Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 561 The Treasure of One Pulse

Chapter 561

Lu Ling thought about the moves and swung the sword at the young master.

The latter kept moving slightly, dodged Lu Ling's sword, and then observed her ability to use the sword.

It's just...often absent minded.



Xuechen has always been unreliable, and he can no longer help with the matter of his master being targeted by a man.

The good-for-nothing girl was just hugged and touched by Lu Ling for a while, and now her mind has gone blank.

So much so that she is now being held in the arms of the woman she hates the most without noticing.

in the snow.

Hong Ling looked sideways at Young Master Qiong Hua, her long hair pouring down on the young girl's face.

Then shook his head and stopped looking.

Sometimes, the love between men and women is also a kind of growth.

She's past the age of being jealous.

Of course, that is also the reason why Lu Ling may be just a wisp of remnant soul. If the other party is really her master, whoever dares to approach her master with this kind of purpose will face the most terrifying hell - also the absence of the master. She can think about it.

Hong Ling was very gentle and virtuous in front of her master, and she would also solve her master's emotional problems back then—yes, the strongest woman would also worry about emotions.

Women, no matter how powerful, will always have this kind of problem.

So Hong Ling was no stranger to it.

It's a good thing that someone likes it, otherwise it's not attractive, right?

As for people who are interested in girls like Lu Ling with some IQ problems, they are probably also bad people, so they are out of her jurisdiction.

That is to say, she ignored Mr. Qionghua, a man who was gradually falling.

If you have the ability, you can attack her.



Hong Ling doesn't care, Ice Beauty wants to care, but suffers from being uneducated. As an elf, she has a high IQ but not much EQ. Although she feels that the young master is in a strange state, she can't tell why. It's strange, I can only push it to the end, I feel uncomfortable seeing Lu Ling and others getting close.

And Lu Ling... Not only is she low in EQ, but she also has a low IQ.

In fact, this man is easy to understand. He basically didn't hide his emotions. He kept staring at Lu Ling's body and silver thread, and almost wrote the words "I'm interested in you" on his face. Neither woman has ever been in a relationship and doesn't understand the emotion.

In fact, this is what Liu Fufeng and Qin Qin are most afraid of.

When they were not around Lu Ling, this little girl was really easy to deceive. She could only tell whether the other party had malicious intentions towards her, but could not tell what kind of kindness the other party had. If there was really a relationship between a man and a woman, She couldn't tell the difference at all.

Lu Ling could only watch the excitement and make fun of Mo Qing's unrequited love for Li Zhuzi. In fact, she is an emotional idiot with nothing but liking for her junior sister.

No matter which Lu Ling is, she is an emotional idiot... Otherwise, she wouldn't have fallen into Liu Fufeng's embrace so quickly.

Like this time, Lu Ling found that the son was a good person, so the cordon was lowered a lot, and he was given a chance, no matter how big or small the chance, anyway, in the man's view, he had it.

Qin Qin often thinks, what if the little girl is abducted by a man...

Every time I didn't think about it.

Li Zhuzi seldom worried about this.

As Lu Ling's husband, she understands Lu Ling's mentality very well. In fact, as long as her junior sister is still there, no matter whether it is the opposite sex or the same sex, they will not be able to really enter the little girl's heart.

This is beyond doubt.

However, this girl is so stupid, she might really be taken advantage of by others, so although Li Zhuzi said on the surface that she was not worried, she was actually lying. If Lu Ling really became "splashed water", she would Same anxious.


Lu Ling already has a reputation in Lingshan. Before, her own songs were carried forward by Qin Qin, and later she was "tortured" by Dongfang Lianren. In addition, her personal charm is enough, and she has been liked by many people.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if someone really married her... Or if after she woke up, the first person she met who was sincerely kind to her was not Liu Fufeng, but a man.

Then this man owns the whole world.

Before she knew it, she had become a very precious treasure.

She is the type who will give everything away, but Liu Fufeng doesn't want it, and there are more feedbacks. For Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling is her most precious treasure even if she doesn't know anything.

But now Lu Ling, men are out of play.

Even if someone could pry a gap in Liu Fufeng's heart when she was free, he would not be able to stop people like Qin Qin, Shen Gui, Li Zhuzi, Dongfang Lianren, Shen Canghai...

