Chapter 537 The Maid
The girl hid under the quilt, hiding her rosy face.

Lu Ling has no way to look in the mirror now, otherwise she will find that when she mentions junior sister, her eyes change...

Sure enough, she likes junior sister the most.

I don't know what words should be used to describe this feeling, but Lu Ling now feels that her heart is about to melt, because of her junior sister's tenderness.

Why, why is Junior Sister so considerate?

However, her affection for her junior sister did not increase in any way.

Because it was already full.

There should be no second person in the world who would spoil her so much.

Well... Let's talk about this with my junior sister after I get home. Although she can't reveal the existence of the system, she can confess some things to her junior sister so that she doesn't have to worry so much.


I miss my junior sister, I haven't seen each other for two days.

Lu Ling hugged the pillow and buried her face in it.

Sometimes, a brief separation is good, it will allow her to fully ferment her feelings for her junior sister. For example, now, she starts to miss her junior sister's soft body, which is the best pillow...

What is this feeling?

She thought about it.

A little farewell is better than a newlywed?
No...the wording seems weird.

But that's probably what it means.


At this time, Lu Ling, whose mind was filled with her junior sister, forgot the secret realm, the female cultivators around her, and the difficulties she would encounter next...

At the same time, Lingshan talked about the void passage in the dojo.

The woman who had been dozing off didn't sleep at this time, but her eyelids were drooping, exuding the emotion of "I'm sleepy".

At this time, the woman was looking helplessly at the girl sitting on the ground carelessly. The latter was fiddling with the wine gourd in her hand, rubbing her face against it from time to time, as if it was her favorite lover.

"Jue'er definitely won't know that I left some Wuling wine last time..." Han Xue swallowed and took a deep breath.

"Stop, stop." The woman's eyes widened for a moment, and she lifted Han Xue up by the collar.

Han Xue is not tall, a head shorter than Chu Qishui, and this woman is about the same height as Chu Qishui.

Han Xue, with her legs off the ground, turned her head and looked at her angrily.

"Let go, don't grab my underwear, it's strangling my chest."


She really had nothing to say to this woman.

"Han Xue, what are you doing here? Do you want to drink?" The woman threw her to the ground. Not long ago, this woman came in suddenly and stayed in front of her chair, which made her very unhappy who always liked to be alone .

"Senior sister, don't ask so many questions, I'll hide for a while..." Han Xue pouted.

Not long ago, during a routine meeting to deal with Bai Yunfan and Mo Qing, Han Xue met Luanfeng, who almost ate her after knowing that she had sent Li Wangsheng to Qionghua's secret realm.

Now, Mo Yu and several Lingshan Nvxiu are chasing her all over the world. It is estimated that if they are caught, it will be very miserable.

Really, she just said that she couldn't complete any task, and insisted on letting her go...

Han Xue was very dissatisfied. Now that she had found a perfect place for Li Wangsheng, these people were unhappy again, especially Senior Sister Feng.

It was the first time she was scolded so badly by Luanfeng.

I don't understand, feel wronged.

Isn't it just a secret place, wouldn't it be fine if people don't discover it?

Of course Han Xue didn't understand... The key that Chu Qishui was in charge of owned most of the random secret realms, and there were a lot of elves in these places... Because of the close relationship with the spirit clan, there were more or less elves in the secret realm of Lingshan. Everyone has been greeted in the secret realm of refining, but if an outsider with too high cultivation base suddenly breaks in, no one knows what will happen.

Of course, these are all indifferent, the most important thing is that if Qionghua knows about Lingshan and someone who opens the secret realm privately...

This is too embarrassing.

For women, face is still very important.

At least Luanfeng still cares about face...

She still likes Han Xue very much, but she has to teach this girl a lesson in everything she says today, so now, when Mo Yu leads a team of several divisions, she is arresting Han Xue in Manling Mountain.

"Hide for a while?" Hearing Han Xue's words, the woman suddenly became nervous: "You, a fearless girl, actually want to hide? Did Shen Canghai leave the customs?"

If so, she will start to think about whether it is safe here...

"Shen Canghai?" Han Xue froze for a moment, then waved her hand: "No, Senior Sister Shen probably still has a few days..."

"That's good." The woman breathed a sigh of relief, apparently startled: "I said, why didn't Shen Gui inform me..."

Then, she looked at Han Xue thoughtfully.

"You got into trouble..."

"Wait... the man's token from before is yours." The woman remembered that there was a snowflake mark on Li Wangsheng Lingshan's token.

"Ah? I don't know anything." Han Xue pretended to be stupid.

