Chapter 517
At this time, the ground suddenly shook slightly, and the stream under the moon rippled slightly.



A deafening bang came from the east, and the mountain birds at night flew to the sky one after another, bringing ominous noise.

The sound of huge footsteps is approaching here.

Lu Ling panicked.

That monster is coming out?

But she hasn't untied the silk satin yet... Panicked, she glanced around and found that there was no place for her to hide in the flat ground all around.

How to do how to do……

Every time the huge footsteps sounded, Lu Ling's little heart beat more than a dozen times, and now she felt like her heart was about to jump out.

Obviously, even though she knew she couldn't die, she was still too nervous to speak when the fear came to her head.

Since there is no place to stay, just hide in the water, it is still possible to breathe underwater.

Thinking of doing it, Lu Ling rolled a few times and fell into the water with a plop, and then just sank to the bottom.

The water was not deep, and the water surface was less than an inch above the tip of her nose. With Lu Ling's eyes wide open, she could even see everything outside.

Is it really possible to hide like this?

There is life and death.

Gritting his teeth, he stared at the woods in the east.


As the earth shook and the mountains shook, the monster's appearance was finally exposed in the moonlight.

Under the silver moon, the first thing to enter is a crystal clear crescent—at a height of more than ten meters.

After it took a few more steps, Lu Ling could see the whole picture of the giant beast clearly.

The majestic body of nearly 20 meters, in her memory, is about as high as the seventh floor... It is already a very large monster, and the crescent moon before that was embedded in the forehead of the giant beast.

Thick shoulders and round waist, with dense and long hair, each strand of hair will shine like silky blue light, like wearing a layer of hard armor under the moon, the whole body is black, with a crescent-shaped white spot on the chest.

The arm is extremely thick, almost comparable to the towering tree that Bai Yunfan chopped down back then, Lu Ling has no doubt that it can send her to the sky with just one finger...

The giant beast has short and thick limbs, thick palms and soles, strong and curved claws, and sharp nails glowing coldly.

"Boom! Boom!"

Every step down caused the ground to tremble, and the stream was like boiling water, constantly swaying, but Lu Ling had forgotten her fear, and her face was dull.

As the giant beast got closer, Lu Ling could see the whole picture clearly.

The giant beast's face was shaped like a dog's, and its mouth was long, but its eyes and ears were very small, and its mouth revealed terrifying fangs.

Scary is scary.

But isn't this just a black bear?Quickly flipping through her memory, Lu Ling got what she wanted to know.

Black bears, whose scientific name is crescent bears, are mainly active during the day and are good at climbing trees, swimming, and walking upright.Poor vision, sensitive sense of smell and hearing, mixed eating habits...

The most important thing is that the Xiong Xiazi that everyone knows is talking about this kind of beast, and the eyes of this giant bear are also very small, basically without any light.

A flash of inspiration came to Lu Ling's head, Xiong Xiazi... It shows that it has poor vision. Although I don't know what it ate to make it so scary as a seven-story building, but its size is so big, as long as she behaves low-key, it is like Like an ant, she probably won't attract attention. Even if it accidentally stepped on her, it feels like as long as she reacts quickly enough, the gap between her toes is enough for her to stay.

Hold your breath.

Lu Ling remained motionless.

And the black bear didn't seem to notice Lu Ling's existence, and sat down on the edge of the stream, leaving a huge hole, then lay down and began to drink water.

That formation...

Kuafu drinking the Yellow River is nothing more than that.

After Lu Ling found out that the giant bear was drinking water, she was almost scared out of her wits. The suction force of the giant bear was so strong that she was powerless to resist, so she could only go towards the mouth of the giant bear along with the stream... and her position It is not far from the black bear, and according to its drinking speed, it will be able to suck her up to its face in a short while, and even if its eyesight is poor, it will still be able to see her.

Fortunately, just when Lu Ling was about to lose his hold, the giant bear stopped talking, burped a lot, and walked back with unsteady steps.

After a long time.

Lu Ling suddenly stood up from the stream, her face was pale.

Just a little bit, just a little bit.

She could see the terrifying fangs of the giant bear just now... She is not as big as a tooth of the giant bear, so if she is sucked in, she will probably die.

Fortunately, fortunately, it is full.

Her heart was beating violently, and Lu Ling sat in the water blankly, still in a bound posture, her long hair and clothes were completely soaked, like a mermaid out of the bath.

