Chapter 573
"Xian'er?" Luo Hanyi spat out a mouthful of water, and looked suspiciously at the girl in nightgown in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Luo Xian asked back, and at the same time, he didn't forget to take out a bath towel to wipe Luo Hanyi's hair, and complained: "Master, how many times have I told you not to talk when washing your hair? Look, you're choking again." .”

"Ah...well..." Luo Hanyi wanted to say something, but before she could speak, she was picked up by Luo Xian and placed on the ground in a daze. She watched the girl pick up the towel and wrap her around her, her eyes still waving. Persevering doubts.

"Arms up."


"Dry it off." As usual, Luo Xian cleaned Luo Hanyi with his own hands, then turned to get the pajamas: "Wait a minute, I'll be right back."

"Hmm." Luo Hanyi looked at Luo Xian's back with doubts in his eyes.

Not right.

It's not right.

Although she doesn't have enough brains, she is not stupid... She can be sure that what she saw before was not an illusion.

In particular, Luo Xian was something she grew up watching, and she could feel anything wrong with the other party.

But why did Xian'er deny it?
She didn't understand, let alone what the other party had to hide from her.

It shouldn't be, Xian'er will tell her everything, didn't you see that Qifeng had to tell her all the trivial things before.

Could it be... the rebellious period has arrived?

Luo Hanyi had an idea.

I heard that girls have a rebellious period, like Shen Canghai, she must have never had a rebellious period until now.

Also, I heard that girls in the rebellious stage just follow her...

Luo Hanyi nodded.

Although she is more curious, if the other party is Luo Xian, she will respect the other party's secret - anyway, in her opinion, Luo Xian is so obedient and likes her so much, she will tell her sooner or later.

"Master, I took your green pajamas to wash. This one was sent by Junior Sister Fang some time ago. I think it looks pretty." Luo Xian walked over with a black dress.

"I see." Luo Hanyi began to put on his clothes.

Luo Xian: "..."

Looking at the master obediently dressed, she was a little surprised...

Why are you suddenly not curious?

She thought that with her master's character, she would definitely break the casserole and ask the end, but she gave up.

In fact, the reaction just now was just that she couldn't control it for a while. With her temperament, if Luo Hanyi insisted on asking, she would tell her.

But since Master is so understanding, she doesn't have to endure embarrassment.

I didn't expect that my master would also grow up.

Luo Xian was very happy. The joy of Lao Hei's return and Master's understanding made her whole body light up.

In fact, this girl will not have any rebellious period. Rather, Luo Hanyi is more like a child who needs to be taken care of in her eyes, and it would be embarrassing for adults to share some emotional matters with children.

Probably so.

"???" Luo Hanyi looked at Luo Xian whose mood suddenly improved, with question marks all over his head.

The most important thing is that Luo Hanyi felt that the other party's excitement was aimed at her...


"I'm going to sleep, Xian'er, how about you?" Luo Hanyi put on his clothes and turned around.

"Go to sleep first, I wanted to sleep, but Master, you stopped me... I won't sleep today, and I still have some... work." Luo Xian coughed dryly.

If it was said who Luo Hanyi believed in the most in the world, then Luo Xian was out of the question, so she didn't have any doubts, and said not to be too tired before going back to rest.

And Luo Xian really didn't lie, she wanted to take a rest, she didn't have the mood to go to sleep after knowing that there were guests coming, anyway, there were still a lot of documents to be processed, so she worked overtime.


Ever since two men came to Lingshan, there have been many problem girls in Qifeng...

Girls in Lingshan are very accurate in judging men, so the two good men, Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan, naturally fell into the plans of some girls. I'll go and see...

They are different from Li Wangsheng, they can walk upright on the altar.

If the other party is not the Venerable, and these women still have a little self-love, it is estimated that these two men would have been eaten long ago.

As Qifeng is a water town, the girls here should be shy and gentle——

Luo Xian also thought so before, but this time she knew she was wrong... The so-called shyness is because she has never met a man before. She has met Mo Qing a few times, and she heard the girls around her praise him for his talent from a distance. His demeanor is different from the ordinary men outside.

