Chapter 583
For Liu Fufeng, she didn't care much about what Teacher Li told her about talent.

She is short-sighted, can't see that far, and is still troubled by inspiration that is so bad.

"Teacher Li."

When Li Zhuzi was thinking about serious issues, Liu Fufeng's sudden opening made her look away.

"what happened?"

Just when Li Zhuzi thought Liu Fufeng was going to ask her about talent, Liu Fufeng spoke up.

"I heard... the lunch break in Liushui School is, and the students are all together... so is lunch together too? Can we go home to eat?" Liu Fufeng asked seriously.

Li Zhuzi: "..."

Okay, it's very married.

Li Zhuzi was convinced. In Liu Fufeng's world, how much of a girl is Lu Ling?

"It's possible, but for Lu Ling's sake, it's good for her to get in touch with other people." Li Zhuzi said.

"Yeah, that's right." Liu Fufeng nodded, although she was a bit disappointed that she might not be able to have lunch with Ah Ling for a long time, but she could bear the loneliness.

"Be patient, we may have to stay later." Li Zhuzi mentioned.

"..." Liu Fufeng stopped talking.

Accommodation or something...

Let's go step by step.

"Ms. Li, what's lunch?" Liu Fufeng asked, Ah Ling and the others haven't had lunch yet.

"Do you want to cook? I have a kitchen here." Li Zhuzi asked back.

She doesn't want to move today, if Liu Fufeng doesn't want to cook, then go to the dining hall together.

"It can be..."

"It's nothing inconvenient, just get whatever food you want." Li Zhuzi waved his hand.

"Yes, it's on me." Liu Fufeng nodded.



Here, Lu Ling took two little girls wandering around in the huge Nanyuan.

The edges of the intricate paths are covered with snow, and the roads are also a little slippery. Everyone walks carefully.

"Sister Lu is really not afraid of the cold." Tang Sheng took Tang Zheng's hand and said to her sister in a surprised tone.

"I knew it a long time ago." Tang Zheng shook his head.

Speaking of which, they have stayed in Li Zhuzi's school for a long time, but they haven't been to other places in Nanyuan yet, and they don't know what Nanyuan looks like at all.

I heard that there seems to be everything, such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting halls, various schools, and some senior sisters and uncles who live here, division of time and so on... It's always quite chaotic.

After not seeing Lu Ling talking for a long time, Tang Sheng turned around and found Lu Ling standing in front of a house in a daze, so they walked over together.

"Sister Lu, what are you doing here?"

Lu Ling didn't hear it, her eyes were a little empty.

There was nice music coming from here, I don't know if it was the flute or the flute.

It was still a piece of music, long and warm, which deeply attracted her.

When I was resting here with my husband, she would often come to listen to it... But it was gone some time ago, and she was lost for a while, and now it reappeared, Lu Ling was very happy.

Lu Ling was immersed in the melody in her mind, and it took her a long time to break away. The first thing she saw was Tang Sheng who was full of curiosity.

"Sister Lu, what are you doing?"

"Did you...didn't hear anything?" Lu Ling asked as usual, and got the same answer as before.

"There's nothing..."

Tang Sheng looked at the yard in front of him.

It's a small house, the door is closed, very quiet.

"Sister Lu seems to come here occasionally." Tang Sheng blinked, she had seen Lu Ling resting in front of the door a few times...

"Is there anyone you know, Sister Lu? Although I know there are people living there, I haven't seen them."

While Tang Sheng was talking, Tang Zheng suddenly went up and raised his hand.

"Ah! What are you doing?" Lu Ling was startled, and wanted to stop it but it was too late.

"Boom boom boom!"

Tang Zheng put down his hand knocking on the door, and said: "What's the matter, since you care about it, why didn't you knock on the door?"

From her point of view, Lu Ling is very concerned about the people in the house, so she also cares a little bit, what kind of senior sister or uncle is that who makes Lu Ling stare blankly in front of her door.

"..." Lu Ling didn't speak, because the music in her mind stopped after Tang Zheng knocked on the door.

Began to feel uneasy.

Will the other party really come out and open the door?


Of course.

Several people outside heard slight footsteps coming from the yard.

"Creak—" The old wooden door made a harsh sound, and then a woman in purple came out.

At the same time, the eyes of the three girls were all focused on her.

