Chapter 575 Reunion

Soon, Lu Ling and the others would no longer be seen on this spiritual path.

At this time, Sister Yu dragged Han Xue to a fork in the road. Although there was no place to rest here, it was the only intersection from the secret realm. She threw Han Xue on the ground in a corner.

After letting go of his hand, he smelled his own hand with a look of disgust.

She doesn't like alcohol, it affects the quality of her sleep.

With Han Xue's scruffy appearance, I don't know why the little girl likes her—she also saw some abnormalities in Lu Ling.

He yawned and raised his foot to leave, but he turned his head and glanced at the girl on the ground...sigh.

After taking off his coat and covering her body, he staggered away.


Han Xue smacked her lips and continued to rest, completely unaware that the first time she and Lu Ling met just passed away...Everyone was evened out, and Lu Ling had never seen her when she met Lu Ling for the first time Woolen cloth.

The girl lay on the ground covered with a coat, deep in sleep.



At this time, Lu Ling had already returned to Lingshan.

She didn't encounter any accidents along the way, she took the token given by Sister Yu and flashed it before returning to the Lingtai... Mainly because she knew the senior sisters who were guarding her, and she didn't care about the existence of the black bear and the ice beauty express.

Lu Ling was a little surprised, because after entering Lingshan, Miss Ice Beauty said she had something to leave first, and then disappeared in place... She thought that if Miss Sister had no place to sleep, she would go back to Jiufeng to live with her first. , Just let the junior sister look at her.

But she left as soon as she left, and Lu Ling could guess what she was going to do, she must have gone to some uncle or uncle to go through the formalities.

At night, the first floor of Denglingtai is very quiet, with snow all over the ground, the bright moon hanging high, and no one is there.

At night, the light was very dim, but Lu Ling didn't panic at all, and took a big breath of the strong air-conditioning, with a look of happiness on her face.

finally arrived at home.

On the stage, Lu Ling signaled Hei Xiong to let her down.

"Xiao Hei, do you have a place to go?" Lu Ling asked after standing still.

The black bear hesitated for a moment, then nodded, it had already received Luo Xian's message.

Hearing that there is a place to go to Lu Ling, she felt relieved. She couldn't wait to go home and give her junior sister a surprise... I don't know if the junior sister fell asleep... and if there is any food at home, she is a little hungry.

Lu Ling took the token and walked into the teleportation array, and after pressing ⑨, she turned around and waved at Old Hei.

"That's good, I'll go home first, see you tomorrow."

"Roar." Black Bear nodded.

In fact, it wants to ask Lu Ling for honey now... but it is estimated that there is not much hope.

Licking the corner of his mouth, the big guy covered his head and walked up the teleportation array, aiming at Qifeng.

It still won't fly...

Then, the figure gradually dimmed and teleported away.



Qifeng was full of water. At this moment, a young girl stepped on the water, staring at the portal in front of her.

Obviously, her so-called change of clothes is not that simple...

In a short time, Luo Xian changed into her favorite wide-sleeved long skirt. The hem of the skirt gradually changed from white to red, reflecting silvery light under the moonlight.

Her hair was neatly bundled up, and her face was covered with exquisite makeup—it was the first time she used the rouge given by Master Dongfang...

Ordinary, non-toxic kind.

Opening the water mirror casually, Luo Xian looked at himself inside which was completely different from his usual innocent appearance, his face turned slightly pink.

I never thought that I could be a little charming...

Suddenly, very ashamed, nervous heart pounding.

At this moment, the teleportation array suddenly lit up.

Luo Xian panicked.

She's not ready yet.


After a moment of weightlessness, the black bear came out of the teleportation array, and felt a hand hit its face before it could stand still.


With a crisp sound, it can be seen that it took a lot of effort to make such a loud sound on the furry bear's face.

Really call you bear face.

Old Hei was still in a daze, when a girl's voice came from next to his ear.

"came back?"

Opening his eyes, what he saw was a thin figure, Luo Xian was raising his hands on tiptoes, it was obvious that she was the one who hit him.

It was the little red fish.

Lao Hei looked at Luo Xian, nodded, and said that he was back, without any indication, as if he hadn't seen him for a day.

In its eyes, Luo Xian is no different from before, and feels that the clothes are more luxurious... Life should be not bad.

