Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 559 Breaking the Code

Chapter 559 Breaking the Code
I should be able to see the elves.

The son thinks so.

Of those present, if it comes to swordsmanship, he is naturally the most accomplished, and he still has some confidence in this.

So when I heard that the elf was looking for a sword repairman, it was none other than this outstanding Mr. Qionghua who had the biggest turmoil in his heart.

Sit upright.

silently waiting.

At this moment, the temperature in the air dropped instantly.

The young master suddenly raised his head, his dark eyes reflected a dazzling blue.

This enchantment was made entirely of ice, but at this time it was shining with dazzling light, and with his cultivation base, he couldn't even see clearly what was three meters away.

The pupils shrank into pinholes.

Snowflakes, heavy snow.

However, in the [-]-meter ice dojo, snow began to fall.

Snowflakes fluttered and fell on the young master's white clothes.

The severe cold air spread across the body in an instant, and the whole person was shocked, and his spirit was shaken.

Draw the sword and put it horizontally in front of the scabbard together, the movements are smooth and done in one go.

Nodding slightly.

Stare straight ahead.

The snow fell more and more, and within a few seconds, it fell on the ground like a goose feather, covering the ice on the ground and dyeing the world from blue to snow white.


The young master saw a pair of embroidered shoes, stepping on the thin snowflakes on the ground, leaving a shallow mark.

very natural.

The young master looked up, and in the haze of heavy snow, what he saw was an ice beauty dressed as a classical maid.


The young man's face is still indifferent, but his heart has lost his composure.

This time, the ice beauty didn't speak, but just glanced at him, gave him a look, turned around respectfully, and disappeared into the ice and snow.

The man lowered his eyes, and the "rules" that the ice beauty said passed through his mind.

Don't talk, don't look her in the eyes, etc.

Of course, the most important point is that the order of the highest elf is the top priority. This is the most important rule, and everything else is false.

After sorting it out, he raised his head again.

As the matter approached, he was not so nervous anymore, men's minds are so strange.

The young man in white clothes doesn't have neatly tied hair, but uses a half-shape hairstyle. Men in this world don't wear a crown when they wear a crown, and they don't wear a crown when they wear a crown. Moreover, disheveled hair is a symbol of disheveled hair. He is in a high position but I like this irregular image, and I can also see some of my personality.

I am a person who doesn't like rules very much, but Qionghua is a sacred place where class is solidified. Although I have a high position and cannot do some outrageous things, some details are still acceptable.

So he can really treat the noble saint as a fourth son, and thus be accepted by the saint.

At this moment, after the tense feeling passed, he calmed down instead.

But a spirit, just a spirit.

There was a strange look of anticipation and appreciation in his eyes.



In the sight of the man, the wind and snow slowed down, and an Ice Throne slowly formed in the wind and snow three feet away.

The throne is like a giant bone hand, and there is a figure on it, and a faint cold air is permeating the whole body, and the hazy beauty blows towards the face.

At the same time, there is also a huge sense of oppression.

That is the dual suppression from cultivation base and soul.

The young master tried his best to look up at the person on the throne, and could vaguely see a lazy figure lying on his side.

The first thing that catches the eye is a pair of slender feet, small and exquisite, with skin as white as suet, so delicate that it doesn't look like a human thing.


This pair of jade feet seems to be... a little smaller.

Some are the size of a teenage girl.

Then he shook his head, no longer looked down impolitely, but followed the rules, lowered his head, waiting for the other party to open his mouth to give an order.

The person who came was naturally Lu Ling.

Silver-haired ponytail, light blue neat clothes, but no shoes, because isn't it weird to wear embroidered shoes?So just go barefoot.

At this moment, the girl was leaning on the throne like this, holding a cute phantom cat in her arms. After yawning, the blush on her face disappeared.

Focus on the key points and treat the people below as big carrots.

The star eyes in the mask looked outside, and a man in white sat outside respectfully.

Is it time for me to speak?


Lu Ling thought for a while, and finally spoke.

"look at me."

I didn't hide my voice, I used the original tone.