However, this mermaid is quite frightened now.

Find the sharp stone.

Finally, the satin in his hand broke.

"Bah!" He took out the flannel from his mouth and threw it into the water.


Breathing heavily, she wanted to spit out all the troubles of today.

It took a few minutes for Lu Ling to recover. Looking at the red mark on her wrist, she sniffed aggrievedly.

Why does she have to suffer this kind of grievance? If my junior sister knows, she will definitely feel distressed...

Her feet had been bound for too long, and she had lost her intuition. A day without a drop of water was hard, so Lu Ling just lay down by the water, gulping down a few sips of water to satisfy her hunger.

"Ahem..." The girl stood up and coughed a few times, water dripped down her chin.

Lu Ling was a little surprised.

The aura in this water is much higher than she imagined. Although it is not as good as the spiritual spring at home, it is already very high for her...

With direct spiritual energy entering her body, she doesn't have to be afraid of attracting the black bear in the east.

Without hesitation, Lu Ling sat down and used "Shenlan" and the method of dissolving aura learned from Zen Master Duwo to dissolve the aura in her body.

After half an hour.

The girl let out a mouthful of foul air, and a hint of surprise flashed across her face.

Unexpectedly, "Shenlan" and "Shocking Rock Jue" are both of ice attribute, and together they have the effect of one plus one greater than two. She successfully removed the coldness in her body induced by the spiritual energy in the water, and got rid of the coldness that Yun Shu gave her. Her thin shackles... Now, she can finally mobilize the aura in her body.

The aura stirred, and the wet clothes on Lu Ling's body instantly froze, and then the ice pieces shattered and fell into the water, leaving Lu Ling dry all over.

Senior Sister Yun's restraint was not too strong, it should be a test for her.

Lu Ling didn't have any resentment for being banned, because she knew that Yun Shu also gave her a mark to protect her... It was because she had to do the task herself that she made it like this.

This is where Lu Ling thought too much, Yun Shu didn't give her any test, it was purely because she forgot, and she didn't expect that Lu Ling might open her restriction... This restriction can be lifted purely because of the ice blood resistance, as well as the result of her previous efforts to learn "Shenlan".

The girl stood up and looked towards the west.

Now that I can move, the top priority now is to get out of this dangerous place as soon as possible. This time the black bear didn't find it. Who knows if it will be found after dawn. It can get up at night to drink water, and maybe it will come out to look for food during the day Well, she didn't want to stuff the black bear's teeth.


The moment she stepped on the dirt with her bare feet, Lu Ling froze for a moment.

It's been a long time since I walked barefoot.

The most recent time, it should be when I just went up the mountain, I was on the Nine Peaks with my junior sister...

Shaking his head, he pushed the messy thoughts out of his mind.

Without any hesitation, Lu Ling walked towards the forest in the west, without a destination, let's leave here first, otherwise I won't even have anything to eat here, and I will see if I can pick wild fruits on the way.



Lu Ling who was leaving didn't pay attention, just behind her, two giant eyes like lanterns were staring at the direction of her departure.

Obviously, she didn't escape the giant bear's sight, and even, she was spotted from the moment she appeared.

Lu Ling was blinded by the title of "Blind Bear", but she forgot one point in the data. Black bears have an extremely sensitive sense of smell. An ordinary black bear can smell half a kilometer away from the wind and hear footsteps [-] paces away. Sound, and this black bear in the Void Transformation Realm has a higher level of cultivation than Lu Ling imagined. The accompanying supernatural power, even if it really came to it in the reincarnated state, it is probably a matter of one paw.

It does not cultivate the soul and has no consciousness, but with its sense of smell and hearing, let alone half a kilometer, the whole secret realm is under its supervision.

Unfortunately, the one that Yun Shu threw Lu Ling in was the most difficult one among the five random secret realms...Of course, that was for Qionghua's people.

Looking at Lu Ling's stumbling back, the giant bear snorted and ground its teeth.

After close observation and the aura leaked from Lu Ling sitting there practicing just now, it was finally able to confirm Lu Ling's identity.

Almost got the wrong person.

The turbid eyes of the giant bear shone with the brilliance of humanity, and the aura around him was fully unfolded, and the weak beast fled towards the border like crazy.


At the same time, in the northwest, a man with a wine gourd fell from the sky, fell to the ground motionless as if he had died of drunkenness.


Lu Ling didn't know all this.

