Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 556 Catastrophe

Chapter 556 Catastrophe
It depends on the owner to beat the dog.

So who is the dog?
Anyway, bears are dogs.



In the dark, a girl with a long ponytail sat there obediently, holding a terrifying azure blue evil mask in her hand, her eyes were still innocent and clear.

This is the mask prepared by Lu Ling. With it, the chance of being recognized will be reduced.

At this time, standing beside her was a stunning beauty in a classical long dress, but she nodded behind Lu Ling, she was a qualified maid.

"Miss sister, why did you throw Xiao Hei up there..." Lu Ling looked at the ice beauty incomprehensibly.

"Back to the ice, there are two variables coming from above... Let it explore the way first." The ice beauty said truthfully.

Lu Ling: "..."

He froze for a moment before reacting.

"Is it great?"

No matter how you look at it, Xiao Hei was being used as cannon fodder.

"It's not good." The ice beauty shook her head, "It's just that I don't want to cause trouble for Han Bing."

With her method, it is really difficult to restrain these people and not kill them... The best way is to trap them by surprise, because if one accidentally kills them, it is likely to be found by Lingshan. trouble.

In terms of real strength, it's about [-]-[-]... But because of the existence of the source, the gap is infinitely magnified.'s actually not too much trouble.

She hasn't reached the point where she thinks that Lingshan is so good... She just needs to guarantee that Lu Ling didn't kill the person, and the rest can't be counted on Lu Ling's head.

It's just that if you can't kill someone, don't kill someone. Who knows which corner will pop out the person who the little girl likes.

It's a little troublesome.

"Miss Sister, we're fighting! We're fighting, what should we do?" Looking at the scene in the mirror in front of her, Lu Ling jumped anxiously.

Xiao Hei and Fourth Senior Sister got into a fight, she was very worried, and felt sorry for anyone who got hurt.

After watching for a while, Lu Ling continued.

"Xiao Hei doesn't seem to be able to beat them...Miss, do you want to help me?"

"It's okay, just wait a little longer." The ice beauty pointed at the mask: "It's Han Bing, you are ready to go out at any time, remember what I told you before, cover yourself with cold air, so that the other party can't detect you of cultivation."

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded, but she was still worried about the battle above.

Seeing that Lu Ling was worried, Xuechen couldn't help but speak.

【Master, that big guy up there didn't use all his strength, he was releasing water...】

[Release water?Why. 】Lu Ling didn't understand, her martial arts knowledge hadn't reached the level of cultivating immortals, she could be considered a ranger at most.

[I don't know... It seems that I suppressed my cultivation and then fought normally. Although I may be injured, my life is definitely not in danger. It's better to worry about the other side...] Xuechen paused and thought for a while: [Hmm ... There are people on the other side, so there seems to be no need to worry. 】

[? ? ? ] Lu Ling said she didn't understand.

【Well, master, you just wait to try the sword, as the majesty of the final boss cannot be provoked. ] Xuechen chuckled, along the way, she also heard something from the master.

The owner is a little girl, so it's okay to like these things.

【I do not understand what you are saying. 】Lu Ling picked up the mysterious ice mask and rubbed it on her hands, but didn't put it on her face.

When I saw this mask, I thought of Junior Sister...

No matter which one I like the same junior sister.

With junior sister, even she has the meaning of survival.

Is it something like a token of love?

"Please rely on me..."

The junior sister's words are still ringing in my ears.

This was probably the most touching love story she had ever heard.

No matter what it looks like, probably only the junior sister is the most important person in my heart.

Looking at the mask, he was a little distracted, and his mood also fluctuated slightly.

The eyes turned black for a moment, and then returned to blue again.

No one else noticed her little move, but Xuechen could see it clearly, and she trembled in fright.

She is very afraid of another master.

Living in Lu Ling's heart, she understands what kind of existence the other party is. It is simply a black box. Of course, it is also her most important master, but this does not affect her fear...

The only one who can make her shrink into a ball with fear is probably only her master.

She basically has no memory of Luo Qianhan, except for some strongly hinted emotions - don't let Lu Ling send anything out.

Apart from this category, I have no impression of myself after my transformation.

