Chapter 535
"Junior Sister? Go back quickly, the ground is cold, you will catch cold." Si'er was startled, and raised her hand to hug Lu Ling back to the bed, but she broke free.

"Senior sister, I want to go out." Lu Ling looked at her seriously.

"What?" Si'er was taken aback.

go out?where to go

"Don't make trouble." Si'er ignored Lu Ling and picked her up from the ground.

"I'm serious!!" Lu Ling was locked in the arms of the girl, and her white feet kicked hard in the air... But it was completely useless. She underestimated the girl's protection for her. No matter how hard she struggled, the final result Still returned to the bed.

After all, she once hurt Lu Ling, so Si'er cared a lot about Lu Ling, and she had a personality that liked girls very much.

"It's cold outside, stay in the house obediently." Si'er pressed Lu Ling on the bed and covered her with a quilt.


"No, but, be obedient, don't cause trouble for us." Si'er straightened his face, and then gave a wink to the girls around who were maintaining the barrier, and everyone immediately agreed.

"We know it's boring here, but it's already very busy. If you're bored, little junior sister, I'll tell you a story."

"Yes, yes..."

"Little Junior Sister, be good."

Lu Ling: "..."

I just want to help because I know you are busy...

But the other party said so, she had no choice, after all, although she was really not afraid of the cold, who knew if she could help, Lu Ling didn't even know, what if there was no second boss here?
It is very likely that she will cause trouble for them as the girls said. After all, she has been a little trouble since she was born. The girls' words just hit Lu Ling's softest point.

Lying obediently in the quilt, motionless.

"Hey, we'll find a way to go out." Si'er stroked Lu Ling's bangs, and casually arranged the clothes of this little junior sister who had just met.

Inside the house, Lu Ling was lying on the bed, thinking about what to do, while looking at the woman sitting beside her.

She stabbed herself to save herself, very gentle...

After getting along with her for a short time, Lu Ling didn't hold any resentment towards her anymore.

Anyone who is taken care of like this will not feel bad about her.


Staring at the girl's side face, Lu Ling blinked.

Si'er is not beautiful, although her eyes are very aura, but she is not a very beautiful type, at least she is far worse than her junior sister, here she is not raising Liu Fufeng, but she is really incomparable.

Just like an ordinary girl, her appearance is a bit reluctant to say that she is delicate, but Lu Ling looks a little dull.

This should be the so-called temperament...

The more you look at it, the more attractive it becomes. Lu Ling feels that there is something in Si'er that she doesn't have, and she is very envious of. This kind of thing is also something that her junior sister doesn't have.


She is very confident.

This kind of revealing thing is the most able to attract Lu Ling's attention.

The main reason why she had to go out to help was because of Si'er's embarrassed and tired appearance after returning from the outside, as well as the lack of confidence and doubt in her eyes.

"If this continues, can we really pass the level..." At that time, Si'er had some bad emotions.

This hit Lu Ling hard.

She likes beautiful things, likes what she dreams of, and doesn't want it to be tarnished.

That's why I have to help.

Of course, it is enough to be rejected decisively.

As for Si'er, she could understand Lu Ling's desire to help, but she had no choice but to use Lu Ling's understanding to dispel her thoughts.

Because of Lu Ling's sensibleness, this made her like her even more.

Didn't her father want to find her a junior junior sister to accompany her... Si'er thinks that cultivation is not important, the important thing is that she likes it.

After returning to the mountain, she will find a way to transfer Lu Ling to her side. Si'er has checked Lu Ling's root inspiration. The inspiration is medium, and the root bone is inferior. It is not a good seedling, it should be just a matter of one sentence .

Lu Ling's age and mind are slightly mismatched, but her appearance and mind match very well, and she likes it very much.

In Qionghua, her words are still useful.

Among the Holy Lands, Lingshan, Dongshenhai, Zhufengliu, and Great Sad Valley all have no so-called sect masters, sect masters, or holy masters. They have the most say in groups such as the Lingshan people.

There are a few differences, Yihua Palace has a palace master because its sect is different from the core of the general sect, and the rest who have masters are the Shushan Sword Sect and Qionghua Holy Land that have been passed down for thousands of years from ancient times.

In these two places, the power of the head is unique, and at the same time the most powerful, they alone can decide everything.

