Chapter 547 Life
"There is something to eat, you should like it." The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling with a smile.


Lu Ling was very happy.

She expressed curiosity about the delicious food that the young lady said.

Then, I was also curious about this young lady's cooking skills... She looks so good-looking, so she must be good at cooking.

After she proposed to eat meat, the ice beauty did not say that she could not do it, and Lu Ling still had a little confidence in her cooking skills.

Waiting for food at Miss Elf's place with peace of mind, there is nothing wrong with it.

At the same time, Lu Ling, who was sitting on the chair, moved her left foot from time to time to adapt to the slight feeling of not being controlled... After learning so much martial arts knowledge, Lu Ling is very aware of the necessity of controlling the body, although she is top-notch. Yes, but that was before, not now.

"..." The ice beauty standing behind Lu Ling slightly raised her head and looked at the sky.

The woman put away her smile, with a chilling coldness in her eyes.

It's only the eighth floor, so you don't have any strength?

That's right, even with the power of this little thing, it is impossible to break through the Xuanbing even if it is exhausted.


There is still quite a lot of meat on this spirit race, especially the bear paw, which should be a rare delicacy for human race?
After the ice beauty migrated to this secret realm, she got a clearance token of Lingshan, and asked her to hand it over to a junior to guard the fifth floor. The middle elves can also act as gatekeepers occasionally, so she herself would not shot.

The ice beauty is not within the rules of the secret realm, and the so-called resurrection rules have no effect on her - I haven't heard of creatures that have come into contact with the origin of the ice. death penalty.

After the opponent's body was corroded by extreme cold poison, she couldn't undo it herself. The former would be directly decomposed into ice aura, and then absorbed by heaven and earth.

You can't even enter the wheel of heaven and earth, and your soul will be scattered.

The ice beauty is in a secret realm, so naturally she won't really do anything to the weak human race who came to experience, and even acquiesced to these people's "leveling" in the cave, anyway, with some juniors, they can't make it to the tenth floor.

But that doesn't mean she can tolerate being provoked.

The black bear has done this kind of stupid thing. The territorial consciousness of the bear clan made it die once, but at that time the ice beauty didn't pay attention to it at all. She just wanted to practice and she didn't even have the intention to kill, so she just threw it out. mystery.

The beauty frowned.

She had spared it once for the sake of the Lingshan Token, but this time there was such a big commotion. It seemed that she wanted to see her... Was she courting death?

If Lu Ling is not around, she doesn't care about this guy, just throw it out.

But not today, not in the future.

The black bear didn't wink at all.

She has a distinguished guest here, and today is the day to let Bing Lingqi know Han Bing. The ice beauty doesn't understand what this bear is thinking, but it's simple, so she will send it to die, worrying about not being able to find food.

As for the agreement with Lingshan, it's nothing.

No matter what, kill it first.



This is also the reason why Master Luanfeng immediately sent someone to chase after Han Xue when he heard that Han Xue had sent Li Wangsheng to the fifth layer of secret realm. Although there are many random secret realms in the fifth layer, if Li Wangsheng enters this layer , and cause trouble, then it is very likely to be killed.

The cold-bloodedness of elves is something that most people cannot understand, and the lethality of high-level elves ignores the rules of the secret is really dangerous.

What is cold blooded?

When Lu Ling's identity was not confirmed, the ice beauty ignored the kind feeling Lu Ling brought her, and directly washed Lu Ling with her source. If Lu Ling hadn't had a special constitution, she might have been broken down directly.

Of course, just maybe, Lu Ling's yin-yang fish is not a decoration, let alone Yun Shu's imprint, that imprint was not really blocked, but engraved on Lu Ling's soul, as the last line of defense .

But it is enough to explain a few things.

Of course, after confirming Lu Ling's identity, the current ice beauty is naturally extremely gentle to Lu Ling.

Moreover, the danger of the elves was based on variables at that time. In fact, no one who could provoke the ice beauty would provoke her. Only this bear was in a daze, not knowing whether to live or die.

Because she was worried about Li Wangsheng, Luanfeng went to Yun Shu and asked her ancestor to check Li Wangsheng's condition. What Luanfeng didn't notice was that when she asked Yun Shu for help, the other party's expression when she heard the fifth layer of secret realm.

