Chapter 539 Ability
For a long time, Lu Ling gave people the impression that she was the kind of girl with aura, and no one had high expectations for her talent.

The female cultivators who have been in contact with Lu Ling have also tried her roots. They are frail and weak, and they are a bit reluctant to say that they are middle and lower. Before the Void Transformation Realm, the physical body is also very important as the medium for the soul to absorb spiritual energy.

Even Si'er didn't feel that Lu Ling had any abilities.

What Lu Ling did now surprised these people.

A girl looked at the wound on her arm, and then at Lu Ling's arms, the dizzy elf with a happy face twitched the corners of her mouth.

This unscientific.

Well, there is no science in this world either.

But most people are now ignorant for sure.

What's up with this girl.

"Senior sister, look, I said it is still very obedient." Lu Ling hugged the elf to her chest, then looked up at Si'er.

"Ah, um..." Si'er looked at Lu Ling like a little monster.

Although I think it might have something to do with her body temperature, but it really isn't that simple...

Although Lu Ling is the most spiritual girl she has ever seen, it is impossible to make the branch elves of the spirit clan listen to her just because of her spiritual energy, that would be too ridiculous.

In an instant, many possibilities flashed through Si'er's mind, and she thought that the most likely one was Lu Ling's talent.

The talents of the human race are all kinds of strange things, they have everything, but there are relatively few useful ones.

For example, the person in Shushan who fought on the front line of Tianguangxu for many years with a righteous spirit is a special talent.

So, is Lu Ling's talent to communicate with elves?

If this is the case, it may be of extremely high value. After all, it is a pity that such a huge power of elves cannot be used by humans.

But she just subconsciously thought about it, high-level elves all have their own intelligence, so they shouldn't be as obedient as this little guy.


And Si'er thought of it, the others were not fools, after finding no way to explain what was going on in front of them, they all thought of their special talents.

A rare special talent?
It's not sure yet, it needs to pass a special test after returning to the Holy Land before it can be concluded that it is a special talent, but this does not prevent them from starting to pay attention to Lu Ling's existence.

"Senior sister, let me just say it's not bad." Lu Ling looked at Si'er with a little expectation.

"It's amazing, it really surprised me, it's really amazing." Si'er didn't hold back his praise, and looked curiously at the elf nestled in Lu Ling's arms, like a drunken elf.

Speaking of which, this was the first time she had seen such a small thing so closely.

It's really cute when it's not violent.

Being praised by the senior sister, Lu Ling was very happy, and pulled Si'er's hand towards her chest: "It's very cute and soft, senior sister, touch it."

"Touch it..." Si'er was also very curious when Lu Ling said this.

What does an elf feel like to the touch?

Stretch out your fingers, and gently explore the softness in the girl's arms.

Just when Si'er was about to touch the little elf, the latter was like a cat with frayed fur, with ice spikes erected on its back, making a threatening sound.

Si'er withdrew his hand like a conditioned reflex.

Seeing this, Lu Ling became upset, and waved her hand to hit the elf's back thorn.

"Be good, I'll let you be good!"

After being hit by Lu Ling, the hard diamond thorn quickly softened.

"Don't move, don't move... Be good..."

Then, Lu Ling raised her head, indicating that the senior sister could touch it.

But this time it went much smoother, the elf didn't resist any more, and remained motionless the whole time.

Letting go, Si'er looked at his palm.

It's cool and soft, if you have to say it, it's probably the feeling of inserting your hand into the snow and then gently holding it.

Even for her, this is the first time she has touched an elf...

"It's amazing..." Seeing this, the female cultivators around became excited.

"I want to touch it too..."

The little elf is very cute, and Lu Ling is even cuter, especially the smug little expression on her face, which makes people want to melt her into his arms...

What these women wanted to touch was not necessarily elves, but most likely Lu Ling. For a while, they all forgot the difficulties of being in the ice and snow.

At this moment, Si'er was still in a dazed state, he grasped the claw with his right hand, and grabbed it.

Unlike the female cultivator who was captured by cute things after seeing the surface, the young master and the men around him think more.

Compared with girls, elves are dispensable things, but Lu Ling can "control" elves, can they be used?

They didn't have much time, if Lu Ling could drive the elves to lead them to find the gatekeeper, that would be the best thing.

These men absolutely can't accept that the group has been wiped out three times and they still haven't cleared the level. This is no longer a word that can be described as shameful. If this is the case, they will have no face to face others after returning to the Holy Land...

While whispering to each other, all eyes were on Lu Ling.