This is a neat woman.

He was tall and slender, wearing a purple Taoist robe, his long hair was neatly tied up, and his clothes were not wrinkled at all.

It can be seen that she must be a meticulous person in life.

But the appearance is a little ordinary, not so spiritual, and... quite weak - Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng's impression of the woman in purple.

The other party had been leaning on a broom since he opened the door, and was coughing.

"You... what's the matter?" The woman in purple asked, her voice hoarse, as if she didn't speak often, this time she spoke with a violent cough.

This startled Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng, those who didn't know thought she was going to die.

"No, nothing..." Tang Sheng shook his head.

"She was looking for you." Tang Zheng pointed to Lu Ling and sold her decisively.

"Her?" The woman in purple shifted her eyes to Lu Ling, and then her body trembled.

It's her.

The girl who can hear her rhythm.

But... I haven't been in close contact before, but when I meet today, I feel a strange feeling.

" you have anything to do?" the woman asked.

When the woman in purple was looking at Lu Ling, Lu Ling was also looking at her.

"Excuse me... do we know each other?" Lu Ling asked blankly.

Her question made Tang Sheng and Tang Zheng look at a loss.

Is there such a question?

And Lu Ling was frowning, thinking hard.

I don't know why... She always felt that she had seen this mature woman in purple before, but she couldn't remember.

"It should be the first meeting." The woman shook her head.

The voice fell, and there was a suspicion.

Speaking of it, she also felt that Lu Ling had seen it somewhere before, and the aura was very familiar.

But because the memory has been confused, so I didn't think about it.

"Does it sound good?" she asked.

"En." Lu Ling nodded, and also gave up thinking.

I think it must be an illusion.

"Senior Sister, I... just say hello and meet you." Lu Ling bowed politely.

The woman in purple moved her steps subconsciously to avoid Lu Ling's etiquette, and then she was taken aback.

However, he immediately faced Lu Ling with a weak smile: "It's good that you like it."


"I didn't expect that someone could really hear it."

"???" Lu Ling was puzzled, then summoned up her courage and said, "Well... from now on... can I come here to listen?"

"Yes." The woman nodded, she doesn't resent someone admiring her rhythm, she is still such a lovely girl...

In fact, she is not in good health, and her memory is chaotic and blank. It seems that she has been living in this Nanyuan. She usually does not eat or go out, and her sense of existence is extremely low. Lu Ling's arrival is also an interesting thing.

"Thank you, Senior Sister, I will come to bother you often in the future. By the way, my name is Lu Ling."

"My surname is... Shen." The woman in purple said.

"Senior Sister Shen." Lu Ling nodded.

It seems that Shen is a common surname in Lingshan.

"Senior Sister, you are not in good health. It's cold outside, so you should go back quickly," Lu Ling said.

"En." The woman coughed lightly and closed the door.

Lu Ling just looked at the door like this, and she was relieved until the music came out again from inside the room.

I'm in a good mood, I didn't expect to see the performer of the music she has always liked...

The happiest thing is that the other party agreed that she could come over as a guest. This was something she didn't dare to think about before, so she should thank Tang Zheng for his recklessness. Sometimes it is a good thing to take the first step bravely.

The other party is a very mature and beautiful senior sister, but she doesn't seem to be in good health... Next time I bring Xuechen to see her, this girl can be regarded as half a doctor.

"Let's go." Lu Ling waved her hand at the little girl.

"..." Tang Sheng looked at Lu Ling strangely.

It seems that the two people don't know each other but they are familiar with each other, and she can't understand a word they said.

Is this the adult world?
Tang Sheng looked at Lu Ling with little stars in his eyes.

"Cut, playing tricks." Tang Zheng said dissatisfied.

Then, several people left.



In the house, after Lu Ling left, the woman in purple put down the instrument in her hand and stroked her chest.

A look of surprise appeared on the soft face.

The chest that should have been unresponsive began to rise and fall slightly, and a trace of rosiness appeared on the pale face.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Heartbeats filled the brain.


Her heart shouldn't be beating.

She vaguely remembered that she should be a dead person...

The woman looked at the direction in which Lu Ling left.

Who is she.

Rapid heartbeat, accompanied by severe coughing.

It quieted down after a while.

