Chapter 514 Placement

While Yun Shu was thinking, Lu Ling carefully rolled herself into a ball without making a sound.

Very well behaved.

In fact, she didn't even know what she had done wrong.

But there is no way, who made her useless?So even if she didn't have this handkerchief to keep her mouth shut, she wouldn't make a sound. Lu Ling had a premonition that the more she struggled, the worse she would die. Why don't she just be so obedient, what if Yun Shu pities her and lets her go?
Unfortunately, Lu Ling was dreaming.

Yun Shu would definitely punish her, but she hadn't thought it through yet.

Yun Shu gave up thinking about how to punish Lu Ling, went to the table, grabbed the girl by the belt and turned her to face him.

"Woooo..." Lu Ling moaned softly from the pain rubbing against her waist, and couldn't help but clenched the handkerchief in her mouth tightly.

Ignoring the grievance in Lu Ling's eyes, Yun Shu looked at her angrily.

"Lu Ling, do you know what's wrong with you?"

"... Woohoo." Lu Ling shook her head.

She really didn't know where she was wrong, even if she died, she had to die to understand.

"I guess you don't know either." Yun Shu snorted coldly. She knew that this silly girl didn't do it on purpose, but she was just stingy.

"My book, I searched for more than two months before I found a book that I could read! It was stained by you! How do you think you will compensate me!!" Yun Shu picked up her novel and spread the page Show it to Lu Ling.

On the above, two lines of words have been spent on the broth, which is really tragic.

"..." Lu Ling froze for a moment.

Did she do it?
Then my body froze.

Speaking of which, when I eat soup dumplings in the morning, there is no soup...

It became clear all at once.

The senior sister kindly gave her something to eat, but she was not careful at all and broke someone else's things.

"Woo, um..." Lu Ling's eyes showed apology, and the grievance in her eyes disappeared.

If it's someone else, maybe it's just a few lines of a book?It's not that I can't read it, this is the world of cultivating immortals, a book is nothing.

But unfortunately, Lu Ling could understand the anger of this senior sister, and all the grievances turned into guilt.

Senior Sister Yun likes books, she can also tell, how could she not be angry when someone dirty her beloved thing...

After matching the frequency, Lu Ling resigned to her fate.

Who knew that after seeing Lu Linghao's excessive attitude of admitting his mistake, Yun Shu was also taken aback for a moment.

this girl...

Surprisingly sensible?
Yun Shu can understand the importance of books to herself, but I believe other people can't. It's not worth getting angry about.

Most people probably think so...

But not only did Lu Ling not fail to understand, but she immediately felt guilty...

Who taught this girl?
Isn't her master Chu Qishui?

Because of Lu Ling's good attitude, Yun Shu's anger immediately dissipated a lot. After all, Lu Ling didn't do it on purpose.

When she was thinking about how to teach Lu Ling a lesson, she finally decided that if Lu Ling refused to admit it, or if she thought it was not a big deal... she would really beat her up.

Take off your skirt and spank until it swells, and it's the kind that can't be cured by spiritual power. Let this little girl taste the pain...

But now, this thought disappeared.

The girl's big watery eyes seemed to be saying sorry to her.

She really couldn't do it, but she had some doubts, whether she had gone too far...

Well, not too much, who made her stingy?

"You're quite a likable girl." Yun Shu said something from her heart after thinking about it.

"..." With flannel stuffed in her mouth and a little wet saliva at the corner of her mouth, Lu Ling was very embarrassed, but after hearing Yun Shu's words, her eyes were filled with surprise.

Could it be that Senior Sister Yun forgave her?
Of course Yun Shu wouldn't just let Lu Ling go so easily, just kidding, have you heard of it?She was tied up, how could she be worthy of so many novels she read if she didn't do anything.

"!" Seeing Yun Shu's expression, Lu Ling suddenly panicked.


Yun Shu shook her head. Although Lu Ling was already a spoon dancer, she could eat it in the world, but unfortunately she was a woman and couldn't do anything she wanted.

Lu Ling was inexplicably relieved.

Here, because of the connection with the novel, Yun Shu's brain hole suddenly opened.

She has read so many books, how do she usually punish such "chivalrous women" who are arrested?



After listing a few books, Yun Shu's pretty face gradually turned red.

It's strange... Why are these men so cruel... Are they all pretending to be sexual?
Damn it, what have I been watching all these years...

Forget it, give up, none of those things are suitable for Lu Ling.

Looking back, I found that Lu Ling still had that lovely and pitiful appearance.

