Chapter 584 Fang Qiuyu

On the huge running water dojo, Lu Ling was submerged almost instantly after she stepped down the stairs.

At this time, the Flowing Water Garden finally entered the most crowded time, and everyone was almost crowded and walked forward, just like the gurgling water...

True to its name.

"Sister, sister Lu...where did you go?" Tang Sheng stretched his neck on the stairs, and continued.

"What did you say? I can't hear you clearly." Tang Zheng opened his mouth, and the surroundings were too noisy.

"I said! Sister Lu! Where did you go!" Tang Sheng shouted in her sister's ear.

Tang Sheng swallowed, then shook his head.

"I don't know... I'll just say it's better to go back to school first..."

"Why don't we go down and have a look too?" Tang Sheng raised his hand.

"Are you serious?" Tang Zheng asked her back. They are now on the stairs, and the front gate is still very wide. Because this is the gate, there are almost no people going out at noon, but once they go down, they will be killed in an instant given their small stature. Squeezed apart.

They have never seen so many people in Lingshan and such a chaotic time...

Originally, there were not too many rules in Lingshan, and Liushuiyuan is the largest Liushui school in Nanyuan. The students in the entire Lingshan are basically here, from ten to a hundred years old. Naturally, it is crowded during the peak period. Do not move.

"Then what should I do?" Tang Sheng looked down with a look of fear, but he was worried about Lu Ling.

"I think." Tang Zheng's eyes lit up, and she had a solution at this time: "Let's just wait here, she will always come back."


"You should trust your elder sister Lu, if we get separated, it will be a real trouble for her." Tang Zheng said.

"..." Tang Sheng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

Indeed, if she and her sister get separated, then it will be a real trouble for sister Lu.

"Then wait." Tang Sheng said.

"Actually, we can go back to Teacher Li first, and Lu Ling will go home by herself." Tang Zheng struck while the iron was hot.

"No." Tang Sheng shook his head.

She must go back with Sister Lu.



In the sea of ​​people.

Lu Ling felt that she was flattened.

The people around her kept moving forward, but her speed was very slow, and she was slowly being brought forward... As for the green bamboo, she dropped it as soon as it came down, and she didn't know where she was squeezed.

"Hmm..." The face has been deformed by the friction of other people.

Moreover, more and more people gathered, shoulder to shoulder and kept coming from the entrance. Lu Ling didn't know where these people came from and where they were going.

She wanted to ask, but obviously she couldn't find anyone to ask in this situation.

And no one noticed her either.

Everyone went to the dining hall to eat, it was a bit crowded, but at least they wouldn't get separated, and they would always reach their destination.

Finally, Lu Ling saw a senior sister whose speed was about the same as hers.

"Senior sister, I want to ask..."

"What?" The girl heard Lu Ling's voice, but when she raised her head, she didn't know who was talking, and she couldn't hear what Lu Ling was saying.

It was too noisy around.

"Sister, I..."

"If you eat, just follow the people!"


"It's so fun to squeeze and squeeze, hahahahaha..."


"It's very interesting, isn't it, I miss the days when I was squashed every day when I went to school here..."

Lu Ling: "..."

After asking several people continuously, Lu Ling completely gave up resistance.

These senior sisters couldn't hear her at all, and most of them were still enjoying it...

Lu Ling feels that her sense of smell is almost out of order now, because her whole body is full of the smell of rouge... Although Lingshan women don't have the smell of sweat, but so much rouge twisted together, the scent alone can make a person faint people...

And Lu Ling's turning into a salted fish at this time is also related to this. Now she feels dizzy and can't think about anything.

Get into a state of going with the flow.

Go with the flow in a realistic sense.

And in the eyes of the people around, Lu Ling is not surprising at all... She is not the only one who is weaker than her and unable to adapt to so many people... Most of the girls can't adapt at first, but after a few days, they can't even adapt. You can go to the cafeteria while reading a book without stepping on the ground in the crowd.

Of course, this is the highest level, and people like Lu Ling who are forcibly resisted and crushed by the torrent are the lowest level people.



Nanyuan, Li Zhuzi's school.

Liu Fufeng was about to fetch some vegetables.

"Where can I get it?" Li Zhuzi asked.

"I'm familiar with Erfeng's dining hall..." Liu Fufeng replied.

