Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 560 Gradually Falling

Chapter 560 Gradually Falling
For Mr. Qionghua, the best situation now is that the elf in front of him is still as cold as his appearance, and the inadvertent young daughter's posture is just his illusion.

Also, it was the first time he saw this elf. Although the other party was not as cold, dignified, and unapproachable as he imagined, it should not be what he just thought, and it should not be cute.

My own thoughts are too ridiculous.

The young master took a deep breath, and under Lu Ling's strange eyes, he stood up and walked in front of Lu Ling.



How could it be possible for Lu Ling to know what he was thinking, and she was still immersed in the fact that this strange senior brother praised the mask given by her junior sister, so the reason why she blushed and looked like a daughter was naturally because of her senior sister.

At this time, the other party came up to her suddenly, which startled her.

This carrot can actually move by itself.

Through the mask, she stared at the young master without deliberately hiding her gaze.

He also took a closer look at the man in front of him.

I remember it seems to be... the leader of the Fourth Senior Sister and the others?

Indeed, it is similar to what Miss Elf said. She looks pretty good. In her aesthetics, she can barely be regarded as handsome... The most temperamental person she has ever met should be the one from Shushan, and then Mo The teacher, and then this man, can be regarded as the third—no, it should be the fourth.

Although she doesn't want to admit it, Lu Ling still remembers that at the Luoyan City Jewelry Store, the man who wanted to strike up a conversation with her junior sister and buy blood butterflies for her junior sister was impressed by him because he was a "rival in love". handsome.

She looks a bit like Xifeng.

Well, she hasn't seen many grown men, and as for Bai Yunfan... I'm sorry, Lu Ling thinks he's stupid and doesn't see him as a man, and the other party never has the upper hand when he's with Mr. Mo .

If Mr. Qionghua knew that in Lu Ling's heart, he didn't have a beauty in men's clothing who was more handsome, he didn't know what he would think, and it might not be that the first budding love died just like that.

However, Lu Ling felt that even though she could only rank fourth, it was still very good.

Thinking of Ice Beauty's words, she nodded, she was handsome, but she felt a little dissatisfied that the other party had been distracted just now.

He looked into the eyes of the man in front of him without hesitation.

looking at each other.

In this kind of "showdown", Lu Ling will only lose to her junior sister and Xuechen, because she is a (junior) sister control, or a cat slave, as for the others, she is not afraid, let alone a radish who knows swordsmanship , Big trotters.

In the end, it was the young master who looked away first.

It was too cold, and he didn't want to die yet.

But he also saw what he wanted to see——

A pair of eyes like snow-capped mountains and clear springs, although cold, but clear to the bottom.

It is in stark contrast to the mask of the [betrayer] outside. If the betrayer also has such eyes, then he will not be sentenced to death.

He still remembered the eyes of the classical beauty, completely different from the highest elf in front of him, like ice that would never melt.

Lu Ling is obviously the master of the other party, but she has a pair of shocking eyes.

One, a completely different elf.

Lucky, but unlucky.

His luck, the elf's misfortune.


Looking at Lu Ling from a close distance, under the gaze of the other party's eyes full of doubts, the son inexplicably matched her signal frequency.

Slender body, silver hair, snow-like skin, pure body.

Only elves can be so beautiful, they are the darlings of heaven and earth.

The noble highest elf?


No matter how you look at it, she is a developing girl who is full of curiosity about the world.

How can this be a misfortune?It was clearly the luck of the two of them.

Confirmed eyes.

Take a deep breath.

"Elf, prepare to practice sword." The young master said abruptly.

"..." Lu Ling was taken aback, obviously not ready yet.

What's going on, I haven't spoken yet, why are you in such a hurry.

"I hope Qionghua's swordsmanship can help the elves." The young master continued, he saw the panic flashing in those eyes, although it was short, it was so dazzling.

Sure enough, it's just a girl...

To be honest, after feeling the emotions of the elves, he had some doubts, whether the other party was just curious about the sword skills of the human race...or, in other words, he had already confirmed it.

Since he was curious, he felt that he could show her everything she wanted, everything she wanted.

There has never been a moment when I wanted to do something like this.