Now, no one in the world of cultivating immortals is qualified to marry such a little girl.

Not to mention Immortal Sword, but only to talk about the future domain master of Eastern Shenhai, no one has that qualification.

Of course, if you are really capable of attacking her, then those people in front of you are just floating clouds.

However, the possibility is almost zero.

So, man's hope is really small.

In contrast, it is much easier for women...

For example, a round-faced girl in Shushan who has evolved into a slut, if she knows that Lu Ling is in close contact with a man, she is probably jealous and wants to kill someone.

A girl like her is more hopeful.

Who is the most hopeful person?
Not Liu Fufeng.

She treats Lu Ling as a younger sister, or even a daughter, and this emotion has surpassed love and reached the realm of pathology.

The most promising person is actually Shen Canghai.

This ghostly woman can do anything, and the day when Lu Ling came of age was also a catastrophe.

It's not once or twice for Shen Canghai to rape a girl, right?

Now, the woman who is guarding outside the secret room, who never gets enough sleep, is a victim...

If Shen Canghai gets angry, neither Li Zhuzi nor Shen Gui can really restrain this woman.

I can only beg Lu Ling not to be too good and cute. Shen Canghai can flirt, but I don't know if he can bear it.

And Lu Ling will only become more and more beautiful, there is no doubt about it.

The temperament is also getting better and better day by day, changing with each passing day, every day there will be changes that I can't even notice.

It was as if now, holding the Xuanbing Sword, she was really like a fairy, making the man opposite her unable to look away for a moment.

The young master stared blankly at the thin girl standing three feet in front of him, with a silver hair in the form of a ponytail, not as noble as when she was scattered, but much more cordial.

Probably a kind of temperament of the girl next door and Xiaojiabiyu.

When it comes to the status of being the highest elf, the gap is very big.


A cold light flashed, and at the very moment, the young master stepped on his feet and stepped back for a foot. Seeing the thin sword in Lu Ling's hand cut a hole in the hard ice, he was very afraid.

Breathing is a bit heavy.


If you get hacked, you might die. The rules of the secret realm are of no use to elves.

Perhaps, this is the cold blood of the elves... They don't care about the other party's life at all.

This also reminded the young master that the other party's three views are different from his. If he is still distracted like this under the hands of the elves, then what is waiting for him may be death, and the elves will never remember that there was such a person as him.

Even if it's for my own little thought, I have to be serious.



Oops, what a pity.

Lu Ling watched the tip of her sword brushing the son's nose and cutting into the ice, and let out a sigh.

It has to be said that this big carrot is still a bit of a level, Lu Ling knows that he is not using a little cultivation now, but purely using his physical ability.

The body of the human race is very fragile, the son is actually a mortal who knows swordsmanship now, and Lu Ling is a monk at the peak of the soul-splitting state, so he can't touch the opposite side.

The young master didn't use swordsmanship, but blindly avoided. He took it for granted that Lu Ling had also suppressed his cultivation, otherwise he would have been killed in a face-to-face. The current trial of the sword is also a kind of training for himself.



"Very powerful." Lu Ling stopped and said after missing the opponent under the continuous attack.

Her footsteps were messy, and she couldn't beat the opponent at all.

Hearing Lu Ling's praise, the young master thought for a moment that he had heard it wrong.

"No, it's just because the elves are beginners..."

She didn't know how to face Lu Ling's compliment.

"What's next?" Lu Ling looked at him, stabbing herself with the sword, and then what was the procedure.

"I don't know if the elves have enough time..." the young master asked.

"Ample." Lu Ling stared at him and responded immediately.

The girl has a bad temper, and she is a little unconvinced. After fighting for so long, she can't even touch a corner of her clothes. She is still a boss like this, which is similar to a novice boss.

As for the time, Lu Ling felt that if the big radish in front of her had the most water in it, then she could just play with this radish. At least so far, she had absorbed a lot of the martial arts knowledge shown by the other party.

It can't compare to the fight with Teacher Bai, but it also has a special feeling, in the sword step.

And this is exactly what the young master wanted.

