530 Mist
The basement level is still very vast, after all, it is connected to the mountains, and Lu Ling has not even explored a corner of it, but just like that, in front of her eyes, an ice staircase suddenly appeared, leading to the underground, I don't know how long it is. layer.

Seeing the deep light below, Lu Ling's heart beat faster for a moment.

She likes the feeling of the unknown.

Especially when there is no danger.

"Would you like to go down and have a look..."

this is a problem.

She thought about it a little bit.

Glancing back.

But... she didn't have any preparations, and she didn't have anything to eat...

stunned for a moment.

She didn't seem to be able to prepare it either. The fruit Xiao Hei had given her had already been eaten, and there was nothing but frozen soil outside, so she couldn't even chew the soil.

So there is only one way now.

Go on.

Maybe there's something to eat down there...


In fact, she also knew that she didn't have to eat, especially in this icy and snowy place, Lu Ling felt comfortable just staying inside.

It turns out that the adventure is such an exciting thing, Lu Ling seems to have forgotten the embarrassing things about herself in the East.

Step up the stairs carefully, because it is completely made of ice, so even she has to be very careful, such a deep staircase, if you accidentally fall down, it will be very miserable.

But after stepping on it, Lu Ling knew that she was thinking too much. She could use the handrail to go downstairs very well even if her legs and feet were inconvenient. There would be no problems at all. The angle of the stairs and the position of the handrail were not very good. High, Lu Ling is holding it comfortably.

It's as if... as if it was made just for her.



How could it be that someone specially built it for her? Impossible, impossible, it was all her wild imagination.

Lu Ling went deep into the blue world underground by herself, but what she didn't realize was that a group of light blue clouds followed closely behind her, and this corner of the first floor was empty with Lu Ling's departure. There is no more aura to be seen.

After half an hour.

Lu Ling jumped down the last step panting, looking at the blue world in front of her without any surprise.

Sure enough, as she thought, there is no difference between the bottom and the top. If you have to say it, the bottom is more comfortable than the top, probably it should be colder down here.




In the cave, a huge black bear stays in it.

The giant bear was bored waiting for Qionghua's disciples to attack it, and wanted to find Lu Ling's location when he had nothing to do, but... there was no trace at all, and the last place where Lu Ling disappeared was in front of the ice field cave.

Sure enough, the girl went in anyway, and the cave was a place she couldn't detect.

Forget it, there's nothing the girl can do if she insists on going in, and she left a trail of breath on Lu Ling's body, she will be vigilant in case of danger, so she doesn't worry.

Just boring.

Speaking of which, where are those Qionghua disciples?Why are you still here?It fell out of favor?

After finding the group of Qionghua disciples, the giant bear was taken aback.

It also really fell out of favor.

what the hell.

How did these little guys get to Beiyuan?And I don't know what to look for on the frozen ground, it seems that their preparations are not to enter the cave to die...


The giant bear didn't understand.

Are these little guys crazy?

It should come to its side... This group of heaven's favored children will not give up after being wiped out once, how can it be possible? According to its understanding of Qionghua's disciples, the other party is very good, and most of them have stronger psychological quality than Lingshan's a lot of.

Probably not, but it seems that these little guys have indeed given up on it.

However, even if you give up it, you shouldn't go to Beiyuan, isn't there still an old guy from the West...

The giant bear closed his eyes.

The whole bear trembled.

In the northwest, there is a wave of demonic energy, and those who don't know may think that some demon has been born... It seems that the old guy who is more timid than him is also hiding...


The giant bear fell silent.

It is human nature, it is a reasonable choice for these little guys to choose the north, but it is definitely not the right choice...

Although the woman in the north also has a certificate of customs clearance, she has never participated in anything in the secret realm... I just don't want the people from Lingshan to disturb the cultivation of this ice elf after receiving the token... Look at the three floors outside The third floor of the Frost Mountain Range is known, the tenth floor of the cave, and the sixth floor are the elves of the Void Transformation Realm. These Qionghua disciples took their heads to see that woman.