For such people, sometimes, emotions are so unstoppable. Of course, the most emotions are resonance, gap, and care.

After all, that is the most honorable type of person in the world.

Lu Ling looked at this inexplicable man strangely.

"A you wish."

I don't understand why the other party is so impatient. Could it be that he is impatient with her?
Lu Ling lowered her head and glanced at her body...

It's really not like a normal human being, and it's normal for others not to like her.

Then make a quick decision, and reflect what the basic sword art from another world learned during this period of time will look like in this world.

The young master took a step back, holding his long sword, and asked.

"Elf, do you know anything about human swordsmanship?"

"..." Lu Ling shook her head, showing that she basically didn't understand anything, but then she drew a crystal clear sword from behind her.

"Is this your sword?"

Lu Ling nodded: "Yes."

The son was taken aback.

This sword...why doesn't it have a grid or a sword, it a little too long, taller than an elf.


It is very in line with the aesthetics of girls, crystal clear and beautiful.

Glanced at the elf.

It should be the long sword she made according to her own preferences. The image of the silver-haired girl sitting on the ground flashed in her mind, sculpting her favorite mask and long sword.

But the girl's voice pulled him out of his fantasy.

"What are you thinking about?" Lu Ling frowned. Is this big carrot really the highest cultivation?Why are you so stupid in front of her...

"I'm sorry." The young master hid the embarrassment on his face and coughed dryly.

Unexpectedly, he would actually think about these things... It is because the charm of the elves is too great, and it must be like this to suppress the origin of the human race.

Young Master Qionghua, who lived a little older than Shen Gui, could be so innocent, this was probably something he himself never thought of.

But Lu Ling felt that she should get straight to the point. This man is weird and doesn't feel like a good person.

I briefly described my curiosity about swordsmanship, and I only know some basics, so I hope to learn a little bit.

Anyway, it was just emphasizing what the ice beauty said before.

Hearing the elf's words, the young master also became serious: "Do you only know a little...Let me think about the elements of worldly swordsmanship."

Young Master Qionghua is the most outstanding inheritor of Qionghua's line of swordsmanship, and his status in Qionghua is only a little lower than that of the saint. His understanding of swordsmanship is naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Although Qionghua's sword is different from Shushan's sword, their foundations are the same, and they remain inseparable from each other.

If you learn swords normally, you should gradually develop a sword heart. If you put aside these esoteric things, the basic course should be to understand the structure of the sword and understand the functions of each position and structure, and then you can be comfortable in battle.

This is an important foundation.


Looking at the girl on the throne, to be precise, at the sword in her hand... The young master bowed his head helplessly.

Just like ordinary girls, beauty is king...

So, he decided to skip such a boring, very important foundation.

The young master believes that if girls who are interested in swords suddenly want to learn swords, then few girls are willing to listen to the boring construction of long swords, and they like to come and learn.

This is the difference between the young master and Bai Yunfan, the latter didn't think so much. Of course, the purpose of the two is also different. For the young master, the elves learn swordsmanship just for fun.

Now that the structure of the skipping sword has been decided, there are still things to ask.

"Spirit, where do you know about swordsmanship?" the young master asked.

"What do you mean?" Lu Ling asked in a daze. She thought that the other party would teach her what a sword is like Teacher Bai, but just when she was about to refute, she heard such a sentence.

"Jianbu, do you understand?"

Lu Ling shook her head, she was crippled before, how did she know.

"What about shaking your waist?"

Keep shaking your head.

"Holding a sword?"

Shaking his head.

"Cut sword?"

Keep shaking your head.

After a few words, Lu Ling felt that she could do nothing but shake her head...

Bully is not it.

The girl pursed her lips.

Who doesn't know it, her basic sword formulas are all written on it, isn't it that she hasn't had time to learn it... If she has mastered this basic sword formula, then what do you want?


"Not even this."

The young master sighed deeply. If you don't know the basics, let alone routines and sword moves, I guess the elves know a little bit about it. It should be the common sense of martial arts in the world.

In other words, she doesn't know anything about swords at all...

and many more.