"Quiet." The young master interrupted the noise around him and came over.

Before the young master could speak, Si'er stood in front of Lu Ling and spoke first.

"Brother, do you think it's appropriate?"

She could understand what the senior brother was thinking, but Si'er didn't think Lu Ling, a girl in her teens, could really help them.

Moreover, this trial has nothing to do with Lu Ling, she is a pure victim and an outsider, Si'er does not want Lu Ling to get involved.

"Isn't it appropriate?" The young master asked back, he is everyone's elder brother now, so he has to think about Qionghua, it is naturally the best that Lu Ling can help everyone.

Although she is young, she is also a member of the camp, not to mention other things, a few junior sisters stayed in the camp to help Lu Ling prop up the barrier, which itself took up a lot of resources...

The ideas of these two people hold together, but Si'er's ideas are a bit petty, but it can be forgiven, who made her a woman.

"Maybe it's appropriate, but..." Si'er wanted to say something, but finally held back.

She had to admit that she didn't stand up for this matter.

"Senior sister, what are you talking about?" Lu Ling looked at the two people in front of her in confusion.

"It's nothing, senior brother wants you to help." Si'er patted Lu Ling's head: "However, I don't think you can help."

"Why?" Lu Ling's eyes widened. She came out to help...

"I'll try my best not to cause trouble, senior sister, I'm not afraid of the cold, really, I'm not afraid of the cold at all, and these elves won't hurt me, it's okay to explore the way..." Lu Ling said.

Lu Ling didn't realize that when she opened her mouth, the eyes of the people present turned cold, and then, as if trying to test something, a gap was opened in the barrier in the sky directly above Lu Ling, and snowflakes fell one after another.

The cold air poured in, and even the son beside him shivered, but Lu Ling didn't react at all until the snowflakes fell on her body.

"Huh? Is the snow coming in?"

The girl opened her hand and held a piece of snowflake. The snowflake didn't melt, it just stayed in her palm like that.

Seeing that Lu Ling didn't behave strangely, everyone held their breath.

This is no ordinary snowflake.

After falling on a person, if the spirit energy is not used to stop it, the cold poison will invade a large area of ​​skin in an instant. If it is not expelled in time, it will be very dangerous. The ice flowers on those female cultivators before came from this way.

But Lu Ling didn't respond at all.

Sure enough, she was really not afraid of the cold.

Having reached this conclusion, some people became excited.

Si'er narrowed his eyes, glanced at the individual men, and did not speak.

So, she doesn't like men, but she can't veto most opinions, so she can only watch Lu Ling take the test.

She was surprised.

Perhaps, the cold on Lu Ling's body is not a protective mechanism, but her special talent?

Ice talent?
The best thing is the congenital water spirit body... But it doesn't look like Lu Ling, and the talent of the congenital spirit body is very terrifying, it is definitely not like Lu Ling.

For a while, she couldn't think of any other cold physique.

"If we let Junior Sister follow us, maybe we can explore places we couldn't go before."

"We can't get in there..."

"Isn't she not afraid of the cold?"

"it's not good……"

It is a miracle that a girl who is not afraid of the cold and elves appeared in Beiyuan, a place where everyone was too cold to move forward. For a while, everyone talked about it.

Only this floor is different, maybe the lower floor will be much better. If Lu Ling can find the entrance, they can have many ways to explore the lower floor.

The easiest way is to let Lu Ling carry a space teleportation item.

Obviously, in the eyes of these people, Lu Ling has changed from a maid to a "pathfinder" robot.

"I said I can help." Lu Ling said confidently as Snow Flower merged into her body.

"You... It's not convenient for you to walk." Si'er's voice was a little softer, because she really didn't want to mention Lu Ling's body.

The reason why Lu Ling's status is considered not high, apart from her talent, her disability is also a very important point... Qionghua's senior disciple, a small meridian blockage, it is very easy to untie it.

She didn't recognize Yin Jue Mai, after all, her major wasn't right for her.

"It's okay, I'm used to walking." Lu Ling waved her hand, expressing her indifference.

"But..." Si'er clenched his fist tightly, and held his dagger firmly with the other hand.

She can't help a fourth senior sister, she doesn't have much right to speak, and her "role-playing" has almost deviated from the original attribute, and must be corrected.

Why should these people place their hopes on a little girl?
Moreover, if Lu Ling is not protected by anyone after she returns to the Holy Land, and she fails to meet everyone's expectations in the secret realm... she will face some extreme things.

