Chapter 574
"Where do you guys come from?" Sister Yu asked with a question mark on her face.

Before anyone else could speak, she yawned herself, and squinted her eyes as she looked at Lao Hei, whose forehead was covered in blood.

"Wait... This big guy is in Qionghua... It seems... on the fifth floor?"

fifth floor?

I froze for a moment, then woke up instantly, and my half-closed eyes widened.

Sister Yu threw Han Xue's foot on the ground, and looked at the ice beauty in front of Lu Ling in surprise.

Elf? ? ? ?
It must be a high elf on the fifth floor! !
How come you ran out.

Because the other party was no longer made of ice, and she was wearing a light blue long dress of the human race, she almost didn't recognize her, but because the ice beauty was so beautiful, she couldn't help but recognize her.

As for why Lu Ling is here, it is not very important.

Sister Yu was about to ask the elf, when she saw Lu Ling hiding behind the ice beauty, she poked her head out and looked at her dissatisfiedly: "Why are you asking about us!"

Then looking at the "corpse" on the ground, I was frightened for a while.

"You girl..." Sister Yu gritted her teeth.

After a long time, the so-called murderer is talking about her...

"If possible, I really want to kill her, the noise is so loud."

She "unrepentantly" stared at Lu Ling.


Lu Ling wanted to say something, when she suddenly saw a badge on Sister Yu's waist, with the logo of Lingshan official on it, she froze for a moment, changed her tone, and said tentatively: "You are... from Lingshan... ?"

"What do you think?" Sister Yu resisted the urge to spank Lu Ling's ass: "We've seen it before."

"Have you seen it before?" Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment. After saying this, the elder sister's sickly sleepy look seemed familiar, but she couldn't remember it.

"...It's normal not to remember, the last time I saw you at Shen Gui's side, I knew you were a silly girl." Sister Yu said to Lu Ling, and Lu Ling remembered Shen Gui's name immediately up.

"Oh! I remembered." Lu Ling said excitedly. This big sister met once when Senior Sister Shen "bullied" her in the illusion. She seemed to be guarding the entrance.

"Uncle, what... is this going on?" Lu Ling jumped out.

Since she is one of her own, then she is not afraid. Even if this big sister really killed someone, it is still a bad person, damn it.

This is the position of Lingshan in Lu Ling's heart.

What Lu Ling didn't know was that the ice glaze she gave to her junior sister was made by the uncle in front of her by collecting the pure cold energy overflowing from her body and combining it with the spiritual power of Lingshan, but she just threw it out... An unreliable person.

"Now I know I'm called Uncle Master, you girl." Sister Yu glanced at the elf and the big black bear, and found that they were not impatient at all, especially the elf's eyes kept falling on the little girl with strange feelings, making her She was a little surprised, so she didn't skip the little girl, and temporarily put the other elf-bear aside.

"I want to kill her...I'm so annoying." She glanced at Han Xue who was like a dead person on the ground.

"Huh?" Just when Lu Ling didn't understand, Han Xue returned to a deep sleep and snored because she lay in place for a long time.

Lu Ling: "...Sleep, fell asleep?"

"You think." Sister Yu kicked the girl on the ground: "She is also your uncle, disturbing my sleep, so throw her away...well, what's the matter with you."

She stared at the elf, but the other party looked indifferent.

"Uncle, I was sent into the secret realm by Senior Sister Yun... I just came out today." Lu Ling said first.

"Senior Sister Yun? Which Senior Sister Yun? Why don't I know who has such a great ability, so I will send you in directly." Sister Yu frowned.

"It's just..." Lu Ling briefly described Yun Shu's appearance, and she kept talking about Senior Sister, so she misled Sister Yu's thinking.

"I don't know... Forget it, someone will take care of your affairs after you go back, go, play over there for a while." Sister Yu touched Lu Ling's head and asked her to go and stay for a while.

"Oh." Although the eldest sister looked like she was lying to the children, she was her uncle or uncle. Lu Ling obediently squatted down in front of Han Xue on the ground.

"Now... who are you?" Sister Yu tapped the black bear's forehead with one hand, and spoke at the same time.


"Well, Old Hei, take the little girl home, and go to see Luo Xian by the way? Are you tired of practicing and resting? I understand, by the way, I will go back and find Luo Xian to bandage your head later, your little recovery ability Still too weak."

