Chapter 566 Crisis
The girl's immature voice suddenly disappeared, and only the son's figure and dazed expression remained in the barrier.

This is... is it gone...

She didn't even finish her last words.


The man let out a bad breath, and he just sat on the ground, with the silver sword in his hand, revisiting what the elf taught him.

Wuhen Sword Intent...Wuhen Sword really a sword technique tailored for him.

Among the potential inheritors of Qionghua's kendo lineage, the most outstanding of this generation is Mr. Qionghua.

【No trace】.

It was the first time that the young master thanked his name so much, for the name he had always hated, given to him according to the regulations of the Qionghua swordsmanship.

However, after spending a short time with the elves, he decided to officially inherit the title when he returned.

In the past, he didn't care about his status as an inheritor, and it was mostly perfunctory when challenged by his fellow clansmen. People took it away.

But now he's serious.

Excuse me.

He is the only one who can use this name, whoever snatches it will die.

The laziness and decadence in his body were swept away, and all that was left was his spirit. Before, he had no goals, and only had a sword in his life... Now it's different.

With people who pursue, the speed of progress is unimaginable.

The young master stood up, hid all the sharpness on his body, and stared blankly at the place where Lu Ling disappeared before.

It's a pity that he didn't tell the elf his name. If she knew his name, she might be surprised.

Some look forward to what kind of performance that elf who doesn't look like an elf will behave.

Will it be cute...

It's just that it's too late to think about it now, the other party doesn't even know his name.

But because of the elf's swordsmanship, the lost heart warmed up a little.

This is the elf bestowed on him by the heavens, how could he shrink back because of a little difficulty?
Qionghua people don't know what it means to admit defeat, especially when the two have a great fate...


Having said so much, it was still difficult for him to accept the other party's departure.

Wuhen Sword Intent, he memorized it and decided that he would work hard to perfect this set of sword scriptures after returning home, and show the results to the elves when they meet next time.

Next time, I hope to see her smile.

The young master took out the strand of two-finger thick silver thread from the magic weapon of space, stared at it for a few seconds, then encrypted it with more than ten layers, and carefully placed it in the deepest part of the magic weapon.

The hair of the highest elf, needless to say, contains the terrifying origin of ice. For Qionghua, it may be possible to forge a magic weapon close to the immortal grade. With a weapon of the origin, its power is undoubtedly terrifying.

But... for the young master, it has a more important meaning.

Needless to say.


It is worth mentioning that neither Ice Beauty nor Xuechen robbed him... In a sense, he is also very powerful.

It's close.



Outside, Lu Ling was teleported to the ground, swayed on the ground unsteadily, and then grabbed the ice beauty's clothes to keep her balance.

He looked at her dissatisfied.

I didn't even know the other person's name, so why did I leave.

"Miss, I haven't finished talking yet...what are you in a hurry..."

"...It's almost time, and, Han Bing, you said it yourself, you can teleport away when you get ready." The ice beauty also looked aggrieved.

"...But I'm not ready yet." Lu Ling curled her lips, then patted the cat on her shoulder, and said to the chattering young girl in her mind: [Okay, stop arguing. 】

"Then... go back again?" The ice beauty looked at Lu Ling.

"Let's go, no need." Lu Ling said casually, then hugged Xuechen again, pinched her ears, bowed her head, and thought.

【What are you doing...】

【Master, that man is not a good person meow! 】Mao'er grabbed Lu Ling's sleeve tightly.

After such a long time, Xuechen finally saw clearly the sinister intentions of that man, so he had been yelling in his master's mind not long ago to let her leave as soon as possible.

She didn't protect her master's hair well... because she couldn't grab it too obviously, so she lost.

It was also because the girls kept arguing that Lu Ling said goodbye so hastily.

Although she didn't know what kind of madness Xuechen had gone this time, she still wanted to spoil the little girl more than a big radish whom she had just met, so she informed Bing Meiren to take her away.

Who knows, after coming out, this little guy is still relentless.

[Master, in the future, people with similar feelings should not approach meow. 】 Xuechen said seriously.

