Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 525 Little Black

Chapter 525 Little Black
In the sea of ​​consciousness.

Hong Ling looked at Li Wangsheng's leaving back, and twitched the corners of her mouth.

She managed to fool Lu Ling into Yun Shu's mark...

She didn't want to bully Lu Ling, making her unable to eat snacks for a year...

Well, no.

What should we do now?
Looking at the small Tai Chi in Lu Ling's heart, Hong Ling fell silent.

Although Lu Ling's identity is still to be discussed, Hong Ling also trained her as her future master, and her master must be capable of crushing the existence of the four clans in terms of strength and character, otherwise she is not worthy of being her master.

Even... Back then, Lihuo Hongya was proud of being able to become the master's sword.

That person has such charm.

But in Lu Ling... Except for being a natural sword master, Hong Ling can't see any hope, so she has been training her... Lu Ling has been like this, why should she face her mother or the demons? Her calculation, you know, it's not Lu Ling's business alone, the sisters are still chained to her... The chess player behind it can't wait to use Lu Ling to kick the two immortal swords off the chessboard.

In fact, from a general point of view, the chess players behind the scenes are right, and the human race itself is cheating... However, they just don't make sense.

Recently, Hong Ling has a hunch that someone is going to make a move, and the cultivation of Lu Ling needs to be strengthened. Leapfrogging to experience the secret realm is just a good way. It's really backfired...

But fortunately, Lu Ling still has a personality. I don't know what was stained on the wheel of heaven and earth, so she is still qualified.

It's a pity that Li Wangsheng threw down an enchantment, and her calculations were in vain...

With this thing, it is impossible for Lu Ling to be harmed in this secret realm, let alone die... Even, this yin-yang diagram can help Lu Ling purify all abnormal states... It should be said that it is indeed the pinnacle of the way of balance , top-level rules from another world.

If she continues to deepen the rewards, will this girl still obediently remove the enchantment on her body as before?

Hongya was thinking about this question.

The scene of Lu Ling hanging on Li Wangsheng flashed through her mind... Hong Ling fell silent.

It seems... unlikely.

Then...forcibly make it invalid?It doesn't seem to be so appropriate, after all, being able to contain the injury is also related to Lu Ling's own efforts.

Forget it.


let it go.

To be honest, she didn't really want to get rid of Lu Ling's advanced version of the way of balance.

Equilibrium... I haven't seen it for many years.

do not care.

Let Lu Ling play alone, she has gone to take care of her younger sister.



Outside, after confirming that her wound didn't hurt, Lu Ling sat on the ground with a black bear beside her.

It's done bathing...

But it is not so clean, Lu Ling can still smell a strange smell, but she is not paying attention to this right now.

Speaking of which...the wound on my will recover after I get out.

Although it didn't hurt anymore, the deep cut in the bone was still very scary, and Lu Ling didn't dare to bow her head...

What she's afraid of now is, what if the wound doesn't heal?
It's not because I'm afraid it won't look good, but because I'm afraid of being seen by my junior sister... I guess my junior sister will feel distressed to death.

This is Lu Ling's unfounded worry.

The Lingshan Secret Realm will automatically heal all injuries when they leave, and the so-called resurrection is actually after death, the enchantment uses the spirit of Lingshan to help them reshape their bodies.

Because the cultivation base of the primary secret realm is not high, there will be no problems in timely treatment. This is the benefit of the Lingshan secret realm. The resurrection in other places is not so simple and rude.

However, as a whetstone for junior disciples, the major holy places are not stingy.

So Lu Ling didn't have to worry about the scars at all. Besides, even if she did leave scars, she was no match for Lingshan's Wenhun Curse. Lingshan disciples would not leave scars.

Unless... I leave it as a lesson.

However, because Lingshan is full of girls, there are very few people who do this. Even Shen Gui loves his body very much. Shen Gui, who has experienced many battles and has wounds all over his body, is still as white as jade after taking off his clothes. Lu Ling knew this best.



Thinking to no avail.

Lu Ling decided to let nature take its course, at worst, she would go to her husband before meeting her junior sister, who is omnipotent.

After thinking about this point, Lu Ling patted her buttocks and stood up.

Her clothes are broken...

The entire belly button is exposed, and the back of the skirt is also cut in strips, just like the savages, which is very annoying.

