Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 576 The relationship between father and son

Chapter 576 The relationship between father and son

seven peaks.

Although it was night, there were still many people who did not sleep. Some people found a strange shadow passing by their door and came out to look at it. Then the news of Lao Hei's return gradually spread in Qifeng...

In Qifeng, it's basically the age... not really, as long as girls with a certain level of cultivation know Lao Hei, it can even be said that they are the ones who once "bullied" Lao Hei and liked to cling to him. Group of girls.

Decades have passed now, childhood playmates have returned, news spread like wildfire, and a little turbulence arose in the peaceful night.


"What? I'm a little excited to see others like you?" Luo Xian turned around.

"..." Old Hei scratched his head, he didn't actually recognize the girls who surrounded him just now, he didn't know them at all, but he also knew that those little devils had grown up now...

Refer to Luo Xian and know that the little devil will definitely become a big devil when he grows up, and Lao Hei can't help but feel sad for his life after Lingshan...

Otherwise, look for a chance or slip away.

It started thinking about Lu Ling now.

"Let's go, rest in the side hall today, and tomorrow I will take you to arrange accommodation."



first peak.

Master Luanfeng had already put on his clothes, his hair was scattered, and he was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at this weird elf in front of him.

Luanfeng real person looked at the ice beauty, and when communicating with this elf, she could rarely be so serious... because the other party didn't care about her attitude at all, and she was relatively easy to talk to.

It can even be said that after Luanfeng, who was in charge of contacting the ice beauty, felt that getting along with the elves was a very easy job after she got close to her. threat.

Personally, Master Luanfeng still likes elves very much, so he was a little surprised by this sudden night attack.

Luanfeng looked this peerless beauty up and down, and finally left a word.

"Don't you like wearing clothes?"

Ice Beauty: "..."

He probably understood what Lu Ling was feeling when he teased Lu Ling.

"That's not the point, answer my question." The ice beauty continued.

"Want Lu Ling? I said it's impossible, so don't ask." Master Luanfeng spread his hands: "Speaking came here in the middle of the night just to ask for a little girl? Why?"

She really doesn't understand.

But there is also a guess, maybe it has something to do with the ice blood.

"Can she help you cultivate?" Master Luanfeng continued.

The ice beauty is also of the ice attribute, if the ice blood can help the elves to cultivate, then all this can be explained.

But...Lu Ling is not a snow girl, she is just a little girl who doesn't know if she has a future, Luanfeng Zhenren thinks that even a snow girl is just a top powerhouse in the human race, and the snow girl and elves have a bit too much understanding of ice Not to mention Lu Ling.

So I don't really believe that Lu Ling can help the elves.

Fortunately, the ice beauty at this time put away the Xuanbing sword that Lu Ling gave her, otherwise something very interesting would happen if Luanfeng saw it.

"A little bit." The ice beauty didn't want to say much, but after a short time together, she also understood the other party's attitude.

very firm.

Although Luanfeng seemed to be joking, it was impossible for her to give Lu Ling to her.

Well, I guessed it too.

She didn't want it at first... Even if Luanfeng agreed, the little girl might not be willing.

"If I stay in Lingshan, what are the conditions?" The ice beauty said bluntly.

"There are some problems, but it's not impossible." Master Luanfeng said seriously: "Where is the little girl?"


"Small trouble." Master Luanfeng pondered: "Let's talk about it in detail."

"that is……"

"Wait." Master Luanfeng interrupted the ice beauty: "Lingshan is not very convenient now, you should seal your cultivation base, it will be safer."

"Okay." The ice beauty took a deep breath and sealed herself. Soon, the rich spiritual energy in her body disappeared, and she became an "ordinary person".

"let's start."

The night chat mode is turned on, officially entering the topic.



Feng Jiu and Lu Ling lay in Taoist nun's arms, sniffing the smell of fruit wine, and did not dare to move.

"Go to sleep, it's getting late, let's talk about tomorrow."

After Master said this sentence, she seemed to close her eyes and go to sleep.

Lu Ling couldn't understand why her master could be so naturally he hugged her and put her to sleep...the two obviously didn't know each other very well, right?

The most recent intersection was when the master was bullied by the face-changing uncle, she "stepped forward" and finally got beaten for her master...

