Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 515 Journey to the Secret Realm

Chapter 515 Journey to the Secret Realm
Lu Ling felt that it was a great disrespect for a senior sister who couldn't hold back her laughter... Fortunately, there are still people who love her.

A former senior sister also helped her arrange the skirt.

However, when Lu Ling was grateful to that senior sister, her body froze suddenly.

Someone was rubbing her thigh.

Can't open eyes, can't open eyes.

She wasn't ready to be ridiculed and "insulted", so she just had to endure it for a while, just endure it for a while...


Suddenly took a breath.

Just touch it, can you not use such force, her legs still need to be used.

At this time, I only heard someone speak behind me.

"I took a look, and the younger junior sister is indeed Yin Jue Meridian, but it's strange, isn't Yin Jue Meridian born? I don't think she has a congenital physical problem. Although there are many hidden injuries, it shouldn't form Yin Jue Meridian Pulse." One said.

"Oh? Xiao Ruan, are you looking at Yin Jue Mai? I thought you simply wanted to touch her." Someone laughed.

"Go away." The girl withdrew her hand touching Lu Ling's thigh, and then turned her gaze to her skirt.

"You said... will there be an answer if you carefully check the yin veins?"

Lu Ling "..."


Is there anyone here to help...

Junior sister, I don't want to be a human anymore.

Originally tied up like this, it was very undignified, and she had to be checked for her yin veins in broad daylight. You must know that only Li Zhuzi had touched her yin veins once.

"It's broad daylight, return the yin veins, why don't you just say take off the little junior sister and take her home to study?"

"I dare."

Hearing this, Lu Ling trembled slightly.

This group of women is even scarier than Senior Sister Yun... Although Senior Sister Yun captured her, she was still very gentle to her.

Just when Lu Ling was made physically and mentally uncomfortable by these women, her savior appeared, none other than Yun Shu.

"You girls, what's the matter, don't stand there stupidly." Yun Shu said.

"Master Yun has spoken, hurry over."

"Uncle, we are going down the mountain, here is the token."

"Got it." Taking the token, Yun Shu casually threw it off the cliff, breaking the barrier: "Okay, let's go."


Several people glanced at Lu Ling reluctantly, and turned to Hong to leave one by one.



After a while, Lu Ling cautiously opened her eyes when she heard that no one was talking.

After seeing no one, he let out a long sigh of relief.

Because she was too nervous, she didn't notice that Yun Shu was called uncle just now.

"Okay, I've decided, let you go to a fun place." Yun Shu knelt down and looked at Lu Ling with "bad intentions".

"Woooooo..." Lu Ling lightly bit the flannel in her mouth, showing pitiful eyes.

"Don't look at me like that." Yun Shu touched Lu Ling's face: "Senior Sister actually likes you a lot... But, for this sake, I always feel that I am at a loss if I don't continue, of course you don't have to Worry, although the level of the secret realm is a lot higher than your own, but it will not be in danger of life, you just treat it as an illusion... Then I will leave my mark, and I will not let you be bullied ..."

"???" Lu Ling was a little confused.

Secret realm?

what is that?
"Senior sister knows that you must have a lot of doubts, but it's okay, you just need to know that the place you're going to next is still in Lingshan..." Yun Shu stroked Lu Ling's hair gently.

But Lu Ling didn't have the heart to enjoy this tenderness anymore.

The fool also knows what Yun Shu is going to do to her...

"Three days, once the three days are up, you will come back." Yun Shu said.

Immediately afterwards, without giving Lu Ling any time to react, she left a mark on her body, opened a crack in space, and threw Lu Ling into it.

With Lu Ling whimpering, the space crack closed.

The world is clean.

"It's not that Senior Sister insists on bullying you." Yun Shu shook her head. She insisted on throwing Lu Ling into the secret realm from the peak of the Soul-Conforming Realm to the Void Transformation Realm, not simply to revenge Lu Ling.

This girl has already reached the peak of the soul-dividing realm, and there are only advantages and no disadvantages to go to temper it, and... to see the secret realms of the Void-level in advance, and then those elementary secret realms will be much easier for Lu Ling, otherwise, with her soft personality, I guess Ordinary secret realms are enough for her.

This can be regarded as the external manifestation of Yun Shu's liking for Lu Ling. You must know that no one is allowed to protect you when you are practicing in a secret realm. Even Shushan who likes to give his disciples the sword will not do this, but she did.

It has nothing to do with Lu Ling's cold bloodline, but simply likes her.

"Don't blame Senior Sister." Yun Shu sat back in her seat and looked at the novel on the table.

"Of course, it also means punishment, let you break my book."

Yun Shu shook his head.


Body meal.

She seems to have forgotten to untie Lu Ling...


Forget it, this girl is lucky... Besides, she won't starve to death in the secret realm, this is the first test Lu Ling has experienced.


