Chapter 524 Guidance
Lu Ling blinked her eyes wide.

Can't go home safely?Why do you have to make yourself so tired, Lu Ling thought so.

"..." Does anyone hate cute girls who tell the truth?At least Li Wangsheng didn't hate it.

Although he doesn't hate it, he just feels helpless for Lu Ling's overly honest laziness.

"Can't you...?" The girl's voice was much weaker.

"Of course not." Li Wangsheng was cruel and directly rejected her.

"Then what should I do, I can't go anywhere..." Lu Ling pursed her lips, and she didn't feel sorry for her at all as she was still an uncle.

"It's best not to follow me and let you in, they should have their own ideas." Li Wangsheng thought.

Lu Ling has such an Eldar as a bodyguard, so there shouldn't be a problem with safety, but seeing how she was almost killed...

Li Wangsheng didn't believe that he didn't need to practice. He still doesn't know how Lu Ling was injured.

But he absolutely can't stay by Lu Ling's side all the time, and he can't play the role of experience in his enchantment.

But now that he met Lu Ling, he would still help if he could, but saving her life was the limit, and he could no longer help Lu Ling cheat.

what should we do……

How can I get rid of this little trouble.

After a while, under Lu Ling's puzzled eyes, Li Wangsheng spread his hands, and two small fishes appeared in his hands, one yin and one yang.

Lu Ling, who was lying on Li Wangsheng's back, was confused for a moment, and then her eyes lit up.

"This is?"

"Qi of yin and yang." Li Wangsheng said, ordering the two little fish to be lingering together.

"...Uncle, what are you... doing..." Lu Ling blushed, and loosened her grip on Li Wangsheng a little.

"What are you doing, save your life." Li Wangsheng shook his head.

His formation can only be used by himself. This is a confirmed thing. The yin and yang qi mixed with magic qi will lose its effect without him, but Lu Ling is different.

Moreover, she also has a sense of righteousness in her body.

If it was Lu Ling, she might be able to control this kind of power.

It's always good to try.

"Want it?" Li Wangsheng held the Yin-Yang diagram in his hand, slowly rotating it in black and white, it was more beautiful than any other toy.

"Yes, I want." Lu Ling reached out to grab Li Wangsheng's hand, but the other party easily avoided it.

"Come down, I'll give it to you." Li Wangsheng said, as "Lu Ling" thought, after she changed her personality, she easily got rid of Li Wangsheng.

"I..." Lu Ling glanced at the man below her, and then at his hand, which wavered unsteadily.

"Okay, after I go down, you can't run..." the girl whispered.

"...don't run away." Li Wangsheng deeply felt what it meant to be dumbfounded. He had never seen a girl with more aura than Lu Ling, nor had he seen a girl who was more clingy and timid than her.

Seeing that Lu Ling didn't move, Li Wangsheng thought for a while, what was the most effective way to deal with A Yao before...

I remembered.

"I really don't want to run, whoever runs is a puppy." Li Wangsheng said.

"it is good."

As Li Wangsheng thought, this move is equally effective against Lu Ling.

In fact, Lu Ling didn't care about what he said, but just wanted him to confirm, she got off Li Wangsheng's back lightly, her sore lips trembled and she didn't cry out.

Sitting obediently on the ground, holding Li Wangsheng's clothes corner with one hand.

"Uncle Master..."

"Here you are." Li Wangsheng didn't make Lu Ling feel uneasy any longer, he let her tug on his sleeve, and at the same time handed the yin-yang fish to Lu Ling.

"Thank you, Uncle Master." Lu Ling said after taking the Yin Yang Fish.

Then, he looked at Li Wangsheng strangely.

She remembered that she had seen such an incomplete Taiji diagram once in Luoyan City, and then there was such a yin and yang fish. Coincidentally, she also met Li Wangsheng that time.

And then... and then there's nothing.

Lu Ling didn't want to think about so many things, and her eyes were all on the Yin Yang Tai Chi in her hand.

Two fish are swimming in the hands, tickling...

By the way, she wanted to say it a long time ago, why does this uncle's Tai Chi have no "eyes"?

Everything bears yin and embraces yang, and rushes into harmony.

Lu Ling still remembers this sentence, maybe she doesn’t understand it that well, but she still understands some superficial things. The simplest one, the Taiji diagram should be that there are white spots in the black fish, and there are black spots in the white fish, and the one on the ground in front of you, The fish in the Taiji diagram in my hand have no "eyes".