"Otherwise, let's go to Liushuiyuan to have a look, and by the way, call Lu Ling and the others back." Li Zhuzi shook his head and said, "There are quite a lot of people in Liushuiyuan at this time, and the little girls may be separated, so go find them. "

"Well, it's okay, Ah Ling has been gone for a long time, and I'm not too worried..." Liu Fufeng nodded, and then went out to Liushui Academy.

"..." Li Zhuzi looked at Liu Fufeng's back with a smile, she was indeed a very competent mother.

However, Li Zhuzi was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his eyes.

Ever since this girl started to wake up, there seemed to be some slight changes. The back just now made her feel as if she saw a dead person.

Liu Yu.

Obviously, their looks and heights are completely different, and their cultivation bases are even farther apart, but such thoughts suddenly arise.

It's the temperament...

Both of them are very responsible, and they love their sister very much...


With her talent, maybe she can really become the second Liu Yu.

The reason why Zixu likes her may also be because the other party has the shadow of her sister when she was young.

Li Zhuzi has great expectations for Liu Fufeng's future, not weaker than Lu Ling.



Liu Fufeng went out, and began to think about what to eat for the little girl at noon.

Sure enough, cucumbers are indispensable... Lu Ling's current scale may not be comparable to Tang Zheng's, it is really miserable.

At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Today, Senior Sister Xu didn't ask her where the red lotus fire talisman was used, after all, she settled a concern.

I don't know what's going on with my personality...

Why can you do such a terrible thing without changing your face.

There was only a moment of confusion, and the eyes became firm.

Anyone who bullies her, Ah Ling, deserves to die.


Thinking of this, suddenly, there was a piercing sound of opening the door.


The door opened suddenly, and a woman in purple stood in front of her. .

"Who are you?" The woman in purple looked straight at her.

At a certain moment, the woman in purple felt a very dangerous aura, a feeling of electric shock, almost uncontrollable hostility, the figure appeared in front of the door in a flash, staring at Liu Fufeng.

"Senior Sister? What's the matter?" Liu Fufeng was startled by the woman in purple, and his tone stuttered.

"'s okay." The woman in purple put away her hostility, and glanced at Liu Fufeng suspiciously, and the uncomfortable aura on the other person disappeared...

Is it an illusion?

After scanning Liu Fufeng carefully and confirming that the sharp feeling could not be found, the woman narrowed her eyes.

Could it be because of Lu Ling's appearance that she became a little sensitive?
Today is really a strange day, or it has been very strange recently. First, there was a man who was close to her in strength and wandered around the school next to her, then Lu Ling, and then this ordinary girl.

Moreover, Liu Fufeng is another aura that she has felt somewhere, but unlike Lu Ling, Lu Ling is inexplicably familiar, and Liu Fufeng... seems to have seen it in this area a long time ago... But if before If the breath is not an illusion, then it may have been a long time ago...

Moreover, she has hostility towards Liu Fufeng.

I don't understand myself.

It is obvious that Liu Fufeng is just an ordinary female cultivator. After inspection, this girl's cultivation level is very low, and it is impossible to threaten her.

Shaking his head.

So, amnesia is really annoying.

The woman in purple didn't take it too seriously, the feeling Liu Fufeng gave her was only for a moment, maybe she felt wrong, after all, Lu Ling's appearance caused her body to undergo strange changes.

Thinking about it, the woman in purple closed the door under Liu Fufeng's strange gaze.

Liu Fufeng: "..."

Strange person...

Liu Fufeng shivered, she didn't know why, she felt that this senior sister didn't seem to like her that much, did she offend her?
Forget it, no matter what, the most important thing is to find Ah Ling.

Liu Fufeng left in a hurry, not taking this encounter to heart.



After an unknown amount of time, Lu Ling fell from the crowd and lay motionless on the white jade floor.

"Look, another newcomer." In front of the restaurant, several girls who were waiting looked at Lu Ling with their mouths covered.

"Junior Sister, get up, we're here." One of the Taoist nuns stepped forward to help Lu Ling up, looked at Lu Ling's circle eyes, and reached out her hand helplessly to tap her forehead.

A burst of green light flashed, and Lu Ling slowly woke up.

"Here... here is..." Lu Ling looked at the huge white jade hall in front of her.

With a sigh of relief.

