Chapter 518 Black Bear
After half an hour.

The giant bear sat quietly in the cave, not daring to move, for fear that if he panted too much and accidentally blown the girl on the ground away.

The black bear looked at the blood-stained girl lying in the weeds, her big lantern-like eyes were full of confusion.

What should we do now?
This female doll is not as big as its claws, and it will be gone as soon as it is pinched... And this seems to be the best way, because if she dies, she will automatically go back a hundred miles away, so naturally it will not be He looks seriously injured now.

Of course, under normal circumstances, there is a limit to the number of respawns in the experience in the secret realm. One time is already the limit. In many cases, the wounded would rather be a burden to the team than respawn.

so troublesome...

If it was normal, when it found a little girl like Lu Ling, it would be over with a roar, but something is wrong now.

First of all, it is not a low-level monster, but an orthodox spirit race.

Crescent Moon Bear, called Lao Hei by the people, is from the same group of Spirit Race that followed Luo Xian to Lingshan. Back then, Luo Xian was still a red-tailed fish before he got help from Xihuang and Luo Hanyi.

It's worth mentioning that it had a very bad relationship with Luo Xian, a red-tailed fish. It had a good relationship at first, but after Luo Xian arrived in Lingshan, the relationship with it became worse and worse.

The reason seems to be because Luo Xian knew that bears in the secular world eat fish...

It is still very wronged.

To be fair, the bear eats the fish, but it doesn't.

Later, although Lingshan was very good, after staying for a few years, it really couldn't accept it. The adult fairies were fine, and they were most afraid of those little girls. They all liked to lean on it, and some even liked to pull it out. Mao, at that time, it could hang dozens of little girls on its body when it went out... It was like a playground...

The little girl has never seen such a big, clumsy animal, she will be curious.

Afterwards, it heard that Luo Xian had been appointed to a high position, so it took the initiative to apply to enter the secret realm.

It is the top existence in the primary trial secret realm of Lingshan, and it has gradually cultivated to the peak of the current Void Transformation Realm through the secret realm of Lingshan.

As the boss in the secret realm of Lingshan, it is naturally very familiar with the girls of Lingshan. Of course, familiarity means familiarity. When meeting a girl of Lingshan, it should be ruthless or ruthless, otherwise it will not be able to play the role of experience. up.

But today is different...

The secret realm of Lingshan has been lent to Qionghua Holy Land a long time ago, and there should be no disciples of Lingshan among the people who come to experience it now... Besides, Lu Ling is so stupid that she doesn't even know that the fruit is poisonous, and she doesn't even have a sense of survival. Something must have happened.

That's why he didn't kill Qionghua directly like he did with Qionghua's disciples, but after saving her, he carefully brought her back to his home.

It was once bullied by little girls all day long, so it can naturally see that Lu Ling didn't come out to practice at all.

Whose experience will cover their hands, feet and mouth?
It looks more like fleeing.

At the beginning, although it found Lu Ling, it was still not sure about her Lingshan identity, but seeing that Lu Ling was hiding from Qionghua's disciples, it let her go. Later, Lu Ling exposed her identity as a Lingshan disciple. Since then, it has been paying attention to Lu Ling all the time.

Lu Ling got lost because of it. When it found a lost girl from Lingshan, it would naturally pay more attention, and subconsciously protected Lu Ling.

Otherwise, wild beasts, ferocious beasts, and irrational monsters are the most indispensable in this secret realm of Lingshan... In the secret realm of the elementary level of the Void Transformation Realm, any monster is in the Soul Realm, and Lu Ling is at the peak of the Soul Realm , I can't even survive a night at all.

It's just that it didn't figure it out after all the calculations. Lu Ling picked the red fruit by herself. It's no problem to eat it on the same day, but this kind of fruit can't be left overnight, otherwise it will be very poisonous...

Then Lu Ling got caught, there was no other way, it could only save Lu Ling.

Let Lu Ling die by herself, but I haven't seen the little girl in Lingshan for a long time, and she really can't bear it for a while. You must know that in the secret realm, it has an absolutely hostile relationship with people, so it is not right to do so. In line with the rules.

But it was saved.

So comforting myself, anyway, this little girl didn't come here to practice, so it shouldn't be considered a violation of the rules...


The black bear breathed carefully, a little worried.