The giant bear and the old thing will release these disciples and suppress their cultivation...but that woman won't.

Strictly speaking, she does not belong to the secret realm at all...

The elves don't care about anything other than training, and those who disturb their training are enemies, so they don't know what keeping hands is.

Don't talk about others, it's Old Hei who has suffered a lot in Beiyuan, it's a lost bear, it was punched out by that woman at the beginning... It can't move after lying down for several days...

This kind of biological strength with only cultivation in its mind is indeed terrifying.

And disciple Qionghua wanted to get the certificate from Beiyuan, it was undoubtedly a dream.

It will definitely be wiped out.

The giant bear felt sad for Qionghua's disciple in his heart, he had already forgotten that he had wiped out the opponent three times...

Forget it, forget it.

It seems that these little guys are searching for something in the frozen ground, they don't have to enter the cave, and they are not afraid to go in, they will naturally come back after the group is wiped out.

It's just waiting here, waiting for them to come back.

Just a little boring.

The giant bear paws are scratching the ground. I didn't feel anything about this kind of boring life before... When I was with Lu Ling, it was in a daze most of the time...

If the little girl is by its side now, it probably won't be boring.

Therefore, keeping pets can really relieve loneliness.

Now that Lu Ling disappeared all of a sudden, it felt uncomfortable. It had met many little girls before, but none of them were as... sensible as Lu Ling?
Not sensible either.

Probably cute.

Suddenly remembered something, the giant bear found a sealed jar in the corner, which was given to it by the little girl, who said it was a good thing, and hadn't had time to look at it after returning.

Open it up and see.



In Beiyuan, they searched the frozen soil separately but couldn't find any trace of the boss. Qionghua's disciples had no choice, the mountains were covered with solid ice and there was nothing left, that is to say, they could only go into the cave.

The place they mentioned happened to be the place where Lu Ling entered.

"Be alert, be prepared to defend against the enemy at any time, the elves can attack from the cold at any time."

At the entrance of the cave, a group of disciples cautiously entered the first floor, forming a circular shape, ready to form formations for support and defense at any time.



5 minute later.

"Brother... it seems... there is nothing here..."

"Yeah, it's empty, there's not even aura in the air, let alone elves, there's only ice cubes on the ground..."

"Fourth Senior Sister, do you know what's going on?" Someone asked.

Putting down their vigilance, everyone glanced around suspiciously.

The girl shook her head: "I don't know what's going on... Obviously the aura inside was very strong before, otherwise let's go down and have a look, I remember that you can go down in front..."

Saying that, the girl was taken aback.

Since when there were stairs here, there was obviously only one big hole, and they jumped down one by one at first.

Ask back.

"Brother, is this?"

"Go down and have a look."

With an order, everyone slowly descended the stairs.


"Nothing at all."

The second layer is also the same as the upper one, only a ground of ice, and there is not even a cloud in the air.

However, the temperature dropped abruptly.

Everyone nodded, ready to continue exploring.

Just kidding, not having to fight is naturally the best thing, just a little cold, it can't trouble these outstanding disciples.

The third floor, still nothing.

Everyone is used to it, and the support formations have been put away a long time ago, and they are lazy. Of course, the last vigilance is still maintained.

After a while, they found the entrance to the next floor and prepared to go down.

"Wait!" Suddenly, the leading boy became vigilant, looked at the ice scum on the stairs, and took a deep breath.

"Below, there is a strong cold air, be prepared, and we have never been there before, everyone pay attention..."


Finally meet the monster.

A group of disciples gearing up.

Walk down the stairs carefully.

Different from the third floor, the aura on the fourth floor is very strong and frightening, and at the same time, the temperature has dropped to a terrifying point.

"Four... Fourth Senior Sister."

"Understood." The girl nodded, and sacrificed her round magic weapon, which created a barrier to envelop the disciples.

The temperature rose slowly, and after a sigh of relief, everyone looked around.

It's completely different from before. It's no longer a question of how much aura there is. Right now, they seem to be shrouded in thick fog. The visibility is less than two meters. The coldness in the air is so thick that it is difficult to even walk, let alone inspect What's up with this layer.