As for the well-dressed makeup of the other party... sorry, I can't appreciate it at all, different races, how to appreciate beauty... All women look the same to it, so the black bear didn't notice the weirdness of the girl.

And Luo Xian also knows this, she never thought that the other party could praise her or something... She never did it when she was not a human being, and now she has completely transformed into a human race from body to soul, let alone such a thing up.

And waving it in the face is considered a normal greeting for the two of them—when she was a redtail fish, the way they met and greeted each other was that the black bear roared at her, and then she jumped up A tail twitched the bear's face to make it shut up... Although it has become a human being now, the habit has not changed.

Of course, after seeing Lao Hei's indifference and indifference when they reunited after a long absence, she wanted to give it another kick...

It turns out that decades have passed, am I the only one who has been worrying...

"???" Hei Xiong keenly sensed Luo Xian's dissatisfaction, which was very strange.

It's not that it doesn't worry about Luo Xian, but that it doesn't need to worry - when it left Lingshan, Luoxian had already established a firm foothold in Lingshan and fully integrated into the human race. In Lingshan, there is no need for it to worry... and it It's different, it's normal for Luo Xian to be worried when he's alone in a secret realm.

Now, looking into Luo Xian's eyes, Hei Xiong suddenly realized that it should be the reason why he didn't say hello, being impolite.

He opened his mouth to yell, but before he could yell, he was slapped back.

"Shut up, junior sisters aren't going to sleep anymore?" Luo Xian looked at it like a fool.

Luo Xian finally found out that the long-awaited reunion she was looking forward to could not exist. Regarding the lifespan of the Spirit Race, maybe Lao Hei thought it was just a few days away.

And she... has become human.

The price is—


should be cherished.

The girl's eyes softened slightly.

"..." And the black bear shrugged, looking a little aggrieved.

In fact, it is really wronged, because Luo Xian still doesn't like it so much as before, its cute sister has completely turned into an unlovable human being, and the beauty of the past is gone forever.

If Luo Xian knew what it was thinking, he would probably laugh angrily.

Back then, Lao Hei broke into her bathroom with all his might and looked at her body, not to mention his eyes showing disgust and his incomprehension of the human body.

And she never changed after repeated admonitions once or twice, what time did she take a shower and when did the other party show up? It would be good if Luo Xian didn't kill it at that time.

What's more, Old Hei doesn't like to take a bath and brush his teeth. After a few days, the smell will be bad. After being complained by her junior sisters, she has to go around Lingshan to clean it...

What made her most angry was that once, Lao Hei actually drool over the stewed fish cooked by the cook...

This phenomenon directly caused her to look at it like rubbish for about a few months. Later, she finally overcame the psychological barrier and forgave it.

Now Lao Hei turned around and said that she was not good, so why did he not treat her well?

Thinking, Luo Xian raised his head.

The nose moved, and the dissatisfaction on his face dissipated a lot.

Doesn't this stupid guy know nothing about it... This time I came to see her and washed it very clean. It seems that I haven't seen her for so long, and it's not that it hasn't changed at all. I still put a little thought into this meeting.

I don't give it face today.

Luo Xian is very easy to satisfy, as long as the other party shows a little bit of care, he will be very happy.


"Why did you get hurt?" Luo Xian smiled, looking at the bright red spots on his hands.

"Hey..." Black Bear explained.

"Uncle? I see." Luo Xian sighed, the murderous intent he mentioned dissipated in an instant, and turned into helplessness.

"Why are you so careless? Can you touch Master's cultivation base casually? It's fine, come home with me, and I'll find some medicine for you." After Luo Xian finished speaking, she stepped on the water with her bare feet.There were waves of ripples.

Come back home.

If you don't go home, you can't let it sleep in the water.

Black Bear nodded and followed.

very happy.

Glad to have a place to sleep, and Luo Xian doesn't seem to hate it any more than before... Just barely.

I don't know if I asked her for something to eat, would she give it.

Like the little daughter-in-law, Lao Hei obediently followed behind Luo Xian.



At the same time, in Yifeng's main hall, the bedroom.

The ice beauty appeared in Luanfeng Zhenren's boudoir.

Red tone, atmospheric yet warm.

At this time, Luanfeng Daoist was putting on his clothes, and he did not shy away from the woman who suddenly appeared in front of him.

They are also old acquaintances, and they took a bath together a long time ago.