Lu Ling didn't care that her voice was a little immature because she was still growing up. Anyway, the other party was just a big radish who knew swordsmanship, so there was no need to think about it so much.

Hypnosis has been successful. In terms of self-suggestion, she is a professional, but only added a third layer of shackles.

On the other side, the young master was stunned for a moment when he heard the girl's voice suddenly coming from the front. He didn't realize for a while that the voice was the highest elf he had imagined.

It sounds a bit like a girl who is in the process of transformation in the age of dancing spoons.

He didn't recognize Lu Ling's voice. Although he had seen Lu Ling before, her voice was slightly different because of her physical changes.

"Yes." The young master obeyed Lu Ling's order, looked up at the Frozen Throne in front of him, couldn't speak or anything, and put it behind his head. It would be disrespectful not to speak at such a time.

Watching the elves.

Sure enough, his stature was not tall, even a little thin, but his temperament was extremely noble. From a long distance away, that lofty laziness produced a strange feeling in his heart.

In the haze, he could only vaguely see the unfamiliar clothes on the other party, which did not conform to the rules of the human race, nor the rules of the elves—the elves did not wear clothes.

The young master likes this feeling very much, including the beautiful maid from before. It is strange to say that it is not because of her appearance, but because of her clothes. She is clearly a high-ranking elf, but she has a temperament that is out of place.

Keep looking up.

The highest elf was lying on his side on the throne, and he didn't look at him after saying a word, and it was only now that the young master saw it clearly. In front of the elf was a creature that he had never seen before. It was very cute, and the elf Shi Zheng was gently stroking it, and the latter also put on a very comfortable expression.

It's unbelievable that an animal that he has never seen before actually attracted the attention of a big man like him, and even found it cute.

He didn't even notice the girl's slender hands stroking the little animal.

[…] Xuechen didn't say a word at this time, originally planned to take revenge on the man who looked at her badly, but who knew that the master suddenly started "playing" with her. Transformed into a well-behaved pet, pleasing its owner.

As for Lu Ling's current state, Xuechen took a closer look.

This is still her shy master, and she has not changed into someone else, but her master sometimes likes some inexplicable plays, such as when looking in the mirror, or when taking a bath, and she is used to it.

Shen Gui had also seen such a shameful scene before.

Don't look at Lu Ling's indifferent look, in fact she is just playing a simple role-playing game, Xuechen knows how hot the bloodshot face behind the mask is.

As long as the owner is happy.


"Finished?" At this moment, Lu Ling suddenly opened her mouth and pulled the young master's gaze back.

"Yeah." The young master nodded. He deliberately didn't look at Lu Ling's appearance. This was a rule, but he didn't use the word "noble elf" like he did outside.

At this time, everyone in Qionghua was not there, and when they were alone, he tried to be more natural.

Naturally, Lu Ling didn't care what the other party said.

"Is there? I don't think I looked carefully." Lu Ling played with Xuechen's ears, scratched her nails on its stomach, and then raised her head: "Look carefully."

The young master was startled.

This... what is the request.

"I said, let you watch carefully." The girl's jade hand tapped the Xuanbing under her body, making a crisp sound.

After she spoke, the snowflakes in the sky suddenly became much smaller.

"Yes." With a strange expression, the young master looked up at the figure above again. This time, because he got the elf's order, he was no longer as timid as before.


Sure enough, just as he thought, this highest-ranking elf is not a mature woman. On the contrary, she has the body shape of a girl in her teens, but her features are not human-like.

The long silver hair is placed under the body, like a waterfall leaning under the throne, reflecting silver light, noble like an ice fairy.

Then, a little bit regretful.

Because I didn't see the appearance of the elf.

Unexpectedly, she was wearing an ice mask that covered her appearance, only a pair of cold, emotionless eyes could be seen.

The moment he met the elf's blue eyes, the young master looked away.

Let out a breath of cold air.

Some fear.

Sure enough, he was the highest elf. He just glanced at the other person's eyes, and his body had a reaction of being about to be frozen. The young master believed that if the other person looked at him seriously, he would instantly turn into solid ice.