Si'er is naturally not the head of the sect, but she has a relationship with the head, a very close relationship.

On the surface, Si'er is just one of the fourth junior sisters in Qionghua Holy Land, but her real identity is not that simple, and her own talent is also top-notch in Qionghua.

In the camp, Mr. Qionghua, who has the highest cultivation base, decides everything. Most of the disciples only know that Si'er is the son's fourth junior sister. They don't know her identity, or even her name. Everyone likes to use four Senior sister to call.

In fact, this is not the case. Only a very few people know her true identity, such as the leader of the Qionghua son. It is enough to see that her identity is not simple if she continues to explore such trivial matters as asking Si'er's opinion.

Girls don't like to live under the eyes of everyone, but the identity of "four children" is overwhelmed by a son, not noble but not humble, which is exactly the environment she likes.



Si'er looked at Lu Ling's obedient appearance and smiled.

Father will like her.

Of course, it doesn't matter whether my father likes it or not, as long as she likes it.

The room was very quiet, Lu Ling was embarrassed by the young girl's look, she huddled half of her head under the quilt.

"Pfft." The girl chuckled, and suddenly felt that all the previous fatigue disappeared.

Sure enough, a cute girl can relieve her fatigue very well.

"Yes, what's so funny..." Lu Ling said softly, expressing her dissatisfaction.

Even though he encountered a very difficult situation, he still laughed out loud and refused her help.

Now he looks at himself inexplicably and smiles.

cut happy.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, I just feel a lot more relaxed." Si'er waved her hand, not hiding the smile on her face at all. After being cured by Lu Ling, she felt that the matter was not that serious.

In fact, if there is really no way to clear the level, she can make an exception and use some "props".

After all, the level of this secret realm has been seriously distorted.

This unattractive girl's family background is terrifying, and her collection alone is probably comparable to several Shu Mountains.

No exaggeration.

The heritage of Qionghua is incomparable to all other holy places. It has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and its influence is extremely huge.

Of course, wealth is not the only background. The fact that Shushan can use Lihuo Hongling alone makes the status of Shushan Sword Sect as stable as Mount Tai. No matter how rich, powerful, or heaven-defying geniuses other holy places are, they are all in front of Xianjian. So small.

But... because the fairy sword is not so easy to use, so Qionghua Holy Land is indeed the number one in the Holy Land, a real rich family.

And the girl with ponytail who was peeling fruit for Lu Ling in front of her was the most recognized junior in the wealthy family, with a distinguished status.

"Here." Si'er handed the fruit to Lu Ling.

"Thank you, Senior Sister..." Lu Ling sat up, took a bite, and looked at the girl.

It's been a long time, and she has a lot to ask.

"Senior sister, why are you so nice to me?"

"Me?" Si'er was taken aback for a moment, then picked up the fruit and took a bite, wiping the corner of his mouth.

"Recently, I need a junior sister by my side, but I have read all the disciples of several lines, and I don't particularly like one."

"???" Lu Ling didn't understand, and looked at her suspiciously.

"Don't understand? It's normal." Si'er chuckled: "I really like you, junior sister, you are the most energetic girl I have ever seen. Relatively, talent is not so important."

"???" Lu Ling still had a question mark on her head, but she shook her head seriously when she heard a key word.

"Senior sister, if you like something, you should be more cautious..."

"Oh? I can't see that you are quite conservative." Obviously, she relaxed a lot at this time: "Little sister, I have always wanted to ask, how did you enter this secret realm? Your cultivation level is still far behind."

"I..." Lu Ling hesitated for a moment, not going to lie, she lowered her head and rubbed her fingers, and whispered, "I did something wrong..."

"Did something wrong? It's just like this?" Si'er narrowed his eyes a little: "This is a secret place for experience, not a precept, let alone a prison."

It seems that the little girl's master is a daring person...

Is it an elder?

I don't know, but the level of people who can open the secret realm is not low.

Of course, it was not enough to look in front of her.

"What do you think of the person who sent you in? Don't you think he's gone too far?" Si'er asked Lu Ling. Anyway, she thought it was too much, even if emergency protection measures were given.

"Woo..." Swallowing the food in her mouth, Lu Ling tilted her head: "What do you think...excessive? No..."

