Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 587 Return to the original owner

Chapter 587 Return to the original owner
Li Zhuzi was not at all jealous of the relationship between Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling, rather it was a scene that she very much hoped and wanted to see.

Among the crowd in Lingshan, there are countless people who are not sisters but want to kiss sisters. Li Zhuzi looked at the two girls outside, his eyes filled with joy and appreciation.

This pair of sisters will love each other forever.

Li Zhuzi thinks so.

She couldn't imagine that one day there might be some inseparable contradiction between Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng - no one is inseparable from the other, but the pair of sisters in front of them can't leave each other long ago, can't they?

Shaking his head, blinking.

The two girls outside have been showing off for quite a while, if this continues, her eyes will be dazzled.

"Okay, Lu Ling, come in." Li Zhuzi said.

"Yes." Hearing her husband's voice, Lu Ling stopped immediately.

"Go, I won't go in." Liu Fufeng said, Li Zhuzi called Lu Ling, and let her go in alone.

"En." Lu Ling nodded and walked into Li Zhuzi's bamboo house.

Liu Fufeng just looked at her back like this, propped his face with one hand, his eyes were shining brightly, and the other hand was placed under the skirt and on a red ghost mask hanging outside the underwear.

Gently rub the fangs of the mask with your hands.


Days like this can go on for a long time...



inside the house.

"Are you making Miss Liu angry again?" Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling.

"...Wrong." Lu Ling obediently admitted.

Surprisingly, Li Zhuzi shrugged, and Lu Ling was very surprised by what he said.

"Actually, I think it's fine."

"Really?" Lu Ling looked at her husband in a daze. She thought that if she made a mistake, her junior sister would be very angry, and her husband would definitely be no exception.

"It's not a big mistake, the main thing is that you... just happened to bump into it." Li Zhuzi nodded Lu Ling's forehead.

"Sir, I don't understand." Lu Ling raised her beauty mark.

"Then I don't understand, as long as you know that girl Liu is not really angry." Li Zhuzi still told Lu Ling, otherwise this girl probably wouldn't be able to really feel at ease.

"Aren't Junior Sister angry..." Lu Ling was taken aback when she heard this, but immediately became happy.

Since Mr. said it, it must be true.

But immediately got discouraged again.

"However, Junior Sister, she is really..."

"Okay, skip this question." Li Zhuzi didn't want to get too involved in the lives of the two sisters, why did she still need to make lubricant for them.

"Oh." Lu Ling nodded, don't ask anymore, the junior sister is already angry, if the husband gets angry again, it will really be worth the candle.

"Sir, what do you want me for?" Lu Ling asked.

"Study with Fang Qiuyu tomorrow, and take Tang Zheng a little."

"Of course, but... sir, please introduce me to Senior Sister Fang."

"Call Teacher Fang." Li Zhuzi glanced at her.

"Yes, teacher." Lu Ling stood up straight and looked at Li Zhuzi.

"Fang Qiuyu is a disciple of Bafeng. She is probably ranked second in strength and third overall. She is a very nice girl. Her a little bit like yours." Li Zhuzi hesitated and said. .

In fact, what she wanted to say was that Fang Qiuyu was a little bit similar to her before...but later she felt that she was more suitable with Lu Ling.

When she was young, she was not so afraid of people.

"Is there?" Lu Ling nodded half-understanding, but she probably knew that Fang Qiuyu was a very powerful person. After all, except for the Ninth Peak, there were many, many people in every peak, and there were countless powerful senior sisters. , to be able to stand out among these people, there is no doubt that her level is enough to teach herself.

Fang Qiuyu's strength is weaker than Shen Gui's, mainly because of his state of mind and combat experience.

In this regard, no one thought she did a good job. After all, Shen Gui's desperate style of play in Tianguangxu made even Sikong Jian, who had a talent for righteousness and had a talent for righteousness, frightened at the sight of Shen Gui.

"Besides, Teacher Fang uses a sword. You already have some basics." Li Zhuzi thought about how Lu Ling was holding the green bamboo before, and nodded.

Maybe Bai Yunfan taught it.

"There is a little foundation." Lu Ling also nodded. She wanted to tell her husband about the secret realm, but she seemed to know everything...

"It's just right, let's learn." Li Zhuzi made a decision, then was stunned for a moment.

Han Xue tortured her for a long time, letting Lu Ling and Li Wangsheng learn some kendo routines...

But now...

A black line.

