Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 555 It's up to the owner to beat the dog

Chapter 555 It's up to the owner to beat the dog

The few newcomers did not hide their aura, so even Li Wangsheng, who was far away in the sky, could feel it.

Shake the wine gourd.

He didn't have too many thoughts, just opened the enchantment immediately to hide his devilish energy.

Then he lay down on the big rock and took a sip of wine.

Obviously, the presence of these people did not affect his interest in drinking at all.

He hasn't returned to Lingshan yet, he needs a good rest here.



On the side, Young Master Qionghua looked at the few people who appeared suddenly, his brows were slightly frowned, and his handsome face was slightly dissatisfied.

This is a secret realm, a place for training, to show off one's own strength in front of some younger juniors... He doesn't like it.

It's just some elves, and they can be dispelled more easily, but they insist on using such exaggerated methods... Are they attracting someone's attention?
Glancing at Si'er who was holding the dagger in a daze, the young master sighed.

Hearing the voices of some nympho junior sisters, the young master stepped forward and said loudly: "Several senior brothers... suddenly appeared in this fifth-level secret realm, what's the matter? If you try to save him...that means the younger brother doesn't know what to do, senior brother, this is a secret realm, Qionghua doesn't have any disciples who are afraid of death, death in battle is due to his lack of cultivation...and senior brothers..."

He glanced at Daowen.

He shook his head vaguely.

The implication was also very clear to those present.

If you have the ability, go to a high-level secret realm, or go directly to Tianguang Ruins to show off...


After the Young Master spoke, the young men lost their face a little bit.

But the saint is right here, and they have nothing to do but smile awkwardly.

"Junior brother, it's because we didn't think properly."

They really didn't mean any harm.

And when he opened his mouth, some female cultivators also reacted.

I am ashamed of myself...

It's not that they are really in danger, and they don't need other people to "rescue the beauty", and the elements of the other party's show off are indeed a bit serious, which is not so natural.

"But brother, don't be too mean." Senior sister Zhang walked over and patted the young master on the shoulder: "Without the help of a few brothers, we might be wiped out again."

After she finished speaking, the atmosphere here became a little better. No matter how you looked at it, they were still saved.

"That's right." The young master put his sword on his back and took a few steps forward, seemingly inadvertently standing in front of Si'er, facing several young people: "Senior brothers, what are you looking at?"

From the moment they appeared, the eyes of these men scanned the female cultivators' camp, as if they were looking for something.

No matter what they thought, they would never have imagined that the ordinary girl next to her in short coat and ponytail, holding a dagger and lightly dressed, was the saint they were looking for.

"Nothing to see."

There was a little noise, all the disciples focused their attention on the young men, not knowing what they were here for.

At this moment, two old men behind him came up.

When they appeared, all the noise died away.

These are not a few brothers who can be ridiculed.

Qionghua's disciples looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

what happened……

Although their regiment was wiped out four or five times, it wouldn't alarm these uncles and uncles... If it was true, it would be a big embarrassment.

After the two appeared, the young men breathed a sigh of relief, and retreated respectfully, still looking for that magnificent saint.

It's just that after looking for a long time, I didn't even find any ones with similar heights.


Seeing the old man in white robe, the young master took a few steps forward with a serious expression.

"Two uncles, what happened?"

Unexpectedly, the old man in white robe showed a little respect to the young master, especially after his eyes were on the Qionghua on his chest.

"My lord, you should understand." The old man in white robe shook his head.

"Sure enough." The young master sighed, showing a trace of helplessness: "Master, you should also know that she... this matter is not so easy."

The two old men also smiled wryly.

It is true that the saintess does not listen to others in this state, but there is no way to do that, they still have to listen to what the head says.

In many cases, if she doesn't meet the requirements of the saint or what she is doing, she will not simply follow them away.

The reason why I brought a few young people is also for this reason, just as running errands.

"Master Uncle has some things to explain, everyone should rest where they are," the young master said.

Qionghua's disciples nodded one after another.

They all know that the young master has a high status, and it is not a big deal for these people to appear suddenly after thinking about it carefully, but it is a little sensitive at this point in time after everyone has been wiped out by the group many times.

Si'er looked at the few people in the distance, without any thoughts, found a corner to sit down, and silently wiped his poison dagger.