Naturally, I don't know what kind of benefits Lu Ling gave Luo Qianhan. That kind of beauty is something that Luo Qianhan has never thought of... Moreover, she is intoxicated by the strong love towards herself in Lu Ling's eyes. possessive.

I like it very much.

At least show that you are important.

Xuechen didn't understand these things, so he was very afraid of this crazy master.

She didn't know, those were all past tense.

The original "Lu Ling" was jealous of the other self that was created. Since the dark things have to be carried by oneself, then it is better to die together.

Instinct made her start a game of betting, a [-]-[-] game.

Doing all the acts of spoiling "A Ling", looking for excitement, and not forgetting to collect money for myself who has nothing in the process...Because I have nothing, I want everything.

just now……

After having a junior sister, she probably owned the whole world. Although it was still dangerous, it had changed so much that she didn't even realize it.

But Xuechen is still very afraid of her, and the negative emotions generated after the owner put on the mask at the beginning still makes me shudder.

and so……

【Owner. 】

A burst of blue light flashed, and a light blue phantom cat suddenly appeared and slipped into Lu Ling's arms.

Furry, soft body, big eyes, very cute.

"Meow~" called out softly.

"Ice?" The ice beauty on the side was taken aback, because the snow dust shielded her, so she didn't feel any strange feeling.

"My pet, Xiaoxue." Lu Ling introduced briefly.


What an amazing girl.

The ice beauty turned her head and continued to stare at the battle scene above.

"Xiaoxue, what are you doing all of a sudden." Lu Ling angrily said while hugging the softness in her arms.

【Master, don't you like meow. 】Once this girl turns into a cat, she will have a mouth addiction.

"I like it, why don't I like it, it's so cute." Lu Ling looked at the cute little guy in her arms, lowered her head and kissed it on the face.

This is a cute creature that even Shen Canghai can capture.

"..." Mao'er's brain went blank, the lethality was too great, and it took a long time to recover.

【Master, let me stay by your side this time, it's just a sword test meow. 】

"But... is it convenient?" Lu Ling was a little suspicious.

Here, listening to the interracial dialogue between one person and one meow, the ice beauty could not turn her head to look.

Now she knows who Lu Ling was talking to before... What is this?Eldar?I have heard of human beings who have signed a contract with the spirit race... but I have never seen it.

[Why is it inconvenient meow...] The cat stared at Lu Ling with pitiful big eyes.

"Okay, okay, it's up to you." Lu Ling stroked its tail and nodded.

[Also, if you need help, master, remember to call me, don't force yourself to meow. ] Xuechen reminded that if Lu Ling was unable to do what she wanted, she could take over her master's body. With her master's current strength, she would definitely not be a match for the Venerable, but she had a mysterious ice sword behind her... Under Qianhan's possession, maybe he can really kill them...

"Calling you?" Lu Ling didn't understand what the little girl meant, but just nodded and continued to fiddle with the mask in her hand.

Take this mask back to Junior Sister...

I don't know if my junior sister will like it.

Try pressing the mask onto your face.

Well, it's quite comfortable.

The girl's eyes changed slightly through the mask.

Play it first.

become clear again.

The final boss is quite interesting.

Watch the battle above.

"Huh? The Fourth Senior Sister is in danger?!" Lu Ling said suddenly, very worried that this punch would lead to a terrible death...

Although it can be revived, it must be painful.

The ice beauty was not surprised, but she didn't look back: "No way..."

She is curious about the girl's hidden identity.

As soon as the words fell, the old man in white robe made a move.

"Beast! Dare!!"

In an instant, the world changed color.

Just when the black bear's fist was about to touch Si'er, a giant pale hand appeared out of thin air and moved towards the black bear with unparalleled momentum. flew.


It was deafening, accompanied by a huge cloud of ice and dust, punched a hundred meters, and made a gully of tens of meters on the ice surface, and finally collapsed into the iceberg, covered by huge ice blocks.

The sound fell.

The air was still.

Halfway through the fight, Qionghua's disciples who saw the victory immediately turned their heads to look at the old man, including the young master, with cold eyes, but sighed after seeing the anger in the old man's eyes.

