Chapter 541 Ice Beauty

Not even a mirror.

Lu Ling didn't know what was flowing inside, it was more like spiritual energy.

Of course, for Lu Ling, this is not the point, the point is the portrait reflected in the mirror.

The girl looked at the girl in the mirror stupidly, and pinched her own face in disbelief.


not a hallucination...

At this moment, what Lu Ling saw was nothing but a "stranger" whom she didn't know at all.

Light blue eyes.

The girl's pupils dilated slightly.

Exquisite face, no bangs, revealing a white forehead, with fine hair hanging down the side.

Pink lips, and a delicate beauty mole...

Girl Lingshan standard red skirt.

The most conspicuous thing is the long hair that hangs down to the calf, silver like a waterfall, reflecting the icy blue light of this icy world.

The blue hair is stained with white snow...

At this time, Lu Ling lifted up her skirt dully, and then, the girl in the mirror who seemed to have stepped out of a painting also lifted her own skirt.

Just when she was about to reveal her underwear, Lu Ling let go of her hand suddenly.

No no no no.

This shouldn't be her.

However, what is reflected in this mirror is her current real appearance. If there is anything wrong, it is that there is no Tai Chi on her chest in the mirror, and everything else is the same.

Probably this kind of power cannot be carried by the mirror light.

Lu Ling blinked, her light blue eyes deepened, and she was a little flustered.

She should have black hair and black eyes, and she will never have white hair. This is not good-looking at all, and it is better than black hair.

Moreover, if the junior sister sees this appearance, how will she explain it?

In Lu Ling's consciousness, white hair represents the end of life...

The junior sister might think that she was hurt in some way.

When encountering such a thing, Lu Ling's first thought was not to investigate what happened, but her junior sister.

bad bad bad...

This girl obviously couldn't understand the change in temperament brought about by silver hair.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Ling skillfully lifted her long hair to her eyes.

Silver, the goal is a large dazzling color.

Cool and feels good.

But Lu Ling's expression changed drastically.

It feels good to the touch, but why does it feel like it's not her hair?Although her hair is slippery, it definitely shouldn't feel like this. Now her hair is light and fluffy, and she feels like there is nothing... She finally knows why she feels weird since she got off. I feel my hair is a bit heavy, but now I don't feel it at all, it's very relaxed.

Tentatively, he wrapped his fingers around his hair, and then pulled it hard.

"Hiss..." The girl took a breath.

Pain, looking at my fingers again, the hair wrapped around them is still firm.

It seems that I am not working hard enough.

Gritting his teeth, he exerted a lot of strength.

After the sting, Lu Ling looked at her hand, a silver thread more than one meter long, shining under the blue light.

Lu Ling had a bitter face.

It seems that the color of her hair has really changed... What to do now... It's becoming ugly.

However, what happened next left Lu Ling no time to think about whether the silver hair looked good or not, because the hair she had just pulled out suddenly decomposed into spiritual energy, and just disappeared out of thin air.

This frightened Lu Ling so much that she couldn't understand.

Can her hair decompose into aura in this place?
Lu Ling, who is of the ice attribute, can clearly perceive that the spiritual energy decomposed from her long hair is very pure, but when Lu Ling wanted to absorb it again, the latter suddenly disappeared into the world, as if it had been destroyed by something. Suck it up first.

How is this going?

Lu Ling didn't understand.

However, she felt that things seemed to be overblown... Her hair would disappear immediately after she fell out, which means that the hair is composed of spiritual energy, so is it possible that if the spiritual energy in her body is chaotic, or she temporarily loses her spiritual power? Her hair just disappeared out of thin air?
Sure enough, there is a great possibility.

The silver-haired girl quickly covered her head, then held her long hair in her hands, looked left and right, as if she was wary of others coming to snatch her.

She doesn't want to be a bald man, just like that great monk, she is not good-looking at all.

If her hair is gone, maybe the junior sister will not want her?Lu Ling knew that Liu Fufeng liked her hair very much. She didn't dare to tell Liu Fufeng when she cut off some hair before, but now it has changed color, so it's strange not to panic.

After carefully checking every memory in her body, Lu Ling came to a conclusion.