"What are you looking at me for? I won't let you off so easily, you know?" Yun Shu picked up the novel: "Do you know how long it has been since Senior Sister found a novel that suits your taste? I plan to treasure this book Ah! And now I can't go down the mountain, I can only read this book that you have soiled."

Yun Shu looked at the novel on the table distressedly.

"Originally, I planned to read it again if I didn't have a book to read after reading it, but I'm not in the mood now."

As for asking others to help her buy another one, it's the same.

Yes, yes, but Yun Shuzhang didn't open his mouth...

It's okay if it's martial arts like before, but this kind of romance... She's too embarrassed to say.

This kind of book is also banned in the mortal world, otherwise this book would not be the only one to be found.

She is so old now, let alone married, she has never even had a Taoist partner... How embarrassed is she to suddenly read this kind of book.

At that time, it will be spread among the Lingshan people that Master Yun wants a man, so she will not live.

Those dead girls don't respect her at all, and they are completely capable of doing it.


Thinking of this, Yun Shu looked at Lu Ling getting more and more unkind.

Speaking of it, although she has never been interested in men, it is because she has not met the right man, not because she is not interested in everyone...

It's a pity that she can only think about her current status. If she gets married, Lingshan...

The picture is too beautiful.

However, if you don't get married, you can't read books to find your feelings?
Yun Shu sometimes automatically substitutes for the hero or heroine in martial arts novels. The heroine enjoys the feeling of rising from zero, and the heroine is naturally a love-hate relationship.

Suddenly thought of something, blushing to the point of bleeding.

When she became the heroine, that kind of thing wasn't included.

This kind of nerd is terrifyingly innocent in something.

"???" Lu Ling looked at Yun Shu suspiciously. Since just now, this senior sister has changed her face, and she doesn't know what she is doing.

But Lu Ling understood.

This senior sister likes to read books, but there are no books to read.

In other words, she was running out of books, and she rushed at this juncture, soiling her favorite novel...

Lu Ling thought for a while.

There is a world in her mind, what is a novel?Book shortage?nonexistent.

If she told her senior sister a story, would she forgive herself?

Thinking of this, Lu Ling suddenly twisted up.


"What's the noise?" Yun Shu just slapped Lu Ling's butt, and looked at Lu Ling with dissatisfaction. Most of this dissatisfaction was with the Lingshan people, not Lu Ling.

"You want to talk?" Yun Shu said.

"Woo." Lu Ling nodded.

"Okay, let's talk." Yun Shu reached out and took the handkerchief from Lu Ling's mouth, and the flannel pulled a crystal thread in the air.

Lu Ling blushed and lowered her head.

"Okay, tell me something." Yun Shu said angrily.

"I..." Lu Ling swallowed, and was about to speak when she suddenly froze.

and many more.

She suddenly remembered one thing.

This Senior Sister Yun is a bookworm who is obsessed with novels. If she doesn't have books to read, she should go crazy.

I can tell her a little story, or write a book... But what about after a book?Lu Ling can probably understand the lethality of novels from another world...

What if, what if, Senior Sister Yun becomes addicted to reading and insists on forcing her to write a book?

She doesn't have so much time, but if she doesn't write, God knows what this senior sister can do. ''

"What do you want to say? Say it." Yun Shu looked at Lu Ling strangely.

"..." After Lu Ling was silent, a scene flashed in her mind.

Yun Shu locked her in a small dark room and asked her to write. She wrote ten chapters a day. If she couldn't finish writing, she wouldn't be given food...

Shaked a bit.

very scary.

Sure enough, forget it.

If she did something wrong, at most she would be beaten up. One more thing is worse than one less thing... She doesn't want to be locked in a small dark room to write books every day. This is less dignified than being a "flannel ball".

In the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, Hong Ling looked at Lu Ling and laughed out loud.

This girl is smart.

Now that it is exposed, it is extremely lethal to a woman like Yun Shu who no longer needs to practice. It can be said that it is certain that Yun Shu will ask Lu Ling to write a book.

It's hard to say, she can really do things like lock Lu Ling in a small black room, and it's certain that she won't be given food if she can't finish writing.

This is also the reason why she did not take this opportunity to give Lu Ling the task of writing a book. Otherwise, as Yun Shu, being favored by her would bring unimaginable benefits to Lu Ling. Yun Shu is related to Lingshan people.

As long as Lu Ling performed well enough, Lingshan's resources would naturally favor her. It didn't matter if Yun Shu liked it or not. Anyway, this woman might not be as effective as Shen Canghai when she talked about trivial matters.

The time is still long, and there will be opportunities in the future.