She didn't understand and wanted to ask, but she didn't know how to ask.

It is very impolite to question a teacher. She has been educated by Qin Qin countless times on this point.

"Try, control it." Li Wangsheng's voice called Lu Ling out of the entanglement.

"Control? How to control..." Lu Ling didn't understand, the black and white just stopped in her hand...

"..." Li Wangsheng sighed.

See it.

He still remembers that when Lu Ling came into contact with Yin Yang Fish for the first time, she did not need anyone to teach her how to do it. She easily merged the sword diagrams that had not been fused together, and created a structure that was comparable to his diagram. Much more stable sword map.

From then on, Li Wangsheng knew that his diagram was wrong, but he is different from Lu Ling, he is a passive power, and he cannot modify the already stable structure at will, otherwise it will completely collapse... After staying in Lingshan for so long , What he is researching is actually how to make his fish grow "eyes" and at the same time, the structure tends to be stable.

The answer is that he can't.

This was also the reason why he spoke highly of Lu Ling.

However, after he asked for something that Lu Ling could have done by herself, Lu Ling fell into confusion...

This is also the reason why Li Wangsheng is unwilling to teach Lu Ling, but prefers to let Lu Ling practice on her own.

He doesn't consider himself a qualified teacher.

"I mean, let it rotate in reverse and see if it can be done." Li Wangsheng's voice was much softer.

Because he had seen Lu Ling play with the yin and yang qi in the palm of his hand, Li Wangsheng had strong confidence in Lu Ling's ability to control it, and Lu Ling did not disappoint him.

In the next second, Lu Ling raised the Taiji diagram to her fingertips and asked her to slowly rotate it counterclockwise.

"Is that right?"

"Yes." Li Wangsheng nodded: "However, you should be able to make it more perfect, right?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Ling was still confused.

"..." Li Wangsheng sighed, becoming more and more sure that a genius does not need his help: "For example, can it be possible to make them...grow eyes?"

"Growing eyes...yin and yang..." Lu Ling nodded.

It turned out that the uncle knew it, and she thought that the picture of her uncle was wrong.

See, she said that she can't raise doubts casually, it will only make herself appear more ignorant, besides, she can't underestimate the wisdom of this world.

"I'll try." Lu Ling closed her eyes.

During this period, Li Wangsheng stared at Lu Ling intently, observing her aura.

He didn't pay attention last time, and he must not miss it this time.



Taiji Gouyu, the Qi of Yin and Yang,
Lu Ling stretched out her hand cautiously, and gathered the Taiji diagram in the palm of her hand.

Remodeling must be disassembled first, which is common sense.

【Holding yin and embracing yang, one yin and one yang, everything in the world is born of being, and being is born of nothing...】

Under Li Wangsheng's disbelieving eyes, the sword diagram he created was re-decomposed by Lu Ling into two yin and yang qi, and the devil qi that neutralized yin and yang qi was instantly swallowed by yin qi.

If he had done this by himself, he would have failed. Without the magic energy, he would not be able to make Yin and Yang overlap at all.

Continue to look at Lu Ling.


How could Lu Ling know so much, she just subconsciously eliminated the things she didn't like.

Demonic energy... She didn't know it either, she just felt disgusted.

Opening her eyes, Lu Ling smiled when she saw the two agile fishes in her palms.


Next, get them together...

Recalling the things in her mind, Lu Ling lightly drew circles with her fingers.

[Taiyin is against the sun, Shaoyin is against Shaoyang, Jueyin is against...]

Immediately after, all the points were matched, and a completely integrated and symmetrical Taiji diagram appeared in Lu Ling's mind. It was completely different from the twisted yin and yang qi before. Here there is only pure yin and yang, and there is no third party such as magic qi.

Then Lu Ling opened her eyes and looked at the black and white two colors that were completely fused in her hands and slowly rotating, showing a happy expression.

"Uncle, is that right?"

Because she was happy, she even felt much less pain.


At this time, a Yin-Yang Tai Chi slowly rotated in the palm of Lu Ling's palm, stirring up clouds and mist.

This Taiji diagram has lost the agility and escape of being a yin-yang fish, and replaced it with a sense of slowness and stability. Compared with Li Wangsheng's dry combination of two yin-yang fish, the Taiji diagram in Lu Ling's palm is like It is an ink painting hanging in the air.

Although it is small, you can already feel the artistic conception that if you move, you will separate, and if you are still, you will unite.

And this kind of artistic conception is also not in Li Wangsheng.

