Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 527 Special Spirit Race

Chapter 527 Special Spirit Race

The ice elf naturally wants to get close to Lu Ling, which is inseparable from her own talent.

Among the resident attributes of Haowrist Ningshuangxue, there is an ice attribute affinity. In the eyes of these little guys, Lu Ling is like a big sister who has been lost for many years.

Xuenv's identity is a mystery, she is only known to be human.

And when the ice bloodline faced the natural ice-type monsters, the intimacy it brought to them was unique, and the priority was extremely high.

Following a rustling sound, a group of chubby little things poked their heads out of the ice spring, and after finding that there was nothing else around, they happily approached Lu Ling.

"...Don't come here, don't come here..."

Lu Ling crouched in the circle with her head in her arms, without moving.

Just pretend you didn't hear anything.

Then, Lu Ling felt something coming up from her legs... What's more, they wrapped around her feet, making it itchy.

You know, her shoes are long gone.

What about Xiao Hei, come back quickly, what are these things...

She didn't have the courage to open her eyes at all, what if, she meant what if, what if she saw something very scary?
So instead of asking for trouble, it's better to act as if you don't know anything now.


As time passed, Lu Ling finally felt something was wrong.

She was cool, and the "things" that touched her not only did not disgust her, but brought a strange sense of intimacy.

After shivering for a while, Lu Ling finally decided to open her eyes to see what was "violating" her.

There has been a hard thing grinding on her feet for quite a while, compared to ghosts, Lu Ling thinks it is more appropriate to say it is a puppy...

With eyes closed, there is a feeling of being coquettish.

Secretly, secretly opened his eyes a crack.

Lu Ling was taken aback.

This is?

Immediately bouncing up from the ground, Lu Ling covered her mouth and looked at a bunch of creatures on the ground in disbelief.

" so cute!!!"

The frightening ghosts in his imagination did not appear. Instead, small pompons were circling in panic, apparently startled by Lu Ling's sudden movement.

There are palm-sized pompoms, and the fluff around the body is like snowflakes, and there are sharp-edged ice thorns on the side of the body, but the touch of Lu Ling's body tells her that the ice thorns are not prickly at all... …

The whole body is ice blue, like gems. The key point is that each "sphere" has two ice cubes of completely different colors on its body, just like eyes.

It's obviously just ice cubes, but Lu Ling can sense the emotions of these little guys...

They want to be close to themselves.

Not ghosts, but cute elves.

Looking at the dozens of fist-sized elves under her feet, Lu Ling felt a sense of joy in her heart.

"What a cute little guy..."

Lu Ling's face was full of excitement.

So, were they acting like a baby to her just now... Lu Ling still remembered that one of the little guys kept rubbing against her feet.

Although she wanted to take all the litters on the ground into her arms and take them home, Lu Ling restrained herself and asked.

"You are?"


Lu Ling could clearly see that the eyes of some elves turned into question marks, and icy mist sprayed from their heads.



An unidentified call.

Well, they can't speak human words again.

But...different from her attitude towards the big black bear, Lu Ling is more tolerant this time, there is no way, cute little guys are always given preferential treatment, and she can also feel that these little things don't have any wisdom , it would be better to say that they acted on instinct, and their eyes were full of love for themselves.

Although she doesn't know why, Lu Ling can be sure that the other party likes her very much... It's as if she fell in love with these little elves after seeing them for the first time.

"Come my sister..." Lu Ling sat down and opened her arms.

As Lu Ling expected, after she showed an accepting attitude, ice stuck to her body one by one.

Although it is cold ice, the snowflakes manifested by spiritual energy outside are soft and very comfortable.

Holding the little guy in her arms, Lu Ling rubbed her face, her face was full of happiness.

It seems that all the sufferings suffered in the secret realm have been healed. Sure enough, everyone likes cute things.

Lu Ling didn't notice that when her breath hit the ice elf's body, it was as if the other party had inhaled hallucinogenic potions, and at the same time, his body became more condensed.

"Did you come out of the ice spring?"

"Where do you live?"

Alone communicating with these spirits without much intelligence, Lu Ling sat on the ground, surrounded by a nest of spirits.

