Chapter 577 Restart
After the breathing of the girl around her gradually weakened, the Taoist nun beside her opened her eyes, which were shining brightly in the night.

Turning around gently, he stared at the well-behaved girl in front of him.

When Lu Ling was asleep, she was much cuter than she imagined, but she couldn't appreciate her sleeping face.

Chu Qishui recalled what Lu Ling looked like when she first came to Jiufeng.

Miserable, and the character has not fully developed...

It's completely different from what it is now.

What kind of ice blood... She never cared about it. Chu Qishui, like Li Zhuzi, had contact with Lu Ling at the beginning, so in their eyes, Lu Ling was just a child, and it was normal for a child to have a little temper.

Well, the reason why this girl has changed so much is indeed because of Liu Fufeng.

As a master, he should correctly guide his disciples' three views, but it is obvious that with Liu Fufeng around, Lu Ling doesn't need others to guide him. Liu Fufeng has done better than anyone else.

It's hard to imagine that such a shy, introverted, and timid little girl would stand in front of Liu Yao... Qin Qin, Luo Xian and the others would probably stop Liu Yao in that state.

Looking at the beauty mole on the corner of Lu Ling's mouth, Chu Qishui raised the corner of her mouth.

Perhaps this is why newborn calves are not afraid of tigers.

But it was that little girl who made her feel cute.


She never thought about this kind of thing, but now there are two more outstanding disciples, she is very grateful to Liu Yao.

Both Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling were sent by her.

She also knows that Liu Yao likes Liu Fufeng... But now she will not send Liu Fufeng away, because she also likes it very much.

Compared to Lu Ling, Chu Qishui loves Liu Fufeng much more. It can even be said that some frivolous feelings for Lu Ling are due to Liu Fufeng's love for Wu and Wu...

For Liu Fufeng, she really appreciates it very much.

Since going up the mountain, this ordinary girl has been living in her sight. Liu Fufeng has things that she doesn't have, and there are things that Liu Yao doesn't, but she also has a lot of temperament that a Lingshan girl should have.

Poorly inspired, but extremely gifted.

Because Liu Fufeng didn't have a teacher to teach him, Chu Qishui actually wanted to do it by himself...but he has been hesitating.

Because she doesn't understand Wenhun... and Liu Fufeng has been studying medicine, it is obvious that she wants to go the way of Wenhun.

Wait and observe again, if Liu Fufeng really wants to take the literary soul, it is also a good choice.

Close your eyes.

She didn't want to die that much.

I don't know where Han Xue went.

Not reassuring.

Close your eyes and rest.



In the early morning, the sound of the phoenix blew across the sky above Lingshan, awakening the various elements of Lingshan, and the whole Lingshan gradually became noisy, but the six peaks were just the opposite, it was time to rest.

Lu Ling's consciousness gradually surfaced.

She slept very comfortably.

Even if Junior Sister is not by her side, this is her home after all, lying on such a soft thatched bed feels like Junior Sister is by her side.

Sure enough, home is home.


a little hungry...

Suddenly, the nose moved.

A fragrance, is the smell of noodles.

It should be a dream.

Turned over and went back to sleep.

"The sun is drying your butt, get up quickly."

At this time, a voice rang in her ears, and at the same time, a pair of white hands ravaged her face, with a small feeling of disgust in her mouth.

Of course, there is an unconcealable doting and helplessness in the tone.

"Ah, the drool... Hurry up and wash up, otherwise it will be a ball when we meet, don't make trouble if it doesn't taste good."

Then, Lu Ling felt herself being helped up from the bed.

Because I slept comfortably enough, I didn't wake up today.

Lu Ling rubbed her eyes, and opened them a little dissatisfied.


"Who is that?" Liu Fufeng wiped the corner of Lu Ling's mouth with his fingers, and continued, "Quick, I'm sleepy."

"..." Lu Ling stared at the girl in a black and white Taoist robe in front of her, and was stunned for a while.

"Master, Junior Sister?"

When Liu Fufeng was not around, she would feel that the other party was by her side when she woke up, but now that Liu Fufeng was really there, Lu Ling never thought about it.

"Junior Sister, why are you..." Lu Ling woke up instantly, her face full of surprises.

"What? In the morning, Teacher Tang told me that Senior Sister you are back, so I left from Senior Sister Qin." Liu Fufeng sat next to Lu Ling: "I stayed with Senior Sister Qin for the past few days. You were fine yesterday."

