Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 542 Acquaintance

Chapter 542 Acquaintance
The person in front of her is an ice beauty in every sense, her temperament and appearance are all in line.

But it looks very strange, because although she has hair, the hair, like her body, is between ice blue and pure white.

The whole person is one color.

Although Lu Ling is still young, this does not affect her desire for "beauty" and her ability to appreciate beauty, such as when she treats herself as a dress-up doll, or her liking for Zhao Yingge's beauty mole.

Lu Ling felt that even if the woman in front of her was really a statue, she would still be an extremely beautiful "sister fairy".

It's the type of Yujie she likes, and she hopes to become such a person.

The above is Lu Ling's first impression when she saw the ice beauty. She was so shocked by her beauty that she didn't hear what this woman was saying at all.

When she realized it and wanted to continue watching, she screamed and took a step back.

"you you you you……"

"Me?" The ice beauty looked at her suspiciously.

"Why are you not wearing any clothes!" Lu Ling called out quickly, then covered her eyes, moved away, turned around and squatted down.

Such a beautiful woman has no clothes on.

It's too shameless.

After being educated by Qin Qin and Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling took this aspect very seriously. She usually wears a skirt, and pays attention to her etiquette all the time when walking, sitting and squatting.

Even when facing her junior sister, as long as she is not in the bathroom, Lu Ling will never be naked.

It's so embarrassing now.

Although I also had the experience of being exposed without clothes on Jiufeng, it was helpless after all, and it was different from this woman who deliberately went without clothes.

At this time, because the other party is also in human form, Lu Ling treats her as a human being, and never thinks about the difference in species.

Hearing Lu Ling's scream, the ice beauty didn't show any expression, just looked at Lu Ling, and said two words lightly.


"Of course, even if it's at home, it's not good." Lu Ling stood up with her back to the ice beauty, and pointed to her little skirt that looked like a cheerleader uniform: "Just like me, although my clothes are broken, But I'm still trying to wear it... oh, I don't know how to say it."

"You mean, let me get dressed?"

A woman's voice came from behind.

Lu Ling nodded vigorously: "Of course, we must be the same."

"Same..." The ice beauty looked at the back of the girl in front of her, wondering what she was thinking.

In fact, she was distracted - looking at Lu Ling's hair.

She had witnessed Lu Ling's transformation.

The girl is awakened, but she doesn't know it yet.

As a noble ice, it's a bit ridiculous, but women don't think it's ridiculous, those who are masters are teachers, and the age of character is not an obstacle.

After close contact, she could feel the huge pure cold air on Lu Ling's body, especially the silver hair. Although it didn't look like the origin of ice-blue ice or the color of snowflakes, it was obvious that the energy in it was stronger than hers. The source is much purer.

Silver hair, fair skin, and light blue pupils, all of which showed that the girl in front of her was extraordinary.

A piece of silver hair that Lu Ling pulled out before, was subconsciously absorbed by her after the latter became spiritual energy. Since then, the ice beauty has a deeper understanding of Lu Ling's energy.

A one-meter-long strand of hair contained terrifying energy that she had never seen before. After absorbing it, the little cold energy actually began to assimilate her own ice source.

Like a viral infection, in just a few minutes, her own origin began to evolve towards a higher level.

And that's just a hair.

So even though I observed Lu Ling closely and understood the fact that she is a human being, the other party can assimilate a single hair of her, which is still an irreversible assimilation, which confirms Lu Ling's status as the highest elf.

The highest elf is the ceiling-like existence among the elves.

The ice beauty herself is one of the best existences among the ice elves.Being able to easily assimilate her origin, perhaps Lu Ling is more powerful than the highest elf in the traditional sense.

As an ice elf, she couldn't resist the shock and change that Lu Ling brought her.

I started to lose my mind for a while, but there was nothing I could do. Any elves, especially high-ranking elves, were eager to move forward, and they couldn't resist the highest-ranking elves like Lu Ling.

Not to mention, the innate intimacy that Lu Ling brought to her was something other elves could not give her.

To be honest, the ice beauty looked at the back of the silver-haired girl, and her heart, which had been calm since she came into the world, began to be confused. As a human being, this feeling should be——"Little deer bumping around"?
He wanted to rub the girl in front of him into his arms, and then sleep with her in the ice forever.

