Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 519 Misunderstanding

Chapter 519 Misunderstanding


After the four eyes met, the air was a little frozen.

Black Bear: ...

Its paws pinching Lu Ling's clothes trembled slightly. It was obvious that the girl's consciousness was not fully awake because she just opened her eyes.

What should I do now?
Say hello casually?
Is it like at home?

It has not greeted people for a long time, and all creatures encountered in this secret realm are enemies.

Greeting like Eldar?It shouldn't be possible... It still remembers being trained by Luo Xian many times when it was in Lingshan, saying not to use the spirit clan tricks on the little girl in Lingshan, because its roar is too loud and it will easily scare the little girl.

After Lu Ling regained consciousness, the black bear panicked for a moment. He didn't know how to face Lu Ling. The black bear dropped Lu Ling and started thinking wildly.



"En~cough..." After opening her eyes, Lu Ling was very weak, as if a huge boulder of gold was pressed on her chest, and the oxygen she breathed in was not so sufficient, and she had the illusion that she might die at any time.

She was dizzy at first, but now that someone forcibly turned her over, she felt that the earth was spinning and the sky was spinning, and there were stars in her eyes.

In particular, between exhaling and inhaling, a strong bloody breath poured from the nasal cavity into the lungs, and the consciousness of the whole person weakened a little.

Dizzy, black dots appear in the eyes when looking at things...

Consciousness is not very clear.

Before... what happened?


She was poisoned, that delicious fruit was poisonous... now she is resurrected?Failed?Or what happened... I don't know, I just remember that before I fell into a coma, my stomach hurt so much that I was about to die, as if my heart, liver, lungs and intestines were all twisted together...

That feeling, I don't want to try it again in my life.

At this time, Lu Ling, who woke up instantly, checked her body for the first time. Because she was weak, she had very little strength.

Clothes are almost ruined.

Shaking her head and throwing out the black spots in front of her eyes, Lu Ling finally saw the surrounding situation clearly.

There was a pitch-black cauldron in front of it, and steam was rising continuously, and a vigorous firewood was burning "crackling" underneath, sparks splashed and hid in the air.

Someone is building a fire to boil water...

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, then swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Finally, she realized that she seemed to be floating in the air now, and her body was soft. If there were no accidents, she seemed to be hugged in someone's arms.

In an instant, goose bumps all over his body rose, and his pale little face became even paler.

boil water...

she is not dead?But... how does the current scene look like, someone is going to boil her?

Throat rolls.

Probably not... The current posture is a princess hug, the person who hugs her should be a human being, and a talent will not eat people...


With all her strength, Lu Ling turned her head.

This time I finally saw clearly, the goal was a pair of eyes that were as dark as mung beans.

It has a dog face, two round ears on its head, very strong, and its hair is pitch black. On that big face, there are hairs like steel needles, which are shining brightly and are extremely frightening.

It seems that it is not a person, but a bear...

Bear... wants to eat me...

After his confused head sorted out everything, he trembled in fright.

And the little girl in her arms shuddered and called the black bear's consciousness back.

Sure enough, you still can't greet like ordinary spirits, but for humans, you should smile.

After making the decision, Hei Xiong grinned "kindly" at Lu Ling.

And seeing the black bear in front of him suddenly open its mouth, the steel teeth in its mouth glowing coldly, Lu Ling was stunned.

As soon as it breathed, the strong beast breath sprayed on its face with a smell of carrion.

The fierceness is revealed.


The girl hiccupped in shock from this "kind smile", which was a bit cute, but after seeing her pale face, this kind of cuteness turned into distress.

The bear is going to cook her?
no no no……

It's better to die directly.

So, driven by the survival instinct, the already weak girl let out a sharp scream... her voice was hoarse.

The penetrating power is so strong that the black bear feels that he heard the feeling of nails scratching the stone just now, which is sharp and piercing.

After being stunned for a moment, the black bear who was wondering if the way of greeting was wrong, a gleam of joy flashed in his eyes.

Look, it's still the same way to say hello.


The black bear suddenly roared at Lu Ling, and the sound wave pulled the girl's hair up. At the same time, the strong wind stirred up dust, the fire fell, and the surface of the ice spring shook slightly.

