Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 513 The passive skill is Lu Ling who was captured

Chapter 513 The passive skill is Lu Ling who was captured

Sometimes Lu Ling has good eyesight, and sometimes she is a fool. Unfortunately, she is a fool now...

I just got home and I'm happy.

Senior Sister Yun helped her save the great monk, and gave her steamed stuffed buns in the morning... Lu Ling still liked her very much.

"Senior Sister Yun, why are you here?" Lu Ling shook off Qin Qin's hand, walked up to Yun Shu, and looked at her with big watery eyes.


Qin Qin's throat rolled, subconsciously took a step back, and leaned against Liu Fufeng.

Why did this person come here... Didn't she never leave that cliff?
And what did Lu Ling call her just now?


Liu Fufeng keenly noticed something was wrong with Qin Qin, and looked at her suspiciously, but just as he was about to speak, he saw Qin Qin winking at her.

Although it's been a long time, Qin Qin was the first friend Liu Fufeng met, so she quickly understood what she meant and waited and watched.

"Why am I here?" Hearing Lu Ling's words, Yun Shu sneered, leaned down, and stared at her: "Guess?"

Seeing the amiable and amiable appearance of the usually nerdy senior sister in front of her, Lu Ling swallowed her saliva and took a step back.

"Yun... senior sister, why are you acting weird..."

"Strange? No." Yun Shu spread his hands, and then said to Liu Fufeng: "I took this girl away, it's okay, don't worry, I'm just looking for's on the edge of the cliff."

Before Liu Fufeng could react, he wanted to refuse, but found that Qin Qin held her hand and shook his head at her.

"..." Liu Fufeng chose to trust Qin Qin, she could feel that Qin Qin had some things to say now.

However, Liu Fufeng didn't speak, but Lu Ling herself had an opinion.

"Where are you going? I don't want to go, senior sister, you are very strange." Lu Ling kept backing away: "I just got home... I have to go to the second peak with Senior Sister Qin, I'm sorry, Senior Sister Yun..."

After saying that, Lu Ling turned around and was about to run away. Ever since her junior sister "give up" her, Lu Ling had a bad premonition... Instinctively, she wanted to go back to Nanyuan to find Li Zhuzi.

Mr. can definitely save her.

Senior Sister Yun is really weird. After she met Yun Shu's eyes, her whole spine felt chills...

"Want to leave? It's up to you, come back with me, you damn girl, you dare to soil my book..." Whispering in a low voice, Yun Shu suddenly appeared in front of Lu Ling, grabbing her hand Belt, just lift her up like this.

"Hey hey hey-"

The moment her feet floated in the air, she lost her balance. Because Yun Shu was pulling her waistband, she turned sideways with her small face facing down, and was carried by Yun Shu with one hand like a cargo.

"Senior Sister Yun, let me go! Let go!" Lu Ling stretched her legs and struggled, but it was completely useless. Yun Shu's hands were like iron clamps, making it impossible for her to break free.

"Stop earning, look at your skirt." Yun Shu chuckled.

"Ah!" Lu Ling screamed as her butt felt cold, and then covered her red skirt with both hands...

After a while, he softened.

Blinking his big watery eyes, he looked at Yun Shu pitifully.

"Senior Sister Yun, what exactly do you want to do?"

"Hehe." Yun Shu grinned at Lu Ling, who looked at her expectantly.

It's a pity that Yun Shu is such a stingy person, especially when Lu Ling soiled her favorite novel... Xiongzi, she must be taught a lesson, she doesn't care if Lu Ling did it on purpose, anyway, the result has already happened...

It just so happens that having a little thing to bully and bully can be regarded as a relief.

Yun Shu whispered in Lu Ling's ear.

"Senior Sister doesn't know what I want to do, but... just don't make you comfortable..."

After listening, Lu Ling showed a terrified expression, as if the woman in front of her was a devil.

Why do you want to bully her for no reason.


The girl clutched her skirt and was carried by Yun Shu like a dead fish. Her "angry" expression was not scary at all, but rather cute, which made Yun Shu want to "revenge" her even more.

"Okay, I'll take this little thing away, and I'll return it to you in a few days." After speaking, Yun Shu disappeared in place without giving Liu Fufeng any time to react.


Three seconds later, seeing the emptiness in front of him, Liu Fufeng froze for a moment, his expression gradually becoming tense.

Senior sister really took Ah Ling away?She thought Yun Shu was just joking...

No, no, I must come back immediately...

The cliff, the cliff at the place down the mountain.

In a panic, Liu Fufeng took a step, and was immediately held back by Qin Qin.