I can't remember anything, I don't know anything... I only remember my surname is Shen, but I don't even remember my name.

got used to.

The woman picks up the instrument again.

Slightly, I look forward to the day when Lu Ling arrives.



Lu Ling walked with the two little girls for more than ten minutes, and finally saw the place the husband said.

Below the stairs, there is a huge courtyard with the word "flowing water" written on it.

"It's so big!" Tang Sheng said excitedly.

The school in front of me is no longer a school, it is too small to say that it is a square.

"Go down and have a look!" Tang Zheng went down the stairs first.

"Sister Lu, I'll help you." Tang Sheng looked at the stairs of several hundred steps, and said while supporting Lu Ling.

"Thank you." Lu Ling nodded.

In front of the wide gate, a slim young girl in Taoist gown stood in front, smiling at Lu Ling and the others,

"Three young junior sisters, are you here to visit, sign up, or come to have lunch with senior sister and me?"

"I'm not..." Tang Sheng shook his head again and again.

"Ala, this lovely little junior sister, do you want to have lunch with senior sister?" The girl knelt down and looked at Tang Sheng.

"Senior Sister, Ah Zheng and I are coming to class tomorrow, so check it out in advance." Lu Ling said.

"Understood, Lu Ling... right." The girl looked at Lu Ling and smiled.

"Senior sister, do you know me?" Lu Ling was taken aback.

"Of course, you are very famous." The girl smiled mysteriously.

Lu Ling's face turned red.

It couldn't be because of Master Dongfang's incident.

"Okay, it's time for jokes." The girl opened the door: "The Liushui School is very simple, every time you attend a class, it is a different classroom, and the basic chapter of martial arts... Well, it's too big, I don't remember where it is Yes, there will naturally be someone inside to take you there."

"Thank you, Senior Sister." Lu Ling gave a piano salute, and then led Lu Ling and the two girls in.

"..." The girl looked at Lu Ling's back, blinked, and said to herself.

"It's faster than expected, and now I'm starting to learn martial arts..."

"This is the little love rival that Senior Sister Fang has been talking about? It doesn't seem to be as weak as the rumors... Sure enough, there is no ordinary girl who can be appreciated by Senior Sister Shen... Qin Li... so cute."

"Should I inform Senior Sister Fang?"

"That's a problem. Sure enough, it's too late to be jealous of a little girl..."



Here, after the three girls entered the square, they stood stupidly on the central steps.

At the bottom of the four steps is a huge square, which can't be seen at a glance. What shocked the three of them was the large black crowd.

Surrounded by countless schools, there are also a large number of people, most of whom are girls who are about the same age as them. It seems that everyone went to rest because of lunch time.

There are groups of three or five, all in one team and one team.

Lu Ling watched girls of the same age pass by them holding various weapons, or holding books and reading, as if they were going to eat in the cafeteria.

"Sister Lu, what should we do now..." Tang Sheng looked at so many people, his legs felt weak.

Unexpectedly, this Nanyuan turns out to be so big, and there are countless people in the square of several kilometers...

They were all heads, and she was a little scared.

"I don't know... Didn't you say that someone would take us there?" Lu Ling was not much better than Tang Sheng, she was also afraid of people.

But it's lunch time now, so there should be no one to guide them.

"Waste time, come and see tomorrow." Tang Zheng said coldly.


If her legs don't shake.

"No, it's already here, how can you retreat?" Lu Ling grabbed Tang Zheng, she is an adult now, she must shoulder the responsibility, otherwise she would embarrass her junior sister.

"It's all right to find a senior sister and ask if it's okay, you wait, I'll ask."

Saying that, Lu Ling picked up her own green bamboo and went down the stairs.

Tang Sheng looked at Lu Ling adoringly. Sister Lu was indeed reliable, and turned her head to look at her sister with disgust.

Unlike her, who knows how to run away when encountering a problem.


In Tang Sheng's sight, Lu Ling walked down the small steps and entered the crowd.

"Excuse me……"

Before Lu Ling could finish speaking, she was instantly submerged, and her hair could not be seen.

Tang Sheng: "..."


At this moment, the girl outside the door suddenly clapped her hands.

"Oh, it's lunch time now, there is no one to guide... well, it shouldn't be a big problem, and since Lu Ling is so reliable, she shouldn't get separated."

(End of this chapter)

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