Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 529 Beginning the Adventure

Chapter 529 Beginning the Adventure

reward for me?
It got it wrong, it raised the little girl as a pet, why did she want to reward herself instead.


What can this girl give it?

Seeing that Lu Ling didn't even have her clothes on, Hei Xiong scratched his head.

Lu Ling didn't think too much about it. She didn't know where the system was cramping and somehow gave it a favor task, so she didn't pay much attention to it, and handed it over as the task was completed.

Under the shocked gaze of the black bear, Lu Ling took out a large jar from behind out of thin air.

This jar is as wide as four Lulings, and as tall as one and a half.

Not to mention the weight.



Lu Ling, who was thrown on the ground by the pot, struggled, unable to move: "Help me! I'm dying..."

Black Bear: "..."

He reached out and took the honey jar off Lu Ling.

"Damn it, I didn't say it was so almost crushed me to death." Rubbing her skin, Lu Ling got up from the ground with her mouth curled up.

She has never had enough brains, and she didn't think about hiding it before taking it out... Anyway, it's not something important.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether you hide or not. The "system" never thought that Lu Ling could hide such a big thing. The simplest thing is to imitate space fluctuations for a while.

"Here, this is your reward."

While arranging her hair, Lu Ling pointed to the huge honey jar not far away.

The black bear looked contemptuous.


I don't care at all.

This ugly thing can be something good.

No matter how good its nose is when it encounters the seal of the red silk, it is also blinded. It doesn't know what's inside, and if it can't smell it, the black bear thinks there is nothing useful inside.

"Hey, this is just for you. If you don't like it, you can move it home." Lu Ling looked at it dissatisfied. She has suffered so much for a broken honey, and now people still don't like it.

Speaking of which, she remembered that bears like to eat honey...

Forget it, who knows about bears from another world?Maybe they don't even eat fish.

Give it away, like to eat or not.

Thinking, Lu Ling dried the water stains on her body, put on her clothes, tied her long hair into a low ponytail with a ribbon, and looked at the black bear.

The black bear's attention is still not on the honey, it is more curious now, where did Lu Ling take out such a big thing... It can be sure that Lu Ling does not have a magic weapon of space, but there are space fluctuations.

Can't understand.

Anyway, when it saw the little girl conjuring something out of thin air to hold it down, it was very surprised, and then... wanted to laugh.

As for what's in the jar...not of much interest.

Although the bear is a kind of animal with strong curiosity, it is not an ordinary blind bear, but a nobleman among bears, the crescent bear.

Nobility, do you understand the nobility?

It's a pity that this nobleman was kept as a pet in Lingshan.

At this time, Hei Xiong saw Lu Ling looking at it, and tilted his head in doubt.

Lu Ling patted her stomach.

"I'm going to sleep."


Black Bear: "..."

Alright, now the honorable Crescent Bear is going to be a cushion for the little girl.

Go to Lu Ling and lie down.

"Mm~~ It's really much more comfortable than before." Lu Ling touched Big Bear's belly, showing a satisfied look.

The one after taking a bath is different, not only does it have no peculiar smell, but it is also soft, cool and comfortable...

Open your eyes and look at the stars in the sky.

"It's clearly a secret realm... unexpectedly there are moons and stars..."

"Roar." The black bear growled.

The secret realm itself is a part of the world, but it is not bordered by the mainland, so there is nothing surprising about it.

The local residents naturally couldn't understand Lu Ling's doubts, but it didn't need to understand either. After hugging Lu Ling in its arms, it turned over.

Lu Ling surprisingly did not resist.

Tomorrow I will start my own adventure, so I will not be self-willed today.



There was nothing to say all night, Lu Ling was hugged by a black bear as a pillow all night, but she still slept soundly.

When she woke up in the morning, her hair was tangled with the bear's hair, and it took a lot of effort to get it out.

While Lu Ling was washing, Black Bear had already prepared her breakfast.

After washing, Lu Ling didn't speak, just ate the fruit silently.

After swallowing the last bite of the fruit, the girl stretched and stood up.

"Thank you Xiao Hei for your breakfast!"

Strong smile.

That's probably what it means.

