Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 546 Honey and Bear

Chapter 546 Honey and Bear
Don't worry about how Lu Ling understood it, she's just very upset now, and she's taken aback.

No matter how she heard the ice beauty's words, she felt something was wrong, and finally came to a conclusion.

You are going to kill me.

The hair issue was originally Lu Ling's "serious confidant", now that she said that she was full of treasures, could she not be nervous.

Pulling her hair down can turn it into pure can change the concentration of aura in the secret realm. Lu Ling wondered whether her little hair could be of such a great use, anyway, she disagreed.

If she became a hairless boss, she probably would have no face to live.


Looking inside the curtain, the silver-haired girl hugging her hair tightly, the ice beauty didn't know what to say.

Who is going to kill her.

She wanted to let Lu Ling understand the benefits of awakening, why is it completely reversed now, hair really so important?

After thinking for a while, she nodded.

It is still very important for the little girl who loves beauty.

Forget it, she quite likes Lu Ling, so no matter how Lu Ling behaves, she finds it very pleasing to the eye.

"Bing, calm down, no one wants your hair."

Hearing her words, Lu Ling pushed her bangs aside and asked suspiciously.


"Of course it's true." The ice beauty found out that when she faced Lu Ling, she couldn't beat around the bush, she should have something to say, otherwise God knows where this little girl could think of.

"What I mean is, in this state, all the functions of your body are at their peak. For example, Han Bing, you haven't noticed that your legs can move?"

"Legs? My legs can move all the time..." Lu Ling was confused for a moment, and then the air was quiet for three seconds.

Suddenly understood.

Can her left leg move?

Lu Ling was putting on her pants, and after a while, there was a cry of surprise from the curtain.

"I can move! I can walk!!!"

Seeing Lu Ling's excited look, the ice beauty raised the corners of her mouth.

Inside, Lu Ling seemed to have discovered a new continent. After standing up and jumping on the spot, she finally calmed down a little.

But she has not forgotten that this state will soon disappear, which means that she will still be crippled after a while, just like before.

But so what?
Just move now.

She doesn't care so much.

And after this incident, Lu Ling discovered a very scary thing. She was used to lameness, and she didn't even notice that her legs and feet could move. No wonder she has been feeling weird since she became like this. She still feels like a cripple...

I didn't even realize that I had returned to normal when I changed clothes, so that's not okay.

I just tried it, although I didn't get used to the feeling of being able to walk, and my walking was even uglier than when I was limping, but after all, I am not disabled.

This state is quite good, she can get used to the state of not being lame for a while, so that she doesn't even know when she really gets better in the future.

"Thank you, miss, for reminding me!"

"It's okay, all right, let's change clothes."


Her legs and feet were back to normal, and Lu Ling was in a very good mood, and she didn't want the other party to harm her, so she put on her pants easily.

Looking at the strange girl in the mirror.

Silver high ponytail, a light blue jacket that looks like a military uniform, and slim trousers. The black light fabric is tightly attached to her legs, which perfectly sets off her slender legs.

The top is light blue and the bottom is black, which is a very good match.

Some blush.

The round thighs and body curves are outlined, making her a little shy who has been wearing skirts... But looking at the heroic girl in the mirror, she feels that she should not be so hypocritical, she should be more free and easy, otherwise she might as well change to a princess skirt.

Staring at the girl in the mirror, Lu Ling couldn't recognize herself at all... Not to mention anything else, with such a high silver ponytail, the temperament in it is not comparable to her previous black long straight.


Feel like a female officer.

"Ahem." Lu Ling patted her face, then stood there in a daze.

Some can't walk anymore.

I used to use my right leg to use my left leg as a fulcrum when I walked... Now it's suddenly better, and I have to think about it when I walk.


A moment later, a heroic girl came out from behind the curtain. Her posture was a bit strange, but it didn't affect her appearance. Her light blue eyes revealed a sense of nobility.

"Very beautiful, very suitable for you." The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling and said.

"Really? I think so too." Hearing the compliment, the girl bit her lips, expressing her embarrassment.

The character design of the heroic girl is almost destroyed.

Lu Ling is very happy now.

Her mind is also active... Now that her legs and feet are healed, doesn't that mean that she can practice swordsmanship now?
Lu Ling, who has been studying the basic sword formulas of the Great Thousand World, knows the importance of her feet. She has learned a lot of martial arts knowledge, but she has never used it because she can't walk...

