Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 516 The Secret Realm

Chapter 516 The Secret Realm
At the same time, there were venerables worshiping the mountains in both the Eastern Divine Sea and the Shu Mountain, and one of them was the domain master of the Eastern Divine Sea, so Luanfeng should have received him personally.

Although Master Luanfeng is not yet a venerable, her status is indeed the highest among the Lingshan crowd. The reason why she has not made a breakthrough is just like Shen Canghai, self-repression.

However, Venerable Luanfeng is currently dealing with things in the Xuanjing Division because of the previous incident, and he doesn't even have time to practice in closed doors.

In Lingshan this year, it is convenient for the Lingshan people to come forward. Except for Moyu, there is only one Luo Hanyi left. As for Li Zhuzi, no one can invite her for the time being.

Han Xue is not from Lingshan, Chu Qishui...she is even more inconvenient.

Therefore, there are fewer people receiving these two venerables now. Of course, these two people don't care, anyway, they come with their own little thoughts...

"Lingshan... how come it has become a snow mountain just like our Shushan Mountain." In the main hall, Bai Yunfan was surprised.

This surprise has not disappeared since going up the mountain.

He has been to Lingshan before, and it is not like this snow-covered mountain... Now Lingshan, except for the Lingtai, which is very clean, the nine disciple peaks are covered by heavy snow, and the aura of snowflakes gave Bai Yunfan a strange feeling familiar feeling.

It has the same source as the blizzard in Shushan...

However, because he doesn't practice spiritual power, he can't be sure, it's just a guess.

Although Mo Qing was surprised, but because of the relationship between Dongshenhai and Lu Ling, after careful induction, he was sure that this Lingxue came from Lu Ling... However, Bai Yunfan's words aroused his interest. A hundred miles of ice was frozen overnight... But the rumors outside are all because a demon king escaped from an ancient era, and it was done by the demon king.

This incident caused quite a stir in the Xuanjing Division and caused a large-scale manhunt, but Mo Qing's intuition told him that it was not such a simple matter.

Reminiscent of the reason why he came to Lingshan to meet Li Zhuzi in such a hurry... Mo Qing glanced in the direction of Shushan strangely.

He couldn't help it because he knew that Li Zhuzi went to Shushan to meet Venerable Ye...

So here comes the question, why did Li Zhuzi, who never left the mountain all the year round, go to Shushan?
Although she also went to East Shenhai that day, Mo Qing watched her secretly... Li Zhuzi was absent-minded at the time, obviously this trip was just a side trip, and the main destination was Mount Shu.

Snow in Shushan...

Suddenly he thought of Lu Ling.

No way……

However, this possibility is the greatest... She came out of the mountain because of her daughter.

But how did Lu Ling get to Shushan?

Suddenly, Mo Qing felt a little scared.

The freezing of Mount Shu, the fleeing of the Demon King, and even the mighty formation of Mount Shu passed down from ancient times... If the heavy snow was really caused by Lu Ling, then she was walking on the verge of life and death...

Just because of Bai Yunfan's words, Mo Qing's thoughts drifted away for dozens of miles.

"Seniors, please wait here for a while, the teacher and Uncle Mo will be back soon." Under the stage, Luo Xian, who was wearing a red-tailed skirt, said generously.

The two were received by her for the time being.

"Alright." Mo Qing said.

Naturally, he wouldn't stay with Bai Yunfan all the time.

"Master Feng is also rushing back from Xuanjing Division's Lingnan Branch." Luo Xian said.

"...Nephew." Bai Yunfan hesitated for a while, and finally asked: "Hiding the she still in seclusion?"

"Return to Master Uncle Bai, yes, Master Shen is still in retreat." Luo Xian said.

"Understood." Bai Yunfan sighed, feeling a little conflicted. He wanted to see Shen Canghai for sure, but he was still a little apprehensive. Now that he heard that Shen Canghai was in retreat, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, is Senior Sister Zhu in Lingshan now?"

Suddenly Bai Yunfan opened his mouth, causing the two people present to be taken aback.

When you come to Lingshan, how can you miss Li Zhuzi?

Needless to say, Mo Qing, Luo Xian was also a little surprised. After looking at the two men in front of him strangely, he nodded.

"Master Li is in the school on the first floor of Denglingtai."

"En, I got it." Mo Qing nodded, and he will go after the procedure is finished.

"Hi, I asked." Bai Yunfan pointed to his face.

Luo Xian always smiled and said nothing.

Seeing this, Mo Qing paid attention to this girl.

Upright and generous.

His cultivation base is not high, but he is perfect in all aspects of dealing with people, and he is a capable person.