【Why?What happened to him? 】Lu Ling still didn't understand what Xuechen wanted to say.

[It's too sinister, I didn't expect that you are dressed up like this, master...] Mao'er's tone is also full of fear, but she knows that the master has a little affection for the other party.

It is also a contradiction, the master is not happy if she is not liked by others, because she will feel unattractive, but she cannot accept being liked by others.

And it's not easy to talk to the master... Facing the current master, she really can't open her mouth.

【baffling. 】Lu Ling glared at the cat in her arms, but she didn't say anything in the end, who let her get used to it.


A girl's mind is sensitive, not to mention her delicate mind... She thought it was nothing at first, but now that Xuechen made such a fuss, Lu Ling felt something, her face was a little hot, but it was just Shaking his head, he didn't think about it any further.

stop there.

On the other side, the ice beauty stood quietly behind Lu Ling, and was relieved that Lu Ling did not pursue her for sending her without authorization.

In fact, in the end, when she didn't beat the young master on the issue of hair, the woman also felt something, so she couldn't hold back for a while.

Now, Lu Ling hugged the cat and said nothing, and the atmosphere became a little awkward.

It was almost noon, and she was thinking whether to let Han Bing have lunch first...

Who knew that at this moment, Lu Ling never knew where to take out a few small fruits from her body, and took a bite.


The fruity fragrance is overflowing, and happiness is overflowing on the face.

Immediately, all the small thoughts in her heart were washed away by the taste of the food.

These are the fruits that the elf "respects" her, keeps them in her pocket, and eats one from time to time.

"Han Bing, are you going to have lunch now?" the ice beauty asked.

"No." Lu Ling swallowed the fruit and glanced at the cat on her shoulder: "Go ahead..."

[Don't want a man meow, don't want a man meow...]

"This time... no more men." Lu Ling added.

After hearing her words, the cat instantly relaxed and rubbed its head against the girl's neck.

"Well, indeed, none of these people has a higher level of swordsmanship than him." The ice beauty also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Forget it, or just go back, anyway, my mission is over, over..." Lu Ling suddenly froze as she said.

Eyes widened.

its not right.

? ? ? ?
What is the mission...

I remembered.

She still has a customs clearance token that hasn't been sent out yet...

He squatted on the ground covering his face.

What has she been up to.

If Xiaoxue found out, she would really have no face to face people. She only cared about staying with a man, but forgot the most important task.

Ice Beauty and Xuechen looked at the girl who suddenly lost her composure in confusion, not understanding what happened.

Suddenly, Lu Ling stood up.


Say goodbye to Fourth Senior Sister, find a way to complete the task, and then bid farewell to this enchantment and the man.

"Miss, I'm looking for someone."

"Woman?" The ice beauty looked at her.


"it is good."



in the boundary.

A group of people stayed quietly in their respective barriers, quietly waiting for the "adventure" of the elves.

In fact... so long had passed that they had given up any hope that the elves might show up.

But Sier is different.

She didn't have this kind of thought at first, but thought it would be better if the elves didn't appear, and she still found it annoying.

The ponytail girl was dressed plainly, sitting on the cold ice, staring blankly at her dark blue dagger.

How is Aya now...

Is it already at the "resurrection point"?

With her character, even at the resurrection point, she would be very uneasy if no one is with her...

At this time, the girl had already forgotten that when she first met Lu Ling, this girl was sleeping alone in the maze... But it is true that she was timid.

She was very irritable when she thought that the soft little girl might be alone in this secret place.

This is the little girl she likes... She was taken away by someone, but she can only stay here and wait for some elf...

Forcefully plunge the dagger into the ice.

Suddenly, there was a small sound behind him, and then snowflakes fell from the sky, accompanied by a gust of wind.

Sier frowned.

Is it an elf...

Why did she find herself? She doesn't know swordsmanship.

Facing the wind and snow all over the sky, Si'er turned his head with disgust on his face, but it turned into surprise in an instant.

