Chapter 522 Pets
in secret.

The black bear sat under the tree stupidly, motionless like a statue.

The ominous sword energy didn't come to look for it, so it doesn't have to run away... It stands to reason that it's best to go back to your own cave now, and wait for Qionghua disciples to challenge it...

But now something is not good.

The little girl from Lingshan is still injured, don't look at her wearing clothes now, but she is just hanging for her life, how can she let it go.

Therefore, it could only stand motionless by the side, waiting for this strange man to figure out a way.


At this time, Lu Ling put on her clothes, which were in tatters.

"Uncle, what method are you doing? It's quite powerful." Lu Ling sat down beside Li Wangsheng.

"It's average." Li Wangsheng said casually.

It's not that he's cold...

It was because he didn't think about how to face Lu Ling at all, or in other words, he should say something to her.


Lu Ling looked at the man beside him who looked like a dead fish, and didn't know what to say for a while...the two just sat like this, neither of them spoke.

Lu Ling was thinking about how to fool this thing away from Li Wangsheng.

First of all, the body is useless...

And Li Wangsheng was wondering whether to teach Lu Ling, but what he taught was not necessarily correct. Lu Ling was so talented, it might be the most correct choice for her to explore by herself.

"Uncle, I can't always be like this, I'm going to die ten meters away from your body... Are you sure you didn't keep me by your side on purpose?" Lu Ling grabbed the hem of Li Wangsheng's clothes: "Is there any way I can Heal me."

"The spiritual soul of Lingshan is fine, but I don't know it." Li Wangsheng said.

"...I will." Lu Ling snorted coldly, and threw a formula on Li Wangsheng's head.


Qi and blood surged, Li Wangsheng paused, and looked at Lu Ling in disbelief.

"It's so annoying." Lu Ling stood up: "I don't want to talk so much nonsense with you. I'm exhausted. Let me just say it. I want to learn something like your circular formation. As long as you teach me, I can do whatever I want. .”

She doesn't like to beat around the bush anymore.

If this man is not her husband's friend, Lu Ling will be more straightforward... Thinking of her previous performance, it is obvious that she is already suppressing her emotions because of Li Zhuzi's relationship.

But wanting is really wanting.

"Would you like to gamble?" Lu Ling looked at Li Wangsheng directly.

"You want to learn? Yes." Li Wangsheng said.



"Yes." Lu Ling raised the corner of her mouth.

"But not now." Li Wangsheng decided that he didn't like this Lu Ling very much... and it's not suitable now.

"If you want to learn, you need at least two different powers. I want to teach, but you can't learn."

In fact, he lied.

He can't teach it... He doesn't even understand the principle. If two powers are really needed, then he won't be the only one who can use them.

The yin and yang qi and the devil qi are not ordinary troubles.

"I remember, don't break your word." Lu Ling didn't think too much, she knew more about Tai Chi than Li Wangsheng, Lu Ling was greedy, but not stupid.

There are some things that she cannot learn now, but this does not prevent her from wanting to get them.

For example, the "Dao Zang" of the demon king back then was like this. Whether you need it or not, you should get it first and then talk about it.

"Uncle, what should we do now..." Lu Ling looked around: "You, me, and a bear... Do we just stay like this?"

"I'll just stay anyway." Li Wangsheng took a sip of his wine.

Now he wants to keep Lu Ling as far away as possible... This girl is much more restrained than before in certain things, but relatively, she is even more dangerous...

It was as if she was growing up.

If on that day, she can talk to people calmly, it may be the most dangerous.

"That's so boring." Lu Ling shook her head. She actually wanted to talk about Tai Chi with Li Wangsheng now, but looking at this man's attitude, she probably had little hope, and a bear...she wasn't interested.

"So, I came out here just to block that knife, right?" Lu Ling gritted her teeth lightly.

Can't she go too far? ? ? ?


Forget it.

There's no point in comparing yourself.

"Big guy, come here." Lu Ling waved to the black bear beside him.

"Roar." The black bear came over.

Lu Ling opened her arms towards it: "Hold me."

"???" Hei Xiong held Lu Ling in his arms...

"Lie down." Lu Ling said.

The black bear lay down.

"Big guy, it's time for you to take a bath." Lu Ling looked at it with disgust: "However, the stomach is still soft..."