Although the duration of the current state is uncertain, she can try to practice.


You must know that she has always wanted to practice swordsmanship. Although there are some basic swordsmanship that do not require movement, Lu Ling has not learned it. She is not permanently crippled. Why waste time?

Lu Ling walked to the hall and sat down, thinking many things in her mind, and the ice beauty didn't intend to interrupt Lu Ling, the days were still long, so it's better for the little girl to get used to it first.

"By the way, young lady, are you hungry?" Lu Ling asked suddenly.

"Han Bing, are you hungry?"

Lu Ling: "..."


This young lady doesn't play by the rules...

Heart is crossed.

"I'm hungry."

Rational and strong.

"Something to eat... Let me think about it." The ice beauty tilted her head.

Lu Ling really posed a problem for her, she really didn't understand what to eat... and the cold couldn't change the food that Lu Ling could eat...

"Han Bing, what do you want to eat?"

"Can I choose?" Lu Ling was a little surprised.


"Then I want to eat meat." Lu Ling nodded, "Thank you, miss."

"Nothing." The ice beauty narrowed her eyes.

Do you eat meat...

Look for it.



In the secret realm, it's snowing.

A fierce tiger was shrouded in snowflakes, and suddenly shivered, instinctively making it feel the breath of death.

"Piebald...not very good." The woman shook her head.

The terrifying feeling disappeared, and the tiger lay down on the ground in an instant, like a kitten.


At this point in time, the black bear was running on the ice field with all its strength, and its huge size made it leave a huge footprint with every step it took.

It can't feel the breath of the little girl anymore, the kind that has completely disappeared, even the imprint of life is gone.

Originally, if Lu Ling simply entered the ice cave, although it would still be blocked, she still knew whether Lu Ling was safe, and she would not be in the current state of being completely blind.

The key point is that Lu Ling's aura disappeared suddenly, definitely not in a state of death, something must have happened.

So, although I am very afraid of the woman in the ice cave, it still came, and it must confirm Lu Ling's status... In the secret realm, death is not terrible, but if it falls into the hands of that cold-blooded woman, it will be terrible Now... She is not bound by the rules of the secret realm, and for the elves, they are above life. The key is that the woman has a bad temper. If the little girl pissed her off and something happened, how can she let her go back? Explain to Luo Xian?
If something happened, Luo Xian might peel it alive.

And there is one more thing... It has to find Lu Ling, even if the little girl is fine now, it is impossible for her to stay in the Eastern Lair anymore...

Because, the "good things" that the little girl gave it were finished.

It had to admit that it was completely overwhelmed by Lu Ling's gift. Hei had never eaten such a delicious food after living for so many years.

After it opened the jar that Lu Ling gave it, it suddenly suspected that it was dreaming.

that smell...

The saliva dripped down.

Later, he was not willing to eat at all, and even shrunk his body to the size of a bear, and then licked it slowly.

It can be said that it is quite lacking in dignity. If Luo Xian sees it like this, he will probably dislike it again.

But there is no way, Old Hei really can't resist...

So, after discovering that Lu Ling's aura had disappeared, it couldn't take it anymore. For food... Bah, for the safety of the little girl, even if it knew that there were tigers in the mountains, it would go to the Tiger Mountains.

The big deal is to fight with that cold-blooded and brutal woman.



Hei would never have imagined that the cold-blooded and brutal woman he knew was standing behind Lu Ling, helping the little girl find food.

"Han Bing, do you eat this animal?"

The woman waved her hand, and a small animal with long ears appeared in the air.

"Tutu is so cute, why do you want to eat it?" Lu Ling shook her head, saying no.

In fact, fish or something will do.

Now Lu Ling doesn't have much concept of living beings, it's nothing to kill and eat such animals...

Ice Beauty: "...Then, change to another one."

keep looking.

If you don't want cute ones, then find ugly ones...



The black bear walked to the cave, where the last smell before Lu Ling disappeared.

The black bear shrunk its body and turned into the size that stayed beside Lu Ling, walked in, looked around at the ice-blue world, and then gave up the idea of ​​finding a way.

My old black needs to find a way?nonexistent.

He punched the ground, punching a hole directly, and then jumped down.

The second layer, continue.



At this time, on the fifth floor, Qionghua's disciples were fighting here. After Lu Ling disappeared, they found the entrance to the next floor, and the ice cave finally returned to normal, with the number of elves greatly reduced.