"It's you, I know, you stole... the key of Juexian?" The woman woke up instantly: "I mean, why did you let someone in the Qionghua Secret Realm..."

Suddenly interrupted by Han Xue.

"Okay, senior sister, just pretend you don't know anything, it's not a big deal."


"It's considered dereliction of duty for you to let someone in."

"..." The woman was helpless.

Han Xue... No matter what is missing in her head at any time, she always thinks about it.

But she did have her own problems. At that time, she only thought about sleeping and didn't think too much.

"Then the coldness before that also has something to do with you?" the woman asked.

"Cold air? What cold air?" Now it was Han Xue's turn to be confused, and then remembered something.

The trigger point of Lu Ling's imprint is in the secret realm...

How did this girl run in?

Some forgot.

"You did it again?" The woman twitched her lips.

"No, no, I don't have the ability to pass the key to send people in." Han Xue waved her hand: "But it has nothing to do with me... Sister, I'll just stay here and wait for the little girl to come out."

"Little girl?" The woman's green fingers rubbed her temples.

Forget it...

She can't control Han Xue and doesn't want to.

"It's up to you, just don't disturb my sleep," the woman said.

"Don't worry, I won't get drunk, and besides, I won't go crazy." Han Xue vowed.

"Who cares about you."



late at night.

Two peaks, beside the cliff, there is a lacquered wooden pavilion, covered with snow.

Liu Fufeng was wearing a short skirt, sitting in the middle of the pavilion, looking up at the sky with his face propped up.

The snow in Lingshan has stopped for a long time, but the temperature is still frighteningly low, especially late at night...

The moon is beautiful today.

Liu Fufeng blinked.

From this direction, you can see the six peaks, which are brightly lit unlike the two peaks.

Lowering his head, looking at the ice glaze in his palm, Liu Fufeng let out a foul breath.

It's been two days.

Ah Ling hasn't come back yet...

She has lived in Erfeng for a day, and she gets along very well with Qin Qin. During the day, she can listen to music, use Qin Qin's music to assist her in practice, and cook together at night. Although she hasn't met Xu Xu yet, in general Still very happy.

If Aya is here.

Well, I can't expect her to be always by my side, after all, people have to grow up.

There are too many secrets in Lu Ling, and her cultivation base is also improving rapidly. Sometimes, she can only pretend that she doesn't know anything, saying "no one can do without someone" To scare Lu Ling.

In fact, it was just to make her more dependent on himself.

Selfish girls are normal.

However, her senior sister's progress is indeed too fast...

Patted his face.

be confident.

Don't forget Teacher Li's words... practice... let's practice.


And Teacher Li, whom Liu Fufeng was talking about, is not asleep yet.

Although she knew that Lu Ling had been thrown into the secret realm, she didn't have too many thoughts, but the plan was postponed for a few days.

That girl's temperament also needs to be tempered.

Can't sleep because of something else, trouble...

Yesterday, Mo Yu found her and said something... a little unexpected.

Ink green.

Li Zhuzi found out that the man who secretly looked at her outside when she was in class, during the recess, because of the appearance of this man also aroused the curiosity of many little girls, but because of her majesty, she didn't surround her .

After meeting Mo Qing, Li Zhuzi's memories of this man surfaced.

It should have been many years ago that I met him, but I didn't expect it to be the Lord of the Southern Territory... And what those sisters said before, Mo Qing came to find her... Li Zhuzi knew the meaning clearly.

This is very embarrassing.

Because Li Zhuzi remembered that the reason she alienated Mo Qing back then was because of Mo Yu... Back then she felt that something was wrong, so she withdrew first.

Now the other party came to the door...

Although she is Li Zhuzi, she is a woman after all, and she is still at a loss when encountering such a thing... To be honest, she no longer has the intention of finding a Taoist companion.

Although the girl's heart has been moved before, it was all hundreds of years ago. Now Li Zhuzi has forgotten the name and appearance of the man who made her heart flutter. She probably doesn't even bother to take a look at him when he appears in front of her. .

She has always been such a ruthless person.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it's other people, Li Zhuzi doesn't care at all, other people's thoughts have nothing to do with her... But this time it's different.

She still cares about her family.

Moyu is naturally family...

Started to have a headache.

Li Zhuzi tossed and turned on the bed.

So, things that don't go well are all rushed together.

Shen Canghai is about to leave the test, this woman will be a venerable when she leaves the test this time, and the increase in strength will definitely make her swell. Although Shen Canghai cares about her very much and is obedient, it is impossible to say that this woman will do some excessive things.