How should I spend the next three days?
Completely clueless.

Lu Ling didn't know that the enchantment on her body could resist damage, she thought it was a simple hanging, so she was still very cautious.

To be on the safe side, stay by Big Bear's side.

"Big guy..." Lu Ling turned her head.

Hei Xiong opened his eyes, and his small mung bean-like eyes stared straight at Lu Ling.

What do you call me old black?
Lu Ling ignored it for a long time, and it thought Lu Ling had forgotten about it.

"I don't know your name yet." Lu Ling looked up at the two black bears who were sitting down and taller than her, and said.

"Roar." Hei Xiong shook his head, signaling Lu Ling not to worry.

The names of the spirit clan are simple, and they don't need to speak to communicate... Even Luo Xian was given the surname "Luo" when Xihuang selected him as a disciple of Lingshan.

While still a redtail, she was known a lot.

Xiaohong and Xiaoqi can be called anything.

Seeing the black bear shaking his head, Lu Ling misunderstood.

"Don't you have a name?"

Some pitifully looked at the black bear: "Even I have a name..."

After a pause, Lu Ling lowered her voice a little.

"Actually, I don't know where my name comes from. Although it is said to be set by the system, there is something in my heart that tells me that I must not forget..."

Because she knew that the black bear couldn't understand, Lu Ling said something in her heart to it, and then clapped her hands.

"Since you don't have a name, I'll call you Xiao Hei."


Hei Xiong took a deep look at Lu Ling.

still black...

That's what everyone called it when it was a little bear...

Is this girl joking?is she serious?
"Roar!" The black bear's paw flicked Lu Ling's head, indicating that he was not satisfied.

"Don't be upset, I think it's pretty good." Lu Ling leaned against it, leaned against its arm, and rubbed the furry black hair.

"Look, I met a very big, very big Xiong Blind before, and there are about ten of them as tall as you." Lu Ling opened her arms and made a big circle: "It can be called Dahei, but you can only call it Xiao black."

Black Bear: "..."

Very big... Blind Bear?

Are you talking about it...


He blinked, his cloudy vision shining brightly.

To be reasonable, it saw Lu Ling at that time, but it just pretended not to see...

Forget it, as long as the girl in Lingshan is happy, she doesn't care that much. When she was in Lingshan, what nicknames didn't she have?

Big Mao Ermao and even Xiong Daxiong Er have been there, but I don't understand how Lu Ling knew it was a spirit bear clan. Even in Lingshan, only Luo Xian revealed its origin.

Xiong Xiazi, the name is not good but it is quite appropriate. Its eyesight is not very good, but relatively, its other senses are terrible.

For example, the black bear can now perceive that the girl who had stabbed the dagger into Lu Ling's heart has reunited with the Qionghua disciple who was wiped out by it on the first day, and more Qionghua disciples are moving closer to the center one after another.

Judging by the trend, it should be going to its hometown in the east to find it to fight to the death.

Old Hei doesn't care, he knows that the ominous sword energy is not causing trouble for him, he is not afraid, and some Qionghua disciples... even if they have one hand, they are definitely not its opponents.

In the secret realm where it is present, there is no such thing as killing and clearing the level. It is because it looks at the mood and pretends to be dead... and it also has to suppress the cultivation base, showing the strength of the mid-stage of the Void Transformation Realm.

Otherwise, if the customs clearance rate of this secret realm is zero, Lingshan will not be able to do well.

However, what will Lu Ling do if she returns to the Eastern lair... It is impossible to follow it, it is very powerful, but its combat method makes it unable to protect Lu Ling well...

Until now, I still don't understand the reason why Lu Ling came in, nor why she was chased and killed by Qionghua's disciples. I only know that Lu Ling will stay safely for three days.

"Little black."


"Little black!"


After Lu Ling yelled twice, the black bear realized that it was calling it.

"Xiao Hei, what are your plans next?" Lu Ling asked.

"..." It has a plan, and it plans to deal with Qionghua's disciples.

But looking at the girl's big shining eyes...

Forget it, just stay with her for three days.

He shook his head, indicating that he had nothing to do with him.

"It's okay, that's really great." Lu Ling happily grabbed the soft hair on the bear's arm, and Lu Ling didn't let go: "Then you will stay with me for three days. On the contrary, I will clean it up for you at night."