"...Yes, you did a great job." Li Wangsheng let out a foul breath.

Sure enough, this girl is a genius...

Seeing the orthodox sword drawing again, Li Wangsheng felt even more enlightened.

Her yin and yang fish have eyes, there is black ink in the white clouds, and there is a bit of paleness in the black water mist. With just such a small change, the whole picture has changed, more stable and more mysterious, yin guards yang, yang nourishes yin , endlessly.

Moreover, Lu Ling's sword picture has no magic energy and no impurities. After careful observation, Li Wangsheng knows why he always fails... After Lu Ling stripped his magic energy, he used it to replace the magic energy What became the middle of yin and yang was nothing but her unique awe-inspiring aura...

The so-called awe-inspiring, separated is yin and yang, closed is awe-inspiring, it is a combination of rigidity and softness, and has its own tendency.

What makes Shushan look sideways is the awe-inspiring righteousness of that day...

"Uncle, did I do something wrong?" Seeing Li Wangsheng's silence for a long time, Lu Ling felt a little uneasy.

In her opinion, Li Wangsheng knows everything, and now he is teaching her how to use Tai Chi...

"Wrong? can't be wrong." Li Wangsheng took a deep breath when he came back to his senses.

The ultimate way of balance, this is the most conspicuous thing he saw on the picture, perhaps it can explain Lu Ling's character very well...

Because of his talent, he split his personality, this explanation is acceptable to Li Wangsheng.

Seeing that her uncle praised her, Lu Ling felt warm in her heart, playing with the Tai Chi in her hand, and at the same time said, "Be imaginary and unyielding, move and get better, talk too much, it's better to keep the middle... What do you mean... Damn it , I don't understand at all. 】

You can look up Taoist classics, but you can't understand the pain, only Lu Ling understands it.

"Then, let's continue." What Li Wangsheng will do next is to let Lu Ling leave his own experiment.

"Put the picture in front of the heart."

"Why?" Lu Ling asked, and when she realized that Li Wangsheng ignored her, she obediently followed suit.

Yin Yang Tai Chi slowly rotated on the wound on her chest.

Then, Li Wangsheng pointed at Lu Ling's heart, causing severe pain, and at the same time, the energy in his body decreased drastically.

From Li Wangsheng's point of view, Lu Ling couldn't decompose the aura of arrogance in her body. It is his strength that maintains the sword map now, and it will dissipate as before. Therefore, he instilled all his aura in the The space one inch above Lu Ling's heart is used to maintain Lu Ling's Tai Chi diagram.

Lu Ling didn't feel anything.

After a while.

Li Wangsheng sat down where he was, and exercised his energy to adjust his breath.

Lu Ling finally felt something was wrong...

Heart, doesn't it hurt anymore?

He opened his clothes and saw that the wound was still there...

To say something has changed... Outside her clothes, a miniature version of Tai Chi is constantly spinning.

"Uncle? Uncle..." Lu Ling ran to Li Wangsheng and knelt down, looking at him excitedly.

"..." Li Wangsheng opened his eyes helplessly.

This girl really didn't let him worry at all. He spent all his energy, and now he needs to make a good reply.

"Master, did you do it? I don't feel any pain anymore." Lu Ling touched her chest and said eagerly.

Li Wangsheng nodded: "Okay, you can leave me now, I have already put away the sword formation, and you can spend the next three days by yourself."

With that said, Li Wangsheng disappeared under Lu Ling's nose.

Obviously in Lingshan, the wound that can be healed by just a mantra, but he has spent so much effort, now he needs to find a quiet place to recover his energy...

And Lu Ling.

He finally helped Lu Ling cheat.

His yin-yang fish essentially put Lu Ling into an "invincible" barrier, and the barrier will dissipate when Lu Ling leaves the secret realm. , are useless to Lu Ling.

To be precise, even if that black bear took Lu Ling to the sky, she wouldn't hurt a single hair.

This kind of experience... has no effect at all.

For Lu Ling, at most she might be a little frightened...

But Li Wangsheng couldn't help it. Besides, the successful creation of this yin-yang barrier was also the result of Lu Ling's own efforts.

Of course... What he's thinking now is to finally get rid of this trouble... Although Lu Ling's swordsmanship will be taught by him in the future, it will take a day to hide.

The man went into hiding.

But what Li Wangsheng didn't know was that he unintentionally helped Lu Ling get back on track...

Yun Shu's original intention was to let her learn a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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