Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 521 Disciple Qionghua failed to kill the boss

Chapter 521 Disciple Qionghua failed to kill the boss

Following Mr. Qionghua's order, everyone began to cover and fight.

During the eye contact, everyone understood what the senior brother meant.

It would be best if we could save the junior sister and withdraw at the same time... If not, then the group will be wiped out here—remember to make up for the junior sister.

Resurrecting from death is better than falling into the hands of monsters. Although this kind of experience should not be too much, who knows?
The secret realm of Lingshan, if this layer was arranged by Lingshan Poison Lady, or even Cangjian... it might really be able to eat people.

However, the ability of the black bear is beyond the imagination of this team. Its hair is invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and a random roar can stun several people. Those who are less mental will turn into white light on the spot and go back to the resurrection point.

It seems that this guy is the gatekeeper of Beiyuan, how did the junior sister get into it.

Young Master Qionghua put his eyes on Lu Ling.

"Junior Sister, hurry up, come with me..." The girl named Si'er reached out to pull Lu Ling, but after the initial confusion, Lu Ling became even more confused.

These people seem to be saving her?
Why do you want to save her? Is it a misunderstanding?

"Well, I'm not..." Lu Ling stretched out her hand to hold the girl's hand, and just about to speak, she heard a roar.

The senior brother was fighting for the last time for them, and within ten seconds, everyone was wiped out.

It has already cleaned up everyone, and at this moment, only the girl is still alive.

"It seems that I can't go away." The girl gritted her teeth: "Junior Sister, don't blame me..."

Taking out the dagger, under Lu Ling's confused eyes, he quickly inserted it into her heart, and then twisted it hard.

"...You..." Lu Ling looked at the girl who was gentle just a second ago with unbelievable eyes.


Lu Ling just fell to the bottom.

Blood gushed out from his chest, turning a pot of clear water into bloody water.


The ferocious black bear slapped the girl and turned her into white light.

It's all to blame for not cleaning up the "flies" around it immediately. Although its cultivation level is much worse, its fighting style is doomed that it can't kill everyone in an instant, but Lu Ling foolishly held him back. He took the woman's hand and slashed her unsuspectingly.


Looking at the pot of blood, the black bear's eyes were filled with bewilderment.

It is understandable that Qionghua disciples attacked it, but why did they kill Lu Ling?Obviously she is a disciple of Lingshan, isn't she?Could it be that Lingshan and Qionghua started a war?impossible.

What should we do now?
How is the little girl...

The strong smell of blood was so strong that the black bear could no longer smell Lu Ling, and it didn't even dare to reach out to pick up Lu Ling, for fear that it would be a corpse...

This is how it will explain to Luo Xian in the future.

But it might not be a bad thing to die. The resurrection point can choose to leave the secret realm, but its doubts cannot be explained.

Why did Qionghua's people kill her, how did she get in...



A distant resurrection point.

The girl turned into a burst of white light and came out of the teleportation array, still in shock.

The feeling of being slapped to death... can't be described in words.

However, it's good that the little junior sister is rescued.

After reconciling with her senior brother, she waited for Lu Ling to come back to life, and then explained that she didn't intend to kill her...

I don't know that such a young girl is only in the soul-dividing realm, which uncle is so cruel and sent her into this secret realm.

"Sier, where's Junior Sister?"

"Should be back soon."

Unfortunately, these people are doomed to be disappointed.

According to Yunshu's words, Lu Ling has the halo of the protagonist, but she doesn't die so easily.



Just as the black bear hopped around for a long time, and was about to fish out Lu Ling's body, the water moved.

The black bear instinctively sensed the danger, and the whole bear jumped back, staring at the bloody water.

At the sound of water coming out, Lu Ling stood up.

His hair was stained with his own blood.

"Unfortunately, this bath is a waste of time." Lu Ling shook her head.

Hei Xiong looked at Lu Ling with worry in his eyes.

At this time, the girl's face was pale, and the veins on her forehead were ferocious. At the same time, her hands were folded around her chest, holding the dagger on her chest.

"The ribs are broken... the heart is unknown for the time being." Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth, "This girl is quite ruthless. If it wasn't for being protected by something in the end, I probably wouldn't be able to stand up at all."

The cruel woman, in order to ensure that Lu Ling could die, inserted the dagger into her heart and turned it around.

In fact, it wasn't that Si'er was cruel, she could kill Lu Ling only in this way, and her dagger was poisoned with paralysis, Lu Ling couldn't feel the pain, otherwise she would be reluctant.

