Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 536 Junior Sister

Chapter 536 Junior Sister
The time in the secret realm is much slower than Lu Ling imagined.

At this time, the fourth senior sister had left and continued to explore in one direction, leaving only Lu Ling and a few unfamiliar female cultivators staying in the camp.

sit up.

In an instant, she felt that the eyes of several female cultivators around her were all on her.

Sure enough, it was simply impossible to go out and have a look.

So how did she somehow fall into this group of people?
Go to sleep, go to sleep.

And... bored to death.

When she was exploring before, she actually thought it was very interesting, but she had limited energy and fell asleep on the fourth floor.

Forget it, let’s practice.

Otherwise, there is still a whole day and night to let her get through it...

Go to bed, pretend to sleep, open the system panel at the same time, call out [World].

Cultivation, or practicing the piano, in short, you can't be idle.



Outside, the nuns were relieved to see Lu Ling sleeping obediently.

This girl seemed a little restless, but luckily she fell asleep.



When Lu Ling woke up, she had already been in the "world" for twelve hours, and after her own settings, only one hour had passed in reality.

Because the fourth senior sister was about to come back, she broke away from that place.

After 24 hours, Lu Ling thought about one thing clearly. She still needs to help, and she will try her best not to cause trouble...

Otherwise, living under the protection of this group of people, isn't she the same as before?It was just that she jumped from the arms of the black bear to the camp, but her original goal went astray. She kept thinking about not causing trouble to her senior sister, but she forgot her original goal.

Even if Fourth Senior Sister didn't encounter difficulties, she shouldn't stay in this place where there is food, drink, and someone to take care of and tell stories.

Lu Ling: "..."

Well, she doesn't want to go...

But we must go.

If this group of people were Lingshan disciples, and if the fourth senior sister was replaced by her junior sister or Qin Qin, Lu Ling could stay there with peace of mind.

But it's just some people who have met for less than a day, Lu Ling can't stay in the protection of others like this.

is thinking.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside.

The tent door was opened, and a group of women poured in.

"Frozen to death, frozen to death..."

"My aunt can't even move her hands, my junior sister gave me a cup of hot water..."

"I... if I die..."

"I'm so tired."

It was the nuns who went out in batches before
Lu Ling stretched, sat up from the bed and rubbed her eyes: "Senior Sister Zhang, Senior Sister Li, why are you all back?"

After a day in another space, she also slept for a while, and now she is a little tired, so her mental state is not very good, and this also corresponds to the fact that she just woke up, but no one thinks about it.

"Why, Ah Ling, don't you want to see me come back? You want to exhaust me to death." The girl raised her lips.

"Little Junior Sister, you are so cruel."

"that is……"

Lu Ling was in a hurry: "I didn't... I just asked..."

"Okay, don't tease her." One person went to Lu Ling's side and poked her face with his fingertips: "It's almost dawn, everyone come back and discuss what we should do."

"Hey, you said don't tease her, but you did it yourself, it's too much!"

"No way, but Junior Sister's body is still so cold..."

"Can it be colder than outside?"

"I don't know...Maybe I'm confused."

Lu Ling: "..."

Hearing the discussions around, Lu Ling didn't speak.

Does that mean you're back for a meeting?
She understands that right.

Staring at the lively camp, Lu Ling lowered her head.

great atmosphere...

If you ignore the chaotic breath and tired faces of these senior sisters.

At this time, most of the people were more or less covered with ice flowers, especially the senior sister Zhang who was more familiar with her. After getting along with her for a short time, Lu Ling knew that she was a very clean person, otherwise she would not carry it with her. Beds, tents and other daily necessities.

But there is such a senior sister, with a corner of her skirt torn, her long hair covered with ice crystals, she looks dirty at first glance, and she is very embarrassed.

Lu Ling just took a glance, and found that these people were exhausted and their breathing was disordered.

Obviously, the difficulty escalated.

"Senior sister, what happened outside?" Lu Ling finally raised her head and asked.

"Outside? Nothing..."

Before the girl could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Lu Ling.

"I want to know, please tell me."



Looking at the girl's firm eyes, everyone looked at each other and finally shook their heads.

Senior Sister Zhang said: "I really can't do anything about you... In fact, it's not a big deal, but the temperature has gotten colder, probably dropped by [-]%. At the same time, those elves who were still quiet in the room also started to restless."