No, he doesn't really want to be a master, why is he so serious, the other party is a noble elf, not a junior sister at home.

Looking back, he found that the elf had sat up, holding his sword in his arms, and clutching his silver hair with one hand. Although he was still aloof, but for some reason, the young master felt deep grievances and grievances from the elf. Silent accusations.

His body trembled, and he immediately changed his words.

This choice escapes the curse of being doomed to a lifetime of solitude.

"Above, the sword step is not important, whether it will not affect it." The young master said, his voice was gentle and imposing, and people couldn't help but believe his words.

"Yes, is that so..." Lu Ling raised her head, "I see."

"Yes, that's it." The young master nodded resolutely, and he found that after he said this, the elf let go of his hand holding his hair, and seemed to be much happier.

Not really.

She...why is she so easy to understand.

Didn't it mean that the highest elves have high IQs?Why is this one in front of me like this.


Throwing the messy thoughts out of his mind, the young master held the sword: "The previous ones are not important, let's start directly with some routines."

After much deliberation, it is best to get started directly. If you want to learn the sword and have no patience, just let her hold the sword.

Sure enough, after he said this, the elf was a little happier.

Lu Ling put down Xuechen who was almost spoiled, and then got down from the throne, holding the Xuanbing Sword in her hand upside down.

"Are you going to feed me?" she asked.

The son didn't respond.

He was stunned.

The girl in front of her was lying lazily on the throne, far less attractive than when she stood up.

At this time, the well-proportioned elf was in front of his eyes, with silver threads like a waterfall, like a girl in the world with a ponytail, wearing distinctive clothes that could set off her figure, and stepping on the ground with bare feet, spotless.

so dazzling.

Of course, there are also regrets.

It seems that... this body... has not developed?
Probably a hobby?
The figure of the elf or something...

"Hey! You are so ignorant of people, just one..." Lu Ling threw the Xuanbing Sword to the ground in dissatisfaction, and it fell directly into the ice.

"Please forgive the elf." The young master immediately bowed down to apologize, and at the same time understood one thing.

...Even though the other party might just be an ice elf with no concept of life, he still couldn't control himself.


To Lu Ling, a mere big radish is so rude.

Forget it.

own generosity.

"I said, do you want to recruit?" Lu Ling asked.

"Hello?" The young master raised his head, was stunned for a moment, and then nodded immediately.

"Yes, hello."

This is a good opportunity, don't get me wrong, it is a good opportunity to test the elf, why she wants to learn the sword, and whether what he sensed before was an illusion.

These things can be felt from the process of his step-by-step feed.

"That's how it is." Lu Ling pulled out the long sword from the ice, holding it in her hand was a bit funny, but she was almost used to it, and stepped on her feet: "I only know some relatively simple moves..."

"No problem, I will cooperate." The young master answered, he will suppress the level to the same level as the elves.

"En." Lu Ling gave the man a strange look.

Senior Sister Qin often said that men are easy to understand... She used to think it was correct, because Teacher Mo, Teacher Bai, and the great monk were all easy to understand, and she could tell what the other person was thinking at a glance.

But the senior brother in front of her... Lu Ling really didn't understand at all, he was gentle, no, anyway, it was weird, and it made her feel uncomfortable.

She didn't think about anything else, after all, she was wearing a mask now.

Draw the sword.

Point, stab, chop.

It started, a relatively simple feeding move, she is the one being fed.

And the young master's first thing to do is not to parry but to dodge, to test how much the elf knows about swordsmanship, so that he can teach her a suitable and simple routine.



In the dark, the ice beauty is naturally indispensable.

At this moment, she leaned against the ice wall and stared at Lu Ling.

Although this man didn't follow the rules and spoke, he still peeked at the noble Han Bing from time to time, which made her not very satisfied.

However, the other party seemed to be quite sensible, and behaved quite well.


On the contrary, she is cold...

To be honest, Lu Ling doesn't have any majesty at all, she blushes for a while, and tears of grievance roll for a while...

Fortunately, there was a mask blocking the majesty.

As for the atmosphere...

She can't see it either, there are no men in the elves.

For the son, this is an opportunity.

 Nothing, something happened at home yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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