"By the way, Senior Sister Qin."

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Liu Fufeng pressed Qin Qin's shoulder: "Senior Sister Qin, what's going on, why did you stop me before?"

Qin Qin shook her head helplessly.

What do you mean before, but now she is also stopping Liu Fufeng from looking for Lu Ling.

"Junior Sister, calm down..." Qin Qin looked at Liu Fufeng: "Didn't she say she would come back after playing with Ah Ling for a few days? There is nothing to worry about."

"..." Liu Fufeng calmed down, but his expression was not good-looking.

do not worry?How can you not worry?
"En..." Qin Qin thought for a while, with Liu Fufeng's love for Lu Ling, maybe in another way, she would be easier to accept?

"That is Lingshan's senior. Not only will Ah Ling not be in any danger by following her, but there will be considerable benefits, so I say there is nothing to worry about." Qin Qin organized her words.

Sure enough, after she said this, Liu Fufeng immediately relaxed.

Lingshan's seniors... that is to say, there is no need to worry about Lu Ling's safety, but it is good for Lu Ling... This is what hit Liu Fufeng's weakness all at once.

As long as it is beneficial to Lu Ling, no matter what Liu Fufeng will do, isn't it just a few days away, what is that.

As for Qin Qin lying to her, it was impossible.

"But... senior sister just came back, she hasn't returned home yet..." Liu Fufeng said after hesitation.

It would be a lie to say no to worry, and it all happened so suddenly.

"It's okay, just get used to it." Qin Qin said casually.


"Ah, no, what I mean is that Ah Ling's talent is very good. It's a good thing to have a senior who is willing to teach her. You can do things like going home anytime." Qin Qin said.

She wasn't lying to Liu Fufeng, this was the most reasonable explanation she could think of, after all, as that senior, he wouldn't bully his own children for no reason, right?
So Qin Qin automatically comprehended it as "Jian Lie Xinxi", which should be similar to the talent in rhythm that she likes Lu Ling.

This was true, Qin Qin let go of his thoughts, and would not have guessed that Lu Ling was taken away because she ate a bun. The girls in Lingshan would not take this kind of thing to heart, let alone Said senior.

It's a pity that Yun Shu is so stingy, Lu Ling can destroy all her things, including people and magic weapons, except her books...

After getting Qin Qin's guarantee, although Liu Fufeng was still worried, he was not in a hurry to find Lu Ling back, at worst, he would just go and see Lu Ling later.

"By the way, Junior Sister, you'd better go see it tomorrow. Go as soon as you take it away. It's not very good." Qin Qin reminded her.

"I understand." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then asked Qin Qin: "Senior Sister Qin, this Yun... who is Senior?"

Like Lu Ling, she is called Senior Sister, after all, that bookworm doesn't look like Lingshan's senior at all.

"She..." Qin Qin rubbed the corner of her clothes: "Actually, I don't know her real identity... I only know that her surname is Yun..."

Liu Fufeng; "..."

Fortunately, Qin Qin immediately added what she had said.

"However, Senior Yun was going down the cliff when I was a child, so there is absolutely no problem calling me Senior."

"It's just like that?" Liu Fufeng frowned, judging from Qin Qin's performance, there must be more than that.

"Of course not." After looking left and right, Qin Qin whispered to Liu Fufeng, "I've seen it once before, my master was as well-behaved as a girl who hasn't left the court in front of Senior Yun..."

"Huh?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, Qin Qin meant that her master was also a junior in front of Yun Shu, that's what she meant.

"So, it's Lu Ling's blessing to be close to this senior. You know, other people can only have a few words with her..." Qin Qin said.

She had forgotten that Liu Fufeng didn't know Shen Canghai, let alone what it meant to make Shen Canghai behave like a young girl.

Anyway, when she was a child, Qin Qin was dumbfounded at the time. You must know that Shen Canghai was not under Shen Gui's control back then, and she could do whatever she wanted on this Lingshan Mountain, and everyone was afraid... Lawlessness was a compliment to her, that's all. Shen Canghai actually only nodded in front of Yun Shu...

Simply incredible.

But looking back now, I am even more surprised than when I was a child.

That's her master Shen Canghai, that Tibetan sword not only has a lot of notoriety in the world of cultivating immortals, but is also regarded as a tiger, wolf and poisonous scorpion in Lingshan. She is a girl who is not afraid of anything except Li Zhuzi and Shen Guitian...

Well, although it's not very nice to say this about my master, it's really what Qin Qin said in his heart.

Therefore, Yun Shu has always been a big boss in Qin Qin's heart.