Like a hen with chicks...

But it didn't last long.

Just when Lu Ling treated the elves as toys and kissed each of them, these little things stopped moving...the body was glowing blue, and the eyes were dull, as if drunk, lying in a mess on the ground.

"...Well, it should be fine."

Lu Ling is not worried at all. As a bloodline of the ice system, she can feel that there is nothing unusual about the elves. If there is anything... it may be indigestion caused by oversaturated energy.

It is estimated that it was caused by the unnatural coldness from her body.

"Okay, go back and rest..."

Having had enough of playing, Lu Ling picked up a bunch of little ones, walked to the side of the ice spring, and threw them into the water one by one, watching them seem to melt, leaving no trace, turning into cold air again.


Beside the cold spring, Lu Ling rested her chin and looked at the bottomless cold spring, wondering what she was thinking.

It's unbelievable... Obviously it's just the first time I saw them, they are little things that don't know where they come from, Lu Ling doesn't even know what they are, but she loves them very much, and she is a little spoiled...

It has always been others who dote on her, when will it be her turn to dote on others.

However, when Lu Ling saw these little guys, it was really like seeing her own children...

yes kid.

This kind of thought is very incredible to myself, and I even blush.

Looking at the tattered figure reflected in the water, Lu Ling looked away.

His face was already unbearably hot.

What is she thinking, the big guy should be back in a while.

Just stay in the circle...

But before that.

Lu Ling reached into the ice spring, stirred it lightly, and spoke.

"Here comes a little one."

Following Lu Ling's words, the spring water suddenly seemed to boil and began to roll slightly.

Because it was the surface of the ice spring and it was on the edge of the ice field, the elves here were very weak, but their instincts were not restricted in any way. When Lu Ling spoke, it seemed that there was some kind of battle under the spring water.

"Forget it, I'll pick it myself." Lu Ling closed her eyes, trying to hold a ball of spiritual energy in the water.

Withdrawing his hand, he looked at an excited dumpling and raised the corner of his mouth.

Toys, one is enough.

"Okay, be quiet."

Try to call the shots.


The effect is outstanding.

"You're really obedient..." Shaking her head and playing with the little guy in her arms, Lu Ling returned to the circle and sat down.

Low-level elves are essentially auras with a high enough concentration.

En... Lu Ling rubbed the coldness in her arms and began to think.

Speaking of which, she felt itchy when she took a bath just now, it must be these little guys who are causing trouble.


Finally, the black bear came back with a bunch of fruits.

"Xiao Hei, are you back?" Lu Ling didn't raise her head.

"Roar." The black bear looked at Lu Ling suspiciously. Although he left, his attention never left Lu Ling.

Feeling that Lu Ling was being haunted by elves, it thought that there was something wrong with its five senses, but even though it was prepared, it was still very surprised when it saw Lu Ling holding those violent and unconscious elves.

Is this little thing that obediently accepts the girl's touch, or the ice elf it knows...

At this time, the elf that had turned into a puddle of water on Lu Ling's leg was no longer the elf it recognized.

Don't look at them all being very timid now, in fact it's because this is the outer layer of Beiyuan... When these little creatures grow up, they won't be as cute as they are now.

Cold-blooded is synonymous with them.

They can also be regarded as a kind of spirit race, even a higher-level existence than the spirit race with the body of a beast, but they are extremely rare, and elves are naturally raised and will not get close to anyone, so even if they are both spirit race at root , there is actually no intersection.

Not to mention anything else, the softened elf in Lu Ling's arms is at the late stage of the soul-forming state.

The talent of this special spirit race can be seen from the fact that the newborn elves have such strength... The only immortal and immortal species of the spirit race, Xihuang, is exactly the same as this little thing in origin... except that she is not made of It's just made of pure broken aura.

Although strong, this kind of elves has been ignored by the four races for a very simple reason. They have no desires, and they don't have too many emotions.

No need to bother.

Not being close to all species is the most obvious characteristic of elves...

Black Bear scratched his head.

Is its common sense wrong?If you don't know how to get close to others, then what is lying comfortably on Lu Ling's lap now...

