Chapter 558 Picking

What did they hear, help the elves?

That's a public official, maybe he will get the favor of heaven.

Isn't it a great thing to have a relationship with elves?You must know that being able to help the highest elf is something that many people can't ask for.

How did it become like this now, imprisoning them... The first reaction of these people was that the elves wanted to eat them in one bite.

It was such a good thing earlier, why are they so worried?
Even the old man who had just died as an apprentice was also speechless at this time.

I can only blame my apprentice for being reckless.What else can I say?
Who knew, after Lu Ling heard what the young lady said, her expression changed.

Haven't heard of yourself doing this?She is the boss, she doesn't really want to try the sword...

If you follow what the little sister said, can you still be regarded as a boss?
Lu Ling herself didn't know, but after she asked the system, the other party ignored her at all, and Lu Ling became anxious all by herself. She didn't really want to stay in this place for a month.

"It's our honor to be able to help the noble elves." The young master looked back at Si'er, and the young girl nodded.

After a period of discussion, the ice beauty turned and left, returning to Lu Ling's side.

Now these people can use them however they want, and the next step is to see how Lu Ling wants to use them.

In fact, her behavior can be regarded as maintaining the majesty of the fake boss Lu Ling in a sense. After all, she basically knows nothing about swords. After being discovered, she has no majesty at all. At least her mystique has been established.

The maids are all so powerful, even if Lu Ling looks a bit weak, it must be because they don't understand elves.

Probably so.

It doesn't count as breaking the rules, it's just that she, the boss, made a bet after capturing the human race, and if she wins, she will let them go.

Winning or losing is not just about force.

If she can be satisfied, she will be considered a loser.

Of course, in the final analysis, Hong Ling is still used to this girl, she can't really let Lu Ling stay in this ghost place for a month, if that's the case, she will probably be hated to death by the little girl.

Dozens of people attack the boss Lu Ling together, this dungeon is no longer visible.

It's still doable, though.

Here, the ice beauty came back to Lu Ling and stood obediently beside her.

In terms of human thinking, she felt that she had done a good job.

But obviously Lu Ling didn't think so.

"Miss sister, why do you tell them that I am... oops." Lu Ling stomped her feet, not knowing what to say to her.

"Is there any problem?" The ice beauty didn't quite understand.

Aren't you looking for someone to feed you?

Isn't that the best choice?
"It was originally a simple trick, but now, what should I do now..." Lu Ling jumped anxiously, fearing that the ice beauty's behavior would be judged as "letting water" by the system, but the news of the mission failure never came. So she still had a glimmer of hope.

"Hanbing, did I do something wrong?" Seeing Lu Ling's anxious look, the ice beauty panicked.

"No, it's not wrong." Naturally, Lu Ling would not blame the young lady, so she had no choice but to put on a mask: "What should I do next?"

"Those who know swordsmanship are lined up there, you can choose Han Bing according to your preference, and they will all cooperate." Bing Mei said humanely.

Lu Ling followed her gaze and looked over.


In the huge ice wings, there are small barriers made of cold air one by one, like private rooms, Qionghua disciples from male to female, each has a separate room.

The size of the room is [-] meters, and it covers the entire ice field, like a honeycomb. It can be seen that the ice beauty has used a lot of energy to create these spaces.

They are even divided according to attributes. What attributes and weapons are all clearly written.

These disciples stayed alone in the enchantment, isolated from the world, and most of them were very nervous.

Elves don't lie.

After knowing that this mysterious elf was not malicious to him, but needed their help, everyone became curious.

I don't know what the highest elf standing at the top of the world looks like...

Is it Miss Yu?Still a girl...

Because the transformed elves are all female, no one thought that the elves would be men, and the higher the elves are, the more beautiful they are...

They all want to see the demeanor of the highest elves, not to mention these young masters in Qionghua.

If you can see the highest elf, and even teach her some human can definitely be used to show off, because there are few existences in the entire human race who have had close contact with the highest elf.

