Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 567 The Hidden Slut and the Mask

Chapter 567 The Hidden Slut and the Mask
When Lu Ling was in a panic, she suddenly heard the other party say that she was kidnapped by herself. After a moment of stunned, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind.

This Fourth Senior Sister...has a strange brain circuit...

She clearly recognized herself, why can't she believe it?

Lu Ling didn't know what the other party was thinking, but all she could do now was pretend.

If you don't speak, let's take whatever step you can act.

After Lu Ling came down from the throne with Xuechen in her arms, she walked up to Si'er step by step with bare feet, and looked at her with her head raised.

"Elf...?" Si'er couldn't help feeling a little bit suspicious when she met Lu Ling's gaze, but when she occasionally looked at each other's gaze, the coldness gave her the illusion that she was about to be frozen.

It wasn't until the distance between the two of them was so close that their faces were already close to each other, and Si'er could feel the elf's icy breath, then he remembered and took a step back abruptly.

"You..." Si'er frowned, not understanding what the elf wanted to do.

In fact, Lu Ling didn't know it herself, she was just acting according to Xuechen's words. The young girl didn't know the details, but she knew that the master didn't want her to recognize it... so sometimes she would make some bad moves... However, it seems that the effect is still not bad.


There was a constant sound of wind and snow in my ears, and standing in front of me was an elf who might have taken away the little girl she liked, staring at Lu Ling.

In her sight, the elf suddenly took off the mask.

The face behind the exactly Lu Ling.

As she expected.

The difference is that the eyes of "Lu Ling" in front of her are blue, and her demeanor is completely different from the soft and cute one before, but rather cold to the bone, as if she has no emotion.

But if there is no emotion, how could he do these inexplicable actions here and in front of her.

And Lu Ling...

It's almost broken.

Anyway, I've been recognized, so put on your best effort, and for the sake of my junior sister, I have to find a way to get through this difficult time.

Step by step.

With the pressure of not being able to see her junior sister, Lu Ling has now turned herself into a real "elf".

It depends on whether Si'er buys it.

"Why." Si'er looked at the familiar and unfamiliar faces up close, with a flash of anger in his eyes.

Why do you want to bully Ah Ling...

Hearing the words, the elf tilted her head to look at her, raised her hand, and the cold air in her palm followed the trajectory.

At a glance, Si'er knew that those trajectories were Qionghua's swordsmanship, and that her senior brother was better at it. She immediately understood that the elf in front of her had already obtained what she wanted, Qionghua's swordsmanship.

Then why come to find her.

But the elf still didn't speak, just snuffed out the sword light in the palm of his hand, stared at her blankly, apart from the coldness in his eyes, Si'er also caught a flash of purity.


Does she still have a consciousness of her own?
Isn't it taken away?
Suddenly, she remembered the identity of the elf.

Elves don't do things such as seizing a house, that is to say...she may just borrow Lu Ling's body temporarily.

Immediately, the hostility disappeared a little.

And the elf finally spoke.

"Just take a look..." The girl slightly parted her lips, pointing at Si'er with one hand: "Just take a look..."

The voice is cold, but pure enough.

"What are you looking at?" Si'er glanced at the elf's eyes, then avoided them instantly, and at the same time, her pretty face turned rosy.

"I don't know." Lu Ling replied, and then stroked her heart: "Probably... want to see you."

"..." Si'er was taken aback by the elf's words, and blushed to the neck.

"I will return it to you." Lu Ling said, and then put on the mask again.

"You mean to return A Ling to me?" Si'er looked at her incomprehensibly.

She has been completely confused by the elf.

Facing the highest elf, she could feel the explosive energy from the little girl's body at close range, but...the other party's behavior did not match the elf's straight-forward temperament at all, making people confused and not knowing what she wanted to do.

But Si'er seemed to vaguely feel that the other party seemed to have A Ling's memory, so he wanted to come and see her?
Otherwise, she couldn't understand why an elf who had already got what she wanted insisted on coming to see her... Although she has the status of a saint, she also knows that this so-called saint is just an ordinary girl among the elves. identity of.


What Lu Ling did was also very simple.

Everything went according to Si'er's idea.

Sometimes, she is also very clever.



Then, Lu Ling stopped talking, just sat on the ground blankly, without showing any emotion.