In the entire Lingshan crowd, only this person can express his contempt for the recovery ability of the spirit race. You must know that the black bear can instantly heal the wounds given to it by the ice beauty, and now it just hits a drunk driving car with a head on it Blood.

The strength of the woman in front of her was at the top among the Lingshan crowd this year - but she was on par with Shen Canghai, even if she was even stronger than Shen Canghai, she was still put into bed by Shen Canghai...

Who made her sleep all the time, it's hard to guard against, she found herself on Shen Canghai's bed as soon as she woke up, and she looked like an afterthought, the key is that it happened more than once, so now she can only hide in this small place.

"Luo Xian is still in Qifeng, can you find her by yourself?" Sister Yu asked.

"Roar." The black bear nodded against the blood on his forehead, expressing that it's okay, as long as Luo Xian takes care of it.

"Then..." Sister Yu's eyes turned to the ice beauty, and at this time the other party's eyes finally moved away from the little girl's head and looked at her.

"I'll go and talk to her myself." The ice beauty glanced at the direction of Lingshan, and said a word directly.

"Are you going to find Senior Sister Feng? That's the best, anyway, it was the agreement between Senior Sister Feng and you at the beginning." Sister Yu glanced at Elf and Lu Ling, a little puzzled.

Being alone all the year round, she didn't even know that Lu Ling was of the blood of ice, she only knew that there seemed to be such a person in Lingshan.

But she didn't plan to take care of it, because things related to the elves were very troublesome and would delay her sleep. It was naturally the best thing for the other party to find Senior Sister Feng alone. is a special time.

"Elf, I have something to remind you." Sister Yu yawned, threw an enchantment token to her, and continued: "There are two foreign guests in Lingshan now, and your spiritual power is the best. Still restrain yourself."

The ice beauty didn't care about Sister Yu's frivolous attitude, and she was even very patient. Who told her that she was her master's uncle?

"Will it be troublesome?" the ice beauty asked.

"Of course." Yujie shrugged, a little surprised... Was this elf so easy to talk to before?

"I see." The ice beauty blinked, and then all the strong elf aura on her body disappeared in an instant. With her living body now, ordinary people would not be able to discover her identity at all. , even if Yun Shu wanted to find her, it would be troublesome.

"Thank you for your cooperation." Sister Yu nodded, and after completing her duties, she immediately became sleepy, and after yawning, signaled the elf to take care of herself. to deal with the little girl?

If it wasn't for Han Xue who was still here, she could get away and send the little guy back. It's not very convenient now, so Sister Yu talked to Hei Xiong, let him continue to take the little girl home, and look at the elf by the way.

At the end of this road is Lingshan, and naturally someone will receive them.

After thinking about the details, Sister Yu turned her head and saw Lu Ling who was squatting beside Han Xue and slowly helping Han Xue to tidy up her skirt.

Lu Ling also felt that the uncle on the ground who was being dragged as a corpse was a bit pitiful, with her underwear exposed... So she turned her over carefully, and pulled down her skirt to cover her lower body.

During the period, she was almost suffocated to death by the strong smell of alcohol on the other party... But fortunately, the special nature of Wuling wine, otherwise Lu Ling would probably get drunk if she smelled this alcohol.

After finishing Han Xue's clothes, Lu Ling looked at her body.

"What a young uncle."

"..." Sister Yu raised her eyebrows fiercely when she heard the words.

What does it mean?Does it mean that the other uncles are not young enough?

This girl is still young... If the other women in the Lingshan crowd heard her, she would at least get hit on her butt a few times.

"Let me see what Uncle Master looks like..." Lu Ling adjusted Han Xue's skirt, and then wanted to turn her over again, but just as she stretched out her little hand, she was grabbed by the drunken Han Xue.

"Jue'er... why are you taking off my clothes..." Han Xue grabbed Lu Ling and did not let go while speaking after drinking.

"Who took off your clothes~"

Lu Ling was stunned for a moment, trying to break free, but she was held so tightly that she couldn't use any strength at all.

"Let me hug and sleep for a while." As he said, Han Xue hugged Lu Ling's waist, imprisoned her whole body on him, and did not forget to caress Lu Ling's buttocks.

"Ah... Uncle Master!" Lu Ling blushed instantly.

"Hehehe, so soft... Jueer, how did you become smaller... Huh..."