This throne...why does it look so much like the icy bone claw that captured Ah Ling? ? ?

Immediately afterwards, Si'er was even more surprised when he saw the silver-haired girl holding a cat on the throne.


"..." Hearing this, Lu Ling gently squeezed the cat's hand, and the little guy whimpered.

What's the situation...

She was recognized by the Fourth Senior Sister as soon as she appeared?
Is a woman's intuition really that scary?

"A Ling, is that you?" Si'er stood up from the ground, walked through the snowstorm, trying to approach the throne behind him.

But it failed.

No matter how hard she tried in the wind, her clothes, skirt and long hair were blown loudly, but she still couldn't move half a step forward. This is the majesty of the boss.


But she still didn't give up.

And Lu she doesn't know what to do.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered so easily... The first thing was to panic, but the mission was not judged as a failure, which means that the fourth senior sister was not completely sure that it was her, so things were not particularly bad.

In Si'er's eyes, she was basically sure that the other party was Lu Ling.

No way, because it is too coincidental.

The same ice bone claws, the same girl, the same figure...the only difference is the silver hair and the mask representing the "betrayer" on his face.

No matter how you look at it, you are alone.

In addition, Lu Ling was not afraid of the cold before... being loved by the elves, all these things were connected by Si'er in an instant.


The reason why Lu Ling's mission did not fail was because she recognized Lu Ling, but she didn't know whether the person in front of her was the little girl she liked.

It may be...or it may not be.

It may not be that the elves are on her body, because based on her understanding of elves, the latter may not be willing to expose their body to the inferior human race, especially in a state of need... So, It is more suitable to use the human body.

On this basis, her A Ling is naturally a very suitable carrier.

Perhaps it was because Ah Ling demonstrated that she was not afraid of the cold, so she was targeted by the elves...

In the wind and snow, Si'er's ponytail was blown away, and his long black hair fluttered in a mess.

But she still stared not far away, the indifferent "girl" on the throne.

Waiting for her answer.


When the crisis came, now Lu Ling was not as cute as when she was facing the young master, but looked very indifferent.

Actually panicked.

The task did not fail, but she felt that it was almost a failure...

God knows how Fourth Senior Sister recognized her. If she had known this would happen, she would have just found a girl... It was also her own fault. She knew that Fourth Senior Sister was very sensitive, but she insisted on coming out to see her.

Now that it's all right, she doesn't dare to speak anymore, because she might be recognized as soon as she opens her mouth.

Lu Ling now pins all her hopes on the mask, but she doesn't know that the other party has long recognized that she is Lu Ling, or that her body is Lu Ling...

She now represents the elf and the boss.

Only when Si'er understands that the boss is Lu Ling herself, can her mission be considered a failure.

Majesty, majesty...

From Si'er's point of view, the elf ignored her, but turned sideways to untie her snow-like silver hair, and as the silver fell like a waterfall, the other party didn't even look at her.

But Si'er saw a pair of indifferent eyes through the mask.

It seems that it is really not Aya.

"Elf?" Sier asked.

Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Fourth Senior Sister didn't really recognize her.

There is an urge to throw down the clearance token and turn around and leave, but I am afraid that it will be deemed as deliberately letting the water go, so I can only bite the bullet in the end.

"Is it an elf?" Si'er stared at the body in the distance.

Can't keep looking in the eyes.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, and let out a slightly immature girlish voice.


Si'er's voice made Lu Ling's heart tremble. She had already waited for the system task to fail, but there was no sound for a long time.

【system? 】

[If the conditions for failure are not met, the host should take it seriously. 】The mechanical sound of the system sounded in Lu Ling's mind.

Didn't fail?

【Master, why do you...】

【Quiet. 】

Xuechen: […]



Si'er looked at the calm elf beside him, tightly holding the poison dagger.

"As expected... Did you kidnap Ah Ling?"


Take away, take away? ? ?
Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, and then slowly loosened her whitish knuckles.

That's right, it's kidnapping.

Miss sister, you are so smart.

 The group number is 293368160, and the password is eat.

(End of this chapter)

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