Other than that, there is no intersection.

Before being educated by her junior sister, she actually didn't like her master very much. Although she doesn't hate it so much now, she still has a little grudge in her heart... Now being hugged by the other party, she feels very strange.

After a while, Lu Ling felt that her arms were numb.

If she waited until dawn like this, she would definitely die.

At this time, Taoist nun suddenly spoke.

"Can't sleep?"

"...Yeah." Lu Ling nodded, and then... suddenly felt a little chilly, but she didn't take it to heart.

Chu Qishui opened his eyes.

That's right, little girls like to be clean, and it's impossible to get used to sleeping on thatch when they come back.

So she hugged Lu Ling and sat up. In the dark, Chu Qishui looked at the girl in her arms and raised her eyebrows.

And when Lu Ling was about to sit up and put her on his lap, Lu Ling finally felt that something was obviously wrong, but she was a little confused.

"If you can't sleep, let's see what you want to do." Chu Qishui waved his hand, and the lights in the room instantly lit up, driving away the darkness.

Then, she looked down at the girl in her arms... and sighed.


The girl tugged at her Taoist robe, her hair was very long, but it still couldn't cover her fair body.

The little girl didn't even have a single piece of clothing on her body.

"Why don't you wear clothes?" Chu Qishui frowned: "It's snowing in Lingshan, it's still very cold, although you are not afraid, but you still have to be careful of the cold poison hidden in the meridians, it is not good for development."

"Ah?" Lu Ling was still immersed in the embarrassment of being hugged with her master, and she was a little confused when she heard the other party's words.

"I got dressed..."

He lowered his head, and was taken aback for a moment.

His small face instantly turned pale, and his thin arms trembled slightly.

Clothes... Where are her clothes?

It was fine before.

Lu Ling thought of the past, when she walked outside without clothes in the shower, she bumped into Master once... Now this is the second time.

She's not a girl with a penchant for showing off, so she won't be misunderstood.

For a while, the problem of bad relationship with the master is not important, Lu Ling explained in a panic.

"I...I was wearing clothes, I don't know what happened...the clothes suddenly disappeared..." Lu Ling blushed more and more because she didn't believe such things.

In fact, she forgot a problem. Her clothes were created by the ice beauty with the cold air. They have a duration. Now that the elves have sealed themselves, her clothes can be maintained to the limit and become a burst of cold air that is directly absorbed by her. up.

"It's okay, what are you afraid of at home." Chu Qishui looked at the little girl who was about to burst into tears, and stroked her hair to express her comfort.

"I really wore it..." Lu Ling continued.

Chu Qishui felt that it didn't matter...

Isn't it just not wearing clothes?It doesn't matter.

But she felt Lu Ling's shyness. If she didn't find clothes for her, she might not even be able to speak normally.

"Okay, lie down and I'll get you clothes." Chu Qishui placed Lu Ling on the thatched bed behind him, and then covered it with a layer of brocade.

Physical contact was unavoidable during the period, but Lu Ling had no choice but to close her eyes...

Anyway, it has already been seen all over, and this time is not bad.

And, she still has long hair.

Speaking of which, she now likes her calf-length hair more and more. Although it is very troublesome to wash, it has protected her body many times.

Lu Ling opened her eyes only when she felt the blanket.

"Thank... thank you." He whispered.

"En?" Chu Qishui was stunned for a moment, then shook his head slightly.

Probably from the time when Lu Ling stood in front of her in the enchantment, she regarded him as her own disciple.

At this time, Lu Ling, who was hiding under the brocade, was in the mood to take a closer look at the woman in front of her.

Just like before, I didn't take off my clothes when I went to bed, and I wore that black and white Taoist robe, but the clothes were cleaner than before...not so sloppy, and my hair was still scattered.

The appearance is very ordinary, Lu Ling closed her eyes and forgot what she looked like.

Looking at the strange yet familiar woman in front of her, Lu Ling gradually calmed down.

This is my master...

However, she remembered that Master was injured.

At that time, Master was severely beaten by Master Zixu, and his fair skin was covered with bloody scratches. What frightened her the most was that at that time, her Master's eyes...the corners of the eyes were stained with dried blood, and the pupils were like cracked eyes. The glass bead, Lu Ling was afraid that it might break anytime...