She accidentally soiled Senior Sister Yun's book, it's okay for the latter to scare her, and it was she who committed the crime that Senior Sister Yun gave her the mark, so Yun Shu can't be blamed.

Why do you think it's too much?
of course not.

"Really?" Si'er looked at her in disbelief.

"Really." Lu Ling nodded, not only did not resent, but liked it very much.

"That's great, senior sister will peel you another piece of fruit as a reward." Si'er looked into Lu Ling's eyes and smiled.

"Thank you, sister."

The night is still long, so Si'er can take a break and wait for the next shift change.

She looked at Lu Ling.

This girl is rare, Si'er can be sure that Lu Ling is not lying.

The appearance of this kind of emotion on a girl does not mean that she is weak, but that she is well-behaved and sensible... But the more sensible an ordinary girl is, the more serious the imbalance in her heart will be when she encounters unfair treatment. understand this feeling.

But the little girl in front of him was different.

She has a very pure heart.

Talent is not important, what matters is heart, Si'er thinks so.

She only knew a person with average talent but very strong, a woman.

Si'er looked at it a few times from a distance, and the short-haired woman with a long black sword on her back easily conquered her.

To be honest, she adores that woman a little... This kind of thing can only be said when she is a "fourth son", so she likes this status.

Maybe, if there is a chance, she can tell Shen Gui that she likes her?

Unfortunately, the other party is from Lingshan.

Speaking of it, it seems that Lingshan's new generation of senior sisters has not yet decided on a candidate. In Si'er's view, there is no need to choose at all. Obviously Shen Gui is the most suitable candidate. The others are completely incomparable to Shen Gui. If she is a person from Lingshan, she will definitely I will give Shen Gui a vote.

As for the other competitors... Si'er doesn't like it. Compared to Shen Gui, they are just dirt on the ground. If she is a high-level person in Lingshan, she will definitely support Shen Gui and bury the others in the dirt.

I thought so.

She likes Shen Gui so much, she has never hidden it, everyone around her knows that she is Shen Gui's loyal fan girl.

The most senior kind.

Therefore, Si'er didn't hate the ice and snow outside that much, because Shen Gui was also of the ice attribute.

Speaking of which, there are actually important reasons for her unusually high initial liking for Lu Ling.

Qionghua can't find a girl she likes, but it's because she's too demanding, she needs ice attribute plus sword talent, and she likes's really hard to find.

And Lu Ling... fits perfectly.

Ice soul body, the body has elementary sword energy, which means that she has already been exposed to the way of swordsmanship, and has a good talent.

She's also very cute and sensible, and she can't be too perfect.

Yes, it is well-behaved, not overbearing.

She likes Shen Gui, but it doesn't mean that the junior sister she's looking for is a substitute for Shen Gui, and of course it's not too much to add some talent to satisfy her.

Si'er wouldn't know that the soft-looking girl next to her was Shen Gui's junior...and Lu Ling, as the senior sister of Ninth Peak, was also the one who would be buried in the ground.

There is even a high possibility that she will pull Shen Gui and others down and ascend the throne by herself.

Competing with Shen Gui has a natural disadvantage, because even if he wins, Shen Gui will probably be drowned alive by her fans... But the solution is very simple.

Wouldn't it be enough to be more influential than Shen Gui?

Simple on the surface.

Even Si'er is Shen Gui's fan girl, let alone the others.

[Return to Come], this person is really outstanding.

At this moment, Si'er and Lu Ling smiled and said something.

Si'er didn't know Lu Ling's real identity, but on the other hand, Lu Ling didn't know her identity either, so it was even.

Even if she wanted to break her head, Lu Ling would never know that this ordinary girl in front of her would be the youngest and most "rich" person in the world of cultivating immortals.

none of them.

She is Lu Ling's favorite kind, the richest woman in the world.

If he knew, he would just hug the other person's thigh and hang it up, maybe he wouldn't come down, or he would just open up his own nature and find a way to get her...

Of course, because of Liu Fufeng's relationship, Lu Ling's most likely reaction is to hypnotize herself, hiding the fact that the other party is a super rich woman.

Isn't it the saint, the princess?

Who is not a princess anymore?
Well, she is the little princess of my junior sister, there is no other meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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