Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 534 Integration

Chapter 534 Integration
Lu Ling thinks that she is not a person who must take revenge.

Most of the time, even if she is bullied, she will not complain at all... Inability to resist is a factor, and unwillingness to be hurt again is also a very important point.

Revenge is often serious self-injury, the more painful the thing, the more painful it is when the bloody scar is uncovered.

She's been done a lot of egregious things that she doesn't remember anymore.

She said she didn't remember, she just didn't remember.

Never thought of revenge.

But sometimes she doesn't take revenge on painful things because she can't bear the fact that she has been hurt. On the contrary, some things that are not so heavy can easily arouse her desire for revenge.

For example, this time, she was only stabbed, and she couldn't bear it, so revenge can be much easier.

kill her...

kill her.

kill her!

kill them...

Before she knew it, her eyes turned blue.

Anyone who dared to hurt her, no matter what purpose they had, would absolutely definitely pay her back...

All grievances are revenge.

With such thoughts in my heart, I even started to anger them later.

At this moment, the eyes of the girl in the quilt were full of confusion... her body was as tense as a fully loaded bowstring.

Lu Ling knew that it was wrong to do so.

But just couldn't help it.

So it was so easy to trust that woman who was so vicious to her... She had no choice but to trust her to alleviate the killing intent in her heart.

Why did she become like this...

Clenching his fists tightly, his nails dug into the flesh.

The severe pain made Lu Ling sober up.

hold back, hold back...

She can't do those excessive things, absolutely not.

The current emotions are all bad things done to her by another self. If you firmly believe this, she will never have such a terrible idea.

Not to do bad things, this is the request of the junior sister, and it is also her bottom line.


Back gradually soaked.

Breathing calmed down.

Sure enough, her junior sister was the only one who could free her from extreme emotions at this time. Lu Ling told herself that if she did something bad, her junior sister would be very disappointed, which was absolutely unacceptable to her.

Compared with junior sisters, the weight of revenge is not enough at all.

At the risk of losing the favor of her junior sister because of the pleasure of revenge, she can't do it, and the price is not equal.

She had an agreement with her junior sister.

Lying quietly on the bed, Lu Ling's eyes returned to normal and turned into pitch black again.

"After letting go, who will hold you."

The junior sister's joking words still echoed in his ears.

Liu Fufeng thinks it's a joke, but Lu Ling thinks it's not... She won't let go first.

Breaking a promise counts as letting go.

Lu Ling would not do this.

She felt that as long as she was obedient, Junior Sister would not leave her first.

But when he thought of what Liu Fufeng would often say.

"No one is forever inseparable from anyone."

I panicked.

The girl under the quilt sat up.

The way she diverts her attention is really clever. In a short time, the dirty emotion of revenge was completely overwhelmed by the panic that Liu Fufeng might leave.

Compared with the panic that followed, the chaos ahead was nothing at all.

Bad emotions were completely thrown out of my mind.

She has to be good.

The other is in the trap she gave her, so she won't be fooled.

Think so.

Lu Ling, who woke up from the chaotic mood, looked at the fruit snacks on the table and swallowed.

She believed what the Fourth Senior Sister said... Although she was at fault, she was the victim after all, so eating some of their food is not too much...

Not too much.

Get out of bed.




Seeing Lu Ling start eating, all the female cultivators finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Little junior sister is fine.

Especially Si'er, whose heavy heart finally let go.

Little Junior Sister didn't blame her, luckily in misfortune.

Then, the next focus will be on conquering the secret realm.




Exploration goes nowhere.

Half a day passed, and it was dark.

There is really no progress... This fourth floor is different from before, there is no way to the lower floor at all, and the light snow has turned into heavy snow, and the cold poison makes it difficult for these disciples to move...

Without a boss, naturally you can't get a clearance token.

And Si'er, who was determined to focus on conquering the secret realm, never even stepped out of the camp, and now all her hearts were on Lu Ling.

Not only her, Qionghua's nuns would go into the tent to accompany Lu Ling from time to time.

No way, this little girl is so cute, and the secret place outside...

A bunch of big men can't help it, it doesn't matter if they are there or not, isn't it?

As for Lu Ling...

After getting along for half a day, she has successfully integrated into the group of women in Qionghua Holy Land, and has become everyone's favorite group favorite.

Eat, drink, play, make noise.