She should also be a strong contender for the next Senior Sister.

I don't know how Luo Hanyi taught such an apprentice.



Lingshan is empty, this is the only way to go to the secret place, the road is like crystal, and the sky is full of dark cracks.

A woman dressed as a Taoist nun sat aside, squinting, looking weak.

The woman yawned, she seemed to be very sleepy, but she still didn't forget to look around for something.

This is the way from Lingshan to the fifth secret realm. She is guarding it to prevent people from going the wrong way. This job has been done for many years, because it is very boring, no one can talk, and it is unnecessary. The key is kept by the peak owner. The passage at one end cannot be opened without the strength of the top venerable.

But for a woman like her who dozed off most of the year, it was all the same.

She was originally guarding the Lun Dojo, but she heard that Shen Canghai was about to leave the customs, so she asked to be transferred here and hide for a while.

It stands to reason that it is very safe to keep the key in Chu Qishui's place, but just now, she was in a daze when she felt a cold air suddenly pass by her eyes, but she opened her eyes and saw nothing.

Just wondering if it was an illusion, suddenly the woman's nose moved.

She smelled a strong smell of alcohol.

Not far away, a young man in white was carrying a sword on his back, a bamboo music on his waist, and a wine gourd in his hand, swinging from the other side of the void.

No, isn't there Lingshan?How to run out of a man.

"Stop...stop, who are you?" The Taoist stood in front of Li Wangsheng, yawning profusely, but she still expressed her meaning.

"Junior Sister..." Li Wangsheng picked up the personal token Han Xue gave him, and told her everything about it.

"Li Wangsheng...I seem to have heard of it...haha~" The woman's slender index finger gently touched her temples, raising her spirits a little: "Someone worships the mountain? That's really troublesome, but so is Xiaoxue, the key to the secret realm Is that how it is used... Forget it, you go over there, be careful not to be discovered by others."

The Taoist nun didn't stop him, and after Li Wangsheng thanked him, he staggered away.

"Don't disturb me...sleep."

"Ha... ah..." The woman yawned again and closed her eyes with tears in her eyes.

In fact, Li Wangsheng didn't have to go to the secret realm, and he could hide his devilish energy here as well, but the Taoist nun didn't keep her.

Let a man stay by her side and watch her sleep?Her heart is not so big yet.

As for the chill that passed just now, she didn't care about it.

She has left an enchantment in front.

You walked from Lingshan, don't come back if you have the ability, as long as you come back, you will be caught by her.



it's getting dark.

Lu Ling is now staying in a tree hole, her body is covered with leaves and dirt, and her little face is also covered with dirt.

Three days...

How are you going to spend these three days... I'm so hungry.

When she woke up, she was surrounded by towering trees, like a primeval forest. Naturally, she panicked for a while... But thinking of Yun Shu's words before, she also had a little understanding of her situation.

After forcibly waking up Xuechen, Lu Ling knew that she was in a secret realm, a secret realm of the Void Transformation Realm.

You won't really die here, after you die, you will appear in a place similar to the resurrection point...Because people in the Void Transformation Realm have long since lived without food, it's okay if you don't eat, but Lu Ling can't, so Yun Shu gave her a Imprint, so that she will not starve to death, and will not feel hungry.

It can even prevent her from encountering unintelligent "wild monsters" and thus encountering danger.

Hearing Xuechen explain a lot of things to her, Lu Ling understood how overprotective Yun Shu was to her, as if she really wanted to scare her.

After speaking, Xuechen continued to sleep deeply.

Then, Lu Ling received a system task, and there was only one task requirement.


Without dying once, live for three days, and can no longer accept Xueluo Qianhan's help...

The reward is a month of "world" time.

Lu Ling agreed without thinking.

Just kidding, with the imprint of Senior Sister Yun on her body, even if she slept for three days, three days passed.

However, what happened next was beyond Lu Ling's expectation.

After she accepted the task, the system told her that the imprint given by Yun Shu was blocked. From now on, she no longer had the slightest protection. If she didn't eat, she would really starve to death.

After dying, returning to the "resurrection point", the task will be considered a failure, and the task penalty is not to eat snacks for a year... This is simply killing her.

After shedding a few tears, Lu Ling had no choice but to accept the status quo and do the task well, trying to survive these three days.

But here comes the problem. When she was asking Xuechen before, she forgot to ask Xuechen to help her untie the shackles on her body, and after accepting the task, she could not seek Xuechen's help.

Then... Her hands and feet tied up by Yun Shu couldn't be untied at all, the flannel in her mouth thought she could push it out with her tongue...