"Okay, let's talk, a man with no interest, a bear, just right." Lu Ling sneered at Li Wangsheng, then lay on the bear's belly and closed her eyes: "I'll sleep for a while..."

She is going back.

Perhaps, the other she will have a miraculous effect on Li Wangsheng, right?

Lu Ling closed her eyes.


At this time, on Lingshan.

Lu Ling has been completely forgotten by Yun Shu... This woman doesn't worry about the girls in her family at all, she just knows to read novels there.

Liu Fufeng stayed in Erfeng for the time being, she couldn't resist Qin Qin's kind invitation, and she got the news from Teacher Tang that Ah Ling would not be in danger, of course she was very grateful.

Of course, she also chatted with Tang Keyu for a while, completely oblivious to Qin Qin's weird eyes when Tang Keyu said that the orchard might need Lu Ling's help.

Afterwards, Qin Qin found Tang Keyu.

"Sister Ke Yu, you said that you want Ah Ling to help... is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true, all the above documents have come down." Tang Keyu shook the approval document in his hand.

"Ah Ling's little ability, can it work? Don't delay the time of piano practice." Qin Qin hugged Tang Keyu's arm: "I finally found a good boy, so don't make trouble for me."

"Okay, I still don't understand you?" Tang Keyu knocked on Qin Qin's forehead, both of them are staunch Qin Qin party, Tang Keyu understood Qin Qin's meaning: "I think you just don't want her to see the orchard. "

"The matter of Junior Sister... can it be called reluctance?" Qin Qin curled her lips.

"Well, I just can't bear it. To be reasonable, Ah Ling just got home, and I haven't had time to cook for her yet, so I don't know where to go. Sister Ke Yu, do you know?"

"I... I don't know." Tang Keyu paused, his earrings dangling.

"You lied, you just said that Ah Ling is not in danger." Qin Qin was dissatisfied.

"Don't ask." Tang Keyu shook his head, this girl only added to the confusion: "I'm already very tired, play me a song to relax."

"Okay." Qin Qin didn't bother Tang Keyu: "Wait, I'll call Junior Sister Liu, and then change into a piano suit..."

She also wanted Liu Fufeng to experience her own skills, so that she could trust A Ling to herself.

By the way, I heard that Junior Sister has brought two newcomers up, she has to go and see...

Qin Qin likes newcomers, just like she helped Liu Fufeng back then.

And the two newcomers in her mouth are undergoing the test. Xifeng basically passed by alone. As the city lord of Luoyan City, her information is very detailed, basically just going through a scene.

This woman met Lingshan's requirements in every way, otherwise Li Zhuzi wouldn't have called her by name.

And Zhao Yingge...

She surprised Ling Shansi.

This girl has so much strength, if she doesn't use spiritual power, she can't hold the spear at all...

And Zhao Yingge was also surrounded by a group of Lingshan disciples, and they were all very interested in girls who were born with supernatural powers.

In short, the situation in all aspects is developing in a positive direction.

Except Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan.

After arrangement, the two of them temporarily lived on the eighth floor of the Lingtai...the eighth floor, and Li Zhuzi was on the first floor. If the two men wanted to go down to see Li Zhuzi, it would probably cause quite a stir.

Therefore, Bai Yunfan didn't go, and Mo Qing didn't go either...

in his room.

Mo Yu looked at his restless younger brother with disgust on his face.

"Okay, stop wandering around, the eight floors are quite wide, let me take you to have a look?" Mo Yu said.

Mo Qing: "..."

"See how promising you are." Mo Yu shook his head: "The bamboo has a class these days, and you can't see it even if you want to. Of course, if you say you are willing to disturb her, then I have nothing to say."

"... Mo Qing sighed.

"Forget it, if you really can't help it, you can take a look secretly." Mo Yu finally let go.

Then added a sentence.

"Of course, it can't affect the little girls' class."

She still dotes on her little brother...



Today is destined to be a busy day, or in other words, Lingshan has never been idle.

nine peaks.

Inside the thatched cottage, Han Xue looked at the blueprints in her hand and picked them one by one.

It's all about proper housing...

It's been a long time since she picked it, but she thinks it looks good, but none of them look good... So, up to now, the two women are still sleeping on the thatch.

Although it was said to wait for the little girl to go home before choosing, but that was just for fun, so I wouldn't really let them come. I am the "adult" chosen by Li Zhuzi, isn't it even useless?