It's just that what she didn't know was that her paralyzing poison directly acts on the soul and spirit.

As for Lu Ling, who is immune to all abnormal states of the mental system, she has truly experienced what it means to be heartbroken.

"Didn't you let me out in the end? It's useless." Lu Ling looked at the blood under her body and endured the severe pain.

The last one to protect her should be the previous spiritual body protection, which can counteract fatal injuries twenty times. I used it once in Shushan, and used it for the second time today, but it can only counterattack, not immunity.

So she still can't avoid death... at most it will be delayed for a while.

"Big guy, thank you." Lu Ling smiled at the black bear.

Black Bear nodded blankly.

At this time, Lu Ling was very strange, as if she was completely different from before... What happened?

"Come here and ask me." Lu Ling said, her tone was full of no doubts, and her superior attitude made Hei Xiong puzzled.

Didn't you want it to look at your body before?

However, it obediently walked over and picked Lu Ling up from the water.

She moved very carefully, but even so, the dagger stuck in her chest was still extremely terrifying. Although Lu Ling didn't cry out in pain, the cold sweat on her back and the bulging veins on her forehead showed that she was in a very bad state. .

The girl sat on the ground cautiously, her long hair covering her body.

"It's less than a day, and it fell twice. Can you be more stupid." Lu Ling looked at the dagger on her chest and shook her head.

Then ask.

"Big guy, why did you save me?"

"..." The black bear gestured twice.

"You can't talk?" Lu Ling frowned, and then relieved: "Forget it, I'm dying anyway, so I won't ask, but you saved me, and you will be mine from now on, no, bear."

Black Bear: "..."

Is there such a statement?
After making a gesture, water vapor suddenly appeared around Lu Ling, cleaning the blood from her body, leaving only the dagger on her chest.

He glanced at his blood.


Should be in a coma.

However, this little pain made her unconscious?How can it be.


The blood is constantly being lost.

She is going to die.

"I really don't like this feeling... I don't even have the ability to fight back." Lu Ling looked at her hand: "Life is gradually lost... It's not delicious at all."

The red tongue swept across the beauty mole. Under the surprised sight of the black bear, the girl suddenly held the dagger on her heart. The hideous wound there was very terrifying. However, because Lu Ling blocked it with spiritual power, there was no blood, but the wound was more serious. appalling.

"Big guy, do you think I'll die faster if I pull it out?"


Is not this nonsensical?We must know that whether it is a human or a spirit race, the heart and the head are the most dangerous places without a certain level of cultivation...

Its brain is not clear, and it has not yet realized why Lu Ling is not dead, and why she has changed into a different person.

That sense of danger was gone, though.

What the black bear doesn't know is that when "Lu Ling" wakes up, the danger will disappear, because her control over her own power is much stronger than in the hypnotized state.

"Goodbye, remember, you are mine." Lu Ling held the dagger in front of her chest, ready to kill herself.

And at this moment, a sword light shot from afar and stopped in front of Lu Ling.

It's him, the ominous sword energy!

The black bear instantly entered a state of alert.

"Why is it you?" Li Wangsheng looked at the girl sitting under the tree and was taken aback for a moment.

He was attracted by the roar before, after all, the Spirit Race is still rare... Unexpectedly, he saw Lu Ling, and she was injured so badly.

Lu Ling was also taken aback.

Obviously, meeting Li Wangsheng in this place was something she never thought of...


The black bear put away its murderous aura and sat down on the ground.

It recognized the jade pendant on Li Wangsheng's waist, which was Lingshan's identification.

It's actually from Lingshan?However, how is it a male?
Did you come to pick up Lu Ling?

For a while, the black bear felt a little ashamed to see people. After all, Lu Ling was injured like this in front of its eyes...

No place to be self-contained.

"Uncle, we meet again." Lu Ling smiled beautifully.

Li Wangsheng, a friend of Mr., has Mr.'s imprint on his instrument, and Lu Ling has no hostility towards him.

"How did you make it like this?" Li Wangsheng squatted down, frowning.

"I still want to know." Lu Ling pouted, she was the biggest victim of being thrown into this secret realm for no reason, okay?

"However, pornographic uncle, I'm about to die, don't you want to see my "righteousness"?" Lu Ling smiled as her eyes pointed to her body under her long hair.

Li Wangsheng: "..."

This girl's temperament is still so bad.

Li Wangsheng looked at Lu Ling's wound: "This is a secret place, you can be resurrected after death, do you want to die?"