And it's not an illusion.

There are elves in the depths of the ice field. When the black bear first appeared here to dominate the secret realm, it encountered a setback. No matter how big or small these elves are, they are not easy to get along with. Of course, as long as they don't disturb their cultivation, they will be fine.

The black bear has never understood why this kind of spiritual creature needs to be cultivated... because no matter how high the cultivation level is, they will disintegrate directly after reaching the limit of the individual, and use their bodies to give back to the world.

Simply incredible.

Forget it, it has nothing to do with it, there is nothing wrong with the little guy liking Lu Ling, maybe it's because he got some breath from bathing in the ice spring?
"Roar!" Hei Xiong roared softly at Lu Ling.

Lu Ling raised her head in a daze.

Obviously, the hunger and trance made her a little exhausted from playing with "toys", but after seeing the black bear, she quickly returned to her senses, stood up excitedly, and threw the elf in her hand into the water with a snap.

"Xiao Hei! You're back!"


The black bear blinked, nodded helplessly, and then spread out the lotus leaf in his hand on the ground, which contained a bunch of fruits of different colors.


Signaled to Lu Ling that it was ready to eat.

"Thank you! Thank you! I'm a little hungry too." Lu Ling rubbed her hands together, picked up a piece of fruit, and stopped at her mouth just as she was about to eat it.

"That...wouldn't be poisonous..."

Black Bear shook his head.

"Then I'll start!" Lu Ling smiled at the black bear, and then began to gobble it up.

"..." Seeing Lu Ling's appearance, Hei Xiong sat on the spot and stared at her blankly.

And Lu Ling, who ate for a while, also felt this kind of sight, glanced at the sweet and sour fruit in her hand, raised her head a little embarrassedly, stretched out her hand to the black bear, and handed over an uneaten fruit.

" eat a little too..."

"Roar." Black Bear shook his head.

It eats meat, not fruit. It doesn't eat anything in this world except meat, and it doesn't find anything that can arouse its appetite.

"Oh..." After speaking, Lu Ling's eating speed slowed down significantly.

Hei Xiong continued to look at Lu Ling.

So, is this what it feels like to have a pet... Watching Lu Ling eat, it has a strange sense of satisfaction.

No wonder so many fairies insisted on feeding it when it was in Lingshan.

The black bear's ears moved.

The majestic beasts of the spirit clan are kept as pets by a group of little girls in Lingshan... Sure enough, leaving Lingshan is the most correct decision, even if Luo Xian is there, it is not a good place to go, or Luo Xian's attitude towards it in the later period is getting more and more serious Being worse is the main reason for letting it go.


Hei Xiong would never have imagined that it would be kept as a pet by Lingshan. The majestic Xuenv, the bearer of the ice blood, the owner of Xueluo Qianhan, the future owner of Lihuo Hongling, and the future master sister of Lingshan——Lu Ling, would be killed by her. It is kept as a pet.

He was also forced to take off his clothes.

This is probably the pinnacle of bear life. Of course, if Lu Ling hadn't stopped him, this bear would have been dismembered by Luo Qianhan...

Not everyone can keep pets.



"Gee chi."

Under the water, a group of elves were peeking at Lu Ling secretly, and their simple thinking circuit made them remember what Lu Ling liked to eat.

Instinct to please Lu Ling.

Also, the sense of strangeness brought by Lu Ling's presence is sweeping the entire Northern Plains with the passage of time.

In the deep ice, a monster opened its eyes.



Resurrection point.

Qionghua's disciples looked serious.



"So, it's unrealistic to leave from the east. The strength of that monster is unfathomable, and we can't kill it."

"Brother, where shall we go next? Because the south is the entrance, so is it the west? Or the north?"

"Low evaluation is low, and there is no way to do it. Let's set a direction first, after all, time is running out."

Everyone looked at each other.


Beiyuan is too big, it is the most difficult place to conquer, and the monsters guarding the gate do not know where it is.

So, a group of disciples readjusted their status and set off to the west.

The west……

Li Wangsheng just found a good place, and became drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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