It would be fine if it was in the past, it could take care of Lu Ling and find a way to send her back to Lingshan, but it can't do it now...

Several teams of Qionghua Holy Land are still in the secret realm, and they haven't fulfilled their duty of "guarding the boss". If they leave now, it will affect the trial. You can fight, but you can't walk.

This is not the most troublesome.

Last night, an ominous sword energy suddenly descended on the secret realm. The feeling in it made one's hair stand on end, and he almost didn't fall asleep...

Fortunately, the ominous breath did not move, which made it relieved.

Then, it wondered if the master of a disciple who was bullied by it before Qionghua Holy Land came to settle accounts with it.

This is very possible. Qionghua Holy Land has everything for cultivation, and the sword is not a unique weapon of Shushan.

In addition, when he was in Lingshan before, he was also taught a few times by the woman who protected him from Lingshan... At the beginning, he clearly said that he could hit him casually, but later on...

It doesn't make sense at all.


Now because it is Qionghua, it is still very ruthless. Although I don't know how the other party can find itself in the random secret realm with an auxiliary key. It stands to reason that the main key is in Lingshan, so it will not be so easy to find it.

There are still three days left in the secret realm, and it will be closed after three days.

To be on the safe side, it was going to hide for three days.

So, now the black bear is thinking about how to deal with Lu Ling.

Running with you?
Is she willing to run with her?
The giant bear scratched his head.

willing?Those little girls in Lingshan still like it very much.

Well, kidding yourself.

It still remembered the way Lu Ling was scared out of her mind by it yesterday.

Um?Probably... out of mind?
The giant bear trembled inexplicably, and the way it shivered was a bit funny.

Looking intently at the ground, the blood-stained girl, Crescent Bear named Lao Hei began to doubt her life.

The reason for hesitating whether to take Lu Ling or not is not here. In fact, there are more important reasons.

The innate instinct of the Spirit Race tells it that this girl on the ground is very dangerous.

Yes, it was such a fragile teenage girl that made it feel threatened.

It is something more dangerous and... filthy than that ominous sword aura.

It's not appropriate to use such words to describe that silly girl, but this is indeed the answer that the black bear got, as if it would feel admiration and fear when facing Xihuang.

If it weren't for its own supernatural talent, it would have suspected that there was something wrong with its own brain, but in the end it decided to believe in this supernatural perception that had saved its countless lives in the secret realm.

Lu Ling is indeed dangerous.




He paused for three breaths.

The black bear stretched out its huge, hairy hand to hold Lu Ling in the palm of its hand, and put it in front of its eyes at close range...

The taste of blood.

Then, it tidied up its shoulders, put Lu Ling on it, and even found a comfortable position for her.

Walk out of the cave and run straight to the north.

During this period, Lu Ling didn't feel any vibration and was still in a coma.



After running for a morning and crossing half of the secret realm, the black bear stopped.

Breathing is a little violent.

In order to hurry on the road quickly, so I use the main body...

Now, it is less than a hundred miles away from the barren northern plains, so it can shrink a little bit and move on slowly, preventing it from being discovered by the ominous sword energy.

As a result, the black bear's huge body shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye. When it finally stopped, although it was still big, it was only a little taller than an adult, not as scary as a seven-story building.

In contrast, Lu Ling was hugged by it.

Princess hug.

Of course, there is no such thing as a princess for a black bear. Although it is a male, it has not integrated into human society. It is different from Luo Xian, the little red fish who completely regards himself as a human race, and his aesthetics is also close to that of a human race.

Not to mention the princess, Lu Ling is not as good-looking as any other female bear in its eyes.

Looking at the dirty girl in his arms, the black bear sighed humanly.

In fact, it had some doubts. The ominous sword aura was attracted by this girl. After all, Lu Ling just appeared, and the sword aura appeared. The appearance of Lu Ling was abnormal, and the sword aura was even more abnormal.

But no matter whether it was attracted by Lu Ling or not, its character determines that it will definitely hide...

Some people say that bears are timid, but this is actually wrong. Bears are cautious by nature and rarely attack humans.

Acting is timid.

For this cautious black bear, it is a difficult decision to bring along a dangerous girl who may attract ominous sword aura, but it has no other way, it cannot leave this seemingly The dangerous girl is a girl from Lingshan after all... When she wakes up, ask her what's going on.