At this moment, a call came from inside the house.

"Here we come." Han Xue put down the drawing in her hand, sat on the side of the bed, and held Taoist nun's hand: "Jueer? What do you want me to do?"

"It's nothing." Chu Qishui's injury has healed a lot, and her mental state has also recovered a lot. She glanced at Han Xue strangely: "It's rare to see that you are not drunk."

Han Xue has no image at all when drinking, but recently she has begun to restrain herself.

"I have to rely on it once in a while." Han Xue touched Taoist nun's long hair: "Well... just drink less, it's nothing."

"Maybe the wine doesn't taste good?" Chu Qishui coughed.

"...Don't expose me." Han Xue squeezed Chu Qishui's face dissatisfied.

Speaking of which, there is not a little difference between her and Chu Qishui... In terms of seniority, Han Xue is far behind Luo Hanyi, but unfortunately, she and Chu Qishui have become life-and-death friends...

If the things that happened back then hadn't happened, this woman wouldn't have said a word to her, let alone being able to stick together like now.

Suddenly, Chu Qishui spoke.

"Liu Fufeng is back?"

"En is back." Han Xue nodded: "Now at the second peak, it seems that I don't plan to come back for the time being."

Saying that, Han Xue smiled implicitly: "I thought you wouldn't ask."

Chu Qishui: "..."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. I went out for a while, and you took in an apprentice." Han Xue shook her head helplessly.

"It's two." Chu Qishui reminded.

"Hello? Lu Ling was brought by me, okay?" Han Xue cut.

"Where is she?" Chu Qishui asked.

After all, he is his apprentice... It would be a lie to say that he is not worried.

"Lu Ling? I went to see it before, and it seems to be with Master Yun." Han Xue's expression was a little weird.

"..." Chu Qishui stopped talking.

Yun Shu is Liu Yu's master.

"Okay, okay, I'll be back in a few days, I'm worried about you, people probably don't know you." Han Xue pressed Chu Qishui on the bed, and was about to say something when her expression suddenly changed.

"Jue'er, my mark on Lu Ling has been triggered."

"The imprint? Where is it?" Chu Qishui was taken aback.

"...Secret Realm." Han Xue twitched the corner of her mouth.

At first she thought that Lu Ling was in danger, but after careful sensing, she realized that something was wrong, why she was in the fifth secret realm.

"Secret realm? Why is it in a secret realm? Hasn't she not learned martial arts yet?" Chu Qishui was a little puzzled.

"I don't know..." Han Xue stuttered.

She is also a little dumbfounded now.

Why is Lu Ling in the fifth secret realm?You must know that Li Wangsheng is also inside... The key is that she can't tell Chu Qishui, because she "stolen" the key to the secret realm from Chu Qishui, and hasn't returned it to her yet...

If I told her that she was on the fifth level, she wanted to check and found that the key was missing, then I would be out of luck.

"Okay, Jueer, rest well, I'll go to Master Yun to ask what happened, that's all, bye."

Han Xue fled away, leaving Chu Qishui looking at her back suspiciously.

Sighing, walk out the door.

Looking at the barren mountains of Jiufeng, I sat down by the stream.

This barren's time for a change...



An hour later.

Lu Ling opened her eyes.


There was a sharp pain in my heart.

Tears flowed down instantly and couldn't stop.

He tugged at the hair in his hands.

Thinking about it, she was stabbed in the heart, and then she was rescued by that handsome uncle in Shushan, and he said some very exaggerated things to her.

But, it really hurts...

Lu Ling looked in from her neckline.

There is a hideous wound on the chest.

Looking up, she found that she was lying on the black bear's belly, her hands were still holding on to its hair. At this time, the black bear was looking at her suspiciously.

The girl seems to be back.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I hurt you..." Lu Ling let go of her hand, but the rainy appearance of Lihua made Hei Xiong stunned for a while.

Obviously, she was in more pain now.

Three seconds later, Lu Ling bit her lip and bled.


Seeing this, Hei Xiong picked Lu Ling up again, then puffed out his belly, motioning for her to grab it casually.

As far as this little girl's strength is concerned, if it is strengthened a hundred times, it will not hurt it.


It looked at Lu Ling like this and felt a strange feeling in his heart, which was not given to him by Lu Ling before...

It is a feeling that people can't help but care for.

It feels like...

Got a pet?
(End of this chapter)

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