This kind of respect and loyalty to the saint, he couldn't do it even when he was angry.

That's right, for these people, it's unacceptable for the saint to change. Even if she changes her disguise, in the eyes of these people, she is still a noble and inviolable saint, not the ordinary Si'er.

But he felt that Si'er was Si'er, his considerate fourth junior sister.

This may be the reason why Si'er is willing to be his junior sister.

"What should we do now?"

Disciple Qionghua looked at the collapsing iceberg in the distance with a little anger.

what is this?
Head grabbing?

Si'er came down from the sky holding the dagger and sighed.

This can be regarded as protecting yourself.

The eyes of the white-robed old man met for a moment and then separated.

There is no dissatisfaction, only helplessness.

And this kind of helplessness made the old man wake up in an instant, looking at the black bear who didn't know whether he was alive or dead in the distance, with an embarrassed expression on his face.


After seeing that the saint was offended, she subconsciously took action...

What should I do now? I have ruined the actions of the saintess and the others.

But even if he was asked to choose again, after seeing the saint in danger, he would still make a move without hesitation, this is the bottom line.

The atmosphere froze, and no one knew how to speak.

At this moment, an abrupt female voice suddenly appeared.

"It's so majestic."

Instantly attracted everyone's attention.

it's dark.

The huge icy wings covered the sky, and for a moment, everyone seemed to be imprisoned by something, unable to move, and could only watch helplessly as the icy wings gradually fell, enveloping everyone, and finally formed a Kind of like a dojo.

Covering hundreds of miles, the entire Beiyuan was completely blocked, and the sky turned blue.


"what happened?"

"Who is talking..."

"Why can't I move?"


Everyone only saw that they were locked up, but they didn't find who was talking at all. Young Master and Si'er also became serious at this time.

Because this kind of power is obviously not Qiong Hua's power.

And the old man in white robe has already seen the ice beauty.

in the sky.

The woman fell slowly, finally stood in the middle of the crowd, and saluted.

The classic long dress is stunning with every frown and smile, that kind of beauty makes the women present can't lift their heads, and the young master who has always been used to seeing Meggie can't look away at this time.

" it a saint..."

After the appearance of the ice beauty, these young people couldn't look away at all.

This dress... Whose maid is she?

A stunning maid with unfathomable cultivation... Who is so blessed?

After the Ice Beauty appeared on the stage, the air froze. No one wanted to break the beautiful scenery in front of them. In the end, the Ice Beauty spoke first.

"Hello, humans."

The voice is as cold as a nine-day fairy.

what's going on.

No one expected that the character beauty would actually say these words.

Isn't she human too?

The ice beauty didn't say anything, just positioned herself as a maid, as if she was here to pass on a message.

"Who is this woman? Isn't it Qionghua's?"

"Is she not human?"

"Brother... is it an elf?" In the corner, Si'er was surprised.

"I don't know." Young Master frowned tightly, this matter has exceeded his expectations...

If it is an elf, this matter is really troublesome.

He didn't think that these hundreds of meters high ice wings enveloping everyone were just decorations... Elves with this level of cultivation were no longer something these people could handle.

The elf is cold-blooded and cruel, and it is not clear why she appeared in front of everyone.

First of all, it's not because they slaughtered elves, because elves don't have their own lives, they must have done something to attract the attention of high elves, so they sent their subordinates.

I hope it's not because people like me offended the elves... If that's the case, once the white-robed old man can't stop the elves, the other party may eat them in one bite before Qionghua's reinforcements arrive.

It doesn't matter if I die, the saint is still here... If something happens to the will be serious.

The head of the sect will definitely launch an attack on the elves... It is undoubtedly asking for trouble by angering these unreasonable elves.

Wait for the elf to reveal his purpose.

Except for ordinary disciples who still looked like they were watching the excitement, Young Master, Si'er, and the two old men were all tensed at this moment.

Knowing the cold-bloodedness of elves, one would not really believe that this classical beauty is really as gentle as she looks.

Finally, the ice beauty spoke.

"Break into my lord's domain, my lord forgives everyone for your impoliteness... But, comparing a noble spirit race to an animal..."

"...a little concerned."

(End of this chapter)

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