Mo Qing and Bai Yunfan don't know how long they will be staying here, not to mention anything else, if Shen Canghai doesn't leave the customs, Bai Yunfan won't leave, if he doesn't leave, Mo Qing won't leave either...

But if Shen Canghai leaves the customs...

Thinking about it this way, Li Zhuzi's head grew bigger.

Forget it, now that there are other people in Lingshan, Li Wangsheng will not come back, so we will wait for him to come back to discuss this matter.

"By the way, this book is for you." Li Zhuzi and Lu Ling brought it to his desk in the room.

Lu Ling swallowed her saliva, looked at the information on the table that was taller than a person: "Sir... are you sure it's... Ben?"

"Yes, I just compiled one book after so many materials." Li Zhuzi took out a thin manual from the materials and threw it to Lu Ling.

"This is what Martial Soul will learn next. The name has not yet been decided. Use it to break through to the Soul Realm."

"What about the Shocking Rock?"

"It does not affect each other, including the Shenlan handed over by the Lord of the Southern Territory, which has different effects. When the realm level has not reached a certain level, running every basic exercise can bring you benefits." Li Zhuzi said.

Lu Ling thought for a while, in her panel, the operation of Shocking Rock Art could indeed bring her some bonuses, she nodded immediately.

"Sir, the more you learn, the better... Forget it, I didn't say anything." Lu Ling saw Li Zhuzi's eyes like a fool when he said that.

"You are greedy. Do you understand one skill for one realm? Shenlan is a way to control the cold, otherwise you can only learn two books now." Li Zhuzi shook his head, because it is not easy to change the skills after learning, so She didn't suggest that Lu Ling should use the "Thousands of Water Congealing Ice" that could get rid of the yin veins, but use the "Shocking Rock Jue" with pure yin veins, which is more suitable for Lu Ling.

This temporarily unnamed exercise book was tailor-made for Lu Ling by her, and it was enough for her to use it in the Void Transformation Realm.

Lu Ling held the booklet in her hand, and instead of opening it, she said to Li Zhuzi.

"Sir, you must be very tired."

This surprised Li Zhuzi.

"It's okay, it's not too difficult to get, there are classics for reference." Li Zhuzi glanced at the two Yuemingfengqingjue books on the corner of the table, one was Zixu's own notes, and the other was Liu The relics left by Yu gave her a lot of help.

In fact, writing a book is nothing, Li Zhuzi feels tired recently, most of it has something to do with the man at the door...

"Aren't you going to open it and have a look?" Li Zhuzi said to Lu Ling.

"Yeah." Lu Ling nodded, she forgot to open it if the husband didn't say anything...

Opening the book in her hand, the contents are neat and neat, directly about the method of meditation, the lines of the meridians, and the detailed explanation of the fluctuation of the soul... Anyway, she can understand it.

"Thank you, sir."

"No, just find those teachers in Liushui School to guide you in cultivation." Li Zhuzi nodded, then suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, this can be returned to you." Li Zhuzi took a piece of colored glaze from his neck as he said that.


Lu Ling stared at the red fire glaze in Li Zhuzi's hand, and was taken aback for a moment.

Isn't this for Mr....

"Venerable Ye asked me to carve it, it took a little longer, and to compensate you, I wore it on my body to keep warm for a while." Li Zhuzi said.

"Compensate... me?" Lu Ling shook her head, not understanding.

"..." Li Zhuzi didn't explain. In fact, the compensation she said was compensation for not stopping her when she asked Dongfang Lianren to study Lu Ling's soul poison that night.

It was because she acquiesced to Dongfang Lianren that the latter abducted Lu Ling and turned her into an existence who had been bullied by Dongfang Lianren in Lingshan.

"Ahem, see if you like it." Li Zhuzi handed the glass and the red rope to Lu Ling.

"Thank you, sir." Lu Ling took the Huoliuli and felt a slightly hot hand, while the red rope was warm.

Gradually, Lu Ling's face turned red.

It must be the body temperature of the husband, and... this fire glass was hung on the neck of the husband, pulled out from... from that place, and she felt hot when holding it in her hand.

"What's the matter? Open that layer and have a look." Li Zhuzi said to Lu Ling.

When she warmed the fire colored glaze, a layer of spiritual power flowed over it, enveloping the original appearance of the colored glaze.

"Sir, is this... for me?" Lu Ling asked.

"What nonsense are you talking about? It's your property." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling strangely.

Now Lu Ling understood.

The husband doesn't want her things, but to help her adjust to the best condition.