"Yesterday..." Lu Ling showed a little doubt, and turned her head, only to see that she was alone on the bed, and the wine gourd by the bed was gone.

"Ah! Where's Master?"

"Master?" Liu Fufeng was also a little puzzled: "When I came back, you were the only one at home...Why, Master was here yesterday?"

"En." Lu Ling nodded, but hesitated for a while.

It should be...not a dream.

"Okay, let's talk about something when we have dinner, your stomach is full." Liu Fufeng squeezed Lu Ling's slender waist with his fingers.

"Itchy." Lu Ling twisted in dissatisfaction, and then realized that she was still undressed, and there was already a small skirt prepared for her by her junior sister on the bedside.

Very happy.

Facing her junior sister, she has already passed the stage of shyness at every turn.

Seeing Lu Ling getting up and getting dressed, Liu Fufeng got up, washed his hands and went to the pot to cook again.

When she saw Lu Ling coming back, she was naturally happy.

But... I don't know why Ah Ling is not wearing clothes...


Shake his head.

Forget it, I still don't ask.

Ah Ling just came back, although she wanted her to rest for a day, but it really didn't work, Teacher Li and Teacher Tang had been looking for her for several days.

She took Lu Ling over to have dinner.


Lu Ling put on her clothes, and after washing, she sat by the table, picked up the chopsticks, and stared at the noodles on the table.

She didn't start eating until Liu Fufeng also sat down.

"Slow down, no one will fight with you." Liu Fufeng said.

Sister meal time.

"Junior Sister, don't you want to ask me where I am these few days?" While eating, Lu Ling suddenly raised her head.

"Me? I'm a little curious... But Senior Sister Qin said that she went to some secret place, so there's no danger." Liu Fufeng put down his chopsticks and looked at Lu Ling.

"Dangerous?" Lu Ling thought for a moment, then shook her head: "No."

"That's good." Liu Fufeng breathed a sigh of relief.

"But it's still very interesting, I met..."




About 10 minutes passed.

Lu Ling told her junior sister almost everything she encountered during this period.

Sure enough, even if Liu Fufeng didn't want to listen to her, she would still talk.

"I met all kinds of people." Liu Fufeng smiled.

Very peaceful.

Surprised actually... a black bear, and a woman made of ice...

But A Ling told her that she was not surprised, but very happy.

"If we're in Lingshan...there will be a chance to meet again." Liu Fufeng said.

"En." Lu Ling nodded vigorously.

Next, put down the chopsticks.

"I'm full." Covering her stomach, she looked at her junior sister with wide eyes.

"I'll go clean up, and I'll go to Teacher Li later..." Liu Fufeng was about to stand up when Lu Ling suddenly stopped him.


"En? What's wrong?" Liu Fufeng turned his head.

"...I..." Lu Ling took a deep breath.

"There's nothing you can't say to me." Liu Fufeng sat down again and looked at Lu Ling.

"I know... that's right, you should have noticed all the strange junior sisters before me." Lu Ling said it with a lot of effort.

In fact, as soon as I saw my junior sister, I wanted to say...

"Strange?" Liu Fufeng was stunned for a moment, and then threw a few words to Lu Ling under Lu Ling's bewildered gaze: "Which one did you say?"

There are too many strange things about her A Ling.

Speaking far away, life experience, culture, language, music...

If you get closer, the cultivation base and physique will occasionally give her the illusion that she has been away for a while, and there is another Lu Ling who she also likes.

Too much.

" that weird?" Lu Ling asked after holding back for a while.

"No, okay, tell me, what's the matter." Liu Fufeng comforted her.

"It's just... every time I come back from..., junior sister, you will give me milk or something to eat..." Lu Ling looked up at Liu Fufeng.

It was only in the secret realm that she thought of this. Every time she came out of the "world", her junior sister would give her some food to replenish her body.

"What did I think, why, senior sister, you don't think I didn't find out, do you?" Liu Fufeng raised the corner of his mouth.Showing a playful smile, he stretched out his hand and scratched Lu Ling's face: "But senior sister, you can notice this, it is worthy of praise!"

"..." Lu Ling looked at the smiling Liu Fufeng, very puzzled.

"Junior sister... are you... not angry?"

Why can she still laugh.

Lu Ling didn't understand.

She felt that if Junior Sister had something to hide from her, she would be very angry and might even cry for her.