Because of the horror behind her, she walked forward with her head sullen, and she was lucky to encounter a few wild fruits. After washing and swallowing, it was considered a satisfying hunger.

After walking west for an entire hour, the moon was above her head, and Lu Ling stopped panting. At this time, she was no longer clean from the water, and the red skirt was scratched by the branches, and she could vaguely see it. Obscene clothes, messy hair, and dirt on her body, but Lu Ling's face was full of satisfaction.

Finally, finally leave that dangerous place.

Moreover, he was lucky that he didn't encounter any other monsters along the way.

The most important thing is... She found some delicious fruits and ate some of them before. The taste was sour and sweet, very good.

Looking down at the red peach-like fruit in her arms, Lu Ling smiled in satisfaction.

It's good to settle here today. I just saw that there is water not far away, which is just right for drinking and washing... However, she is not in the mood to wash tonight.


So tired... so sleepy, I miss my junior sister's embrace...

Lu Ling wobbled in the woods for a while, then found a fairly large tree hole, got in, wrapped the fruit in her skirt, leaned against the tree stump, and closed her eyes.

After a few breaths.

The girl's small snoring came from the tree hole.

She was really exhausted.

Both mentally and physically.



The next morning.

Lu Ling opened her eyes in a daze, she wanted to stretch her body but couldn't, her body seemed to be falling apart.

Yawning, the girl slowly climbed out of the tree hole.

The morning wind blew the aura of dew on her face, curling up her messy hair, and the coolness brought by it lifted Lu Ling's spirit.


The girl stretched long, smacked her lips, and said out of habit: "Morning."

The first of three days officially begins.

Live on, Lu Ling!
I got up and went back to the tree hole, and found a fruit I picked yesterday. At this time, the fruit did not become stale because it was left overnight, but it was more colorful and fragrant than before.

What a lucky thing.

Lu Ling took two fruits, walked to the water not far away, washed them clean, and started eating breakfast on the spot.

One bite, the juice splashes, the crystal clear flesh is sweet and sour.

"Hmm..." He groaned softly.

When we are in trouble, it is the happiest thing to have such delicious food by our side.

Soon Lu Ling finished her breakfast and was about to wash her face with the stream water, but suddenly she froze.

In the water, there is a broken red embroidered shoe.

Judging by the size, it seems to be the one she threw away yesterday?
In an instant, the creepy Lu Ling looked around.

Sure enough, the mountain was still the same mountain, the stream was still the same stream, and not far away, the imprint of the giant bear's butt was still there shining brightly.

He turned his head suddenly to look at the tree hole.

how come……

Lu Ling took a deep breath.

The tree hole where she lived at night was still the one from yesterday.

How is this going.

maze?Prohibition?Or is she lost?

But it's not right, she remembers that she has been moving in the direction of the moon, it shouldn't be like this...

No, you have to hurry up and leave, the beast may appear at any time.

Lu Ling stood up, but before she had time to take a step, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her heart and staggered on her feet.


A mouthful of blood gushed out of Lu Ling's mouth, and it couldn't stop, instantly staining her lips and chin red.

"Cough cough..."

This is... that's it...

Kneeling on the spot, the girl's silver teeth were stained with blood, and she had no sense of beauty at all.

Could it be... the fruit is poisonous?
Covering her mouth, the blood still couldn't stop, dripping to the ground, Lu Ling looked at the fruit core on the ground.

It was fine when I ate it last night.

In the beginning, she took small bites to make sure that it was non-toxic, and she was going to stop as soon as she felt a little uncomfortable.

What is wrong.

Her belly seemed to be strangled, Lu Ling's face was pale, her lower lip trembled uncontrollably, her beauty spot was stained with blood.

She smiled miserably, the pain didn't matter, and she tried even more painful ones, but the sad thing was that she was still too weak, and the first day ended before it even started.

Consciousness gradually dissipated.

In the end, she just fell headlong into the stream, and the blood spread, polluting her long hair.




Immediately afterwards, a giant black hand scooped up the embarrassed girl, holding green fruits one by one between the nails of the giant hand, and carefully stuffed them into her mouth.

The action is very funny, of course, its eyes are more helpless.

So, how did the girls from Lingshan get lost here? They don't even know that the fruit is poisonous after being left for a long time.

Forget it, let's run first.

Throw Lu Ling on his shoulder.

The sword energy that suddenly appeared last night was terrifying, don't come looking for it.

(End of this chapter)

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