Such an idea is unimaginable for an elf who puts cultivation first and pursues nothing else.

The elves' use of the aura of the elements is a level higher than other races. They are a race that cannot be used and can only cultivate, and should not have other desires.

The more intelligent you are, the more you can understand your mission.

But now something has changed.

This supreme elf... she wants to know her.

Here, realizing that there was no movement behind her for a long time, Lu Ling stomped her feet, but she didn't dare to look back, for fear of seeing the other party again.

Lu Ling still knew about such things as "do no evil".

"Hey, why don't you talk!"

Lu Ling's voice broke the ice beauty out of her fantasies. If Lu Ling knew that the person in front of her wanted to sleep with her forever in this endless ice, she wondered if she could be so calm.

"I'm sorry." The ice beauty apologized expressionlessly, and then added: "What Han Bing means is that we should be the same?"

Lu Ling sighed.

Ice... what is this called?
But this is not a problem anymore, the other party puts on the clothes first, so Lu Ling nodded: "Just like me, put on quickly..."


A thin voice came from her body, blocking Lu Ling's words in her throat.

Lu Ling's fair skin had goosebumps that didn't exist.

Some stiff head bowed.

Under Lu Ling's horrified gaze, her clothes and underwear seemed to have been weathered, turning into invisible ice slags, falling to the ground and disappearing.

All the clothes were gone in an instant.

The girl who couldn't feel the cold felt chilly at this time.

Be calm, be calm, be calm.

Taking a deep breath, without screaming, he squatted down tremblingly, covering his body with silver hair.

Why did her clothes suddenly disappear.

Lu Ling's mind was in a state of confusion, when she suddenly heard the woman behind her speak.

"Han Bing, we are the same now."



just now.

same? ? ?

The girl was stunned for a moment, and finally couldn't bear it any longer. She turned her head and shouted, "Did you do it? You did it!!!"

There was anger in the tone, but more shyness, and such a girl with silver hair curled up on the ice, her anger was really hard to feel.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like coquettishness.

The ice beauty stared into Lu Ling's eyes: "It's me, but Han Bing's clothes are too fragile and have been shattered."

She just speeds up the process.

Clothes of the secular world can't bear the scour of the origin of the ice anyway. The reason why Lu Ling's clothes were not broken just now is because she subconsciously used spiritual energy to maintain them.

In the cold, it's not ridiculous to see each other naked.

The elves come from the cold.

Not to mention, they themselves don't have the habit of wearing clothes. Although they have high intelligence, they have a weak sense of shame, unlike the noble ice in front of them.

Just because the clothes fell off, his face was congested with blood, and he looked at her with puffy cheeks, and there were still tears in his eyes.

I'm sorry.

Stare at the ice beauty.

Now Lu Ling didn't care that the other party didn't wear clothes, because she didn't wear any clothes, and she also meant to take revenge on the other party, even though the other party would not be ashamed at all because of her sight.


Seeing this, Lu Ling was stunned.

Sure enough, it was beautiful... Is there really such a beautiful person in the world?

Not only is she beautiful, Lu Ling felt a very powerful force from her tall and plump figure.

Not to mention anything else, the icy wings that cover the sky and block out the sun are still there...

You don't need to look at Lu Ling to know that she is not the opponent's opponent at all, so she doesn't dare to get angry.

In this way, the girl's grievance is even more serious.

"Why did you do such a thing? I thought you were a good person..." Lu Ling lowered her tone, because she had a good impression of the ice beauty because of the kindness the other party gave her.

Wait, take off her clothes.

Under the influence of Lingshan, Lu Ling also knew something.

Does this young lady like women?
She doesn't want to be rbq.

The momentum instantly weakened.

"Don't, don't do this..."

It can't be said that Lu Ling misunderstood, after all, the woman in front of her really wanted to sleep with her, which might be more excessive than being an rbq.

"Did I do something wrong? It was Han Bing who said it. It's the same as you. Aren't we the same now?" The ice beauty responded to Lu Ling's words.

Lu Ling: "..."

and many more……

She was a little dizzy with this logic.

