, and the tone was full of anger.

"Lu Ling can't go anywhere."

"What are you talking about..." Qin Qin turned her head in displeasure, and then froze.

On the contrary, Lu Ling went up very kindly.

"Senior Sister Yun, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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