Later, after inspection, Li Wangsheng stayed quietly in the corner, and Master Luanfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

And Yun Shu...she saw the scene where Lu Ling and Bing Meiren got along in harmony, and she also breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw off the guests...

So, if this kind of thing is known by the juniors, she will really lose face.



ten floors.

"Han Bing, wait here for a while, I'll go get the ingredients." The ice beauty gave Lu Ling a gentle look.

"Waiting here, are you? Understood." Lu Ling nodded obediently.

Then, the ice beauty walked out of the small building, moved a little further away, stretched out her jade hand, and drew a silver-blue arc in the air with her slender fingers.

The huge ice wings flashed behind him.



"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The black bear punched the black ice, but it was useless, it couldn't get off at all.

I am old and black from exhaustion, this ice is really hard.

Take a break……

At this moment.


The black bear who was staring at the black ice on the ground in a daze was suddenly pierced by an ice thorn, with a sad face still hanging on his face.


Icicle exits.

No wounds.

But the black bear was speechless. The emotion shown in the small eyes was surprise, followed by despair, and then anger.

It's dead.

death declaration.

Suddenly, the body was pierced by the source of cold ice. The terrifying resilience of the spirit race made it heal the wound in an instant, but it was useless. The cold poison of the source had already begun to erode it. In less than 10 minutes, it would become A pile of ice aura.

Although he knew that woman was not easy to mess with, he didn't expect her to be so irritable, so he did it directly.

It shouldn't be like this...

This woman has been sleeping all this time, but this time she woke up, and she still has such a strong anger... The black bear's clumsy brain has not turned around, and it is about to face death.

"Roar!" The black bear, who knew he was doomed, hit the ground with all his strength, roaring like a sky crashing.

Although I knew there was a gap between it and the Ice Woman, I never thought that there was such a big gap. It was pierced through the body without any feeling, and the resilience of the Spirit Race had no effect in the face of extreme cold poison.

The bear body was instantly infected.

Immediately afterwards, the limbs gradually became stiff, and the strength gradually dissipated, along with the aggrieved anger that dissipated.

He was killed without even seeing anyone, how can he not feel aggrieved?

Before losing consciousness, he was thinking of nothing but Lu Ling.

Because Qionghua disciples often enter the cave to practice without danger, it didn't care.

It made a mistake this time. It didn't expect this woman to be crazy. It shouldn't let the little girl down. It didn't notice Lu Ling's aura along the way. It probably fell into the hands of this cold-blooded woman.

I don't have the face to see Little Red Fish anymore...

Losing consciousness, the bear's body as tall as a person hit the ground, gradually forming a block of ice.

Then, a icy bone claw rose from the ground, pulling the black bear into hell.



The ice beauty gently moved her fingers, and the icy bone claws descended from the sky, pressing the black lump under her hand.


With a loud noise, the ice shards dispersed.

A bear as tall as a person hit the ice, and the bear's face still maintained an angry expression. The vitality of the Eldar was like a candle in the wind, which could be extinguished at any time. The power of many years of cultivation was broken down just like that.

The ice beauty looked at the ice cubes at her feet, expressionless.

She felt nothing about taking the bear's life.

Can turning into cold count as death?
This is what the elf pursues all his life. That is not death, but returning to his mother's embrace. How can this be considered death?

To be mediocre, unable to offer pure coldness to the mother, unable to be recognized by the fairy sword, that is the most painful death.

Apparently, elves have a completely opposite understanding of life and death compared to other races.

They can understand other races' desire for life, but so what?What does it have to do with myself.

Glancing at the bear on the ground, the woman blinked.

Is it bad to live?Don't kill yourself.

The ice beauty quietly waited for the black bear to be completely decomposed into cold air.

The noble Ice can't directly eat dirty meat. As an elf, although she can't directly create meat, she can decompose creatures, collect those cold air, remove unnecessary elements, and recreate them... At that time Although the bear's paws are still bear's paws, they are much more precious than ordinary bear's paws, and they contain the spirit clan's own cultivation.

She didn't think there was anything cruel, as long as Lu Ling liked it.

Ignoring the decomposing bear on the ground, the ice beauty glanced over her shoulder.

Han Bing doesn't seem to like her ice wings that much...but this is her origin...