She doesn't care about these people's intentions at all, she is more worried about that little girl now.

Naturally, there is no risk of life... But that girl is relatively timid, and Si'er is a little afraid that she will be frightened...

Thinking of which corner Lu Ling might be thrown into, she was extremely worried.


The old man pulled the young master aside and whispered.

"My lord, what happened to the Saintess this time?"

"...It's nothing, it's just that the regiment has been destroyed four times." The young master said the truth reluctantly.




"My lord, can you say it again?"

Son: "..."

After a while, the young master briefly talked about the experience of the past few days, which shocked the two old people from ear to ear.

"This is just the secret realm of the elementary level of the Void Transformation Realm, why..."

"Who knows? But if she doesn't clear the level, she won't leave." The young master shook his head slightly. He didn't complain about being wiped out by the group so many times. What's the variable?The most indispensable thing in Tianguangxu is variables. If you practice outside, you may encounter monsters at the level of a demon king. It's useless to say anything.

If you are wiped out by the regiment, don't blame yourself for not having enough cultivation, what is it to blame the enemy for being too strong?
Qionghua's disciples all understand this truth, so so far no one has really complained or lost their fighting spirit.

Even a secret realm that can be resurrected can't be cleared, so why do you say that you are Qionghua's disciple?Neither is embarrassing enough.

"Then what should we do now?" The old man glanced at the young people behind him: "Just clear the customs? Then leave together?"

To be honest, they are also from Qionghua, and they know that the best thing to do now is to let these disciples handle it themselves instead of meddling casually.

But there is no way now.

The saintess must be picked up in a short time, and it should not be too conspicuous, so after thinking about it for a while, a few people think that the best thing is to get the customs clearance certificate and leave the secret realm together with the whole team, so as not to expose the particularity of the saints. She will not have too much resistance.

In the final analysis, if most people agree to leave, the saint has nothing to say.

Although the young master didn't really want to leave, there was really no good way. He could only nod his head and walk back to the camp.

"Everyone, there is a problem with the difficulty of the secret realm. This time the experience is not accurate, so everyone prepares to leave, and then deal with the secret realm. No problem." The young master said.

"I have no opinion."

"No comment."

The nuns said it didn't matter.

"Brother, is there a record this time?" A male cultivator asked, it's okay to go back, but what about this failure?

"I don't know, we have to wait for the decision from above."

"Is that so...then we have to think about it..."

Obviously, these male cultivators are not so willing to leave. If there is no other way in the end and they are pushed into a hurry, even if they violate the rules, they have to pass the level.

"Brother, I don't agree to retreat now." Si'er said.

"Fourth Junior Sister..." The young master gave her a helpless look.

She thought he was willing to leave...

That was an order from the head of the sect, and he had to dare not to cooperate.

"Junior Sister, don't make it difficult for me."

His fourth junior sister is very caring.

"A Ling hasn't found it yet." Si'er continued. Others are afraid of the head, but she is not afraid at all. On the contrary, she is somewhat disgusted...

I don't know why that serious person is a daughter-in-law.

Anyway, not an important person.

The young master continued: "The secret realm is closed, she will go out."

"No, I want to take her with me." Si'er said firmly, she couldn't just let the little girl go out like this, and then go back to that irresponsible master, there is no such simple thing.

She had to rescue Lu Ling before she could leave.

After hearing Si'er's words, the nuns also echoed.

"You can't leave little junior sister behind."

"I don't agree either."

"Let's find a way to find Junior Sister."

Along with voices of disapproval, the male cultivators also finished their thinking.

Refuse to leave.

Even if the group is wiped out a few more times, it is much better than fleeing without anyone seeing it now. You must rely on your own strength to get the clearance token...

"In this case, we can help, and we will keep it secret." The old man gave a wink, and the young man walked up and said.

Before the young master could speak, he was rejected by an ordinary male cultivator.

"Sorry, thank you brother for your kindness, we can solve our own secret realm by ourselves."

"Yes, thank you brother for your kindness."

A group of male cultivators followed.

They want to pass the level, and even if these people keep it secret... the outsiders don't know that they are being helped, they only see that they have cleared the secret realm beyond their own level...

With the help of external force, even if a certificate is obtained, it is not a certificate of honor, but a certificate of shame.

