Chapter 540 High Elf
After Lu Ling disappeared, the heavy snow also stopped, and the space gradually returned to normal. Although it was still very cold, it finally returned to the temperature that the fourth floor should have. quantity.

It was still a blue ice cave, surrounded by ice blocks, as if nothing had happened, the ice claw before was just an illusion.

But Sier can be sure that it is not an illusion.

At this time, a bunch of Qionghua's disciples were lying on the ice in disorder. Those with weak cultivation had passed out long ago. Only a few of them still retained their consciousness, unable to do anything...

It's not even clear what happened, because even in Si'er's eyes, what she saw was that Lu Ling stopped abruptly and was dragged into the ice.

No specific monsters or spirits were found, and it was not even clear whether Lu Ling just encountered a random moving trap.

The paralysis will last a long time.


Like the Qionghua disciples on the fourth floor, the person involved, Lu Ling, didn't know what happened, or she hadn't been in the mood since she woke up yesterday. She would meet a bear, be picked up by someone, and another one would come out later. The little sister who made her feel kind...

Lu Ling would believe it was a dream, everything happened too fast.

Speaking of...

She's used to being taken away or picking up corpses.

It's a bit sad to think about can get used to this kind of thing.

But there is no way, and unlike before, Lu Ling does not have any sense of crisis, even if she was pinched by the ice claws before, she is not afraid, but more curious.

It won't hurt her.

Inexplicably confident.

And sure enough, as she expected, the so-called icy claws were just putting on a show, not cold at all, although they were held in the palm of their hands, they didn't hurt at all, they were warm, and Lu Ling could see what was happening around them through some space. What.

The ice in the lower layer was constantly breaking through, and then new ice came up, the surrounding azure blue gradually deepened, and the scenery rose rapidly, all of which showed that the sister was going to take her to a deep underground.

Like an elevator.

Just go.

Not at all stage frightened.

There might be stage fright elsewhere, but here it's all ice, so she's not scared at all.

It's just a little uncomfortable, after all, it was being grabbed and dragged down.

The whole body of the icy bone claw is ice blue, a bit like snow dust, and something like gas is constantly washing her face... It feels weird.


Looking at the terrifying ice bone claws around her, Lu Ling curled her lips.

This is too ugly.

It would be nice if it was a lotus flower, it would be quite beautiful, unlike now, Lu Ling doesn't like it at all.

If Li Wangsheng or Hei Xiong who were still in the secret realm knew what Lu Ling was thinking, they would probably be speechless.

This claw is not a decoration, it has transcended its own domain, although it still belongs to the range of "ice", but it has reached the level of the original... This shows that it has great influence on any race other than the ice elves. The non-elf race will be frozen instantly after touching the bone claws, and even the soul cannot escape. Then the soul is invaded by the unsolvable cold poison, and the gods cannot save it.

Even Lingshan, there is no better way to deal with this kind of extreme harm, because once the soul is eroded, the death penalty is basically pronounced.

Fortunately, this kind of ability close to the source, except for some top-level natural materials and earth treasures, can only be used by elves with advanced cultivation bases, and elves...

The race doesn't matter.

As we all know, the elves do not pose any threat to the human race, the spirit race, the demon race, or even the sea race. Although there are many powerful elves, there are tens of thousands of years of history. In order to die, there is no need for any fear.

There are strong people gathered, and the cultivation speed is countless times faster than all races, but so what?
There have always been and only four races in the world, which can explain the problem. The elves that are regarded as the branch of the spirit race are not on the blueprint at all.

For such a race, it doesn’t matter whether the powerful come out in large numbers or the methods are terrifying. After discovering that the power of elves will not be used by anyone, all races lose interest in them. A race that will be restrained by anything, it's better not to mess with it.

But this is not the reason why other races don't know about elves. On the contrary, this special race is basically what the four races must know.

Only on this point, the four clans reached a consensus.

Ignore the existence of elves, but make them as convenient as possible.

Then, absolutely never mess with the public officials of these worlds. These high-ranking elves who deny the world have great merits, so don't touch them if you can.