The ice beauty agreed that Lu Ling did not kill them, but she agreed, but this group of people did not leave, but continued to explore, which she did not expect.

And I didn't notice at all, since Lu Ling appeared, all the ice beauty's thoughts are on Lu Ling, what do these people love, what does it have to do with her?
She didn't order the elves to attack, nor did she order to retreat, everything followed the rules.


in battle.

It was difficult for the elves of the Soul Realm to surround them one by one, occasionally mixed with the middle and lower elves of the Void Transformation Realm, but these disciples could barely hold on.


Seeing that the girl was absent-minded, the young master stepped in front of Si'er, tore the elf into pieces with a single sword, and turned it into spiritual energy again.

"Sier, be careful."

"Understood." The girl clenched the dagger again.

Seeing this, the Young Master shook his head: "Are you still thinking about Junior Sister?"


The girl nodded to acknowledge that Lu Ling was taken away so suddenly, how could she not be worried...

In fact, I feel sorry for Lu Ling and those male cultivators... What a pity that such a good scout was captured by the enemy.

However, after Lu Ling disappeared, the place returned to normal, which is good news.

The young master said: "We don't know what kind of attack we received before, but the best way now is to explore down to find the gatekeeper, and at the same time look for the little junior sister..."

"Understood, I made you worry, Senior Brother." Si'er nodded and regained his composure.

At this moment, there was a loud noise, and countless ice chips fell from the sky.

A black bear as tall as a person appeared in front of everyone.



At first, he didn't react, but soon, someone exclaimed: "Guardian, is this the gatekeeper?"

"That's it, everyone stop it!"

For a moment, everyone greeted the black bear.

The black bear didn't fight back at all. Now it's important to find Lu Ling. He punched the ground and disappeared. After it went down, the hole was automatically repaired. A lot of magic weapons hit the ground without even a single slag of ice. hit it down.

From the black bear's appearance to its disappearance, in just a second, some people didn't react at all.

"It is, it finally appeared."

"Continue to explore and go to the next level. We must clear this secret realm."

Although the black bear was not retained, most of them rekindled their fighting spirit.

Not afraid of fighting, not afraid of death, but afraid of having no direction. Now that the black bear is clearly under him, can he have no motivation?
And although the strength of the opponent is great, but the fluctuation of strength is not strong, it can be a battle.

"Sier, the black bear guarding the barrier has appeared."

"I know, it was the one who bullied Junior Sister before..." Si'er took a deep breath.

Lu Ling is below, and Hei Xiong is also below.

I must cheer up, use my strength as the fourth son, and not let the senior brother worry about her anymore...

The dagger shone coldly, and there was a look in his eyes.

She wants to rescue the little junior sister, the difference in nothing, it takes heart.

Live to see people, die to see corpses.

She went back to the birth point before, but she didn't find Lu Ling, which meant that she was still below.

Si'er defeated a transformed elf with his backhand, and everyone formed an formation and continued to explore.



At this time, the ice beauty had a snowfall and picked some "food", but Lu Ling didn't like it either.

There's no way, she usually eats well-cooked meals, so it's strange to let her look at these raw animals and find them delicious.

It's worth mentioning that in Luoyan City, Lu Ling also saw others kill animals... she didn't feel anything.

She is not the kind of little girl who is too kind.

Let's talk when we're full.

"Han Bing, otherwise, how about eating some fruits?" The ice beauty asked, she remembered that Lu Ling still liked eating fruits.

She only started to observe Lu Ling after she entered the cave. At the beginning, because she was in a deep sleep, although she felt kindness, she didn't open her eyes. After seeing Lu Ling, the girl was eating fruit in her dreams.

"Fruit?... that's fine too." Lu Ling nodded, but her expression was very reluctant.

Fruits are also okay, but to be honest, they are eaten only when they are not available, and they have eaten several meals, and some fruits are poisonous, she has some psychological shadows, and she is still a guest in such a beautiful house, so she can't eat a proper meal Divide.

"Don't you like it? I'll think of a way..." The ice beauty glanced at Lu Ling and shook her head lovingly.

She quite likes Lu Ling's not-too-willful request, which at least shows that she doesn't care about it.

Suddenly, the ice beauty narrowed her eyes and looked up.

This little guy... hasn't he learned his lesson enough?

Turn your head.

"There is something to eat, you should like it." The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling with a smile.


The girl was very happy.

(End of this chapter)

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