That sounds weird.

"Me? I don't really care."

What's the point of not eating snacks for a year?

However, the other she may have a hard time.

"It's okay if you don't die, uncle, can you save me? But I suggest you take advantage of the heat. After passing this village, there will be no such shop." Lu Ling bit her lower lip, her eyes teasing.

She is not wearing any clothes now, and her body is completely covered by her hair. Coupled with her deliberately charming aura, people can't take their eyes off her.

But it was nothing to Li Wangsheng... In his eyes, Lu Ling was not only Li Zhuzi's apprentice, but also a person with a mysterious identity.

Don't forget, Lu Ling has an indistinct relationship with the one from Shushan. What Li Liweng himself said in Luoyan City, and what Li Wangsheng heard, also shows that Mr. Xiao is "pursuing" Lu Ling. Aya.

To be precise, it is to pursue this weird Lu Ling.

Doubting in his heart which senior Lu Ling was, Li Wangsheng naturally wouldn't pay much attention to it, and of course, he wouldn't respect him too much either.

Ignoring Lu Ling's provocative words, Li Wangsheng said: "It's okay to save, but can you bear this kind of pain? I suggest that it's better to be born again."

"Save him if you can, a man who talks so much and has no interest." Lu Ling snorted coldly.

At the same time, his face became paler and paler.

Her blood is about to go to zero.


After understanding what Lu Ling meant, Li Wangsheng no longer hesitated.

"Meditate, sit and forget, without dirt and without injury." The inexplicable aura unfolded, Li Wangsheng closed his eyes, and Lu Ling froze for a moment, as if she was controlled by an emptiness.

Next, one step to solve.

Li Wangsheng opened his eyes suddenly, and pinched a formula with two fingers.

"Mysterious sword transforms into momentum."


"Om..." At this moment, the half of the wooden sword at his waist gave out bursts of sword moaning.

In an instant, the mellow aura dissipated, and two agile yin-yang fish appeared out of thin air, hovering in the air, lingering and enlarged, and finally fell to the ground slowly, covering a distance of ten meters around.

With Li Wangsheng as the center, Lu Ling and Hei Xiong were shrouded in this yin-yang fish, and there was a grandeur in the eyes of the formation, like clouds and fog, illusory.

The breath of Tao pervades.

Righteous Qi is divided into pure Yang or pure Yin Qi. What Li Wangsheng is displaying at this time is the fusion of the two types of Qi, which is called Tai Chi.

The vast Taiji diagram is deep and fully unfolded, one white and one black, one yin and one yang, entangled with each other, check and balance, and finally slowly stop, forming something similar to an enchantment.

And as the center of this Yin-Yang Tai Chi, Li Wangsheng is surrounded by a pair of small Yin-Yang fishes, and the fusion of Yin-Yang and Yang-Qi forms a positive Qi surrounding his body.

The nimble two little fishes, one yin and one yang, slowly rotated around his body, and finally surrounded his fingers like two pets, one yang.

Lu Ling was also surrounded by yin and yang fish, and the sense of weakness from the passing of life disappeared.

"Okay." Li Wangsheng took a deep breath.

In his enchantment, all detrimental behaviors to Lu Ling are wiped out by the balanced yin and yang energy, and the passing of life is naturally the same, as long as Lu Ling does not leave his side for ten meters, she will not die.

Because it's just a simple hanging, so he doesn't need to exert too much effort, and he can maintain this state for a long time.

"..." After hearing Li Wangsheng's words, Lu Ling regained her composure.

He glanced at Li Wangsheng strangely, and a strong desire rose in his eyes.

Tai Chi?No, something is missing. did he do that?

Isn't this something unique to the last world?
"Uncle, you are very powerful. What is the principle? It feels like an invincible barrier." Lu Ling looked at her life that was no longer declining, pretending to be innocent.

"Invincible?" Li Wangsheng nodded, this description is quite appropriate, he looked at Lu Ling's wound.

"Let's find a way to treat it, we can't hang around like this all the time."

"Treatment?" Lu Ling snorted nonchalantly, glanced at the Tai Chi diagram on the ground, grabbed the dagger in front of her chest, and pulled it out abruptly.

"Dang bang."

Throw the dagger on the ground casually.

"Is this... considered treatment?" The girl's veins were exposed from the pain, but she still had a gentle smile on her face.

This Tai Chi array is interesting, so she didn't die...

At this moment, Lu Ling had no other thoughts.

She must get this uncle.

(End of this chapter)

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