There is actually one in the secret realm of Lingshan. It should be said that it really deserves to be a holy place that has a good relationship with the Lingzu. It probably has something to do with Lingshan being full of women.

After hearing that elves need swordsmanship, many people who have not learned swords are regretful. Fortunately, they are all divided into different rooms, otherwise, conflicts may arise between them.

That is the highest elf, in the human race, it is the level of the Lord of the Holy Land, which is something that little people like them can see.

At this time, including the two elderly people were separated.

Now, I am not in a hurry to take the saint back. If the headmaster finds out that the matter is related to the highest elf, not only will he not blame him, but he will definitely be rewarded.

This is the status of the elves, whether in the human race, demon race, or sea race, they are sacred existences.

Especially the strongest Sea Clan, where the High Priest who is the closest to the Dao of Heaven has the most intuitive understanding of the status of the elves.


The elves mentioned here are really the highest elves.

Lu Ling is fake, at least she thinks she is fake.

At this moment, the little girl was stunned when she saw rows of people staying in the barrier for her to choose.

There are still height, weight and photos...

what is this……

Those who know know that she is looking for a training partner, those who don't know think she is picking a husband and son-in-law... All the young men and young ladies stay in the enchantment and wait for her "fortune".

"Miss sister, why did you separate them..." Lu Ling didn't understand, and hugged the cat tightly in her arms.

"Bing Bing's appearance is naturally not for everyone to see. You just need to choose the one you like. I have explained most of the things. It is the basic principle not to talk." The ice beauty said with a smile.

In fact, she has too many rules. First of all, those who have met Lu Ling are not allowed to reveal her appearance, otherwise they will offend the highest elf.

Then, her master doesn't like to talk, and after seeing her, she can only be greeted, and she is not allowed to say a word.

There are still a bunch of cumbersome requirements on these two basic requirements, but these disciples have remembered them all at this time.

They were really just waiting for Lu Ling to choose.

【Master, why do I feel weird? 】Xuechen looked at the people in the barrier with a strange expression. After receiving the impact of Lu Ling's knowledge, she had a bad idea.

"I also think..." Lu Ling twitched the corners of her mouth: "Miss, why did you highlight all the men..."

Looking around, the ice beauty is in front of a group of men.

"These are sword cultivators." The ice beauty pointed at the back: "As for women, there are relatively few sword masters, or basically none."

There are a few who use daggers, but that's not considered a sword.

This is Qionghua's situation, women rarely use swords, and it's not because she finds men for Lu Ling.

"But... a man, I... I can't accept it." Lu Ling looked down with disgust, and then hugged the cat in her arms: "I still prefer women..."

The ice beauty looked at her puzzled: "Just to try the sword, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman."

"That's what you said..." Lu Ling lowered her head.

After half an hour.

"Oh, forget it... the men should be men, anyway, none of them speak, so I will treat them as carrots." Lu Ling took a deep breath.

[Yes. 】 Xuechen has been encouraging Lu Ling to choose men, and she has long been unhappy with these men.

But I never thought that the fact that Lu Ling is here now is exactly what men want to see. It is simply a gift. On the contrary, no one has come in to my enchantment, which makes them very disappointed. There is no problem with it as punishment. .

Quick fight.

Hurry up and go home.

This experience is simply poisonous, she has already forgotten why she came to this secret realm.

"Miss, what should I do?" Lu Ling asked after fiddling with her mask.

"Han Bing, just pick someone and tell me. I'll take you in." The ice beauty blew on Lu Ling, and a translucent cloud formed around her, which was used to cover Lu Ling. By the way, it creates an unfathomable temperament.

Immediately afterwards, a icy bone claw rose from the ground, and finally turned into a seat. Viewed from the front, it looked like a throne of bones, and it was still a bit big for Lu Ling to lie on it.

This is the seat she prepared for Lu Ling.