At this time, it was getting late, and there were more than a dozen female cultivators gathered in the tent. Lu Ling was on the bed, and there were a few women sitting beside her, and other people were scattered in every corner of the tent, doing everything.

Anyway, ever since a junior junior sister appeared in the camp and mingled with everyone, there was no female cultivator outside.

The room is warm and cute, who wants to go out...

"Aling, eat this. This is the spiritual fruit I found in the secret place below. It smells very fragrant." A person sat beside Lu Ling.

"Senior Sister Xu, I can't eat anymore..." Lu Ling patted her stomach.

"Xiaoling, how about I help you digest..." Another female cultivator approached.

"No need, no need." Lu Ling waved her hands again and again, then sighed.

Sometimes it's not so good to be too popular.

In one afternoon, Lu Ling got to know these women almost. To be honest, what she should do now is to go out and have a look and continue her own experience, instead of enjoying it among this bunch of young ladies who came out of nowhere. .


They are really nice to her, and the food is delicious... It's abominable to tempt her.

All the female cultivators looked at each other, then nodded.

They could see that Lu Ling wanted to go out, but it was absolutely impossible, it was too cold outside, and she absolutely couldn't let the junior sister out.

"Junior Sister, let me tell you a story..."

"En." Lu Ling cheered up to deal with these women.

At this time, a corner of the tent was raised, and in an instant, dozens of weapons all cut across.

"I told you not to come in, don't you understand?" the girl surnamed Zhang said angrily.

The junior sister made it clear in the afternoon that she was afraid of men, and they had already decided to protect Lu Ling.


The hand that lifted the tent quickly withdrew, and after a while, a trembling man's voice came from outside.

"Fourth Senior Sister...Senior Brother is looking for you."

"Got it." Si'er got up and walked out.

The moment the tent was raised, Lu Ling stretched her neck to look outside, but the female cultivator immediately blocked her view.

"Little Junior Sister, you don't have to worry so much, just wait for the clearance."

Lu Ling: "..."

Things have changed so fast, she still doesn't understand how she was put under "house arrest", and whether they are too kind to her...

Looking at the three layers of women surrounding her, Lu Ling sighed.

It was unimaginable that he wanted to kill them before.

It's like dreaming.



As soon as she got out of the tent, the girl shuddered and then froze for a moment.

The sky and the earth were all white, and the heavy snowflakes made her suspect that she was not in the ground, but in the snow field...

In just an hour, the world has changed.

Also, it's too cold.

Around, those male cultivators were meditating on the spot one by one, practicing to the death...

"Brother, you are looking for me." Si'er said.

The young master opened his eyes and nodded: "Now something has happened on the fourth floor, and the temperature keeps dropping. As you can see, everyone has started to use their true energy to keep out the cold, and...the exploration has yielded nothing, and there are too many obstacles. If this continues, one day After that, the temperature here will not be acceptable to us."

"Brother, what do you mean?" Si'er didn't understand.

"I want to hear your opinion, whether to leave or continue to explore." The young master said.

"Of course it will continue." Si'er didn't hesitate: "Now there is no possibility of customs clearance in the east and the west, only the north. Do we have other options?"

That's the whole point of the question.

Everyone was unwilling to leave. Although the fourth floor was huge and there were some changes, they had no other choice but to hang on.

At this time, Qionghua sent some disciples to patrol the ground, hoping to find the black bear, but they still found nothing, and the rest could only continue to explore.

There is one day left.

Time is running out... If you still can't find the customs clearance boss, they will be forcibly thrown out when the secret realm is closed. At that time, the evaluation will be the lowest ever, and no one will accept it.

"That's the only way." The young master sighed, saying so, but it is really difficult to explore these four floors.

"How is little junior sister?" he asked.

"Junior Junior Sister? The condition is good." Si'er didn't say much.

"That's good, take care of her."

"Of course." Si'er got up, looked at the male monks who were warming up against the cold, pouted, and sat down again.

"Brother, why do they have to separate? Isn't it good to work together?"

Just like the current tent.

The fact that the tent is not cold is not because it is powerful, but the result of the joint efforts of all the female cultivators. It will be very tiring to bear it alone like these men.

"It's not so easy to merge the sea of ​​consciousness." The young master smiled wryly and shook his head.

Working together is fine, but sharing a part of one's own sea of ​​consciousness is the most fundamental thing of a human being.