Hei Xiong knows what Lu Ling is thinking, so if you don't want to be alone, don't force yourself...

It really doesn't understand what these little girls are pretending to be in their minds.

"Well, let's go." Lu Ling suddenly started to chase people away.

It is agreed that the rest of the road will be walked alone.

"..." Although the black bear wanted to say something, it couldn't understand Lu Ling, and although the little girl was weak, she was determined.

The monsters on the edge have almost been eliminated. Lu Ling will not be in danger if she does not go deep into Beiyuan, and there is a barrier on her body, which is actually very safe, so the black bear is not worried.


It just so happens that it still has tasks to complete, so it will go back to the Dongfang Cave and wait for the group of Qionghua disciples to come and pass the level.

Of course, it doesn't know that after suffering such a big loss and feeling such a big gap, how could it come to die, so it was destined to be an empty wait.

Seeing the black bear turn around, Lu Ling's eyes were full of reluctance.

She still likes this big guy very much. She doesn't know why the other party treats her so well, but she remembers how others treat her well...

I don't know if I will see you in the future.

"By the way, take that thing with you." Lu Ling pointed at the jar.

This is a reward, don't waste it.

Hei Xiong nodded, then hugged the small pot, turned and ran and disappeared from Lu Ling's sight.



After half an hour.

Lu Ling curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"It's really gone... don't you know if you can stay with me for a while..."

Sitting alone under a tree.

Although she decided to take the risk alone, she knows nothing and has learned a lot about swordsmanship, but although she can walk with this leg, it is undoubtedly a dream to move around in a small area.

It's an adventure, but it's actually a gift.


When alone, she is more "weak", which is normal.

stand up.

Isn't it just death?

It's just time to go home after death, she misses her junior sister, and... I don't know what happened to Sister Zhao and Sister Xifeng...

set off.

Holding the golden earrings in her hand, the effect of the meditation spell made Lu Ling think clearly.

Xiao Hei told her that there is an entrance not far from the suitable place for exploration.

Go check it out.

Lu Ling started her journey of giving away heads.



Of course, there are worse things.

Resurrection point.

Qionghua's disciples appeared in unison at the same time.



Silent for a while.

"Brother, is the difficulty of the secret realm this time... a bit too high, are you sure we didn't enter the wrong level?" The young man smiled wryly.

"Maybe this is the randomness of the Lingshan secret realm. Isn't it good? If you are in Tianguangxu, you won't have the chance to complain." A person next to him analyzed rationally.

But looking at his helpless expression, you can know the true thoughts in his heart.

The group has been wiped out three times in a short period of time. This is already the worst result in recent years... The key is that they are all outstanding members of the new generation, so they inevitably have mixed feelings in their hearts.

"At least we can still see the bear in the east, but in the northwest, we can't even get close, so how can we fight..." Sitting alone on the ground, his fighting spirit was greatly reduced.

Don't blame him, if the gap is there, it is impossible for anyone to have fighting spirit.

The sword energy that spanned half the sky could be released by the Void Transformation Realm?
They even wondered if they met a senior in the family who came to tease them on a whim...


This group of people set off in a mighty way, and then arrived at the place where the drunk Li Wangsheng was staying.

This guy was also taken aback, Han Xue told him to stealthily, don't be discovered, otherwise he hasn't forgotten what Lingshan is not easy to do.

But looking at the appearance of this group of Qionghua disciples, they decided to come here. Li Wangsheng really likes this place with beautiful mountains and rivers, and he is drunk... It just so happens that the way of life and death he comprehended in Tai Chi has no place to vent.

So he drew his sword.

Don't get me wrong, he really used the strength of the Void Transformation Realm, even at the initial stage... There is no way, the strength is poured into Lu Ling, so let's recover slowly.

But after all, the gap is too big. Even if the strength is suppressed at the early stage of the Void Transformation Realm, it is not something a group of fledgling boys can stop.

And then it disappeared without a doubt.

Now, this group of Qionghua disciples have been wiped out and began to doubt life.

However, there is one person who is not sad that he has died several times, and is even very happy.

It's not that she doesn't care about evaluation. Does anyone who has experienced in the secret realm not care about evaluation?