Black Nose wrinkled, Bean's eyes blinked.

The smell of blood on the girl's body was very strong, from the chin, teeth, to the broken clothes and skirts on her body, there were all darkened blood stains.

It can't go on like this.

Not to mention being sick, this kind of little girl loves to be clean. What if she gets angry or even cries after waking up?
Its understanding of human girls is still in Lingshan, and Lingshan young girls will cry if their skirts are accidentally stained by it, and they can't stop crying, which is hard to coax...

As for Lu Ling.

This girl's eyes were red and shed tears several times yesterday. If she wasn't afraid of showing up, she probably couldn't bear it...

Moreover, it doesn't like the smell of blood.

Now that it is close to Beiyuan, neither Qionghua disciples nor Jian Qi should be able to find it, and if possible, it will not go any further.

Beiyuan is too cold.

It's freezing cold, this girl may not be able to bear it, so be it.

Now it has time to clean up this girl.

After clumsily turning around a few times with Lu Ling in his arms, the black bear's eyes lit up, and there was an ice spring not far away...

Then, it was a little difficult.

Beiyuan is covered with snow all the year round, the ground is cold and the weather is cold. Although the border is dry, it is not very cold, but the temperature of the underground ice spring is very low, and the spiritual power content is still high. Ling takes a bath... Little girl in the soul-dividing state, don't just freeze to death.

At this time, the black bear is very envious of the spells of the human race. Although the spirit race also has many accompanying magical powers, such as water control, fire control, poison, or a physical body like it, they are not as balanced as the human race.

It would be great if it could spray water like a little red fish.


Spouting bears...

Stupid or not.

Forget it, let's think of a way.

An eager expression appeared on the black bear's stupid face. It has never tried to take care of anyone.

Wash your body, first...

Boil water?

The water is cooled, and it is enough to heat it up. This is the logic of its thinking.

So, in the bushes far away from the ice spring, the black bear carefully placed Lu Ling on the ground, and then planted some weeds to prevent her from freezing.

Water cooled and it doesn't breathe fire either, but that's not a problem.

Pull out a hair, and then, this soft hair gradually grows, and finally changes shape, becoming a cauldron.

Well, thanks to the life experience in Lingshan back then.

Following the cooking method of Lingshan's cook, Hei Xiong clumsily filled the whole pot with icy cold spring, and then propped it up.

"The next step is to light the fire..."

There was a sharp unsheathing sound, and the black bear's nails reflected the light like fine steel.

Holding a pile of firewood, he jumped into the air and disappeared.

Then, a deafening sound came from a hundred miles away.

After a while, the black bear came over with a ball of fire in his arms, not afraid that his fur would be burned.

It split a stone mountain with its claws, and deliberately did not sharpen it, otherwise cutting the mountain would become cutting tofu, and there would be no sparks.

After putting the flame on the bottom of the pot, looking at the burning fire, the black bear sat down on the ground.

As tall as a person, it started to be in a daze, looking silly.

The heating speed of the cold spring is very slow, but fortunately, the temperature is gradually rising. The black bear stared at Lu Ling for a while, and then stopped looking at her. What's so interesting about a comatose little girl...

Listening to the crackling of the burning flames, I pricked up my ears in a daze.

Add a few pieces of dry shrub now and then.



Not long after, the cold water turned into warm water. Hei Xiong felt that the time was almost up, so he hugged Lu Ling.

The poisoning was not shallow. At this time, Lu Ling's face was pale and bloodless.

Also, after vomiting so much blood, it would be strange to have blood.

If she hadn't taken the antidote in time, she would have died long ago.

After observing Lu Ling, the black bear pinched the corner of her skirt with its claws.


The clothes are all ruined like this, and there are dried blood all over them, besides, how can I take a shower without taking off my clothes.

As for saying no?That is impossible.

When Luo Xianhua took a bath as an adult, he had seen it several times and knew what to do.

Isn't it the habit of the human race?no problem.

He pulled down the girl's skirt conveniently, revealing the obscene clothes and white but blood-stained thighs.

Before continuing, something unexpected happened to the black bear. The girl in its hand groaned in pain, coughed, and opened her eyes.

Small mung bean-like eyes met the girl's watery pupils.



 Well... 520 gave a bear, so angry.

(End of this chapter)

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