Unexpectedly, her tongue was pressed by the flannel, so she couldn't use any force at all.

Who said you can spit it out?After consulting her own memory, Lu Ling came to a conclusion that as long as the tongue is pressed, it cannot be spit out.

Sister Yun is so professional...

The point is that she can't use her spiritual power anymore, and can only mobilize a small part, because Yun Shu put a restriction on her when she was catching her...

After that, before Lu Ling could continue to think of a solution, she heard a bunch of footsteps, and there were voices of men and women talking in the middle.

But Lu Ling was terrified.

If she looks like this, if she falls into the hands of a man... I can't even imagine it. Moreover, it is a shame to be seen by others, and besides, she may be a bad person in the secret realm.

So, desperately, Lu Ling started rolling on the ground, and finally hid in a patch of grass, using "Shenlan" with weak spiritual power to restrain her aura.

Then, Lu Ling saw a group of gorgeously dressed men and women walking forward cautiously, one step at a time and three steps at a time.

Fortunately, they didn't find themselves, which made Lu Ling breathe a sigh of relief.

Looks like an explorer...

Then, after the group of people passed by, they heard a huge roar from the depths of the forest, shaking the earth and shaking the mountains.

The few people who passed by before... I guess they are already in danger.

Frightened, Lu Ling found a huge tree hole, and tried a way to roll into it.

Shrinking hands and feet, has been staying until now.

It's dark, it's dangerous outside, and her stomach is about to die of hunger.

What should I do now...

The girl in the tree hole was dirty and messy, with helplessness in her eyes.


It's too useless to go on like this, she can't go on like this, or the system will look down on her... The most important thing is, what should I do if the other side of me comes out again because she is too scared.

So hungry.

He had to find a way to get the flannel out of his mouth.

She had seen a stream outside before, and there were several sharp stones on the uphill slope of the stream, which might be able to cut the ribbon on her hand.

Although it was dark and it was scary outside, she had to act while she still had the strength, otherwise she would be really hungry until tomorrow... Then wait a year without eating snacks.

This system can even block Xuechen, and Lu Ling believes that it has a way to prevent herself from eating snacks for a year.

Swallowing her saliva, Lu Ling turned somersault and rolled out of the tree hole in such a smooth way.

The night in the secret realm is beautiful, the full moon is in the sky, and the surrounding trees are overgrown, all bathed in the moonlight.

This is a very spiritual place, but Lu Ling is not in the mood to appreciate this perfect night scene, she has to get out of here as soon as possible.

Really, go away.

And the direction can't be wrong, the team that looked very powerful in the morning was wiped out not far away.

That angry roar could tell it was a very ferocious animal, just like her, it was not enough to give people a gap between their teeth.

After rolling a few times, Lu Ling was suddenly crushed to the waist by a stone.


He groaned in pain, then immediately lay on the ground motionless, and continued to move after confirming that the monster inside was not disturbed.



Just when Lu Ling was about to save herself, in the north, far away from her, a group of people were gathered in front of the jade torch.

Jinyi is covered with all kinds of magic weapons, and the weapons are also different. There are swordsmen, magicians, and even empty-handed ones.

At this moment, these people looked solemn.

"I didn't expect Dongfang to have such a strong existence. I'm in the early stage of the Void Transformation Realm, and I can't even sustain a roar. I conservatively estimate that I have at least an intermediate level of Void Transformation Realm." The jade-robed boy calmly analyzed.

They are members of the Qionghua sect who entered the secret realm last month, belonging to one of the branches, and these talents are almost in the first echelon of Qionghua's new generation.

"Brother, you can't be blindly reckless, Dongfang is too difficult." A girl analyzed: "This is the fifth secret realm, and the difficulty is at the elementary level of the Void Transformation Realm. If Dongfang is at the intermediate level or above, then the other directions It shouldn't be so difficult. You can break through from several other directions first. On the way, see if you can meet senior sisters and brothers who have experienced together, and share the information. I believe they will not be uninterested in the clearance rewards for the intermediate level of the Void Transformation Realm. .”

"That makes sense." Everyone nodded.

"That's it, everyone is familiar with the secret realm in this month, and try to solve this secret realm within three days." The jade-robed youth made a final decision.



Lu Ling finally arrived at the destination. She had been struggling on the ground like a little snake for a long time. If she didn't pay attention just now, a button was cut out with her little hand, but the silk couldn't be cut.

The girl's chest kept rising and falling, her mouth was blocked, and she couldn't even take a big breath.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

East, something is coming.

(End of this chapter)

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