Seeing nothing, as if exploring a maze in a mist.

"Let's go together... Be careful, the elves are most likely hidden in the mist of cold air." With an order, Qionghua's disciple walked forward slowly.

The worst plan did not happen. They were not besieged by the sudden elves, and they explored the fourth floor without incident. This surprised the girls. You must know that the cold air on the first floor was much thinner than this There are countless elves in it.

After seeing the fourth floor, they all made plans to destroy the group again.

Who knows, there is nothing at all, if it is just colder, it is nothing.

"Carefully, look for the way to the next floor."

Not bloat either.

Since there is nothing on the fourth floor, Qionghua disciples who only want to clear the customs will naturally want to move forward out of inertial thinking, but they don't know that they are being stared at by the cold air in the void.

If Lu Ling hadn't spoken, they would have torn this group of people apart in minutes...

Unfortunately, we can only do nothing now.



not long ago.

Lu Ling came to the fourth floor.

As she expected, there was nothing here but fog.

The enthusiasm for adventure has almost been exhausted... And she is just a weak underage girl, exploring all the places on the fourth floor in one go, and jumping down the stairs...

very tired.

The double pressure on mind and body made her a little tired, and after yawning, she was even more tired.

Ordinary people would not have the idea of ​​resting in this kind of icy and snowy place, but Lu Ling is not an ordinary person, it is better to say that this kind of home is easier for her to relax...

The eyelids are getting heavier.

Go to bed when you're sleepy, Lu Ling doesn't think so much.

So, she found a relatively flat corner on the fourth floor, lay down on the ice, curled up, and closed her eyes.

Start sleeping.

As soon as he lay down, his breathing gradually stabilized.

Then, after she fell asleep, some elves appeared beside her, holding a lot of fruits together and placing them beside Lu Ling.

They still remember that Lu Ling likes to eat these things...

Surrounded by the fruit fragrance, Lu Ling slept even more soundly.

At the same time, all the auras are gathered on the fourth floor, some have been following, some have been sent by the superiors, and some have sensed Lu Ling's aura and come here by themselves. In short, now Lu Ling has become something like an exhibit Surrounded by many elves.

They also have one goal...to protect her.

In such an atmosphere, a group of uninvited guests suddenly broke into the fourth floor. Although they had discovered that the other party had entered the third floor, they were unwilling to leave Lu Ling and ignored the group of people.

Anyway, it can be killed at any time, there is no rush.

Dispensable people and Lu Ling, those who are not stupid will naturally choose Lu Ling.

But entering the fourth floor is different...

Out of the idea that no one should disturb Lu Ling, the cold air broke out in an instant.

At that moment, Lu Ling sat up and spoke, waving her hand in the air.

"Huh...?" He said in a daze.

"Don't make trouble, be quiet..."

The strangeness in the air disturbed her, and she said something, whether it was a dream or something else, Lu Ling lay down and continued to sleep.



For a while, these elves didn't know what to do.

Now that she has opened her eyes, she is naturally not sleeping...

They made Lu Ling take a rest?
In an instant, all the coldness quieted down, and he didn't dare to take a breath, let alone kill someone.

Or her order is more important.


Turning over, Lu Ling pursed her lips, she seemed to smell a lot of fruits, she was really dreaming...

There is delicious food in the dream, so don't wake up, there is nothing but ice here, what's the point.

It's not bad to just sleep in a dream for two days, and it's quite safe here.


So, the girl lying in the pile of fruits continued to look for food in her dream.


Because of Lu Ling's words, the group of elves watched Qionghua's disciples explore unscrupulously on the fourth floor.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that Lu Ling looks like a person of flesh and blood, very similar to these strangers.

Disciple Qionghua didn't know that he escaped a catastrophe because of a word, so he continued to explore.

Soon after, they also discovered something was wrong...

Walking on the fourth floor has a sense of stagnation, and this feeling is most obvious when they are facing a certain direction.

what's there?
(End of this chapter)

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