You know, this sentence came from a girl who was "in love" with a girl from Liufeng. The scary thing is that the other girl didn't feel that she was cheated on herself, but admired men with her lover...

This is something Luo Xian can't understand, she doesn't understand the words "handsome", "grace", "handsome", "gentle" in the eyes of the little junior sister, besides, gentleness is not something that can be seen on the surface.

I don't know what's so good about these men... She didn't feel that Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan were handsome, thin, small, and they didn't have good-looking tails.

If the last one is removed, the tail is no longer important.

The girl shook her head.

Luo Xian circled a few problematic girls on the list in her hand, and decided to call them over to talk tomorrow. Uncle Feng said not to be ashamed in front of outsiders, and she didn't want the embarrassing girls to come from Qifeng... You know, now Most of the peak masters are basically not in Lingshan, but Qifeng Luo Hanyi is... If this can't be controlled, there will be a joke at that time.

Well, it's normal to want another half when you get old.

My mind suddenly became chaotic.

I haven't seen you for many years...

put down the pen.

On the face is resentment.

I remember that I just scolded it a few words at the beginning, but it actually left Lingshan... This time it came back, it must be a mess.

As he said that, he unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. A thing that had been in his heart for many years was finally let go.

I don't know what it looks like after so many years, what kind of cultivation it is, and whether it doesn't like taking a bath...

The more I think about it, the angrier I get. There has been no news for so many years.

It was decided that if Lao Hei still stinks all over today, she would throw him out of Lingshan. She is also the actual peak owner of the seven peaks of Lingshan. Let's see who dares to let him in.

Think so.

By the way, it is... what time will you be back.

Oh, not sure.

Sure enough, it's the same elm head as before, how long are you going to make her wait?
Luo Xian is dissatisfied.

Suddenly, the girl looked down at her nightdress, got up, and was about to change into another dress...

Although that bear would not appreciate it at all, she still wanted to dress up a little bit, at least not to make the other party think that she had always been so lazy in Lingshan.



On the spiritual road, we will soon be home.

Sitting on the black bear's shoulder, Lu Ling tried her best to grab its ear, but when she couldn't catch it, she opened her mouth to change the subject.

"Xiao Hei, do you know anyone in Lingshan?"

"Roar." The black bear nodded, and then Lu Ling caught the ear. Looking at the girl's happy face, it seemed to have seen those troubled girls in Lingshan many years ago.

"Oh, I really know someone." Lu Ling was surprised.

Old Hei: "..."

She nodded, but hesitated and shook her head again.

"Do you know me or not?" Lu Ling was confused.

"Roar." Black Bear shook his head.

"I don't know? Why are you so stupid." Lu Ling sighed.

The reason why the black bear hesitated was because it began to doubt whether the little red fish still knew it...

After all, it was not likable at all at the beginning. To be precise, Little Red Fish didn't like it, and always forced it to do this and that, and even threw it into the water...

If he hated it so much, he was not sure if he was someone he knew.

To be honest... it is now more interested in Lu Ling than Little Red Fish.

It's honey.



As Luo Xian said, Lao Hei is just a bear brain. He doesn't know what happened to that little fish after it gradually became human. Anyway, in its eyes, the other party has changed from a cute fish sister to a human. The shrew in the movie has changed from a gentle and pleasant little guy to a woman who beats and scolds her at every turn. It is normal for her to feel that the other party doesn't like her anymore.

"Well, I don't know if I know anyone you know." Lu Ling shook her feet, expressing her excitement about going home soon.

"Roar." The black bear expressed a little apprehension... It would be funny if he was thrown out of Lingshan by then...

"Oh, there is light ahead, hurry up, hurry up!"

After turning a corner, Lu Ling excitedly pointed not far away, while patting the bear's face.

"Hurry up."

The black bear had no choice but to run over.



Lingshan Lun Dojo Void Passage.

The woman who had been dozing off didn't sleep at this time, but her eyelids were drooping, exuding my sleepy and annoying mood.

The reason why she was so troubled was none other than Han Xue who was lying on the ground in the shape of "big".

At this time, the woman was looking helplessly at the man lying on the ground, who was holding the wine gourd tightly in his hand, and kept rubbing the gourd with his face, as if it was her favorite lover.