He wanted to delay Lu Ling's time as much as possible, so that she would stop looking for other people to feed her... The man's intuition, this elf is very naive, it's best not to be discovered by Qionghua's people.

"Next, I will try to parry and counterattack appropriately. I will try my best to use Qionghua's swordsmanship core. I don't need true energy. Please be careful with the elves." The young master is ready to do something, and directly uses Qionghua's basic core routines.

It’s not like exposing any secrets to the elves, as long as the other party wants, he can teach anything, even if it’s the forbidden technique—the request of the highest elf, the head is also the same choice, but one is for profit, and the other is For their own "interest".

"Understood." Lu Ling nodded and clenched the Xuanbing Sword in her hand.

The young master finally picked up his own spirit sword.

He looked at Lu Ling carefully.

He already had a preliminary understanding of Lu Ling's depth, and he could only simply swing a sword... But he was very serious, and this was also a very attractive place.

Here, after thinking about it, Lu Ling made a move.

Learned in the basic sword art, the simplest sword flower.

Scattered flowers are becoming more and more charming. Sword flowers are mostly false moves, but they can also be mixed with real moves. Before, the young master kept dodging, and Lu Ling knew that it was useless if he couldn't hit. Now if the opponent wants to take the move, he can use it.

The slender sword is handy in Lu Ling's hand.

The young master was a little surprised... So, do you know how to use it a little?
It's a pity that the elf is still too immature when it comes to swordsmanship. He can understand what is a false move and what is a real move just by looking at it, but in order to save enough face for the elf, he did it when the sword was about to fall Draw a sword to block.

He was using the sword frame, and was going to use Qionghua's little trick to surrender the opponent's long sword, so that the opponent could understand the function of the sword frame.

Teaching in this way is much more interesting than boring about structure.



An accident happened.

He blocked Lu Ling's sword, but he didn't.

The young master looked at the crystal ice on his chest, the blood, and the half of the hilt in his hand, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

Can't believe it.

The long sword in his hand was split into two parts from the grid. After the blade fell to the ground, it cut into the ground and lost its luster.

As a matter of course, the role of blocking was lost.

This... is the best sword in Qionghua. It can be ranked among the top ten magic weapons in terms of preciousness. It is also the sword of the previous Qionghua's head. It is incomparably precious, and it is broken like this?
Isn't it simple ice in her hand?
of course.

But not the one with the sword.

The young master's sword theory level is definitely stronger than that in Lu Ling's hand, and its sharpness is much higher than that of the Xuanbing Sword, but it is a sword.

In front of the sword master, no sharp sword can fight against Lu Ling, especially Lu Ling who is currently in a state of ice, dealing with the fake Xueluo Qianhan, the so-called divine sword was cut off without any resistance .

It can be blocked by any weapon, but it is a sword.

So for Lu Ling, the sword frame and sword are just decorations, and Xueluo Qianhan doesn't play with this fancy thing.

And the young master never thought that the sword of the previous head, which could withstand the full attack of the top venerable, would be cut open by the elf like tofu, especially when the elf didn't use any force at all.

Gently, a piece of paper was cut, and the sword flower changed its posture and sank into his body.

It looked as if he was touching porcelain.

Most of all, the elf's sword pierced his heart.

There is an origin of ice on it.

The unhelpful kind.

Are you going to die?

The young master felt a cold breath penetrate into his body, his eyes gradually turned blue, and he couldn't see clearly what was in front of him.

Finally, he took a deep look at the elf in front of him.

Don't blame her, but it's a pity... Sure enough, the highest elf is not something I can provoke.


I don't regret contacting the elf, but I regret that he has no ability.

However, just looking at it like this, the young master's pupils instantly enlarged.

In his sight, the elf, who had been keeping aloof all the time, froze for a moment, then let go of the sword in his hand, and the long sword fell to the ground with a clatter. After leaving the elf's hand, it didn't even cut through the ice.


The young master saw a masked girl who was at a loss and looked like a rabbit, her body trembling slightly.

Are you flustered hurt yourself?

Probably not...Elves are still elves after all, it seems to be a hallucination before death.

But it's really cute.

Consciousness gradually dimmed.

 I said I'm not getting married anymore, don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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