"This time, see clearly." Lu Ling said.

"See it clearly." The young master nodded, his eyes flicked over the elf's delicate silver hair from time to time.

Nobility and mystery coexist, this is his first impression of elves, and he also understands why this elf is the master of the previous classical beauty.

This kind of aura is really only the highest elf in the legend, with the body of a girl, but still full of majesty.

In her eyes, she couldn't cause any fluctuations. ——That's natural, he's a big carrot now.

"How do you feel?" Lu Ling asked.

"..." Young Master was a little puzzled, he didn't understand.


A word that makes the young master completely puzzled.

It never occurred to me that the elf in front of me would ask such a question. Was it because of this mask that he was asked to look up before?
Putting his eyes on the elf's mask, a strange expression gradually appeared on the son's face.

It seems that this elf is still an elf who likes human culture...

Just kidding, I also know that it is impossible, this kind of creature should only pursue cultivation, have its own hobbies and so on... It does not conform to the rules.

But Lu Ling's mask is indeed of the human race, maybe the material is not, but the culture contained in it is of the human race.

This ghost mask looks eerie, weird and cunning, but there is a story behind it. It is a mask, which means [the moment when the betrayer shows his fangs]. It has a story of its own. It is in the human race The very famous clown in the movie is not just a simple mask.

It's just that the elves don't know the meaning of the mask.

The young master said: "The very beautiful."

In my heart, although the mask of the betrayer has a bad meaning, it is also the culture of the human race, and the so-called beauty means that the elf wearing the mask is very beautiful.

At the same time, he was also thinking about what the elf wanted to do when he asked him this question.

It's not just about asking other people's opinions.

But what surprised him was what the elf said next.

"That's right, I also think it's very beautiful." Lu Ling nodded in satisfaction. The mask given by the junior sister is the most beautiful no matter what it looks like, and this carrot is still considered sensible.

It has been upgraded, from a big carrot to a sensible big carrot.

"Mm, um..." The young master looked at her, and he was extremely surprised by the elf's inadvertent attitude of a little girl.

Is this elf... happy because of other people's praise?

Because of a mask everyone loves?

This is totally out of the question...

Isn't she an elf?
No, it's definitely an elf...but...

For a moment, the son's heart was disturbed.

There is an elf who feels happy because of factors other than cultivation, which shows that she has desires and can be used...

Take a deep breath.

As Qionghua people, we should seize this opportunity and try to find a way to pull this unruly elf into Qionghua's chariot, maybe it can play a very important role.




As it should be.

The young master shook his head, throwing this thought out of his mind, and then looked at Lu Ling, the emotion in his sight changed.

Qionghua is very strong, so she doesn't need to use anything.


The image of the highest elf in front of him changed.

In the eyes of the son, because of a little emotion, she is no longer a noble and terrifying elf, on the contrary, what he sees is a elf who is completely different from other elves, one who wants to live for herself, " A selfish elf, a living person with his own aesthetics and desires.

Such an elf who does not follow the mission is extremely attractive in the eyes of the young master.

Even, combined with her body shape, he found a woman cute for the first time.

Unexpectedly, I, who has always been puzzled by style, realized for the first time that the charm of a woman is actually in a high-ranking elf, which is incredible.

Is it love at first sight?

The young master doesn't know... He obviously hasn't said a few words to the elf in front of him, but at this time he completely lost his composure because of the other party's small move.

I knew in my heart that this pair of elves was very rude, but I couldn't help it.

At the same time, there is also a sense of crisis.

A spirit with desires, should not exist, cannot be found.

No matter how small the other party's desire is.

In just a short moment, he thought of many things.

The young master doesn't want to see an elf who lives for himself being used by others again, and at the same time feels absurd for his own ideas and overestimates himself, but this is indeed the first time in his life that such a strange emotion has appeared.

To protect each other...

It was very ridiculous to hear it.

I hope all this is his illusion, and she is still aloof.

Taking a deep breath, under Lu Ling's strange eyes, he stood up and walked in front of Lu Ling.

(End of this chapter)

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