Chapter 526 Elf
Looking around, Lu Ling didn't see any green, and all the trees were dry shrubs that had been dead for an unknown amount of time.

This ice field is full of frozen soil, even if she really wants to eat soil, she must be able to eat it first.

How to chew.

If a mouthful of silver teeth is completely broken, don't even think about gnawing off a piece of land.

Lu Ling rubbed her stomach, she wanted to eat when the time was up, the hunger was actually not that strong, but sometimes the desire to "want to eat" was higher than the instinct brought about by hunger.

But this place, not to mention food, not even a flying insect or bird.

What does this mean?This shows that even bugs in this broken place can't survive, let alone a living person.

By the way, there is such a big bear.

and many more.

She can't even eat enough, what about a bear of this size... It must be hungry faster, right, so what does it eat to fill its stomach?
Bears eat meat, she knows.

Lu Ling swallowed her saliva.

Suddenly, Lu Ling moved a few steps to the side and stammered something.

"Xiao Hei...I'm very saw it when I took a shower just now."


I, Old Hei, can't understand what this girl is talking about... Didn't she say that she wants to eat?
Why did this little girl change so suddenly...

Sure enough, the little girl of the human race is the most troublesome.

The black bear nodded, indicating that it understood that Lu Ling was very thin, and then ground its fangs.

Speaking of which... it hasn't eaten for a long time, but it likes to drink water in summer. When Lu Ling mentioned this, it also got a little greedy.


When Lu Ling saw the black bear grinding its teeth, her heart trembled.

Although he was rescued, he had only known him for less than a day, and timid people could easily get scared if they couldn't avoid it.

Lu Ling looked around and stood up suddenly.

"Well, Xiao Hei, you said that there must be something to eat in the frozen spring in front of you, fish or something, I'll go and have a look..."

"Roar." Hei Xiong grabbed Lu Ling's arm and pulled it lightly.

"Ouch." Sitting on the ground, Lu Ling made a high-pitched voice in pain.

Then, in Lu Ling's sight, the black bear stood up, its tall body blocked the sun, covering her in the shadow.

"You...what are you going to do..." Lu Ling subconsciously moved back a little and stammered.

"..." Black Bear shook his head. can't go anywhere with your legs.

Lu Ling's limping appearance gave him a headache.

Moreover, Bingquan...

Since when is something alive in there?Even if the temperature of the spring is so high, it can't be touched, otherwise it is very likely to become an ice sculpture... This is not an ordinary spring, and it is actually the reason for the formation of this secret place.

It is well known that there are many magical secret realms in the world, and this layer of the five-layer secret realm of Lingshan is based on an ice spring full of spiritual energy. It is equivalent to the "heart" of a secret realm, which continuously emits Reiki.

It is okay to take some water from the outer layer, but if it goes deep, not only will it not do any good, but it will be frostbitten.

Moreover, it has little meaning for cultivation, so what about the huge aura?People's absorption speed is limited, like Shen Gui, after breaking through, he can absorb ice-type spiritual power at a constant speed no matter in ice springs or volcanoes, but it has a certain effect when casting Lingshan spells, but it is basically useless.

With her strength, who would fight in this place? That lunatic Shen Gui can turn this secret realm upside down... She is now also capable of half-step to the rebirth realm, and she may take that step at any time after she has untied her heart. This kind of strength will not go to the ordinary secret realm again, and for her, the abyss on the front line of Tianguangxu is worth exploring.

But too much devilish energy over there will corrode the soul. She doesn't have righteous energy to protect herself, so now she can only do odd jobs in Lingshan honestly.

For Shen Gui, Lu Ling's ice glaze and even Lu Ling's things that are suitable for carrying around are much more important than ice springs. This spring is so big that it is impossible to carry it with him. Distributing spiritual energy to nourish the treasures of heaven, material and earth basically has no effect.

Lu Ling's ice glaze is really a very good magic weapon. It is made of spiritual energy gathered from Lingshan, mixed with the poisonous cold air of the early stage of the ice blood and the power of Xueluo Qianhan.

However, this secret realm itself is a paradise, which is beyond doubt.

So after hearing that Lu Ling was going to fish in the spring, Hei Xiong shook his head helplessly.