"Brother, we can't go to the east or the west. There are two days left, so we can't delay. We can only start from Beiyuan. After all, although the monster we met before is strong, it's not impossible for so many of us to fight it." The girl named Si'er said happily.

In this case, you can go to Beiyuan to see if you can meet Lu Ling again.

The group was destroyed, but forced this group of people onto this road.

Can Qionghua disciples deny it?

of course not……

In terms of absolute strength gap, fighting spirit is the most useless, this is not a battlefield to die, but experience, customs clearance is the ultimate goal.

There was no other way, everyone could only listen to the girl, and after regrouping, set off for Beiyuan.

"Fourth senior sister, you and senior brother came from Beiyuan, is it easy to explore inside?" someone asked.

Because it was in line with her own wishes, the girl naturally answered his question with great pleasure.

"Beiyuan? We only cleaned the outer three floors." The girl recalled: "Beiyuan is very cold, and I don't know how many floors there are, but the monsters inside are not strong, and more of them are elves. In the late stage of Soul Realm, the fighting method is not complicated, and it is easy to be violent...but in general it is relatively simple."

"How difficult is it?"

"Actually, it's not difficult to fight the roadblocks. The most important thing is that the environment there is too harsh and too cold. But don't worry about that at all. I have a magic weapon given by Master, which can make everyone a lot easier." The girl explained.

"In this case, maybe it's okay..."

"What the fourth senior sister said is only the third floor..."

"Temporarily it's the third floor, but it shouldn't be too difficult, after all here..." The girl shut up.

After all, this is the primary secret realm of the Void Transformation Realm?
Don't be kidding, I have encountered two super bosses who don't know where they came from. Who knows what it looks like in Beiyuan.

At this moment, the young master with Qionghua embroidered on his chest spoke.

"The boss of Beiyuan is not necessarily in the cave. The last time we met it was in the wild. Although the strength is terrifying, it is within the acceptable range."


"Everyone, come on."

Everyone had no other choice but to start heading towards Beiyuan.



Here, Lu Ling has already found the small door of the Beiyuan Cave that Hei Xiong said. It is a cave, but it is actually a huge iceberg mountain range with no end in sight. She is as small as an ant in front of the mountain range.

Not to mention, it really has a sense of adventure in it.

The cave entrance is very large, about ten meters high.

Lu Ling sneaked her head in, determined to run away immediately if she saw something scary.

"so beautiful."

stunned for a moment.

A blue world full of unknowns.

The air is permeated with cold air visible to the naked eye, like an ice cellar, with ice above it and ice pits on the ground.

Instead of being afraid, it would be better to say that this kind of icy and snowy place gave her a strange sense of peace of mind.

Carefully step in.

The ice element in the air rioted for a moment, and then was suppressed by something.

Lu Ling is also surprised that there are no ice elves in a place with such a strong ice attribute, but it is empty.

Walking on the glacier with bare feet, there was a crackling sound.

In the hazy mist, it looks like a maze. The ground is full of huge ice blocks. This place is like a kingdom of ice.

Lu Ling liked this place very much and started to move forward.

What she didn't know was that if a stranger entered the ice field, these elves would go berserk instantly...and attack the intruder.

Of course, at this time, these little guys were not trying to attack Lu Ling, but rather wanted to meet their idols, but they didn't show up.

Because there are too many of them, and they are not allowed to show up because of the order from above.

"Why is there nothing..." Lu Ling turned around the corner of the first floor, but found nothing, except that ice is ice... Even calling the ice elf was useless...

The girl turned around, her long hair left traces in the air, and then the air was instantly filled with azure blue breath.

Keep searching.

Still nothing.

"I've been doing it for a long time, but there's nothing but cold..."

If I knew this earlier, I would change the place.


She quite likes this icehouse-like place.

"Huh? In front?"

Lu Ling seemed to see a light, and walked forward quickly.

In front of his eyes, an ice staircase suddenly appeared, leading to the underground, and he did not know how many floors there were.

The stairs are very standard, even luxurious, crystal clear and neat like crystals, as if they were cut out by a sharp knife.

Seeing the deep light below, Lu Ling's heart beat faster for a moment.

She likes the feeling of the unknown.

"Would you like to go down and have a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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