Of course, the elves here refer to high-level elves with intelligence, and low-level elves have no concept of death. After they "die", they become cold and can easily be revived.

The wisdom of the high elves is very high, but their persistence in faith is greater than everything else, so their sense of existence is very low.

The person who appeared next to Lu Ling was obviously a high-ranking elf. From the fact that she could easily use the original power, it could be known that her cultivation base was extremely terrifying.

I don't know the upper limit, but it must be better than the current Li Wangsheng. She was the one who threw the black bear out.

To deal with it, you don't use the source, because it doesn't take any effort at all.

But Lu Ling is different.

The elf instinct makes Lu Ling her "guest", and there is nothing more suitable than the origin of ice to treat a distinguished guest who is also an elf.

Ice elves are different from other races. The extremely dangerous source of ice is extremely precious to them, and it is the simplest concept to use the best things to entertain guests.

It's just that the honored guest she was thinking of was a little fool who couldn't tell what good things these light blue crampons around her were.



Ten floors down.

A dazzling blue.

In the clouds and mist, a human-shaped shadow opened its eyes, and there was a distinctive light in the eyes.

For the first time, a moving expression appeared on his expressionless face for many years.

Sure enough, this girl is different, the kindness in her heart is not groundless, this girl can definitely bring her something different.

The ice that surrounds Lu Ling is her most precious and at the same time the most powerful power... It belongs to the origin of the ice that she understands. If she feels that her cultivation will not make progress, then it will be her own that will give back to the world after disintegration. origin.

The degree of preciousness is self-evident.

At this time, in the eyes of this elf, Lu Ling passed her test and proved her status.

After a simple contact, when Lu Ling comes down, she will be the owner of this place, and this elf will automatically change to a lower-level identity.

It's not surprising at all.

The method for the high-level elves to distinguish between strong and weak is very simple. After contacting with the source, the party with a weak understanding of ice will be assimilated by the source of the other party and sublimated. In this way, the weak party will automatically belong to the strong party.

If I am stronger than you, I will not be assimilated by your origin, so you have to listen to me, which probably means this. The strong here does not refer to combat power, but the understanding of ice.

This is the iron law of elves.

There is no intrigue among the elves. It is only natural to obey the strong and practice with them. They still live in groups, but in many cases, the resources in one place are only enough for one strong to practice, and the other party can only find another place. As a result, most of the elves are separated, and a high-ranking elf leads a bunch of little guys to practice.

But Lu Ling was held in her palm at this time, receiving the flushing of the high-level source, but she behaved like a normal person... she didn't feel comfortable, and didn't feel disgusted...

This shows that Lu Ling's level is much higher than hers, and her understanding is just an insignificant thing to Lu Ling. Although Lu Ling's cultivation base is not high, she is a real lower elf in front of Lu Ling.

In the case of non-elf, either this girl is Bing's darling, or her understanding of Ice has broken through the sky, and these two points no matter which one Lu Ling is, at least in this elf, she The appearance of means to replace the position of the highest elf here.

As for whether Lu Ling is really an elf, this is not important anymore.

In the eyes of all elves, Lu Ling is her own.

Just appearing in the secret realm made countless chills cheer for it. There is no doubt that Lu Ling is not only an elf, but also the highest elf in the ceiling.

For this elf in the secret realm, she has never seen the highest elf, but who said that the highest elf must be born of aura like her?Humans can too.

Lu Ling, she can't understand, but the former can make the cold-blooded her feel kind and willing to listen to her unconditionally, so there is no need to question it, Lu Ling is the highest elf.

The elf quietly waited for Lu Ling to arrive after being baptized in her cold air.



It was not a misunderstanding that she succumbed to Lu Ling.

There is no misunderstanding, as Hong Ling said, the elves are public officials in the world, and all elves with attributes are under the management of the two sisters.

Lu Ling is Luo Qianhan's master, there is no doubt that she is born to be the master of all elves.

Lu Ling is, Xue Nu is, and the fairy master is also.

The difference from the former is that both the snow girl and the fairy master know that they can use the power of elves, but they ignore these elves.