"I didn't expect you to come...Why, is there something wrong on the fifth floor? By the way, I won't tie my hair up, and I will sleep later." Master Luanfeng shook his head and looked at the ice beauty: "Or is it Joan? What's wrong with Hua? Tell me, and I'll fix it—tomorrow."

"..." The ice beauty looked at Master Luanfeng and blinked.

She is still so...

Hard to describe.

Straight to the point.

"I want Lu Ling." The ice beauty said.

"Huh?" Master Luanfeng slipped his hand holding the buttons of his underwear.

"What did you say? What do you want?"

"Lu Ling." The ice beauty repeated.





Today is destined to be a day of reunion after a long absence.

The full moon was gradually covered by dark clouds.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, Lu Ling returned to Jiufeng.

The familiar air, the familiar smell, and the familiar wind on the edge of the cliff.

"Junior Sister...Junior Sister, I'm coming." Lu Ling whispered, stepped on the warm soil with bare feet, and headed towards the slope.

The reassuring stream flowed in the quiet night, Lu Ling went up the stream, and soon, the hut of her and her junior sister appeared in front of her eyes.

As before, there are a few laundry items hanging in front of the house.

Walk slowly to the door.

It was pitch black inside.

The junior sister should have fallen asleep...

Thinking so, Lu Ling gently opened the door.

After opening the door, a warm breath rushed over, and the smell of thatch accompanied by the sweet smell made Lu Ling stunned for a moment.

This fragrance... seems to be the fruit bar that my junior sister bought.

Didn't think too much about it.

The room was very dark, and Lu Ling couldn't see anything, but based on her own impression, she cautiously walked around the table. In the darkness, she looked at the sleeping figure lying on the bed, and laughed.

Although she felt that it was not good to disturb her junior sister's rest, it was impossible for her to sleep quietly beside her junior sister until the morning. She wanted to tell her junior sister that she was back, and then hugged her to sleep.

The junior sister will never mind that I disturb her.

He jumped on it and yelled.

"Junior Sister!"

Today is a day of reunion after a long absence.

However, what made Lu Ling miscalculate was that the reunion after a long absence was a reunion, but it was not with Liu Fufeng...

At this time, Lu Ling, who buried her face on the bed's chest, rubbed a few times, and her movements gradually became stiff.

Taste...not right.

It's not the smell of junior sister, but a very clean smell with a smell of alcohol and a little bit of medicine.

And the size of the breasts is also different, junior sister's is not so big, nor is it so soft.

Thinking about it carefully, the body shape just now is not right, it is obviously taller than her junior sister, and the clothes that are dried outside are not the color that junior sister likes...

My mind cleared up.

It's just that it's too late for Lu Ling to pretend that nothing happened.

In the darkness, a soft groan flashed across.

It's not the voice of my junior sister.

Lu Ling's body stiffened instantly.

The nun opened her eyes.

Because the person who came had the imprint of Lingshan, she was not vigilant at all.

"How many times have I told you not to jump on me, even if you become smaller." The nun rubbed her eyes: "What did you run away before? What happened when Lu Ling's mark was triggered? Also, you stole my body." The key... Hurry up and return it to me."

As he spoke, Chu Qishui's voice became strange.

She found out.

The person who came back was not Han Xue...

Looking down at the girl buried in his chest, he froze for a moment.

"Lu Ling?!"

I was also surprised.

"..." Lu Ling now knew who she was jumping on... No wonder her breasts are so big... It turned out to be her cheap master.

She doesn't live in her own house, what is she doing here?
Lu Ling raised her head slowly, looked at Chu Qishui who was surprised, and stammered, "Good evening..."

Did not call Master.

I can't open my mouth.

The four eyes met, and the atmosphere became awkward.

However, things were not as bad as Lu Ling thought, and her cheap master didn't show any unnaturalness.

"It's good to be back." Chu Qishui looked at Lu Ling and said.

She has been a little worried.

"Ah...en." Lu Ling nodded stiffly, not knowing how to respond to the other party.

The dialogue between them has a feeling of father and son, not intimate, but there is such a relationship.

But because of the cheap master's attitude and indifference, Lu Ling also breathed a sigh of relief, and the embarrassment was reduced a lot.

"Go to sleep, it's getting late, let's talk about it tomorrow." Chu Qishui touched the girl's hair in his arms, and said.

Lu Ling: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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