Then turned around: "Did you see your senior sister and my skirt, they were all blown up by those little things. Elemental spirits are self-willed and not afraid of death. Damn, they won't die either..."

"Elf?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment.

Are you talking about the cuties she knows?
Self-destruct attack?

Allah Hu Akbar?

No way……

When Lu Ling doubted her life, someone spoke again.

"Senior sister, don't you say that these little things are really colder and more violent... Although the cultivation level is not high, there are too many of them, and they almost couldn't stand it at first." A girl looked at her arm in fear. The wound on his face, where the blood has solidified, but traces of ice spikes can still be seen, a deep blood hole, because of taking medicine, it is slowly recovering.

Extremely slow.

"Well, fortunately, there were no casualties. Only some low-level elves were dispatched. The real image elves in the Void Transformation Realm did not appear, but no one can guarantee that they will not attack." Someone said while adjusting his breath.

Lu Ling swallowed her saliva.

It turns out that the thorns on those cute elves are not soft decorations.

She can basically be sure that these senior sisters are talking about the little guy she hugged...

Why did you fight?
Three seconds later, Lu Ling understood.

Different positions...

It's as if they wanted to kill the black bear to pass the level, no one is right and who is wrong... Lu Ling can understand, because her junior sister told her that the opposite of justice is not evil, but other justice.

Lu Ling liked this sentence very much. I don't know which book the junior sister read from.

But... If this is the case, her position is very awkward again.

She likes elves, and these senior sisters also like...

However, from the words of the female cultivators, she heard the word violent, indicating that the little guy attacked first... Lu Ling felt that she had to go and see what happened.

There is curiosity, but also want to prevent unnecessary fights.

At this time, another person walked in.

Like most girls, her clothes were messy, and her body was covered with ice crystals. She was much more embarrassed than these people, and her ponytail was cut off by diamond thorns, which greatly affected the beauty.

When the ponytail girl saw Lu Ling, her eyes lit up, she rushed up, and hugged Lu Ling in her arms.

"Woo...Fourth Senior Sister..." Lu Ling struggled.

The girl rubbed Lu Ling's face.

"'s so cold, Junior Sister, you're still so cold..."

He said complaining words, but he didn't mean to let Lu Ling go.

"Just... let me go..." Pushing hard on the girl's chest, Lu Ling struggled to get out of her embrace, panting lightly.

"A Ling is cold, but I like it too." Si'er chuckled, this time she didn't call her Junior Sister, but used a more intimate title that others had already used.

"Don't mess around... Really." Lu Ling wiped off the icicles on her face.

Si'er said: "Well, seeing you, Ah Ling, I feel like I've been healed, cured, cured... You must be a girl from Lingshan, otherwise why would you have the ability to heal people?"

"Spirit Mountain?" Lu Ling lowered her head and smiled casually...

Of course, Si'er didn't really regard Lu Ling as a girl from Lingshan, but looked at Lu Ling strangely...

"What, what are you doing?" Lu Ling felt a little uncomfortable being glanced up and down by her, and raised her head.

Could it be that she was exposed?
Si'er shook his head.

"Why do I feel... A Ling, you are a little different? But I can't tell what's wrong, it seems... It's like I haven't seen you for a long time? It's not a long time... It's strange, my mental state is a bit wrong..."

"Really?" Lu Ling shook her head in confusion, not understanding what she was talking about.

"It should be my illusion." Si'er looked at Lu Ling and finally gave up.

At this time, someone saw Si'er's broken ponytail and exclaimed: "Fourth Senior Sister, your hair!"

As a woman, I am very concerned about my appearance.

"It's broken, it's broken. Have you forgotten that this is a secret place? When you go out, it will return to its original appearance."

One person was amused by her: "Besides, even outside, it's very easy to adjust your hairstyle."

"Well, I think that given how obsessed Fourth Senior Sister is with Senior Sister Shen Gui, she would like it even if she had short hair."

"That's right." Si'er nodded, thinking about the possibility of having short hair like Shen Gui after returning home.

"Speaking of which, I like that hairstyle..."

A woman is a woman, who was beaten to death a second ago, and now started a heated discussion about hairstyles, completely ignoring that the male cultivators outside are still waiting for them to have a meeting together.

Lu Ling listened to their conversation, looked at her long hair, and then shook her head.