Yun Shu became a little impatient. She hated people who didn't finish talking, just like reading a book was the most annoying thing.

When Xihuang came out of the mountain, the reason she gave her was vague, which made her unhappy for a long time.

"what do you want to say in the end?"

"..." After thinking about everything clearly, Lu Ling didn't say a word, and then slowly opened her mouth under Yun Shu's gaze, revealing a mouthful of small silver teeth and a piece of tenderness.


Make a little noise.

"..." Yun Shu took a deep breath, told her to talk but stopped talking, why did she open her mouth?
Yun Shu followed Lu Ling's gaze, and found that Lu Ling was looking at the velvet handkerchief that had blocked her mouth before, so she twitched the corners of her mouth.

"as you wish."

Knead the somewhat moist handkerchief into a ball, and stuff it into Lu Ling's mouth.


After retching for a while, Lu Ling curled up on the table again.

Although this appearance is embarrassing, at least he won't be imprisoned in a small dark room, so if he speaks too much, he will lose his words. Just be ashamed, and no one will see it anyway.

She had already made up her mind that she would be beaten up by Yun Shu.

At this moment, a sudden sound of footsteps came from behind.

Lu Ling's body stiffened instantly.

That's right, this is the only place to go down the mountain, how could no one come?

Then she looks like this...

A cloth was stuffed in her mouth, and her hands were tied behind her back. The key point was that she was still wearing a short skirt, with both long legs exposed, and the skirt was messed up because of struggling.


"What's wrong?" Yun Shu was still thinking about how to teach Lu Ling a lesson.

"Woooooooooooooo..." Lu Ling moaned meaninglessly.

"Want to talk?" Yun Shu asked.

Lu Ling nodded sharply.

"I'm sorry, I can't." Yun Shu snorted coldly, "You didn't tell me just now, but now you want to? It's too late."

Lu Ling: "..."

As the footsteps got closer, she struggled less and less, and finally gave up, with red eyes.

Yun Shu pretended not to hear it. In her consciousness, she hadn't punished Lu Ling yet...

Things like placing play are too advanced, Yun Shu doesn't understand.

Perhaps it would be a good punishment to throw this girl into the secret realm of Lingshan to frighten her?Secret realms are places for junior disciples to practice. Every holy land has extremely precious secret realms, which are used to train disciples. When they are mature enough, they can go to Tianguangxu or wild secret realms to practice.

It's a good idea.

Lu Ling is too soft, there is nothing more suitable for her than this punishment.

While Yun Shu was thinking.

The footsteps stopped and turned into whispers.

"Oh? That's my junior sister..."

"Didn't she go down the mountain? When did she come back?"

"No, how did little junior sister become like this?"

"So soft... Her body is so soft!"

"Hush... have you forgotten what happened to Master Dongfang before..."

"I just think it's cute, I really want to bully her~"

"Don't go too far, little junior sister is so pitiful..."

"Then this time... Could it be that he was bullied at the foot of the mountain?"

"No, but since I've returned to the mountain, I'll be fine..."

"Could it be Master Dongfang again?"

"She's back? It's possible!!"

Talking all over the place, saying anything.

These girls never thought that Lu Ling was being bullied by Yun Shu. In their hearts, this uncle likes to read books and has no sense of existence, and even if this uncle sees Lu Ling like this, he probably won't Help her, that's who she is.

Besides, it's not a big deal... This is Lingshan, what can happen?
Seeing Lu Ling like this, some of them still think it's cute, but among these people who are really worried about Lu Ling, there is only one silly girl.

Rather, it's very novel. Among these people, there are many more people who want to hold Lu Ling in their arms and knead her than those who want to help her untie her.

At this moment, Lu Ling didn't dare to move when listening to the discussion of the girls to her, pretending that she couldn't hear her.

pretend to sleep.

Pat dropped a tear.

"Junior Sister, although Senior Sister wants to help you...But Master Dongfang...We can't help you." The girl walked to Lu Ling's side, saw that she seemed to be asleep, touched her face, and then put her skirt back again. Tidy up.

She can't afford to offend Dongfang Lianren.

"Junior Sister, I hope you are blessed." The ponytail girl looked at Lu Ling's "miserable" look, coughed and turned her head.

You laugh, you laugh! ! !
Lu Ling can be sure that this person just laughed.

She is very embarrassed, but isn't it a little too much to laugh out loud! ! ! !

But more extreme things are yet to come.

Lu Ling's body tensed up suddenly.

Someone was rubbing her thigh.

(End of this chapter)

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