Those horrible women finally disappeared.

"This is a place to eat, don't worry, there is a lot of space inside, and there will be no crowds anymore." Taoist nun said to Lu Ling: "It's true, I have to start eating in 10 minutes, and I don't know which elder it is The established rules... are simply bad taste, but don't be afraid, since you have already entered the barrier of the dining hall, you don't have to worry about not being able to enter after more than 10 minutes."

"Ah..." Lu Ling was a little weak, but now I know that she was escorted to a place to eat, and she couldn't understand anything else.

look up.



After the tragic war, she was a little hungry.

And this scene also fell into the eyes of many girls, who laughed lightly.

"Junior Sister, it's the first time I've seen so many people, it's okay, I'll get used to it in the future."

"Come and dine with us."

"and many more……"

"You are... Lu Ling?" Suddenly, a girl pointed to Lu Ling's face and asked in surprise.

"'s me, Senior Sister, do you know me?" Lu Ling sniffed, smelling a strong smell of rouge.

"Yes, Senior Sister Fang talks about you all day long."

"that is……"

"Huh?" Lu Ling looked at the group of people in confusion.

"By the way, Senior Sister Fang should be here soon. What should we do now? Keep the little girl or let her go?" One person looked Lu Ling up and down.

"I think it's better to let the little girl go, because I'm jealous of a little girl..."


In Lu Ling's confusion, several people were about to push her into the dining hall, and after entering, she would be in a separate space, so she would not be discovered.

"What are you talking about? Who will you let go?" At this moment, a girl with a sword on her back came from a distance.

He was dressed in black, with a sword on his back, short flowing hair, and sharp eyes.

When he saw Lu Ling, he froze for a moment.

"Lu Ling?"

"It's me..." Lu Ling was confused, no one knew her.

"I finally met you. Are you going to start martial arts training? When, which school?" The short-haired girl asked a series of questions, which made Lu Ling not know where to respond.

"I... I will start studying tomorrow..."

Around, several people looked at Lu Ling with self-seeking eyes.

"Tomorrow, I'll tell you why I haven't seen you before." The short-haired girl nodded: "It's just right, let's get to know you. From tomorrow onwards, I will be your teacher. Fang Qiuyu is the third disciple of the eight peaks. I won't treat you badly." Bar."

"Ah?" Lu Ling hadn't recovered yet, so she could only stammer.

"Fang...Teacher Fang?"

"It's me, this is my token, put it on the door at noon tomorrow, and it can be sent into the school." Fang Qiuyu untied a jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Lu Ling.

Now Lu Ling understands, isn't this the way to go to school?
"Got it!" Lu Ling looked at Fang Qiuyu, as if she had finally found the organization.

"Thank you teacher!" Lu Ling bowed to Fang Qiuyu, and after getting up, she showed a sweet smile.

"Finally know how to go!"

Everyone present was taken aback when they saw Lu Ling's smiling face.

"Then don't delay the teachers' meal. I'll leave first. There are two junior sisters waiting for me."

Saying that, Lu Ling turned and left.

After Lu Ling left for a long time, the girl looked at the direction Lu Ling left and murmured.

" I see a fairy?"

"He was ill, and the days before going up the mountain were not easy, but there was such a pure smile. It's over, I fell in love with her."

"Take me one."

"Senior Sister Fang, we express our strong contempt for the fact that you are jealous of Junior Sister because she is appreciated by Senior Sister Shen, and you have been squatting here to be her teacher, so that you can justifiably bully her." A girl raised her hand. hand.



"Okay, okay." Fang Qiuyu also looked away from Lu Ling's back at this time.

"What kind of person do you think I am? I like Senior Sister Shen very much, and I'm also a swordsman. Is it wrong to be interested in a little girl who is praised by Senior Sister Shen? Hmph, hurry up and eat, there are classes in the afternoon. Fang Qiuyu, with short hair, walked into the dining hall holding a sword.

After she left, several people looked at each other.

"I think……"

"we want……"

"Guardian Junior Sister..." one person said.

"The smile of..." another person continued.

"Damn Fang Qiuyu's tyranny." Several people raised their hands together.

"I teach short soldiers."

"I use ice spells."

"I... I will explain the basics of martial arts."

In the blink of an eye, Lu Ling had a few more teachers.

(End of this chapter)

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