Chapter 578

Before pushing Lu Ling away, Liu Fufeng prepared something for Li Zhuzi, and even went to the back mountain to have a look.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered that the thatched cottage belonging to Master had disappeared.

In other words, as A Ling said, the master rested here yesterday.

But now I don't know where to go.

Liu Fufeng thought for a while, since Master has no place to sleep now, he has to find a way for everyone to live together.

Then, Liu Fufeng sent Lu Ling onto the teleportation formation, and after seeing her leave, he followed with the bamboo basket on his back.

Her talent has awakened a little bit now. According to what is said in the book, the reason why Ah Ling had an upset stomach before was probably because she was teleported with her.

She doesn't know what space talent is, but she doesn't think her talent is like any kind of earth, feng, shui, and fire... But because she doesn't even have condensate, she doesn't mean to ask Li Zhuzi or Master for help, no matter what You have to condense your breath before you can consider these things.



Ascending to the Lingtai, there are many people in the early morning.

Lu Ling came down from the teleportation array by herself in a wheelchair, and the bamboo that her husband gave her was inserted into the backrest behind her, like a flagpole without chess pieces.

Turn your head.

"Junior Sister, I'll just go by myself."

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng shook the basket behind him.

"these things……"

"Give it to me." Lu Ling said.

"Senior Sister, it's inconvenient for you to be alone." Liu Fufeng looked at Lu Ling.

"I'm afraid that Mr.... won't be happy, because I could have given it to her in the past." Lu Ling glanced at some senior sisters who were looking this way, and whispered to Liu Fufeng: "It's fine even when you don't have a wheelchair. It's not working now... I feel a little lazy."

"..." Liu Fufeng sighed.

Just how afraid of Teacher Li is she...

Forget it.

This basket is not very big, it can still be placed on the lap.

"Okay, the gourd on the left is stream water, and the one on the right is spring water, remember not to misplace it." Liu Fufeng said.

"Understood." Lu Ling put the basket on her lap, then supported the wheels of the wheelchair with both hands, walked forward a few steps, and said back, "Junior Sister, go and do your work, just come and pick me up at noon."

"Be careful not to fall over." Liu Fufeng reminded.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, and then said to Xuechen who was crawling into the frame, "Help me a little."

"Meow~" The cat obediently raised its paws and held onto the bamboo basket, only then did Lu Ling free her hands, and she could slide forward with confidence.

"Be careful, I'm going to Shuyuan." Liu Fufeng stepped on the teleportation array again and left.

Seeing Liu Fufeng leave, the young ladies around quickly surrounded him.

"A Ling, are you back?"


"When did you come back? I thought you went out with some uncle."

"Yesterday, yesterday... Senior Sister, don't touch me, my basket is about to spill..."

"Miss my sister?"

"...Think, think, don't touch my clothes!"

The moment Lu Ling's guardian left, she was overwhelmed by people.

Finally, Lu Ling finally refused a group of girls who wanted to push her, and came to Nanyuan alone.

With a sigh of relief, the water stains on one end.

These enthusiastic senior sisters are too scary...

Xuechen also hid in the frame and shivered.

When she was discovered, she did not escape the fate of being ravaged, which was miserable.

"Fortunately, they didn't stop us all the time."

"Meow~" Xuechen still had lingering fears.

Lu Ling walked into Nanyuan on a wheelchair.

There is still about an hour and a half before class, as usual.

In front is Mr.'s school.

Suddenly, Lu Ling saw a figure and froze for a moment.

A man walked into the alley ahead... looking furtive.

It was none other than someone Lu Ling knew.

Teacher Mo... What is he doing lying there?

Lu Ling tilted her head.

The eyes gradually brighten.

That's right... I received a mission before. If I remember correctly, the person Teacher Mo likes is her husband, and he has been in love for hundreds of years...

The fire of gossip is burning brightly.

Lu Ling secretly slid the wheelchair and followed.


After Mo Qing came to Lingshan, he finished his business in just one day, and now he is in a "salted fish" state, and he can return to East Shenhai at any time.

The problem is, there is no one in Dongshenhai now, what is he doing when he goes back, so he is kept by Lingshan for a longer period of time.

In Mo Yu's words, it is to let the little girl in Lingshan see what a real good man is, so as to save her from being abducted by any wild man when she goes out.

Mo Qing did not cultivate in Lingshan, it would absorb too much aura from Lingshan, so now he starts to sleep at night... The key is that he is not used to sleeping, and knowing that Li Zhuzi is here, he can't sleep at all.