I even look down on myself, so what right do I have to save face?

Absolutely will not accept the help of these brothers——

Lu Ling is different, he is a member of their team, everyone should do what they can do, and Lu Ling is no exception.

The nature is different, and it cannot be regarded as utilization.

Just when the scene was a little stalemate, the ground suddenly shook violently.

"what happened?"

Moments later, in full view, the ground cracked.

A dark object flew out from below and hit the ground with a bang.



The black bear pouted and got up from the ground.

That woman is still not gentle at all... It hurts Lao Hei to death.

Speaking of which, why did you throw it up all of a sudden?It's still a little curious about the little girl's mask...

The atmosphere is a bit strange...

Suddenly widened his eyes.

Why are there so many people around?

Qionghua disciple also wiped his eyes after being stunned for a moment.

This guy... Isn't he the BOSS they've been looking for?
Suddenly it flew out from below, like a dream.

After standing still for three seconds, everyone looked at each other and formed formation spontaneously.

Fight boss time.

"It seems that there is no need to escape, the big guy is here." The male cultivators laughed, gearing up.

It's not too embarrassing to be able to pass the customs properly.

"Master Uncle, let's clear the level first, and tell the senior brothers not to make a move." The corner of the young master's lips curled up. After looking for the black bear for so long, he finally found it, and he was unwilling to leave with shame.

"That's fine, but it's best to make a quick decision... We don't have much time," said the white-robed old man.



Si'er also looked at the dark green dagger, practicing silently.

"Do it."

With an order, dozens of people began a tough battle.



Others' sword energy hit the face, and the black bear reacted, and hurriedly covered his face.

Old Hei is not ready yet.

what's going on?
After careful observation, Hei Xiong discovered Qionghua's disciple.

No, these little guys are the ones that Lu Ling wants to test the sword... What is the ice woman doing by throwing them over?
Naturally, it is not to destroy the opponent.


As soon as the black bear appeared, he sensed the five people standing in the corner. The three young ones were lucky to say that their strength was not much different from it, but Old Hei was also a genius of the Spirit Race. In terms of talent, he was much stronger than Luo Xian. Three ordinary human races relaxed.

But those two old guys can't do it.

It can only be regarded as the middle and lower in the spirit race, but it can't do it, it can't beat it at all...

Old Hei pouted.

Sure enough, the human race is not a good thing except Lingshan. I just killed them a few times, and found someone to suppress the formation. Typically, the young ones came to the old ones, but the old ones still beat the old ones. but.

If you do something ruthless, you will definitely be repaired.

There is no way but to turn on the water.

Of course, even if it doesn't find some old guys, it still has to release water. After all, Lu Ling wants to test the sword with these people, and it won't be able to do it... Moreover, it is indeed time to prove to them that he has cleared the customs. It's working on its own.

It's just that I don't know if it will be so easy for the little girl to try the sword if there are so many old things in the lineup.

Although the elf is powerful, it is really not sure whether she is the opponent of the venerable monk.

Forget it...

Let's start acting.



The two old men and the young man watched from the side, a little puzzled.

This black bear of the Spirit Race...let's let it go, its strength has been controlled in the early to mid-term fluctuations of the Void Transformation Realm.

This should be the strength of Lingshan boss.

What did the young man say before?


"Master, where is the Holy Maiden?"

I couldn't find the saint, and finally someone couldn't help asking.

"No, it's right there...too bad!"

The old man was distracted, and the situation changed rapidly.

Si'er, who is wandering and entangled, holds a dagger in his hand. Naturally, he is close combat and has his own position.

Lao Hei said to release the water, but he was only suppressing his cultivation, and he would not really give up resistance. This kind of thing is easy to do.

So, after the ponytail girl pierced the black bear's defense with a dagger, Lao Hei punched her with his backhand in pain.

This punch hit her, and with her small body, she was dead.

She will not use more power than she set—she was shot to death when she rescued Lu Ling before, and everyone else is not surprised. After finding out that effective rescue cannot be carried out, be prepared to wait for Si'er to use her life Call out the void to attack.

But the old man in white robe couldn't accept it.

That is a noble saint.


"Beast! Dare!!"

With a roar, he said to do it.


This is the moment someone has been waiting for.

It's up to the owner to beat the dog.

(End of this chapter)

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