Touching fish... The little girl is so weak, she probably froze to death before going down.

How could there be fish in such a cold place... Ice elves do have them, but they can't eat those things either, pure ice aura can freeze teeth off.

Besides, if there is any fish, it will not eat it.

It will only eat monsters with chaotic breaths. Although it can also eat fish, and even wants to taste it...but it must not open its mouth.

Hmm... Fan Xiong, who is envious of the secular world, can eat fish...

Speaking of it, the bears don't believe it. The black bear lives in a place full of small red fish, and has grown so big that he has never eaten fish. If a mortal bear finds out, he will probably die of laughter.

But that's something that can't be helped, not to mention the past, but now that it returns to the Spirit Race, if it makes any little ancestor unhappy, it can be whipped to the sky with one tail.

A bear with a height of seven floors was blown away by a fish's tail...

Do you still eat fish?

It still remembers that when it was in Lingshan that year, a fairy ate fish and took a second look at it, and then Luo Xian didn't say a word to it for three whole months, and every time he saw it, it seemed like he saw something dirty.

The girl's dark gaze and disgusted expression still make Xiong shiver when he thinks about it now.

So, let’s forget about fish or something.


The black bear stretched out its paws, drew a circle on the ground, and then stomped its feet into the circle.

"What, what are you doing..." Lu Ling looked at it suspiciously: "Are you letting me in?"

Black Bear nodded.


Timidity is instinctive, and Lu Ling is not really afraid that the black bear will bully her.

Sit obediently in the circle.

Then the black bear gestured to Lu Ling to eat.

"You want to eat me?"

Lu Ling frowned instantly.

"..." Black Bear covered his face.

What is this little girl pretending to be in her head all day...

Shake his head.

Pointing to the east.

Stomp his feet.

"Xiao Hei, what do you mean, let me wait here while you go find something to eat?" Suddenly, Lu Ling caught up with the rhythm.


Black Bear breathed a sigh of relief.

This little aunt finally understood what it meant, and it was so exhausting to communicate with her.


"Oh, I see, Xiao Hei, go and come back quickly..." Lu Ling sat in the circle and said weakly.

How should I put it, she was still a little bit reluctant to let this big guy leave suddenly.

What should I do if I leave and won't come...

Here the black bear doesn't care so much, it disappears in the blink of an eye.

It's not really stupid, Lu Ling didn't recognize that the giant bear that night was it, so it changed back to its original body after it left Lu Ling's sight. Afterimage.

For food, there are a lot of fruits in the forest, which is definitely enough for Lu Ling to eat, but it doesn't eat this kind of food, and it's not enough to fit between its teeth.

Suddenly, he swallowed his saliva.

Sure enough, I was still hungry.

In other words, what does fish in the mortal world taste shouldn't taste good.

There are no fish in the streams in the secret realm.

Shaked a bit.

Almost fell.

can not come.

Imagine how a 20-meter giant bear can't lift its head up in front of Luo Xian.

Let's go find fruit for the little girl.

Why do bears live and die.

This sentence was sent to Qionghua's disciples.

Why do people die when they live.

Qionghua disciples are worthy of being Qionghua disciples. Even the basic disciples who have not gone through the storm are of high quality, and they all gathered in half a day.

"Senior brother, no monsters have been found in the eastern cave."

"Report, none found within a hundred miles."

"No?" The people above looked at each other.

"It should be here... Could it be that we are hiding because we are all together? It shouldn't be..."

"Senior brother, let's clear the customs from Beiyuan. They are all at the intermediate level of Void Transformation Realm. Master's evaluation will not be too bad." The girl at the end interrupted suddenly.

"No, the North Plains Ice has too much aura, which affects its performance. Everyone is familiar with the terrain here. The jungle is suitable for combat and can effectively restrain the actions of monsters. Moreover, the cave in front is obviously the residence of monsters. It It will definitely come back, we will wait here, wait for work, and catch it by surprise." Mr. Qionghua said.

"But..." The girl wanted to say something else.

being interrupted by others.

"Fourth senior sister, are you still thinking about the little junior sister from before?"

"..." The girl was silent.

"Si'er, didn't you say that there are no young junior sisters who come in this time?" The young master shook his head: "This is the news I got from the master, don't you believe the master?"