For a while I had nightmares.

However, even though Chu Qishui's eyes were dim under the lights, he couldn't see any scars.

He was cured.

"Lie down, I'll look for Han Xue's clothes." Chu Qishui struggled to get up, it could be seen that her injury was not completely healed... at least she couldn't get off the ground.


After all, this is the home of Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling. Although she slept here, she never touched Liu Fufeng's and Lu Ling's things... The only way to find clothes is to look for Han Xue's clothes.

Obviously, in Liu Fufeng's absence, Lu Ling could not be considered an adult in her eyes, otherwise she would have directly asked Lu Ling which cabinet her clothes were in.

"No need." Lu Ling said suddenly: "Just... that's it."

"Is it possible?" Chu Qishui turned to look at Lu Ling.


"I see." Chu Qishui sat back on the side of the bed again.



Then, the atmosphere fell silent again.

Lu Ling looked at the woman in front of her, not knowing what to say.

At this time, Chu Qishui had already woken up, and took a wine gourd from the bedside.

Seeing this, Lu Ling spoke eagerly.


Chu Qishui turned around.

"what happened?"

After Lu Ling opened her mouth, she was surprised at how quickly she yelled, but when she thought that she had yelled many times while standing in front of Master Zixu, she didn't have any grudges.

Her junior sister's master is her master.

"Master, you're not in good health yet, so it's better not to drink." Lu Ling looked at the wine gourd in Chu Qishui's hand, and after careful observation, she saw the white bandage on the other's arm... There were bloodstains on it.

A look of surprise flashed in Chu Qishui's eyes, and then nodded.

"it is good."

Hang the wine gourd back up again.

Seeing this scene, Han Xue would probably be shocked to see if Jueer in front of her was dropped by someone... Obviously before, no one said that she had to drink, but now she is so obedient to Lu Ling's words.

And Lu Ling gradually got used to the silence of her master, and began to learn to speak on her own initiative.

"Junior sister said, it's better to drink less when you're injured," Lu Ling said.

"I see." Chu Qishui looked at the little girl hiding under the quilt with only one head exposed. In fact, she had a lot to ask, but when she thought of Li Zhuzi's existence, she put it away.

She shouldn't ask too much, Li Zhuzi is a much more suitable master than her, as long as she doesn't cause trouble to Liu Fufeng and the others now, that's all.

That's why I can get along with Lu Ling naturally.

Of course, this is also because Lu Ling is just an ordinary little girl in her eyes.

"Master, hasn't my junior sister come back? Why isn't she at home..." Lu Ling looked at the empty room, and found that it was still the same as when she left, and the junior sister hadn't come back at all.

"Is it Liu Fufeng? She should be at Qin Qin's place on the second peak now."

"At Senior Sister Qin's house? I see..." Lu Ling breathed a sigh of relief. She was still a little worried when she saw that her junior sister was not at home just now, but now she is not worried at all.

And after simple contact, she found that it was not difficult for her to get along with her master, because the other party said very little, but it was still easy to get along with.

I just don't know why I live in my own home.

So what should we do now?
To tell the truth, she actually wants to find her junior sister now, but the current situation, one has no clothes, and two... She is a little bit unable to let go of the woman in front of her.

"???" Sensing Lu Ling's emotions, Chu Qishui, who was in a daze, glanced at Lu Ling suspiciously.

"what happened?"

"It's all right." Lu Ling covered her head under the quilt: "Master, it's getting late, let's rest first... I'm a little sleepy."

"Okay." Chu Qishui nodded, went back to bed after turning off the lights, and lay down beside Lu Ling.

"Go to bed early, if you have any questions, go to Teacher Li tomorrow, she will tell you, and there are future training arrangements." After Chu Qishui finished speaking, he closed his eyes.

"Understood." Lu Ling nodded.

Then, the room returned to darkness.

Listening to the slight breathing beside her, Lu Ling poked her head out quietly, looking at the thin woman's back.

She...can have a normal conversation with Master.

It's a bit embarrassing, but it's a good start.

The junior sister will be happy to see it.

Thinking of Junior Sister, his eyes gradually became heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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