In theory, it is difficult for a silly girl in the soul-dividing realm to survive for three days if her hands and feet are bound, her mouth is gagged, and she is thrown into the first-level secret realm of the evolutionary virtual realm.

Survival may be infinitely close to zero.


Well, she was wrong.

"Lu Ling, Senior Sister will pick you up right now..."

Yun Shu stretched out her hand to open the space, when there was a sudden sound of footsteps, she quickly closed the crack.

All the secret realms in Lingshan cannot be opened without authorization. The key to each secret realm is in the hands of the master of the peak. If she crosses the boundary, it will be very inconvenient.

"Who is it?" Yun Shu turned around and saw a gentle woman.

She wears a black formal Taoist robe, long hair with shawls, a phoenix hairpin on her crown, a pretty face, two silver earrings dangling gently, and a pile of documents in her arms.

"Master, it's me." The Taoist nun spoke with a clear voice.

"Keyu? What are you doing here?" Yun Shu looked at Tang Keyu strangely. The latter was the teacher of Lingshan, and in this special period, she didn't need to notify herself when she went down the mountain, but except for going down the mountain...

It's even more wrong for Tang Keyu to seek her... What are you looking for from the Lingshan people? Why are you looking for her.

And... just call him master.

She wasn't very happy when someone called her uncle and uncle, so she directly referred to the ancestor. Sure enough, Lu Ling was still cute.

"Master, Master's document, she said I'd like to show you, because it is related to the blood of Frost." Tang Keyu handed the document to Yun Shu.

"Let me take a look..." Yun Shu opened the file, browsed through it briefly, then raised her head and frowned: "Are you going to use Lu Ling's cold air to cultivate small longevity fruits?"

"Yes." Tang Keyu nodded: "The improvement of the ice attribute magic weapon to the orchard is getting lower and lower. Master and the others think that Lu Ling can try it."

"How sure are you of success?" Yun Shu asked.

"It's hard to say." Tang Keyu shook his head: "If Lu Ling can transform a large amount of her own cold air, the success rate is very high, because her cold air is not only large, but also extremely pure, but... this requires extremely high control."

"I'm afraid the current Lu Ling can't do it, right?" Yun Shu shook her head, Lu Ling was so stupid that she also saw it today, and it was too difficult for her to do this kind of thing.

"Yes." Tang Keyu nodded: "However, if she can arouse the chill in the Jiufeng forbidden area..."

Yun Shu was taken aback for a moment.

Now she knew why Tang Keyu was looking for her.

Do you pay attention to playing Xianjian?
"Master, although the fairy sword has failed, the heavy snow on Lingshan before... must have been part of the snowfall. As long as it can be induced a little bit, there is a great possibility that it can cultivate a perfect small longevity fruit, or even a Another variety of longevity fruit." Tang Keyu said seriously, the silver earrings shaking slightly.

"Let me think about it..." Yun Shu sat down and thought about the pros and cons seriously.

The fairy sword, of course, can't move if it can't move. She didn't pay attention to the fairy sword when Xihuang was around...

However, in the current form of the world of cultivating immortals, the holy land headed by Dongshenhai has all removed demons, which may be a good time.

"Okay, I get it, let's go and do it." Yun Shu agreed. The small longevity fruit can directly increase lifespan and spiritual power, and it doesn't have a limit on the number of times like the longevity fruit... Both for Lingshan and human race Immeasurable benefits, a little risk, nothing.

For Lingshan, Lu Ling's ice bloodline is completely incomparable with the small longevity fruit. Once the latter makes progress, it will immediately become a strategic resource.

"Okay, I understand." Tang Keyu put away the document, and then she looked around.

"Still leaving? What are you looking for?" Yun Shu asked.

Tang Keyu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Master Zu, I heard Ruoyan say that Lu Ling is back, is it with you?"

She met Liu Fufeng and Qin Qin on the Lingtai, and the latter told her about it, and happened to be on the way, so she came to have a look.

"...Well, it's on my side. The little girl made a mistake, so I'll teach her a lesson." Yun Shu didn't hide it at all.

"Then where is she now? I'm still waiting for her to quickly break through to the Soul Composite Realm and then..."

"Then look at the orchard?" Yun Shu shook her head: "I sent her into the fifth-layer secret realm, just to exercise her cultivation and put a little pressure on her. You know this girl's temper, she must exercise."

Well, with Tang Keyu messing things up like this, she couldn't bring Lu Ling back... However, as the successor of the Snow Maiden with the blood of Ice, there shouldn't be any problem.


"Fifth Layer Secret Realm?" Tang Keyu nodded doubtfully...

The Fifth Layer Secret Realm can only be entered by the Void Transformation Realm. How did Lu Ling offend her master and bully her like this.

"Don't worry, it's only three days." Yun Shu said.

"Okay..." Tang Keyu nodded, and was about to turn around to leave when he turned around suddenly: "Master, you don't have a key..."

"No, what's the matter?" Yun Shu looked up: "Why, can I even use the secret realm?"