Being in a daze... is probably what elves do the most.

And Si'er knew this exactly, so he began to believe that the elves might not be that interested in her, they were just following Lu Ling's thoughts, so come and have a look...

Now, the elf who was supposed to be cold, used Ah Ling's body to sit obediently in front of her.

Silver hair poured out.

Like the young lady who can only be seen in a dream, even though she is wearing an incomprehensible mask, Si'er inexplicably feels a kind of cute temperament, especially... the other party is obedient, hugging a dog who doesn't know what it is What race of cute little animals...

The two kinds of cuteness are superimposed together, and the lolicon of her is conquered almost instantly.

Moreover, this kind of cuteness and cuteness is different from the dumbness of the Lu Ling she knew. When this kind of attribute appears on the elf, it starts to feel strange...

It seems to be... more cute, the elf looks motionless.

want to hug her...



The elf just sat and didn't speak.

Si'er wanted to take the initiative to speak.

And this is what Lu Ling wanted.

Successfully turned passive into active... This is what Xuechen told her.

As an elf, she can be willful, even if she is just doing purposeless and strange things, someone will take the initiative to help her analyze, who made her an elf?

Especially, now she is playing the role of the highest elf.

It's just that neither she nor Xuechen thought that Si'er began to appreciate the elf in front of her after she found out that the elf was not malicious... because the other party was a very cute girl.

Even though it occupied Lu Ling's body, it didn't hurt her. On the contrary, the elf's cuteness made Si'er itch.

The sudden opening.

" is Ah Ling? This is the girl." Si'er pointed to the silver-haired girl sitting on the ground.

"?" The elf looked up, then nodded: "It's safe."

The two words are the answer to Si'er.

"That's good..." Si'er breathed a sigh of relief.

Elves don't lie.

Immediately afterwards I became tense again.

Because the other party is a noble elf, but she looks cute... Si'er has always had little resistance to cute girls, and it can be seen from the fact that she was killed by Lu Ling.

And the elf with the body she likes in front of her... is even more temperamental, with that silver hair, she can't wait to hold him in her arms and ruthlessly ravage him.

Spirits don't harm ordinary people, so Si'er is not that worried, and because of the special nature of spirits, after confirming that Lu Ling is fine...she was captured by the other party's cute temperament and beauty.

When she was Si'er, her mind might not be that mature, and she even thought, if A Ling and the elf in front of her eyes existed at the same time, how happy she would be to be able to hug her left and right at that time... …

"Elf... do you need any more sword skills?" Si'er asked a little embarrassedly. Obviously, when she knew that the other party had no malicious intentions, she would still be nervous when facing the legendary existence.

"Swordsmanship?" Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, then shook her head slightly.

No need, what she learned from the son is enough for her to digest for a long time.

"No, don't you need it?"

"???" Lu Ling suddenly felt that she heard a heavy breathing sound, she turned her head for some unknown reason, and she saw the serious Fourth Senior Sister.

Probably I heard it wrong.

Shouldn't the Fourth Senior Sister, who was still angry before, feel angry at her, the person who bullied Lu Ling?

I must have misheard.

Holding Xuechen in her arms, Lu Ling quietly waited for the passage of time.

She really doesn't know how to lie, so she doesn't want to talk anymore, it's fine if she doesn't get recognized, as many things as she says are wrong.

She decided that as long as there is enough time, she will throw down the token and let it go. No matter what the system decides, if the other party really locks her up in the secret realm for a month, then she...

Just hate it.

No deterrent threat.

"That... elf..." Unexpectedly, it was the Fourth Senior Sister who spoke first.

Out of politeness, Lu Ling turned to look at her.

"You...why are you wearing this mask?" Si'er's face was full of embarrassment, she couldn't tell that she was the vigilant woman when Lu Ling first appeared.

Women are fickle.

"Mask?" The silver-haired girl took off the mask on her face for a look, then put it on, and said coldly, "No reason."

A casual look.

And this is also in line with Si'er's understanding of elves. The other party is a race with no desires and desires. It is estimated that the mask is not very important, and it is very likely that Lu Ling wants to wear it, not elves.