As she spoke, Lu Ling looked at the stains on the black bear's hair and shook her head.

"You can't even take a shower."

"..." So, why does it take care of the little girl in Lingshan when it is so good, and always let it take a bath, just like Luo Xian.

He glanced at Lu Ling suspiciously.

This girl could not be assigned by Luo Xian, it seems that she is too carefree in the secret realm by herself or something.


"For three days, that's what you said..." Suddenly, Lu Ling lowered her head.

"Master Uncle, he wasted so much energy to help me, he just wanted me to experience... Is it really okay for me to stay like this?"


I, Old Hei... No, Xiao Hei, I don't understand.

The little girl's mind is strange.

"It's really not good." After a while, Lu Ling got the answer by herself.

She doesn't like lying, and naturally she doesn't like cheating either.

The stronger she is, the more inferior she is...

According to the rules, she has died twice, which means she has lost twice.

Is it really appropriate to be so shameless by the bodyguard's side?
Obviously, Lu Ling herself couldn't accept it.

When the black bear promised her that she could stay by its side, Lu Ling decided not to stay by its side.

After washing it at night, she left, and then lived the remaining two days alone. Life and death were life and death. If she died, she would be useless.

Isn't it just not eating snacks for a year?It's nothing.

Think so.

Although giving Xiao Hei a bath is not considered a kindness, but she has nothing to repay it. Just kidding, even if she wants to give her body, people may not necessarily fall in love with her.

Lu Ling's mind was capricious.

This is woman.

"Xiao Hei, do you know the nearest place and which side is suitable for adventure?" Lu Ling raised her head.


If you don't like taking risks, don't force yourself... What are you shaking.

But when Lu Ling asked, it naturally needed an answer.

He stretched out his bear paw and pointed to the endless glacier in the north.

Northern Plains is barren, with nothing but ice and some low-level spirits.

The spirit monsters in the outer layer are relatively weak, probably in the middle stage of the soul-forming state... It seems that they are not so suitable for Lu Ling.

But it's really the weakest.

"The back?" Lu Ling looked at the glacier and breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, where there is ice, at least she is not so afraid.

She didn't want to go back to the jungle anymore, any fruit would be poisonous.

"Xiao Hei, I'm going on an adventure tomorrow! Alone." Lu Ling said.


So, if you don't want to go, don't go...

The black bear looked helplessly at the girl who was clinging to its hair, and sighed.

So, the human race is really troublesome, the women of the human race are even more troublesome, and the little girl among women is the most troublesome...

Forget it, it's according to Lu Ling's wishes, anyway, this is the secret place of Lingshan, so she can do whatever she wants.

It was so cold in Beiyuan that it was impossible for Lu Ling to go deep. Standing on the edge was enough to make her shiver. If she didn't go deep, the wild beasts outside would not come out for a short time after being roared by it.

The little girl is very safe.

Obviously, because of the existence of "Shen Lan", Lu Ling can already control the cold air overflowing from her body. Hei Xiong didn't realize that Lu Ling's physique was special, and only thought it was pure ice attribute.

There are more ice attributes, and there can be several cold-resistant ones.

If there is a fight, it will be hanged by Shen Gui and beaten... and that wicked woman can't go deep into the barren northern plains.

Do not worry.

"Roar." He admired Lu Ling's idea.

"...Xiao Hei, why don't you stop me?" Lu Ling pursed her lips.

Black Bear: "..."

So, girls are the most annoying, I don't know what she is thinking.

"I'm hungry." Lu Ling continued.

Black Bear: "..."

It now knows what the girl is thinking, but would rather not know.

Auntie, it's a bear, what it drinks is stream water, what it eats is... don't eat it, and occasionally eat a few monsters to beat teeth.

Can't cook at all, let alone human food.

How could it satisfy Lu Ling's appetite.

After hesitating for a long time, the black bear made a gesture of spreading his hands to express his helplessness. At the same time, the bear's face was very funny.

"You can't help it either? That's are a bear, but a bear that can talk..." Lu Ling clutched her stomach and looked around.

There is nothing in the ice field here, not to mention food, she didn't even see a flying insect.

What to eat
Do you eat dirt?
(End of this chapter)

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