After talking about Yun Shu's identity to Liu Fufeng, Qin Qin successfully dispelled Liu Fufeng's worries.

Such a senior treated A Ling very well in the morning.

However, Yun Shu seemed really angry just now...

"Okay, don't think about it so much, it's Ah Ling's blessing to be with Senior Yun." Qin Qin was a little disappointed: "It's a pity, I wanted to test whether Ah Ling's piano skills have regressed, okay? , It’s fine if you’re not here, we have our topic, Sister Liu, if you’re not in a hurry to go home, our agreement will continue? Go to my place and have fun? We’ll have lunch together at noon.”

"Okay." Liu Fufeng nodded. It doesn't matter where she goes if Lu Ling is not around. As for going home...she is not ready to meet the changes of Feng Jiu. Going to Qin Qin's place is a better choice.

In fact, she wanted to go to Shuyuan to see Xu Xu, but since Senior Sister Qin invited her, she couldn't refuse, besides, Liu Fufeng was planning to learn cooking skills from Qin Qin, Qin Qin was also her senior sister's piano teacher, Liu Fufeng had Lots of things to ask.

Moreover, Liu Fufeng also wanted to see where Lu Ling lived during her absence.

Then, she went to the second peak with Qin Qin.

Feng Jiu, a pair of sisters, just went up the mountain. They didn't stay together for a whole morning, and then they separated again...



There is one thing.

What Qin Qin saw, the cute appearance of Shen Canghai in front of Yun Shu, was fake.

Qin Qin misunderstood Shen Canghai. The latter... is basically the devil of the world, and she has no one to fear. She likes Shen Gui, she loves Li Zhuzi, and Yun Shu is even worse.

The reason why Qin Qin saw that she couldn't retaliate after being taught by Yun Shu was actually because she broke Yun Shu's novel, which was justified, and Li Zhuzi kicked her ass after she found out about it. make her apologize...

Li Zhuzi has spoken, so I can't do without an apology.

As for Yun Shu... I'm sorry, I'm not afraid at all, if it's a big deal, I'll just get into a fight.

Although Yun Shu's status is very high, but in the environment of Lingshan, internally, his cultivation is nothing, and temperament determines everything. Yun Shu, a bookworm... basically has no status, and the threat to Shen Canghai is infinitely approaching Yu Ling was afraid that she would have a ghost.

Now among the older generation, the one who can really make Shen Canghai obedient is her master...

But these will soon be a thing of the past.

Shen Canghai is about to leave the customs.

Her goal is to surpass Li Zhuzi.

Fight against the tyranny of bamboo.



On the edge of the cliff, Yun Shu grabbed Lu Ling's belt and put her on the table like a cargo.

"Woooo..." Lu Ling struggled, but she could only sob and couldn't speak at all. The reason was that her mouth was blocked by Yun Shu with a handkerchief.

"Don't make noise, be quiet." Yun Shu made a silent gesture to Lu Ling.


People are knives and I am fish, Lu Ling calmed down knowingly.

Her junior sister gave up on her.

But Lu Ling wasn't worried, since this was Lingshan anyway, she didn't have to act like she wanted to die, if there was any danger, her junior sister would naturally save her.

However, in order not to suffer, she decided to behave better.

"En... Lu Ling..."

Yun Shu looked Lu Ling up and down, as if thinking about how to deal with her.

In Yun Shu's eyes, Lu Ling is just an ordinary disciple. Her icy blood and talent have not brought her any special status. As for Qin Qin's understanding, it is even more impossible for Yun Shu to teach Lu Ling something. up.

Her last disciple was none other than Liu Yu.

Zixu real person Liu Yao's elder sister, Chu Qishui's senior sister, Li Wangsheng's true love, and Lingshan's recognized senior sister.

Liu Yu.

He is Yun Shu's favorite disciple.

That's why, as soon as Yun Shu met, he killed Zen Master Du Wo.

As for taking in apprentices... After Liu Yu's fall, this kind of thing is no longer in her consideration. When she can't do it, it's fine to keep the inheritance.

Yaohuan Yuer...her beautiful and jade-like there is only one non-existent one left.

And because of the conflict between Liu Yao and Chu Qishui, the disheartened Yun Shu basically didn't care about things...he just read his "sage book."

Books are the most important.

Bookworms don't care about their seniority, and Lu Ling must be punished for soiling her book.

But what should be the punishment?



With a handkerchief stuffed into her mouth, the girl is curled up on the table, in front of a pensive nerdy Taoist nun.


As soon as she got angry, she arrested Lu Ling, but she didn't think about how to teach her a lesson, so she couldn't really beat her up.

(End of this chapter)

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