"Of course it's not that I don't believe in the senior brother and the master. I also know that the senior brother will not hesitate to lower his own evaluation to find the master... But, but..." The girl finally couldn't speak anymore.

Lu Ling at that time was definitely not an illusion, not a false existence created by aura, this can be confirmed by the girl who saw Lu Ling's eyes up close.

But it’s useless to say anything now. No one will question what the master said, and neither will the girl. After clearing the customs, these brothers will naturally not go to Beiyuan again. The two "bosses" discovered so far, one is in the east. , one is in Beiyuan, just choose a strategy.


If Lu Ling wasn't Qionghua's disciple, then who could it be?
Four children do not understand.

"Come!! Come!!! Northwest!" Suddenly, someone shouted.

"The monsters have arrived, ready to fight!"

Sighing, the girl drew out her own poison dagger—this dagger turned into white light and returned to her side after Lu Ling pulled it out.

There was blood on it... And the reason why she was sure that Lu Ling was not a phantom dummy was also because when the dagger was sent into the girl's chest, the real feel and the girl's unbelievable eyes were too real...

In fact, she doesn't have to worry about clearing the level too quickly. Today, these Qionghua disciples are destined to have no way to clear the level from its side.

It would be okay if it was normal, but now...they are just trying to die.



Naturally, the black bear also spotted the hundred monks below.

With so many people, it is enough to defeat the monsters in the middle stage of the Void Transformation Realm. If it was before, the black bear would put on a show of "battle", and then turn into white light, leaving them with a token representing the mid stage of the Void Transformation Realm... But not now.

It's not in the mood or the time to play dead.

The little girl is still hungry, what if she runs around for too long?How to find it.

Besides, if Lu Ling cries again, who will coax her?It's not that it coaxes...

In fact, it wanted to ignore these Qionghua disciples now, but the other party didn't appreciate it, and formed a formation instead, trying to restrain it in place.

So, these little guys are unlucky.

The light from the formation was torn off in less than half a second after it wrapped around the black bear's leg. Immediately afterwards, the bear's leg stomped, breaking the formation directly like trampling on waste paper.

At this time, everyone also found that they had no power to fight back. The spell hit the black bear like tickling, but it was too late to retreat now.

The strength of half-step to the habitat is not left behind.

Talent, space blockade.

Talent, Beast Roar.

talent, earthquake.

Like a terrifying war machine, it crushed through the huge jungle.

After the world was turned upside down, the black bear walked non-stop to the area with more fruit trees, but behind him was already a piece of dilapidated, and there was a huge pit of [-] meters.

Qionghua's disciples were all wiped out.



Here, Lu Ling sat alone in the circle, in a daze.

From time to time, he looked at the Tai Chi diagram on his chest.


Lu Ling was taken aback suddenly.

She said it was weird, and the black bear drew a circle for her and asked her to stay inside.

Isn't this the story of Monkey King drawing a circle for Tang Seng, saying that there were monsters outside, and then Tang Seng and others insisted on going out, but was finally captured by monsters...

It's quite interesting, she can review the memories in her mind when she has time, Lu Ling likes this kind of nagging stories very much.

and many more.

This circle should just prevent her from running around...

The hair is creepy.

There should be no ghosts in this... this barren place...

I dare not move.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound coming from the ice spring in front, and Lu Ling lowered her head instantly, pretending that she didn't hear anything.

She was just joking, don't really have monsters...

Immediately afterwards, the trivial sound of breaking ice became more obvious, and Lu Ling trembled with the sound like sifting chaff.

At this time, on the surface of the ice spring.

Some little guys with clear water chestnut corners and snowflakes stained the corners quietly poked their heads out and looked at Lu Ling secretly.

Intuition tells them that there are very kind things over there.

Want to go up and see...



After Lu Ling stepped into the ice field, she was discovered by the elves on the ice field. These little things are too sensitive to the ice. Lu Ling's "Shenlan" has not achieved great success, and she cannot escape their perception at all.

But because there is a "monster" beside her, the instinct of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages makes these junior elves dare not approach Lu Ling. When the black bear takes a bath in the ice spring, he dare not even show his head.

And now, that dangerous guy is gone, it's a good time to get close to Lu Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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