Things that weren't supposed to be her fault weighed on her.

This is people.

Si'er doesn't care about grades, so naturally she doesn't understand the feeling of a group of nobles and young ladies catching straws, but she knows human nature, even Qionghua can't avoid it, they are still young.

If I had known that the little girl was not afraid of the cold, maybe it would be the best choice to let her sleep in the corner. Si'er still remembered Lu Ling's cute sleeping appearance.

Here, Lu Ling, who doesn't understand Si'er's painstaking efforts, is still promoting her ability.

"It's okay, if you don't believe me, I can show it to Senior Sister..."

As she said that, Lu Ling walked a few steps towards the open space by herself. Although she was limping, she was very skillful.

She was used to walking, but this was the first time she saw these people.

The male repair frowned.


Because Lu Ling never went to the ground, they didn't realize this.

Although it can be cured, for Qionghua male who pursues perfection, this one will lose a lot of points, at least not a perfect partner to cultivate, but considering the rarity of special talents, she is still a good one. maid.

But the female cultivator was completely different from what they thought. Lu Ling's posture was so skillful that it made people feel distressed.

"Sure enough, I still can't accept asking Junior Sister to help, so many of us have to ask Junior Sister to take risks?"

"I can't accept it either..."

"Although Junior Sister's body is somewhat miraculous, I don't think it's appropriate to do so."

"I feel so too."

After the initial shock, most of the girls expressed their opinions. They didn't want Lu Ling to do anything, because she seemed very worthless.

"Why, I can do it." Lu Ling looked at the people around her suspiciously. She just wanted to help, and she didn't want to be a moth. Is there something wrong with that?
Of course that's true... But, she didn't expect these girls to like her so much.

Lu Ling has a natural charm, but she doesn't know it.

Maybe this can rise to the level of rules.

"Let Junior Sister and Si'er act together, maybe we can really find a breakthrough." Young Master Qionghua said with a final word.

"That's right, I just said yes, please believe me..." Standing on the ice, Lu Ling spread her hands, and suddenly, she froze for a moment and spoke.

"Fourth Senior Sister, did you really not hear anything?"

Ever since the snow fell, Lu Ling felt the voices in her ears getting louder and louder.

"Voice?" This time, Lu Ling's words finally caught Si'er's attention, and she looked around vigilantly.

Still, nothing was found.

"What sound..." Si'er's words stopped abruptly, and all the voices disappeared in an instant.

Tinnitus, severe tinnitus, dizziness and nausea filled Si'er's sea of ​​consciousness.

Not only her, everyone present fell into a strange state, unable to move or hear, but conscious.

The sky and the earth are silent, even looking at things is a piece of ice blue.

Here, seeing everyone collapsed one by one with pale faces, Lu Ling's little face turned pale with fright.

Suddenly, what happened?
This kind of haunted scene is extremely lethal to the little girl. If it weren't for feeling a kind breath, she would probably faint from fright.

"What's wrong with you!!!" Lu Ling shouted.

Si'er: "..."

From her point of view, Lu Lingguang opened her mouth, but did not speak, and her figure was distorted.

Taking a deep breath, Si'er knew that they had been tricked, and they didn't know who the enemy was, and they didn't know why Lu Ling was the only one who was not disturbed.

"Fourth Senior Sister, I'll come right over." Seeing the girl's pain, Lu Ling was about to run over.

【past?Why go there? 】

A cold female voice suddenly appeared in Lu Ling's ear, making her stop.

"Who are you?" Lu Ling looked around vigilantly.

Seeing Lu Ling's inexplicable movements, Si'er's eyes widened.


In this world, nothing but ice is ice, because everyone fell down, the barrier was automatically disbanded, and Lu Ling's body was covered in heavy snow.

[They are just using you, I am not happy. 】The female voice is indifferent: 【I gave them a chance, and the noble ice should not stay in the crowd. 】

"Who are you, don't hurt them." Lu Ling stomped her feet. She still didn't understand what happened, but listening to the voice, it should be a good thing this guy did.

Coincidentally, that friendly aura appeared at her mouth, so Lu Ling was not afraid and could still question her.

【...I don't think this is the right decision, but since it's your request, let them live. 】

"So, who are you..."

[Don't ask, come with me. 】


Without giving Lu Ling any more time, the cold ice under her feet suddenly rose, and the terrifying dark blue ice wrapped the girl like the claws of hell, dragging Lu Ling and sinking into the ice surface together with it.

There is nothing left in place.

(End of this chapter)

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