Lu Ling's voice was silenced in an instant.

The roar of the black bear lasted for more than 30 seconds before it stopped.

After stopping, the black bear showed a satisfied expression, and his belly shook.

Ah, it's been a long time since I shouted so cool, comfortable.

Don't get me wrong, it didn't use magical powers, it was just yelling, but it was still a little out of control... Saying hello, I'm used to being alone, and I just couldn't hold back for a while, it should be understandable.

His eyes were on Lu Ling.

When it opened its mouth, the girl stopped barking... What's wrong?
Looking at the silly Lu Ling, Hei Xiong was a little confused.

At this time, Lu Ling, who had just experienced hell, had completely fallen into a state of dizziness, her ears were temporarily deaf, and she couldn't hear anything...

Because of the roar of the black bear, there was still some stinky saliva on Lu Ling's face, which wet her hair and stuck to the side of her face.



say something.

Hei Xiong shook Lu Ling and said hello, it's time to tell you how you got here.

Lu Ling was still dazed.

Hei Xiong hugged Lu Ling with one hand and scratched his head.

No, the water in the cold spring gets cold very quickly, if you don't take a bath, the water will be cold.

And it also found out that it had accidentally slobbered the little girl's body just now, so it panicked and felt a little guilty. Girls are most afraid of being dirty, aren't they?

So it hugged Lu Ling and walked a few steps towards the hot pot.

At this moment, the hot air hit her face, and Lu Ling finally woke up from the dizzy state. When she opened her eyes, she saw the black pot. She wanted to resist, but lost her last strength.

Her body was already weak, and after being frightened, she couldn't even move a finger... But she didn't want to die...

No, death doesn't matter.

One year, two years without snacks is fine, just give her a happy death.

Seeing the pot getting closer and closer to her, Lu Ling's chapped lips moved slightly.

"Please don't...don't eat me..."

The girl's voice was a little hoarse, and her voice trembled slightly. At the same time, her eye sockets turned red at an unimaginable speed.

"???" The black bear hadn't reacted yet.

What did this girl just say?
It can understand human speech, but it can't speak itself.

Shower, time to undress.

So, the black bear also pulled off Lu Ling's top, and threw it into the haystack. At this time, Lu Ling only had a pair of underwear left, and most of her body's skin was exposed.

Lu Ling could only watch it move, but couldn't exert any strength.

Humiliation and fear exploded in Lu Ling's brain.

Tears flowed down from the eyes unstoppably, wet the black bear's fur.

Why are you crying?

Sure enough, it was all my fault, so I yelled and spoiled the little girl's face...

The thinking circuits of Hei Xiong and Lu Ling are completely different. It never thought that Lu Ling would be afraid of it like this. It should be because it didn't recognize itself last night. After all, when it was in Lingshan, all the little girls liked it. It's gone, so...Lu Ling shouldn't be afraid, to be precise, all the little girls in the world should like it.

There is this illusion.

Take off your clothes and take them off.

The girl's obscene clothes were like a vest, and the black bear's paws grabbed the corner of Lu Ling's blouse, as if to help her take it off, but at this time, Lu Ling grabbed the black bear's huge paws without knowing where the strength came from.

"no, do not want."

don't want?

It doesn't work if you don't wash it clean.

"I'm not clean, it doesn't taste good, don't eat me..." Lu Ling sobbed softly with red eyes.

Black Bear froze for a moment.

It's not clean, so I have to take a shower... Logically, there is no problem.

As for...eating?

Is this girl hungry?
That's a problem, it doesn't eat cooked food, and it can't cook...

Forget it, I'll talk about these things later, take a shower first.

Pulling on Lu Ling's clothes, she exerted her strength slowly.



Here, Lu Ling's tears were almost shed, and her face was pale.

The hot water was right under her body, and her body was extremely sensitive to the heat. After being exposed to the heat, her whole body turned slightly red.

At this time, the physical strength has recovered a little. After the detoxification, the spiritual power runs automatically, activating the body's hematopoietic system, and the emptiness in the body is gradually filled.

Why so much.

Lu Ling was wronged.

Actually want to eat her.