Silver hair, ice pupils, I didn't notice it before, and now her skin is much fairer than before. This reminds Lu Ling of her state when she first came to Lingshan. At that time, her body was sickly white. There is a strange beauty.

Now her whole body seems to have shed a layer of shell. If you don't look at her face, she is completely a young lady.


The girl looked at the mirror with a serious expression.

The figure in the mirror is as noble as a princess.

Sometimes, without a doll to play with, is yourself a good choice?

bah bah bah.

Lu Ling dodged her feet.

Now is not the time to think about it, it's time to figure out what's going on.

She has completely changed now. If she wore a mask, even her husband would not be able to recognize her.

As for why she wasn't a junior sister, it was because Lu Ling felt that even if she turned into ashes, Fufeng would be able to pull her out of the trash. It was impossible for her junior sister not to know her, and she had this confidence.


They come, the security.

Lu Ling's panic only lasted for a while and then disappeared without a trace.

That's how she gets her character.

In fact, as long as it’s not about Liu Fufeng, no matter what kind of things happen to Lu Ling, be it panic, fear or surprise, it just lasts for a while for Lu she can understand the strange things that keep happening around her. accept.

As if it wasn't her who felt the emotions.

But now, Lu Ling no longer cares about her changes.

If you look carefully, she is still very beautiful now, maybe the junior sister likes this feeling?
The most important thing is that Lu Ling knows that no matter what she becomes, her junior sister will always like her, which is called being confident.

Besides, it might be caused by the underground ice. The aura here is scary. She doesn't need to cultivate her spiritual power to grow crazily. Maybe it's a change caused by the increase in spiritual power. Maybe it's just a matter of leaving the secret realm. The senior sister said, when you leave the secret realm, will it return to the way it was when you came in?
Hmm... Lu Ling doesn't know if her cultivation base will be reset, but it probably won't be reset.

The most important thing now is to find out what happened. Lu Ling felt that the woman who pulled her down did what made her become like this.

go to her.

The girl turned around and shook her head, her silver hair drew an arc.

What she didn't realize was that although she still dragged one leg when she walked due to habit, it was much smoother than before.

The body is recovering.


In fact, we can't blame the elves. Although the changes in Lu Ling's body are related to the elves, there is not much connection. When Lu Ling was in the camp, her eyes had dimly changed color, but she didn't know it.

It's all because the quality of the ice element here is too high. It is a great supplement to Lu Ling who is currently low-cultivation. Her physique is too strong. After being screened, the aura becomes extremely pure, and then absorbed by her .

Ordinary spiritual energy can be screened by her, not to mention the origin of ice.

Lu Ling came into contact with the original baptism of a high-ranking elf, and the converted spiritual power was a terrifying amount that she could not imagine... If it was before, Lu Ling would not be able to absorb so much, but now she has learned the power of the Eastern God Sea. "Shenlan" is just right to absorb the cold air.

This is not necessarily Xuenv's technique, but Lu Ling's use of it is indeed very powerful.

After being scoured by the high-concentration source, Lu Ling's body and soul have temporarily undergone certain changes... Some hidden dangers in the body have been temporarily eliminated, and the soul has returned to the cleanest state.

It can be said that now is her original appearance, and it is also the appearance that Lu Ling will inevitably become after she reaches a certain level in the future.

She is a walking ice source, and at the same time can expand a huge field of expansion. If the previous Lu Ling can expand a field of up to ten meters, then the state of unlocking the seal can be at least a hundred times or even a thousand times.

The pavilion master that Eastern Shenhai needs is actually Lu Ling like this, the core of Eastern Shenhai.

The current Lu Ling is no longer lame, but she didn't realize it herself.

Let Xue Nu touch the origin of the ice, there will be a huge reaction, even if it is just a young Lu Ling, her instinct is still there.

Automatically absorb the origin of the ice into the body, and then magnify it countless times. At this time, from the fingers to anywhere on Lu Ling's body, every hair is filled with the exploding ice aura.

If all this spiritual energy erupts, it will be much more than the spiritual energy she absorbed on the spiritual mountain before.

However, this state will disappear soon, after all, it is not my own strength.