Talking in sleep, Han Xue continued to fall asleep.

Lu Ling in her arms felt a little ashamed, and was pressed against the other person's body, her little face was hot.

"..." Lu Ling didn't know what the other uncle and elf thought of her now, but at this moment, with her face pressed against the uncle's chest, she could only smell the pungent smell of alcohol, but she could still smell a good smell vaguely of taste.

Fragrant, somewhat familiar...

Especially the feeling mixed with the smell of alcohol gave her a strange sense of peace of mind.

The dissatisfaction on her face disappeared, and Lu Ling herself didn't realize that she gradually developed a mood of enjoyment in Han Xue's arms.

This stopped the ice beauty who wanted to help Lu Ling.

In Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness, Xuechen also suppressed her jealous heart. Looking at Lu Ling, she tilted her head and thought about something... Forget it, in order not to let her master despise her, she still honestly and transparently Better.


"It's strange..." Lu Ling lay on the girl who smelled of alcohol, not feeling disgusted at all, but felt her heart beating faster and faster...

He raised his head, wanting to see what this uncle looks like.


The moment she saw it clearly, Lu Ling's heart accelerated to the limit, and at the same time her body temperature was also rising, accompanied by palpitations.

It was a young, very handsome face...

Strange, but it gave her an inexplicable sense of familiarity... Especially being hugged by the other party, she really felt at ease.


She only likes her junior sister, and no one else.

After thinking about it, Lu Ling didn't think she knew Han Xue, so she moved out her junior sister. Sure enough, as soon as Liu Fufeng appeared, she gradually calmed down.

What she didn't know was that the strange sense of peace of mind might be because the slovenly girl in front of her was the benefactor who pulled her out of the sea of ​​suffering...Although Han Xue threw her to Lingshan and left, but here It was Lingshan, even Zixu Zhenren didn't really give up on this girl at that time.

She had to die if she wanted to.

Without Han Xue, she doesn't know how long she would have to live in that environment.

Although she was dirty at the time, she was already very beautiful... If she didn't starve to death in a few years, her body would have grown up by then, and she would most likely face extremely cruel things.

Although her experience is already very dark.

Probably after she was rescued by Han Xue, although she couldn't see her face, Lu Ling deeply remembered the warmth of the other party's embrace and the smell of alcohol mixed with virgin body fragrance.

So, just being hugged, she was very excited, and then she was so relieved that she wanted to have a good sleep in her arms...

"Jue'er, what are you doing with your heart beating so fast...I'm not feeling well."

Han Xue was talking in her sleep, and then let go of Lu Ling's holding hand. The latter took advantage of this opportunity to roll off, sat on the ground, looked in the direction of the drunken uncle, panting heavily, with a smear on his face. Has this red aftertaste.

This uncle...

Clutching her chest, Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, trying not to look at her side.

What Lu Ling didn't know was that there was a young girl who was going crazy in her sea of ​​consciousness.

It's over, one Liu Fufeng is not enough, and now there is another one... The key is that the master likes her appearance so much, Xuechen dare not even ask... for fear that the master will find her annoying.

The initial favorability of a woman who fell from the sky is higher than that of her in the master's heart, she can't accept it...

But there is no way, the owner likes the most important thing.

Next to her, Ice Beauty and Sister Yu were also very strange. In the end, it was the little girl who was hugged and shy. After all, everyone could see her introversion.

"You're so dishonest when you're asleep, so you know how to cause trouble." Sister Yu walked up to Han Xue, gave her a light kick, then picked up Han Xue's leg again, dragged her, and turned her head to face Lu Aya and the others said.

"I'll deal with her, you guys go home quickly."

deal with……

Lu Ling's throat moved slightly.

"..." Seeing Han Xue being dragged away by the elder sister like a dead body, she stretched out her hand to say something, but she still didn't speak in the end.

Since he is the uncle of Lingshan, he will definitely be able to see him in the future.

"Han Bing... is she?" Seeing that Sleepy Yu Jie had left, Bing Mei opened her mouth.

"I don't know." Lu Ling bit her lower lip and thought for a while, then shook her head.

"Let's go home, Xiao Hei, pick me up." Lu Ling stretched out her hand to Lao Hei.

 The degree of the last checkup was high... I was relieved, no need for surgery!happy.

(End of this chapter)

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