Forget it, let’s find a chance to break down the training for ice. An elf tribe only needs one highest-ranking elf. I don't know how high it is, but if Lu Ling "eats" the wings, she can accept it.

Even happy.

At this moment, Lu Ling, who heard the movement, was lying by the window and looking outside.

"What's that sound? Young lady, what are you doing..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and the silver-haired girl's expression froze on her face.

At Miss Sister's feet, the big guy frozen in the ice looks familiar.

Isn't this her little black?

what happened?

The ice beauty noticed something wrong with Lu Ling, and was taken aback for a moment, but she still said truthfully, "What's wrong with the ingredients I prepared?"

However, before she finished speaking, Lu Ling disappeared from the window. After a sound of hurried feet stepping on the wooden board, the girl rushed out from the attic. Because she was not suitable for running with her left foot, she didn't take a few steps. She fell heavily to the ground, but she didn't care about the pain. She stood up and rushed to the black bear, staring blankly at the big piece in the ice.

Lying on the ice, nothing happened.

Before, when she was lying on Xiao Hei's body, she could hear a huge heartbeat...

there's no more.

The hair she cleaned for the black bear in the ice spring is now messy, and the dark eyes, the size of mung beans, are blood red at this moment.

The huge bear was motionless.

Lu Ling could feel that the big guy in the ice had lost any breath of life, and at the same time, a strong cold air continued to emanate from it.

dead... dead?
Lu Ling took a step back and fell to the ground.

Eye sockets instantly turned red.

How could it be like this... We only separated for one night, how did we become like this?

"..." After seeing Lu Ling like this, the ice beauty froze in place.

The brain is blank.

Things seemed... out of her control.

From the looks of it, Han Bing obviously knew this bear.

And it looks very emotional.

At this time, Lu Ling's own aura also began to become disordered.

Xiao Hei is dead?

Give her fruit to eat, use her as a mat, stupid big guy, dead...

The girl's pupils are constantly switching between blue and black.

【Her belongings were killed by others, I'm upset. 】

[The big guy I like, died, very sad. 】

Turning her head, Lu Ling stared at the ice beauty.

"What did you just say? Ingredients?"

The girl with the silver ponytail looked sad on the surface, but behind it was some coldness that was not deeply hidden.

Ice Beauty: "..."

Nothing to say.

What happened suddenly made her unprepared at all... She didn't understand how Lu Ling, a newcomer to the human race, would know a bear in a secret realm, but something had already happened, so what could she do.

The calm heart began to panic because of Lu Ling's eyes.

That is the gaze of the enemy.

"Miss sister, did you do it?" Lu Ling took a deep breath, holding back her tears.

"It's me... I didn't expect it to know Han Bing, I..."

At a loss, the explanation was pale and weak, the beauty's light blue long hair fell on her cheeks, and her noble temperament was finally broken.

The ice beauty did not expect that she would have such a day when she could not calm down. Even when she first met Lu Ling, she could think calmly, but now she has lost the ability to organize words.

Seeing that Lu Ling's pupils gradually turned black, she became more and more flustered.

"It came up suddenly,'s very fragile...I just moved a little bit..."

"It's my fault...I want to eat meat." Lu Ling bit her lower lip tightly.

"Han Bing, it's not your fault... By the way, it's not dead yet..."

As soon as the words came out, the ice beauty knew that she had said the wrong thing.

In a panic, everything was said.

not dead?

Yes, she is not dead for the time being, but she won't live for too long... She can't save herself, so why tell Lu Ling?
"Not dead?" Hearing these words, Lu Ling came back to her senses in an instant, and her eyes turned light blue again.

"Miss, can you save it? I beg you to save it..."

Seeing that Lu Ling's eyes had changed from hatred to hope, the ice beauty breathed a sigh of relief.

Then there is the embarrassment.

"I-I'll try."

She couldn't face Lu Ling's hateful eyes, knowing that she couldn't save her, she had to try.

Now, she can't wait to kill herself in advance, what's wrong, she insists on killing someone close to Han Bing, this is fine, let alone the highest elf, it's useless for her to apologize now.


The ice beauty stretched out her hand and broke the ice around the black bear, and then looked at the empty shell inside.

The vitality is passing away rapidly, the inside has been hollowed out, and there is nothing left in the body, how to save it?
(End of this chapter)

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