Do you have to bully her?

Can't replace someone? also stained her body, the blood on her face was mixed with the dirty saliva of the beast, Lu Ling felt like she was about to suffocate.

At this moment, he licked his lower lip.

Except for Shimei, she doesn't like other people doing this, especially when she is sober, being taken coercive measures.

Exhaling a foul breath, following the movement of the bear hand, the innocence in Lu Ling's eyes gradually disappeared, and a fishy emotion was about to surface.

At this moment, the black bear who was still focused on bathing Lu Ling seemed to be frightened suddenly. The hair on his back stood up like steel needles, and his fighting spirit broke out. At the same time, he accidentally threw Lu Ling into the pot.



Deliberately avoiding Lu Ling, the black bear unfolded its supernatural powers, roaring, and the sound waves blew up a whole layer of land, covering dozens of miles.

After a while.

The black bear calmed down, and its cautious nature made it look around, letting it feel what was in danger, or who had arrived...



Lu Ling, who entered the water, felt that she was surrounded by scalding heat for a moment, and immediately sank to the bottom.

It is impossible for the cold spring to be boiled by ordinary fire. The actual temperature is not high, and the black bear is not stupid. It wants to bathe Lu Ling, not put her into the pot.

Lu Ling with a cold physique misunderstood lukewarm water as boiling water for a moment, but after a few seconds of distraction, Lu Ling realized something was wrong. It was clearly lukewarm water.

Should I wash it before eating?

No, the black bear's mouth is so dirty that Lu Ling doesn't believe it is so civilized.

Reminiscent of the gentle posture of the black bear holding her before, Lu Ling had an incredible idea.

Could this bear be boiling water to bathe her... Besides, she was obviously poisoned before, so could it be this bear who saved her?

Thinking of this, her negative emotions were taken back in an instant.

Gently exerting force under her feet, Lu Ling came out of the water, and immediately saw a huge bear's face, she was startled.



The black bear was also taken aback by Lu Ling, and after taking three steps back, he sat down on the ground.

It just felt something extremely dangerous, so it overreacted, and threw Lu Ling out without paying attention... But in the end, it didn't find anything, so it began to doubt whether the feeling was brought to it by Lu Ling.

But looking at the cute girl in the water now, Hei Xiong scratched his head in confusion.

It feels wrong...

Inside the pot, Lu Ling showed her head above the water, her expression a bit cramped.

"That... that... did you save me..."

Hei Xiong was observing Lu Ling, and nodded after hearing her speak.

"It's really you..." Lu Ling's face turned red immediately, and then she asked embarrassingly: "Then the water here... is for me to wash my body?"

of course.

Black Bear continued to nod.

If you don't wash your body and you cry again, what will I do, Old Hei?

The black bear is also very helpless.

"..." Lu Ling really understood now.

Buried his head under the water.


I have misunderstood something...

But don't blame her. Anyone who sees this scene will suspect that the bear wants to eat her.

But what a surprise.

I didn't expect a bear to save her, so incredible.

I misunderstood my life-saving grace... Xiong, while Lu Ling was shy, she also felt a little ashamed. Of course, it was the first time for Lu Ling to face a non-humanoid, intelligent large animal. Lu Ling also found it very novel.




Hei Xiong stared at Lu Ling sinking to the bottom, and was taken aback for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, bubbles began to bubble on the surface of the water.

Could it be that he passed out?

When he was nervous, the black bear reached into the water, pinched Lu Ling's waist, and directly pulled her out of the water.

"What, what are you doing!" Lu Ling was startled and screamed.

The black bear scratched his head, it was fine.

Then it pointed to the dirty clothes on Lu Ling's body, signaling that if she wanted to take a bath, she had to change.

Lu Ling blushed.

Black Bear nodded.

Lu Ling shook her head vigorously.


Just kidding, her mind is full of mud now, she doesn't understand everything, and when she wakes up, she sees a bear bathing her.

"Roar!" the black bear growled a few times in a low voice.

Old Hei knows the human race very well.

You have to change your clothes in the shower, that's what Luo Xian did back then, he's seen it before.

 521 is also given to Xiong, so I am even more angry

(End of this chapter)

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