"Angry? Why are you angry?" Liu Fufeng cleaned up the dishes and stood up, and at the same time said: "Senior are very mysterious in Teacher Li's words, I am not surprised that anything happens...some things Senior Sister is not willing There must be a reason for what I say, all I can do is not to disturb you."

Saying that, Liu Fufeng turned his head and smiled nicely.

"But senior sister, you can take the initiative to tell me, I am very happy, well, if you have nothing to do, go and tidy up your clothes, we are ready to go."

She was taken aback by what she thought.

In fact, with her love for Lu Ling, how could she not care about these things, if she really didn't care, she wouldn't take care of her every time she found that A Ling was tired.

However, there are some things she has said enough.

For example, I believe there is no need to mention the matter of relying on oneself.

Knowing this premise, if Ah Ling kept it from her, she wouldn't ask, and she was confident that Ah Ling didn't hide it from her on purpose.

Sure enough, this told her.

And Liu Fufeng only needs to know that there is such a thing, she doesn't want to know the details, and seeing Lu Ling's faltering expression, she knows that she can't go into details.

Clean up the dishes.

good mood,

Lu Ling: "..."

Looking at Liu Fufeng, who was obviously a little excited, she blushed for a while and then nodded.

Sure enough, this is her junior sister.

Xuechen also buried himself in the snow at this time.

lose, lose...

He still thought that Liu Fufeng would get angry, and then reflected his own sensibility, but looking at it now, she is not Liu Fufeng's opponent in every angle.

I don't know why this woman who fell from the sky can be so tolerant of her master.

not understand.

Then, Xuechen suddenly appeared and sat on Lu Ling's lap.

"How did you get out?"

"Meow~" The phantom cat looked at Lu Ling innocently.

She felt that she had to brush up on her sense of presence, otherwise she always felt that she was being shown off by her master and his junior sister.

"What's that sound?" Liu Fufeng turned his head and was startled when he saw the cat on Lu Ling's lap.


"Meow~" Xuechen waved his paw at Liu Fufeng cutely.

"Oh, it's not a monster." Liu Fufeng suddenly said: "Isn't this the little guy who didn't know his race before? Why did he appear suddenly? I thought it was gone. Did he always be at home? I didn't pay attention."

She had been at the foot of the mountain for several months, and had already forgotten about this little guy.

"Junior Sister, we agreed to raise her." Lu Ling hugged Xuechen and looked at Liu Fufeng pitifully.

"I didn't say I wouldn't let you keep it." Liu Fufeng shook his head: "It's pretty cute, let's keep it."

Teacher Li said that it is not a monster, but something that is beneficial to Ah Ling, so she is not very resistant.

"Meow~" Xuechen showed a smug look.

As long as Liu Fufeng accepts her, she will gain a firm foothold in this family.

Well, even Xuechen knows that the one who really has the right to speak in the family is not the strange Taoist nun, let alone her master, the elder sister, but the busy wife in front.

"I heard from Senior Sister Qin that Teacher Li has arranged a lot of things for you, remember to study hard." Liu Fufeng nagged.

"I know." Lu Ling didn't feel annoyed at all, and nodded her head hard.

"By the way, your uncle brought back that chair for you." Liu Fufeng brought Lu Ling's wheelchair in from outside: "I also found the bamboo crutch that Teacher Li gave you. Do you usually sit or use bamboo?"

"Use both." Lu Ling thought for a while: "Use a wheelchair on the road, and use bamboo when you arrive."

She also felt that jumping and walking was not good.

"Well, take it if you don't mind the trouble." Liu Fufeng nodded, and after tidying up Lu Ling's clothes and hair, he put her in a wheelchair and carried the prepared basket on her back, pushing Lu Ling out of the house.

When Xuechen saw this, he jumped into Lu Ling's arms directly. After Liu Fufeng saw it, he didn't say anything.

Because Lu Ling looked very happy holding it.

Pushed by her junior sister, Lu Ling hummed happily, and said, "Junior sister, what is in this basket."

"Spring water and Yueyingcao, what Teacher Li wants."


"I'll send you to the gate of Nanyuan later, so I won't go in. I'll return the books at the book garden, and we'll talk about it at noon." Liu Fufeng said.

"En." Lu Ling nodded.

She was not surprised that she was on the right track right after she got home, and she also wanted to get into cultivation soon.

"Junior Sister, you have to work hard, gather your breath earlier." Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng and said seriously.


Liu Fufeng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"Well, I will work hard, don't worry."

(End of this chapter)

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