But she is not afraid of wasting, because she still has a wounded fairy sword in her body. Because of Lu Ling's own cultivation base, Xuechen dare not absorb too much of Lu Ling's power every day, so her recovery is very slow.

But it's different now, she can also feel the spiritual power exploding in the master's body, instead of letting this spiritual power dissipate over time, it's better to make her cheaper.

So Lu Ling didn't know at the moment that there was a young girl who was frantically absorbing her spiritual power.

Ordinary snow dust, the original source of ice, is useless to her at all, but it is different after being transformed by the master.

For Xuechen, it was a great supplement, because with these spiritual powers, she could become her original self.

In fact, Luo Qianhan has ten thousand ways to absorb spiritual power, but she is unwilling, because for Luo Qianhan, she only wants to absorb the power of her master...and then use this power to restore her real body.

That's why the speed of accumulating spiritual power is so slow. It's not that she is picky about food, but that she doesn't eat the spiritual energy in Lu Ling's body.

Now finally found a good opportunity.

It is estimated that after Lu Ling is sucked dry, Xuechen will be alive and kicking again.


This is also the reason why Hong Ling let Lu Ling be taken away by the elves, she had expected this long ago.

My sister is almost asleep, it's time to wake up.



At this time, Lu Ling was getting closer and closer to her destination.

Along the way, she did not forget to observe the surrounding environment.

It is empty, the concentration of aura is extremely high, but there is no life reaction. The aura clouds here are different from those above. Although the elves in the previous layers do not come out, Lu Ling can feel their presence.

Now the aura around is just aura.

It's okay, she'll find the culprit.

just in front.

Lu Ling walked over and turned a corner.

stunned for a moment.

The girl was shocked by the huge plain in front of her.

This place is completely different from the previous layers. It is a world made up of snow, which is very large.

After walking for so long, it turns out that she has been walking in alleys since she came down, and this vast world is the original appearance of this floor.

Just when Lu Ling was in a daze, a calm voice came from a distance, clear to my ears.

"You are finally here, noble ice."

Hearing the sound, Lu Ling heaved a sigh of relief, she had found it, then raised her head and looked at the endless snow field, three question marks appeared above her head.

"Where are you?"

"I'm sorry." A female voice came from all directions, and then under Lu Ling's shocked gaze, a huge figure appeared from the side of the cloud.

As high as a mountain, she is extremely small in front of this shadow.

Was it a giant who pulled her down?

There was no time to blink, Lu Ling stared at the sky.

The imaginary giant and huge footsteps did not appear, what Lu Ling heard was the sound of people stepping on the snow, approaching from far away.

A shadow appeared in Lu Ling's sight.

The proportion of a normal person, the shadow like a hill is a huge ice wing extending from the ice beside her shoulder, and it is not connected with her body.

The woman came out from the shadows, her wings covered the sky and the sun behind her back, blocking the light, and the shadows gradually enveloped Lu Ling.

not human.

This was Lu Ling's first reaction. First of all, she had never seen anyone with ice wings like a mountain.

Secondly, Lu Ling has never seen anyone whose body is made of ice, it is all ice, ice like glazed gemstones.

"Have seen noble ice."

The woman walked up to Lu Ling and looked down at her, a little impolite, but Lu Ling didn't care anymore, she was a little dumbfounded.

The woman who newly appeared in front of Lu Ling was tall and slender, exuding the temperament of a queen.

She is like a statue of Yujie carved out of Han Bing, and her round and tight thighs are Lu Ling's first impression of her.

The woman is made of transparent ice, and every inch from top to bottom seems to have been meticulously carved by the world. The perfect facial features made Lu Ling think that she saw a goddess.

This is an orthodox ice beauty made of ice.

But before she could take a closer look, Lu Ling screamed and took a step back.

"you you you you……"

"Me?" The ice beauty looked at her suspiciously.

"Why are you not wearing any clothes!" Lu Ling called out quickly, then covered her eyes, turned around and squatted down.

 Amway Wo Song's "Arrival as promised", I really like it, it suits my taste better than the world!Then I have been taking my children to learn about it this summer vacation.

(End of this chapter)

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