Xuenv disdains, she is used to walking alone, she will notify the Human Race Holy Land to counterattack the Demon Race, but because of her own identity, she does not have a good impression of the Human Race and the Elves.

The fairy master is unwilling, Hong Ling is her sword, she is enough, for her, with Hong Ling by her side, there is no place she cannot go in the world, and the elves... she will not disturb Such a race that stands aloof from the world and silently contributes.

Of course, this is also because she is really too strong. Without the existence of the fairy sword, she is undoubtedly the strongest in the contemporary era... Nowadays, there is no one who is recognized by the four races as the strongest. In this era, it is difficult to look up to the one who can conquer Li Huo Hongling's woman who is still in the willful stage.

It is worth mentioning that the Snow Maiden is different from the Fairy Lord. Even without Luo Qianhan, she is still the darling of heaven and earth, and is still the highest elf, but because Luo Qianhan covered up her part of the brilliance.

Therefore, Lu Ling, who also has the blood of ice, even if the fairy sword is not exposed, she still has an unshakable position.

It's just that it's a bit violent to give this status to a cute little girl who still looks at things.

At this time, the elves were waiting for Lu Ling to arrive, after that, Lu Ling had to come over by herself, this was the rule.

Let the ice underground meet their new leader.



After about 1 minutes.

Lu Ling felt that she stopped and opened her eyes, and in front of her was a completely different world from before.

The previous world was azure blue ice, but here, although it is still blue, it is much more delicate, the color is ice blue, beautiful and dazzling.

Lu Ling looked at the world around her like a curious baby.

It's the first time she's seen glowing ice... Such a beautiful ice cube.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, Lu Ling dragged her body out of the open ice bone claws, being careful not to slip, but after stepping on the blue ice, Lu Ling knew that she was thinking too much.

Barefoot, very comfortable...

The environment here is like home to her.

At this moment, the visibility was not high, so Lu Ling stood where she was and called, "Where's the person?"

The man brought her down, but there was no movement. After she was dragged down, no matter how much she shouted, the other party ignored her, which made Lu Ling a little unhappy.

How can I just throw her away when I bring her here.

But it doesn't matter, she can't hide, Lu Ling is confident that she can find her.

Since arriving at this place, Lu Ling inexplicably felt that her perception had increased countless times, and at the same time the power of ice had also become active. Correspondingly, the kind feeling she had before was also very obvious.

It's not far away.

If you don't come, then I will.

Lu Ling was full of curiosity about this suspected "relative" object, and still had a little expectation.

I don't know how big the ice-blue space is. Lu Ling walked on it with bare feet. She felt that the space should not be large, because her voice echoed.

Slowly move towards the destination.

During this period, she felt that her spiritual power was constantly improving and improving.

Lu Ling knew that due to some reasons, her cultivation stagnated in the soul-dividing state for a period of time, but as the strange coldness in her body continued to absorb, she could practice again, and her spiritual power was so high that she didn't even know it Even Lu Ling didn't know how much spiritual power she had now, because she basically didn't use it.

So, although she felt that her spiritual power stock was increasing, she didn't care that much.

In fact, if Lu Ling changed her thinking, she might be very surprised that her spiritual power increased every second is enough to make her favorite junior sister condense once.

But now, as soon as she is promoted, she is just a jar of spiritual power, and none of the cultural souls she has learned can be used. The rise in her cultivation base does not make her happy, and spiritual power alone cannot break through to the soul-forming state, and it is of no use at all.

Quietly follow the destination.

Beyond the clouds and mist, Lu Ling saw a figure and walked over quickly.

"Seeing you... eh? No?"

After walking over, Lu Ling realized that this was an edge of the ice-blue space, and there seemed to be clear water flowing in the ice on the wall, which was as clear as a mirror.

It turned out to be a mistake.

Lu Ling continued to walk forward.


After three steps, Lu Ling's expression changed and she retreated.

Take a deep breath.

Look closely at the mirror.

The first thing that catches the eye is a pair of light blue eyes.

Who is this?
(End of this chapter)

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