So basically the night is spent watching the moon in Nanyuan.

He wanted to see her but didn't dare, so he could only hang around outside to maintain his life.

The man sighs.

Just as Mo Qing was staring at Li Zhuzi's yard in a daze in front of him, there was a sudden loud sound behind him.

"Teacher Mo!"

Because next to Li Zhuzi's yard, Mo Qing also put away a lot of her perception in order not to be discovered, so Lu Ling was taken aback.

Turning around, I saw a chair and a bamboo basket.


"It's me." Lu Ling stuck her head out from behind the basket.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?" Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling helplessly.

"Why, is there anything you can't see?"

Lu Ling looked at him innocently: "Teacher, why are you a little guilty..."

She still has a crush on Mo Qing, because he treats her very well.

Hearing Lu Ling's words, Mo Qing was taken aback for a moment, then looked at the girl with big eyes full of smiles, and was furious.

"You girl..."

As he said that, he took down Lu Ling's basket, pinched her face with one hand, and twisted it lightly.

"I'm just saying, don't be angry." Lu Ling rubbed her reddened face in surprise.

He actually did it to himself... He's not at all like him before, but rather like that idiot Mr. Bai.

It seems that Teacher Mo is really nervous.

I don't really understand what I like about my husband, but she likes junior sister, so if I cling to her, I won't be nervous...

"Where have you been these few days? I can see your senior sister, but I can't see you." Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling and asked.

"Tell me that I am the senior sister." Lu Ling muttered, and then said: "I went to the secret realm for three days."

"Zhuzi asked you to go? Forget it, I won't ask." Mo Qing shook his head.

"Mr. Mo, you've been wandering around this alley. If you're looking for my husband, her house is behind the school, so you have to enter from the front entrance. You can only see a corner of the house here." Said Lu Ling and pointed. The faint roof under the bamboo forest in the distance: "No, that's there."

"I know..." Mo Qing was about to speak, but forcibly held back.

This actually so smart this time.

Sure enough, is this the nature of women?Even if she is just a child.

Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling strangely. She is a child... seems to know everything.

"What do you know?"

"I don't know anything." Lu Ling covered her mouth.

Two words came out.


"..." Mo Qing twitched the corners of her mouth, basically affirming that this little girl knew what she shouldn't know.

Girls are precocious.

Of course, Lu Ling is not considered precocious. In the secular world, she is almost at the age of marriage.

Mo Qing's face was full of helplessness.

He was actually made fun of by a girl, and it was Zhuzi's daughter who made fun of him, he felt helpless.

"You just said... Mr. What." Thinking of something, Mo Qing looked at Lu Ling suspiciously.

"It's Teacher Li, my husband, Li Zhuzi." Lu Ling said, shaking her calf.

"Sir... what does the teacher mean?" Mo Qing still didn't understand, but he wasn't surprised either.

Because he had already made indirect remarks, Lu Ling didn't seem to know that Li Zhuzi was her mother's business, but just a disciple.

This is normal, after all, her father is not around.

"I said, Mr. Mo, if you want to see my husband, go there. It's a bit weird." Lu Ling wanted to say obscene, but she didn't know this kind of words very well.

Hearing this, Mo Qing shook his head.

If only it were that easy.

Then, the eyes of the girl in the wheelchair sparkled.

This is his treasure to get close to Li Zhuzi... Before Lu Ling was not in Lingshan, he couldn't find anything to talk about, but now it is much more convenient, maybe he can get in through his relationship with Lu Ling...

Although it is a bit despicable to do so, there is no other way.

Mo Qing picked up Lu Ling's basket and looked at it.

Moon grass.

It is Li Zhuzi's favorite tea.

"Lu Ling, are you going to see your husband?"

"Well, about the matter of cultivation, and you have to talk to the master when you come back." Lu Ling nodded, and then said: "Otherwise... Teacher Mo, will you go with me?"

Hearing this, Mo Qing trembled.

He was moved.

But in the end it was rejected.

"Go in by yourself, don't make your husband wait too long, I... go back to rest." After speaking, Mo Qing turned and left.

He was really disappointed in himself.

But even if there is no topic and needs to rely on Lu Ling, he will not go in with her... Wait, he still needs to accumulate "courage" for a while.

"Strange, you can do whatever you want." Lu Ling didn't understand this teacher very much, she was timid, not at all like the teacher she knew.

But it has nothing to do with myself.