Men and women are different, they will not open their hearts to people who are also men, even brothers from the same school.

"Trouble." Si'er shook her head, so she hates men the most... or the little girl is cute.

Only one day left.

"Brother, after an hour, the junior sisters will explore together."

These women are not really lazy, but are waiting for information and don't want to do useless work.

"I'm sorry to bother you." The young master rubbed his temples, glanced at Lu Ling's direction, and didn't take it too seriously.

No one would have thought that this heavy snow had something to do with a little girl.

Si'er went back to the tent and told everyone about it.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Difficulties are seen by everyone, but there is no way out, so I can't help but feel a little discouraged.

But here, everyone didn't shy away from Lu Ling, so she heard a lot.

Proof of customs clearance, looking for "boss" or something.

"Senior Sister, is the monster you are talking about the same as before..." Lu Ling gestured at the size: "It wants to eat my big guy."

"En." Si'er nodded: "It should be the monster guarding the level in Beiyuan, and we can only get the clearance certificate after defeating it, but it seems that it is not so simple now, just finding it is not so easy."

Lu Ling: "..."

The girl bowed her head silently.

What should she say?
Xiao Hei is the boss who guards the gate... She is not so surprised at this point, after all, she also knows a little about the mechanism of the secret realm.

The point is, Xiao Hei isn't here at left long ago.

Lu Ling didn't understand why these people thought that a black bear would live in the ice underground, and it wasn't a polar bear.

What should I say to let this group of people know that their direction is completely wrong?




I don't know what to say, I can't open my mouth at all.

First of all, she couldn't explain why she and the "enemy" got together...

Lu Ling's silence made everyone think that she was afraid, so they quickly comforted her.

"You don't have to worry, little junior sister, we will successfully pass the level and escape."

"That's it."

"do not worry."

That's what I said, but everyone didn't have much confidence. There was only one day left, and the environment here was still so harsh that there was no possibility of clearing the customs.

Lu Ling silently got into the quilt.



In the middle of the night, except for Lu Ling, the others have no time to rest at all, and they will not go to rest. They have to use all their time to explore the invisible fourth floor, looking for the one who is actually on the ninth floor, or even the fourth floor. The boss on the tenth floor...

That is the existence that can hang a black bear with one hand, maybe it is best not to find it.

Time goes on.

The nuns go out and come back an hour later to change shifts.

They couldn't go out together, because some people had to be left behind to maintain the barrier, lest the low temperature outside affect Lu Ling...

They went out beautifully, but came back in a mess, with snowflakes hanging on their bodies, their little faces were pale, and they were in a state of embarrassment.

Obviously, there was nothing unusual except for the ice outside.

Even with ice crystals hanging on their eyebrows, they still formed a barrier for Lu Ling.

Lu Ling saw all this.

But...she really has no choice, even if Xiao Hei is the boss they are looking for, so what?
She couldn't get in touch with Xiao Hei at all, besides, what if she could be contacted?
These people are going to kill Xiao Hei...

Under the contradiction, Lu Ling could only hide in the room and do nothing.

So, she might as well explore alone, at least she doesn't have to get involved in this kind of thing inexplicably, and she doesn't have to be so entangled.

She only needs to stay one more day to complete the task. One thing more is worse than one thing less, so she thinks.

Think so...



how is this possible.

She didn't want to look at them like this. Even if they had only known each other for a day, Lu Ling still hoped to help them. She liked these gentle big sisters very much.

She prefers that sentence to the hateful words that all grievances are revenge.

The grace of dripping water is reciprocated by the fountain.

The younger sister taught.

What about disciples who are not Lingshan?Just be nice to her.

Anyway, this is a good place for adventure that Xiao Hei said, maybe there are other bosses, right...

If you can't find Xiao Hei, you can definitely find someone else.

At this time, Si'er came back from the outside, her ponytail was covered with fine frost, and her complexion was very weak. She has the highest cultivation level among women, and she has explored the farthest in nature. Relatively, her true energy and spiritual power are consumed the fastest .

If things go on like this... Even if they really find the monster, can they really defeat each other...


Looking up, she found that Lu Ling had got off the bed, stepping on the cold ice with her bare feet.

"Junior Junior Sister? Go back quickly, the ground is cold..." Si'er was startled.

"Senior sister, I want to go out."


(End of this chapter)

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