But he's not a bad person, it's fine if he doesn't want to bully her.

Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief, and believed what the ice beauty said. There was no way, the initial favorability was too high.

"But what I said was that you wear the same clothes as me, not what you do now, and I have no clothes to wear, what should I do..." The girl's soft voice was full of helplessness.

She was still squatting, trying not to let herself be exposed.

"It's okay." The ice beauty blinked.

"How could it be okay!!!" roared, Lu Ling pinched her hair aggrievedly.

it's good now.

She is definitely not used to seeing someone naked, let alone asking who the other person is, Lu Ling feels her face is hot even if she says one more word now.

"Big...sister, let me be quiet."

Lu Ling said.

"Ice, please feel free." The ice beauty tilted her head.



This girl is stupid.

At least she is much more stupid than she imagined. Just looking at Lu Ling's appearance, she should be a very cold person, not the soft person she is now.

In fact, she did it on purpose, as a high elf, how could she not even understand this.

She was "bullying" Lu Ling.

And the ice beauty is not just playing hooligans, she is not a slut like Shen Canghai.

Looking at Lu Ling's body at this time, the whole body has basically broken away from the concept of "human".

And when the ice elves meet, what does it matter if they wear human clothes?
Even if the clothes were not baptized by the origin of the ice, she would find a way to take the clothes off Lu Ling's body.

Moreover, she can observe Lu Ling better after taking off her clothes.

At this time, although Lu Ling was squatting on the ground to protect herself, she had already been seen clearly in this environment. Now the ice beauty knew Lu Ling's body better than herself.

Bing, after awakening, the wound on his chest disappeared.

She witnessed Lu Ling's change, which naturally included the healing of the wound.

It can't be said to be healing, because at this time Lu Ling's body has completely transformed into cold air, including the soul has changed slightly, it is more appropriate to say that it is more appropriate to reshape the body.

She is now a pure collection of cold energy, except that her thoughts are still the same, everything else has changed.

The spiritual power subverted by the sub-soul realm was also covered by the cold air, and the power of the cultural soul in the soul also disappeared completely. She is a brand new person at this moment.

And Lu Ling, who can evolve a high-ranking elf with a strand of hair, how could she leave scars on her current body.


The elf looked at Lu Ling puzzled.

It stands to reason that Lu Ling has no strength to resist the assimilation of the cold air, but unfortunately, even if the whole body is transformed, Lu Ling still has a strange energy in her body.

right on her chest.

It seems to be... yin and yang?
The power I have never seen before is that the yin and yang energy disrupted the rhythm of the cold air on Lu Ling's body. Obviously, even if Lu Ling switched, the yin and yang energy still surpassed the cold air.


This is the highest elf.

At this time, Lu Ling finally found out that something was wrong with her. Although she was embarrassed to look at her airport with sharp ribs, she still felt that the wound was gone.

"Hey, how is my injury healed? It's's alright." Lu Ling said pleasantly, so she didn't have to worry about her junior sister.

By the way, the wound is healed, so the Tai Chi power should be gone, she didn't see the spinning Yin-Yang fish anymore.



The ice beauty froze for a moment.

Just now, the yin and yang energy in Lu Ling disappeared.

Taking a deep look at Lu Ling, she didn't say anything else.

Suddenly there are some clues.

Is it balanced...

If it is that person's way, it is indeed above the ice. Of course, this is the ice that Lu Ling has not yet fully matured.

That person is the master of Li Huo Hong Ling, and also the master of all elves.

But for the ice elves, another fairy sword is their highest belief.

and many more.

Another fairy sword.

It's snowing and cold.

Snow Maiden?

Is it Snow Maiden?

Only heard the existence of the name.

Suddenly, the ice beauty's mood fluctuated a little, her wings swayed slightly in the sky, and a huge shadow enveloped Lu Ling.



The girl just escaped from the surprise of the disappearance of the scar, and turned her head, only to find that the ice beauty suddenly came up and was already behind her.

"You, what are you going to do..." Lu Ling instinctively felt that something was wrong, but she definitely couldn't run away.

 Children of relatives! !When adults go to work, I take it with me to play...

(End of this chapter)

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