The secrets of the Holy Land are all sealed by the Nine Levels of Life Tribulation, which is the power of the human race. No one can get in except with the key. Of course, it is very simple for Yun Shu to send someone in.

"No way..." Tang Keyu said.

She just remembered something, a very important thing.

"Master, are you sure it's the fifth level secret realm?"

"Of course." Yun Shu nodded.

Then, Tang Keyu's face became serious.

"Master, the right to use the secret realm above the fifth level of Lingshan belongs to Qionghua, and the spare key is in the hands of Senior Sister Jiufeng Chu. On the other hand, Qionghua's secret realm is used by Lingshan disciples. You don't know about this? "

It is common to exchange secret realms between holy places, and the secret realms above the fifth level of Lingshan Mountain had been exchanged with Qionghua Holy Land ten years ago.

Yun Shu: "..."

She really doesn't know.

"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

"Master, it must have been reported, but you don't care about such trivial matters..." Tang Keyu was a little speechless, Yun Shu knew how to read novels all day long, so of course she couldn't remember such things, even she just just now Suddenly remembered.

"Oh..." Yun Shu twitched the corner of her mouth.

In other words, if there is no accident, Lu Ling was thrown by her into the secret realm that Qionghua was using, and might even fall into the pile of Qionghua's disciples... She secretly sensed the imprint and found that Lu Ling was falling in a wilderness. After lying down, Yun Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, what should we do now? Bring her back?" Tang Keyu asked.

"Forget it, with my mark, I won't be in danger. I'll be back in three days." Yun Shu said.

Just kidding, if Lu Ling is brought back now, isn't she lost in vain?And she just took a look, Lu Ling's location is not bad, there are many natural treasures in that place, it is a good place.

Qionghua is Qionghua, it doesn't matter.

"...Forget it, master, as long as you are happy." Tang Keyu had nothing to do, and it was impossible for her to teach Yun Shu a lesson.

"Okay, let's go, and this matter is not allowed to tell others, do you hear me?"

"Got it." Tang Keyu turned and left.

She should report to Ruoyan and Liu Fufeng that they are safe first...

Then, I hope that Ah Ling will not be bullied too badly by the "wild monster", and hope that Qionghua's boys can help her when they meet...



After Tang Keyu left.

Yun Shu walked to the table, then got down on the ground, and buried her head in her arms.


Besides, she didn't mean to make trouble with Lu Ling on purpose, she should have practiced it, she protected Lu Ling and then sent her to the fifth level secret realm.

Who knows, that place belongs to Qionghua now...



At this time, Han Xue suddenly broke into Li Wangsheng's room.

"Xiaoxue, what are you doing?" Li Wangsheng asked puzzled.

"Stop talking, hurry up..." Han Xue hurriedly reached into her clothes and fumbled.

"Ahem." Li Wangsheng turned his head away: "Xiaoxue, you respect yourself."

"I respect you, you wine gourd, I respect myself." Han Xue slapped Li Wangsheng on the face, leaving a bright red mark on his handsome face.

"I'm looking for a key!"

"Key? What key?" Li Wangsheng picked up the wine gourd and took a sip.

"The key to send you away." Han Xue said.

"Send me away?" Li Wangsheng didn't understand.

"People are coming from Mount Shu." Han Xue's words made Li Wangsheng's face change drastically.

"Who is here?" Li Wangsheng asked.

"Honor Fanyun, and the Lord of the Southern Territory of the Eastern Divine Sea, you can't hide your demonic energy, so hurry up and go." Han Xue hurriedly almost took off her Taoist robe, and finally found the key.

"Venerable Fanyun... Is that kid Bai Yunfan?" Li Wangsheng was a little emotional, he was also a Venerable.

"My good brother, can you be a little nervous, in case you are found out, how can we explain to the old stubborn people in Shushan? Hurry up, before they go up the mountain, hurry up." Han Xue looked unhurried Li Wangsheng was very speechless. She suddenly received a mission to let Li Wangsheng hide, but it was too late to go down the mountain now, but the orders were all down, and she had to find a way if there was no way.

So she took Chu Qishui's secret key.

"Go? Where are you going?" Li Wangsheng didn't mind leaving, and he wouldn't cause trouble for Lingshan.

"I haven't thought about it for the time being, but there is a secret place in Jue'er, you go and hide in it for a while, I hate it, I am obviously a member of the Xuanjing Division, but I still give me orders..." Han Xue muttered in the key Enter spiritual power, and then, a portal emerges from the void.

"This is a spare key for the Fifth Layer Secret Realm. I'm lending it to Qionghua now. Senior brother, be careful not to be discovered. You can hide for a few days, that's all."

"Oh." Li Wangsheng took some wine gourds and walked into the portal.



After sending Li Wangsheng away, Han Xue finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, there are twelve phoenix calls on Lingshan, and the Venerable worships the mountain.

Bai Yunfan and Mo Qing arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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