It's hard to say whether she can stop it at that time...

Moreover, the poison on Lu Ling's soul has not made any progress, and the little longevity fruit is also urging to use Lu Ling...

These things squeezed together, making Li Zhuzi's head big when he always liked leisure.


Come back quickly, that girl Lu Ling, she can devote herself to raising her daughter, so she doesn't have to think so much.

Although Li Zhuzi didn't want to admit it, but with Lu Ling, that silly girl by her side, she would indeed be much more relaxed.

This girl has such magical powers.



in secret.

"Chirp." Lu Ling rubbed her nose.


Someone must be missing her.

Well... who could it be?
Junior sister, it must be junior sister, junior sister must be thinking about her so much that she can't sleep.


It's a pity that Lu Ling didn't have time to continue her delusions, and the sound outside made her get out of the quilt.

At this time, the female cultivators began to walk out of the tent one after another after resting.

"Fourth Senior Sister, what are you going to do?" Lu Ling stopped Si'er.

The girl didn't hide anything and said directly.

"It's nothing, just rearrange the exploration process."

She has already decided that she will not retreat no matter what. If she has to choose one of the east, west and north, she will choose the ice attribute north.

"Procedure..." Lu Ling nodded, at this moment, all the people in the tent had left, and only Si'er was left.

Since everyone was outside, there was no fear of freezing Lu Ling, and the barrier was still maintained.

Just when Si'er was about to turn around and leave, Lu Ling suddenly grabbed her sleeve.

"Fourth Senior Sister, can you... take me with you."

She also wanted to see if there was anything she could do to help.


To Lu Ling's surprise, the girl did not immediately refuse as before.


Everyone is having a meeting outside and maintaining the temperature in the tent is a bit wasteful. Bringing Lu Ling can just expand the barrier to the outside, making it easier for those male cultivators who don't know what working together is.

It's okay to take Lu Ling out, as long as you don't freeze in her arms.

Besides, Si'er has a delicate mind. Girls of Lu Ling's age are lively and active. Although Lu Ling is very obedient, it will be very stuffy to stay in the tent all the time. It's good to come out to get some air.

"Okay, let's go together." The girl smiled after pinching Lu Ling's face.

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Lu Ling nodded happily.

"Let's go." Said, Si'er hugged Lu Ling.

Although Lu Ling is shorter than her, but to be honest, Lu Ling is more than ten years old, and she is always indecent.

"Fourth Senior Sister, I can walk by myself..."

"Are you listening?"




Seeing Si'er coming out with Lu Ling in his arms, everyone outside was startled.

"Senior sister, why did you take Ah Ling out?"

Si'er went to his seat and sat down, said: "Isn't this good? Let's prop up the barrier."


After a while, the male cultivator heaved a sigh of relief. Sure enough, after the cold air was isolated for a while, he could feel much more comfortable. Formation is stronger than personal ability.

Then, most people's eyes were on Lu Ling.

This is the little junior sister they said?It's really not easy to see her once...

Lu Ling was looking at the outside environment. It was still the same ice cave as the place where she slept before, but with more lights and camps.

It's getting colder.

Just as Lu Ling was about to say something, she felt a lot of eyes fall on her, her body trembled, she lay on Si'er's shoulder, and closed her eyes.

Forgot... there are a lot of men out there...




Some male cultivators looked at each other.

Everyone saw the surprise in their sight.

Little girl...unexpectedly...very good?

They could clearly see Lu Ling's face.

Very beautiful girl... The talent of the man let them be sure at a glance, the junior sister in front of me will definitely be more beautiful than the female cultivators present when she grows up, she is not the kind of person who can change her appearance with cultivation. .

Does Qionghua have such an aura girl?
Although cultivation is the most important, an eye-catching Taoist companion is also very important, especially Qionghua. The Qionghua Center basically does not accept outsiders. The core disciples are all inherited families. It can be said that all the core disciples here are It's the son and the daughter.

They don't lack cultivation resources, what they lack is a suitable Taoist companion...

The most ideal Taoist companion is naturally the Wenhun Fairy of Lingshan, but Lingshan Fairy is hard to come by, and it depends on fate in the end.

And Lu Ling...

This kind of girl with such an excellent natural appearance is rare, and she is much better than those women who have changed their faces but have an ordinary soul.

The most important thing is that she is still young, she is very malleable, and she is still a low-status disciple from outside...

Maybe you can move your mind. If you don't have high talent and are not suitable for being a Taoist companion, being a maid is also good.

Who doesn't like a well-behaved maid?
(End of this chapter)

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