"Um... do you know the meaning of this mask, elf?" Si'er had already started to find something to say... She also had her own ideas, trying to find a way to cover the other party's words, so that she could return A Ling to herself as soon as possible.

Although she is cute now, who knows how long the little girl can bear this huge amount of energy.

It's just that sometimes it's easy to lose the chatterbox once it's opened.

"I don't know." Lu Ling continued to shake her head, but she actually came back to her senses and pricked up her ears.

The meaning of the mask?
What's the moral?
Isn't it just a ghost mask?

"It's like this. This is a very classic mask of the human race. It represents the moment when the betrayer takes off the mask. At the same time, there is also a mask representing justice and friendship..." Si'er was doing science popularization for the elves, and suddenly felt The elf's body froze.

"What's wrong?" Si'er asked worriedly, and then she knew something was wrong when she asked. She regarded him as a child who needed to be taken care of.

"It's nothing."

Fortunately, the elf was not angry, but looked absent-minded.

Si'er took a sneak peek at Lu Ling, then continued to tell her about the mask, while waiting for a good opportunity to talk about the real thing...

And Lu Ling is memorizing what she said.


Why a traitor?
Suddenly, not so at ease.

This is what the junior sister gave her...

As an ice elf, at this time Lu Ling felt a chill from the bottom of her heart, making her limbs icy cold.

no no no...

Junior sister may not know this mask that well...

Yes, that should be it.


Even if Junior Sister knows, it doesn't matter.

For her, the important thing about the mask is not its own meaning, but the meaning given by the junior sister, which was given to her by the junior sister, which itself surpasses all so-called meanings.

The junior sister may not know the meaning of the mask, but Lu Ling feels that now that she knows it, she must be vigilant and use the mask to tell herself at all times that she cannot be a person like the mask.

"After letting go, who will hold you."

Liu Fufeng's joking words echoed in his ears.

Lu Ling took a deep breath.

She can't let go, can't.

From now on, the mask takes on new meaning, a moment that spurs her on.



After listening to the fourth senior sister talking a lot, Lu Ling felt that it was almost time, so she took off the mask on her face and handed it to her.

Si'er was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, an emotion was felt from the elf.

Could it be that she kept talking about the mask, and the other party thought she wanted it?So I just gave it to her...

"Take it." The elf said.

Si'er unconsciously took the ice mask.

Seeing this, Lu Ling stood up.

No, I gave it to Fourth Senior Sister, because she still seems to like it.

As for whether the mask is precious or not, Lu Ling is of course in the negative.

All she needs is what her junior sister sends.


Lu Ling, whose mind is full of Liu Fufeng, has no mood to deal with Si'er any longer.


Love whatever you want, if you have the ability, you can really lock her up for a month.

The eyes gradually turn black.

She has always been a person who worries about gains and losses.

Lu Ling returned to the throne with the obedient Xuechen in her arms, and said to the girl.

"Thank you for saying so much..."

Si'er was stunned for a moment, this was the first time the elf said so many words, thank you.

However, when the elf opened his mouth, a feeling of repelling people thousands of miles away emerged spontaneously.

Sure enough, this is the elf.

"It's nothing... I'm just talking casually." Si'er responded to her: "Then Elf, when can you return A Ling to me."

"People will give it back to you, but not now." Lu Ling lay down on the throne, and then threw a token to her: "This, I gave it to you, as compensation."

After saying a word, even the person and the throne disappeared in front of Si'er.

"..." After receiving the token, Si'er looked at the place where the elf disappeared speechlessly.

What on earth is she here for?

But also relieved.

As the other party, since he said so, then Lu Ling must be in no danger.


Because the other party was an elf, if she really did something to Lu Ling, there was nothing she could do about it... Fortunately, the elf was reasonable enough, and she just borrowed her body to use it, and didn't do anything excessive.

Now, look what the elf gave her...

Si'er raised his hand, and a burst of cold breath rushed towards his face. Obviously, the token that had been around the high elf for a long time had already been assimilated by the high concentration of cold air.

is a treasure.

"Ling..." After reading a word, it stopped abruptly.

Is this... a high-level customs clearance certificate?

 My mother spent 6000 to buy a water purifier that is useful for health. I have never heard of a brand... Tomorrow I will return it. I don't know if I can return it... Annoying, these liars.

(End of this chapter)

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