"Thank you sir, I'll open it right now."

"En." Li Zhuzi didn't understand.

Why is this girl so polite today... I don't feel a little embarrassed when I usually steal my food.

Here, Lu Ling untied the surface layer of the fire glass. At the same time, the room was filled with red light, and the whole school was instantly filled with fire-attribute spiritual power, and the surface layer of snow melted away.

"Meow!!" At this moment, Xuechen who was sleeping on the snow suddenly woke up and looked in the direction of the bamboo house.

The light gradually dimmed, and after the seal was released, the power gradually receded. Lu Ling looked at the thumb-sized glazed bead in her hand, her eyes filled with surprise.

"It's... so beautiful."

There is no flashy suddenness on Huoliuli, but only a single word.


This is her name, and Mr. engraved her name.

A hollowed-out pattern is carved on the front of the fire glass, forming a silk character, in which the dancing spiritual flame is still active, and the red flame is burning, setting off the mysterious and beautiful silk character on the surface.

A Ling character, thick and slender in the middle, clever in shape and dense in shape, round and soft in style, and reserved, which corresponds to Lu Ling's character, reserved and shy.

But it is this soft and natural silk character, against the background of the flames jumping in the glazed bead, when viewed from another angle, the strokes turn sharply like a blade, the thick ink is flying, like a phoenix dancing in a trance, what comes is shocking and icy cold.

Looking at it from another angle, they are facing each other in the blink of an eye, but there is nothing left, only a soft word of silk, a simple word of silk, floating like clouds, ink like clouds of smoke, peaceful and far away.

This is the word of Mr....

Your handwriting is really beautiful.

Lu Ling was shocked... She usually likes to copy Li Zhuzi's characters the most, and the character [绵] in front of her is the best among all the characters she has seen Mr. up...

This is Li Zhuzi's most satisfying one among the thousands of characters [绵] that Li Zhuzi spent nine days writing. He spent ten days in ink, and when he was carving, he was able to express the word perfectly in less than half a day.

Lu Ling couldn't put it down and looked at the fire glass over and over again, and finally found a part of the back of the glass that had been cut off, and Li Zhuzi left his own bamboo leaf pattern on it.

And after being polished, it is as warm and moist as jade, and it will be more comfortable to wear on the body.

"Do you like it?" Li Zhuzi asked with a smile.

"En! I like it." Lu Ling nodded vigorously. In less than a minute, this piece of fire glaze has risen to the same level as the evil ghost mask that her junior sister gave her, not to mention the glamorous red color that dances with flames. , Lu Ling felt that she had fallen with just the word Ling on it.

Mr. really likes her...

The little hand tightly held the glass in his hand.

Li Zhuzi sighed, it would be perfect if this colored glaze was of ice attribute.

She knew that Lu Ling still had a piece of ice glaze, but although that piece was very capable, it had not been forged, it was just a collection of pure spiritual power, and it was always on Liu Fufeng's body.

What she didn't know was that at this time, Bing Liuli had witnessed Liu Fufeng's transformation, and it was no worse than her warming effect... Moreover, Bing Liuli had already become a dual attribute of ice and space, and in a certain sense, it was also the result of Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng's Feelings crystallized.

"If you like to go back, wear it often. Although it is of the fire attribute, Ye Zi's sword energy is very gentle, and it complements your aura of grandeur. However, the ability of the ice element will drop a lot." Li Zhuzi said.

"It doesn't matter, I won't take it off!" Lu Ling didn't care about the loss, it was her husband's love!

As she spoke, she hung the glass around her neck, feeling the heat in her heart, and at the same time felt that her ice attribute ability had dropped a lot, her face turned pale, and she looked a little sick.

It's like a seal.

At the same time, the activity of Lingshan's ice-attribute aura also dropped for a moment, as if crying.

Li Zhuzi was also very surprised... The influence of this fire glass on Lu Ling seemed to be much greater than she imagined. Just when she was considering whether to let Lu Ling pick her off, Lu Ling's face turned rosy quickly It's just that Lingshan's ice aura has been a little sluggish, or this is the normal level of activity. After returning from Lu Ling, these auras have become overactive.

"Sir, it's warm and comfortable." Lu Ling said pleasantly.

This piece of fire glass can continuously restore people's qi, blood, energy, and soul power. There is also a sword energy stored by Venerable Ye in the method of hiding the sword, and it is not a one-off, it can be recovered slowly.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable?" Li Zhuzi asked worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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