Lu Ling picked up her own bamboo basket, parked the wheelchair in the courtyard of the school, leaned on the green bamboo and opened the door of the school.

Through the school, the bamboo forest path.

Fresh air rushed in.

The surrounding greenery made Lu Ling feel much better.

In front of the bamboo house, Lu Ling stretched out her hand and knocked on the door.

"Dong dong."


No one pays attention to her.

"Sir?" Lu Ling called, but no one paid any attention to her.

Lu Ling, who was waiting anxiously, pushed the door open and went in. A warm breath and a faint fragrance made Lu Ling show a little happy expression.

After jumping over the threshold, Lu Ling walked into Li Zhuzi's bamboo house.

There was no one in the house outside, and the lights were not on... There was a large stack of books on the table.

Lu Ling was a little surprised.

Could it be that the gentleman hasn't woken up yet?

After walking a few steps into the inner room, Lu Ling saw that Li Zhuzi's clothes were still hanging on the hanger.

God, I really didn't get up.

Lu Ling felt that her world view had been refreshed. Is this still her meticulous husband?

He took off his shoes, walked lightly to the bed, opened a corner of the thin curtain, and peeked over.

Light and even breathing.

still sleeping……

Lu Ling covered her mouth and looked at the woman lying on her side inside.

Her short shoulder-length hair was a bit messy, and she was wearing a light-colored pajamas. Her plump figure was about to be revealed, and Lu Ling quickly looked away.

Li Zhuzi's face showed a trace of exhaustion, and his lips were faintly pale.

It was this exhaustion that made Lu Ling stunned, and then gave up the plan to wake her up.

After calculating the time, today should be my husband's rest day, so I won't bother her. was still early, and she had nowhere to go.

Then, she yawned.


Otherwise, how about going back to sleep?

Looking at the open space beside Li Zhuzi, Lu Ling nodded.

[Xuechen, go play by yourself, I'll sleep for a while. 】

【oh. 】 Xuechen ran out of the room, Lu Ling had already told her, since the junior sister knew about it, then don't live in her body all the time, otherwise it will be very strange.

The cat ran outside into the snow and rolled on its master's strength.


Well, rest.

Lu Ling tiptoed to bed.

Lie down, lean against the wall and close your eyes.

Surprisingly, Li Zhuzi was not awakened by her. On the contrary, since Lu Ling's smell appeared in the house, she fell into a deep sleep...


At the same time, Liu Fufeng came to the book garden.

Push the door in.

At this time, a girl at the front desk was sitting there, holding a bun in one hand and flipping through a book in the other.

Dressed in yellow clothes, oblique bangs, and two spherical buns.

It was Xu Xu who was grounded like Shen Gui because he couldn't enter Tianguang Ruins.

"Morning." Hearing someone push the door open, he slowly raised the bun in his hand.

"Senior Sister Xu, good morning." Liu Fufeng greeted.

"..." Hearing this familiar voice, Xu Xu raised his head in a daze.

"Junior Sister Liu? Are you back?"

"Senior Sister, I came back a few days ago, but I have been with Senior Sister Qin." Liu Fufeng said.

"Did you enjoy playing down there?" Xu Xu asked curiously.

"Try out what you have learned here." Liu Fufeng made a gesture: "I have also accumulated a lot of questions."

"Free clinic? I know." Xu Xu nodded in satisfaction, and patted the chair beside him: "Just ask me if you don't know anything, and tell me how you've been during this time."

"En." Liu Fufeng was about to sit down when Xu Xu stopped him.

"and many more."


"Junior Sister, give me your hand." Slowly put down the steamed stuffed bun, and the bun on her head shook slightly.

Liu Fufeng stretched out his hand in doubt, and then, a slowly rotating fire lotus rose from his fingertips, and penetrated into Liu Fufeng's hand. She closed her eyes, as if she was feeling something.

Liu Fufeng looked at her strangely, is this for?
After a while, he slowly opened his eyes, as if letting go of some burden.

"It's okay, let's eat."

Continue to eat buns.

"Senior Sister? This is it?" Liu Fufeng didn't understand.

"It's nothing, it's just that the red lotus fire talisman I gave you was used up at the beginning, and I thought I was in danger." Xu Xu said casually.

Liu Fufeng: "..."

He pinched his knuckles, faintly turning white.


Xu Xu didn't seem to notice anything, she took a bite of the steamed stuffed bun, then the girl raised her bangs and looked at Liu Fufeng.

"Sit down, what are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)

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