Snoring all the time.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have imagined that a quiet-looking girl like Han Xue would be so... sloppy after she got drunk.

The little face was stuck on the ground, if it wasn't for the loud snoring all the time, she would have thought the other party was dead.

But...the snoring was too loud, she couldn't sleep...Because of her own personal reasons, she slept like an ordinary person...he didn't like to use any spiritual power.

"Get up, don't sleep." The tall woman stood up and gave Han Xue a slap.

"Huh..." Han Xue turned over and continued to sleep. Obviously, because of the Wuling wine, she couldn't wake up for the time being.

The woman's eyebrows twitched violently.

Why did she agree to this and keep her... Forget it, it's my own bad luck.

She stood up, picked up Han Xue's foot, and didn't care at all that Han Xue's skirt covered her head because of the friction, and the girl's stomach was exposed outside.

With a cold face, Sister Yu dragged Han Xue forward like a dead dog.

It's noisy, so find a corner and throw it away.

Turning the corner, I bumped into a running black bear head-on.

Immediately afterwards, the black bear's weight of dozens of tons hit the woman like this. However, nothing happened to the other party, but the black bear was ejected... Even Lu Ling fell to the ground.

"It hurts, it hurts." Lu Ling sat on the ground, clutching her buttocks, with tears in her eyes.

When she looked up, Lu Ling saw a scene that left her dumbfounded.

In front of her, a sickly-looking older sister was walking forward, holding a person's foot at the same time... It should be a woman, because the other party's skirt was lifted, and Lu Ling could see Han Xuedan Green underwear.

At this time, the woman dragged her forward, and Han Xue on the ground looked like a dead body from Lu Ling's perspective...

I was instantly frightened.





This sleepy sister Yu didn't feel the slightest hit... She didn't even notice anyone at first, she was too sleepy, this state was probably similar to drunk driving, although she was the one who got hit.

She didn't turn her head in a daze until she heard Lu Ling's scream.


Where did the murder happen?

Who dares to kill people in Lingshan?
Then he saw Lu Ling sitting on the ground.

He stared wide-eyed for three seconds.

"do not come……"

Then Lu Ling moved wildly on the ground, and she didn't even feel the heat of her pants.

Seeing the little girl's terrified look, Sister Yu finally came to her senses, glanced at the feet in her hand, then turned her head to look at the drunkard whose head was covered by a skirt and the lower body was exposed.

He twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Ah, I..." Sleepy Yujie was about to explain.

"Don't come over!" Lu Ling yelled.

At this time, the ice beauty walked over to block Lu Ling, and the black bear also wobbled from a distance, with blood still dripping from its head.


It hurts so badly.

Hit something, it was as hard as ten layers of black ice...

Can it not hurt?

It's like a car speeding up and crashing into a thick steel plate. It's good if it doesn't kill you... It wouldn't hurt you at first, but your first reaction was to let Lu Ling land safely, so you didn't defend yourself.

The point is, the wound didn't heal... This surprised the black bear. After hearing Lu Ling's scream, he temporarily put aside the matter of the wound.


What kills?

Walking in front of Lu Ling, he was taken aback for a moment.

He has seen the woman in front of him before, she is from Lingshan, he has seen it several times before.

Black Bear scratched his head.

It's not good for me... I ran too fast and didn't look at the road.

In fact, the ice beauty also recognized this sleepy man... she had seen her in Lingshan before.

Only Lu Ling didn't know her - on the basis of having also seen this sleepy sister Yu.

Probably the scene where the other party dragged the corpse was a little scary.

Sister Yu looked at Lu Ling and her party and frowned.

She remembered the little girl, when she was guarding the illusion of Lun Daochang, Shen Guilai brought her to play once... But why did the girl from Lingshan come out from Qionghua's side?

She also knows the black bear. She knew this information when she was transferred to work here, and the black bear was a mascot that all girls in Lingshan liked many years ago. It is impossible for her not to know it.

What she couldn't see through was the woman standing next to the little girl...


The breath...somewhat like an elf?
" did you come from there?" She asked.

(End of this chapter)

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