"Please, honorable master." The ice beauty invited Lu Ling to the throne like a maid.

The girl walked to the Frozen Throne step by step with the phantom cat in her arms, and sat down slowly.

"Don't be like this, I'm not used to it." Lu Ling's face was a little red under the mask, master or something, it's okay for Xuechen to scream, and the words of the young lady... are inexplicably ashamed.

"Majestic." The ice beauty's first words blocked Lu Ling's words.

"From now on, the master is the most honorable and highest-ranking elf here. I hope you will correct your identity." The classical maid straightened Lu Ling's ponytail and stood behind the misty girl, respectfully.

"I know."

Shake his head.

The face under the mask is a little more serious.

When these people are big radishes.

"My lord, who do you choose?" The ice beauty asked Lu Ling who you liked first.

"I don't know, you can choose."

Lu Ling's answer was, you recommend two.

She likes swordsmanship very much. Although she is nervous, she is really excited... so many senior brothers can be used to try the sword, it can't be more suitable.

"In terms of swordsmanship, although you should pay attention to step by step, I don't think the people here are very good at cultivation, so let's just start with the best one." The ice beauty pointed to the first barrier in front.

"He is the highest among these male cultivators, and he is also the best in swordsmanship. Moreover, he looks very good." The ice beauty blinked.

"The latter is not important." Lu Ling's hair was black.

"I thought women valued that a lot."

"I don't like it, men are big pigs." Lu Ling pouted, no matter what he looks like, anyway, he is not as good-looking as her junior sister, and it is impossible for him to be more handsome than senior sister Shen.

She started too high.

"Master said yes, then it is." The ice beauty said respectfully, and then said: "Is he the first one?"

"Anyone, anyone."

"it is good."

The throne gradually disappeared.



On the side of the iceberg, the black bear was crushed under it, unable to move, watching Lu Ling and the ice beauty disappear.

This woman is really bad.

Lu Ling had already forgotten about it.

And honey, and honey...

Keep comforting yourself like this.



10 minutes passed.

In nearly a hundred separate ice dojos, many men and women were fidgeting, constantly adjusting their appearance, for fear that the elves would suddenly appear here.

Looking forward to it too.

And the remaining four youths quickly escaped from the death of their senior brother, not because there was no relationship between them, but because of Master's request.

No wonder the elves.

Forced to think so, and then began to yearn to see the highest elf in his heart, wanting to know what the master of that perfect woman looks like.

Moreover, elves are miraculous, if they can get her favor, they are very likely to ascend to the sky in one step... You must know that the highest-ranking elves in legends are full of treasures, not weaker than the top magic weapons.

Even a single hair is comparable to the most precious source of ice.

That's true.

But Lu Ling would not give her hair to others, especially men.

It is absolutely impossible.

Neither man nor woman can escape the thought.

Everyone is no exception, even including the two old people, they have never seen the highest elf, and the head of the elf may not have seen it.

With a little expectation, I can be selected by the highest elf.

There is one person who is different.

Si'er sat in his enchantment, silently wiping his emerald green dagger.

She doesn't know how to use a sword, and the elves probably won't look for her, so just wait quietly for the time to pass.

The more alone he was, the more he worried about Lu Ling.

This is the girl she likes the most she has seen in so many years... Can you not worry.

As for elves or something, I have no such idea at all.

She was long past that curious age.

They are all women, and it doesn't matter how beautiful they are.



The young master was just like everyone else, the calm and reliable young master Qionghua sat upright, quietly waiting for something.

It was just like that when I first met the master...

The breathing rate is slightly disturbed.

His status in Qionghua may be very high, but this status is worthless in the eyes of the elves. The sense of gap and the mystery of the other party are too strong, so he can't help being nervous.

According to legend, the elves are cold-blooded and cruel, and the state above the high position can already be said to be "immortal".

Is it really?

Not sure.

I should be able to see the elves.

Think so.

(End of this chapter)

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