She can't decide on her hairstyle, it depends on what the junior sister likes.

junior sister...

At this time, Lu Ling's body stiffened for a moment, and the slightly longer reflex arc made her suddenly understand what the Fourth Senior Sister was talking about.

Long time no see, mental state is not right, doesn't this mean that she entered [World] for a day?

I didn't expect that she would be found out a little while after she went in... It seems that her acting skills are not enough, she should pay more attention in the future, try not to enter in crowded places, if people find out, it will be very dangerous.



and many more.

Lu Ling's eyes widened.

Even a slightly careful senior sister who just met can find out that something is wrong with her, so why live with her every day and have her junior sister in mind?
Junior sister really didn't find anything?

Lu Ling took a deep breath.

I hadn't noticed it before, but this time Lu Ling was reminded by the fourth senior sister. If it wasn't in the middle of the night, when she came out of the secret realm, that state would probably mean "I'm not right" written on her face in the eyes of the senior sister... Basically, it was telling Liu Fufeng clearly that something happened before that she didn't know about.

After thinking deeply, Lu Ling began to dig out the memories of the previous few days.

At the beginning, Junior Sister didn't express much, but as she gained a lot of time, the frequency of using the world accelerated.

Then, every time she came out of the world, the junior sister would leave to cook her some delicious food, or get some fruit, drinks or something...

Because there is no Liu Fufeng in this world, so she hasn't been in contact with Liu Fufeng for a long time, and she doesn't feel anything when the latter suddenly feeds her, but now thinking about it, it is really strange...



In the sea of ​​consciousness, Hong Ling looked at the dazed Lu Ling, smiled and shook her head.

The silly girl finally found out that she had exposed this matter long ago.

In fact, when he used the world for the third time, Liu Fufeng discovered something wrong with Lu Ling... After all, it was a method of burning time and opening up space, so it would definitely leave a strange feeling. Liu Fufeng is a space attribute, and so I really like Lu Ling, and the red silk can hide the spatial fluctuations, but it can't change Lu Ling's mental state.

Every time Lu Ling came out of the world, she looked like she hadn't seen Liu Fufeng for a long time, how could she not be found.

But Liu Fufeng pretended not to know anything, Hong Ling was surprised by this, and then recognized the girl even more.

Liu Fufeng knows what Lu Ling likes, and also knows what Lu Ling needs... She is a perfect parent, the girl from Qionghua in front of her saw something wrong and said it out, and by comparison, it can be seen that Liu Fufeng is rare.

Hong Ling liked her very much.

Although there were Lu Ling's factors in it, it had to be admitted that Liu Fufeng had gained some of her goodwill.

Lihuo Hongling's affection for human beings is very rare.

From Hong Ling's point of view, Liu Fufeng is an ordinary girl, and her heart is not as strong as Lu Ling imagined.

Even, Liu Fufeng is a very weak person, she is not strong at all, the strongest time is because of Lu Ling, but relatively, she will be weaker because of Lu Ling.

And Lu Ling definitely didn't know what she was hiding from Liu Fufeng... How could Liu Fufeng really not care, it was her Ah Ling.

After several speculations, Liu Fufeng thought that Lu Ling might have mastered some magical power, and Lu Ling had been making rapid progress, so Liu Fufeng knew it was not a bad thing, so he didn't ask.

But this aroused Liu Fufeng's lack of self-confidence, maybe cooking for Lu Ling was just to show that she was still useful to Lu Ling.

That's why Liu Fufeng was in a trance after going up the mountain. Fortunately, she was enlightened by Li Zhuzi, so she was much more relaxed.

As the person next to the pillow, Lu Ling is actually somewhat incompetent for not remembering this matter until now.

But it is not too late to think of this.



Here, after thinking about it, Lu Ling got an answer.

Her strange junior sister had already found out...but she didn't ask her, but every time she found something wrong, she would prepare food, drink, and restore her strength.

Even the things that the fourth senior sister has noticed, from the perspective of the junior sister, you must be able to feel her sense of distance and the blankness of her mind...

Lu Ling smiled.

In the eyes of all the female cultivators, Lu Ling suddenly got into the quilt and started rolling.

Very strange.


Holding the quilt tightly in her arms, Lu Ling felt her little face was hot.

Sure enough, she likes junior sister the most.

(End of this chapter)

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