Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 588 Huoliuli, Snow Maiden Messes Up

Chapter 588 Huoliuli, Snow Maiden Messes Up

"Don't you feel uncomfortable?" Li Zhuzi asked worriedly.

She didn't expect that a small colored glaze would suppress Lu Ling's physique so much, and she was already considering whether to take away Lu Ling's fire colored glaze.

"No, it's not uncomfortable." Who knows, Lu Ling didn't feel wrong at all because her talent was suppressed.

"I felt a little uncomfortable at first, but the inspiration of ice has dropped a little. I feel that my condition is much better than before. Please touch my hand, sir!" Lu Ling stretched out her hand excitedly.

Li Zhuzi held Lu Ling's hand and was also taken aback.

normal body temperature.

If it was before, Lu Ling's hands were always cold...

Release your hand.

She understands that Lu Ling is very sensitive to temperature, and now she maintains a constant temperature, as if she has been soaking in a hot spring, can she be uncomfortable?

For Lu Ling, apart from being more comfortable, there should be no benefit at all. The simplest thing is to teach Lu Ling a simple ice-type ice-type spell, and the area she can cover is only about [-]% of what she used to...

Although it will not really affect the talent, but it is incomparable to the heyday... Li Zhuzi also doesn't understand why a small glass can suppress the talent of the ice blood...

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that it might be the result of the righteousness on the colored glass and the awe-inspiring spirit on Lu Ling, or the result of Lu Ling's body self-regulation...

Knowing that there is no benefit to Lu Ling, so he wanted to persuade Lu Ling, but in the end Li Zhuzi gave up.

Because Lu Ling really likes it, and she can be sure that even if she explained all the pros and cons to Lu Ling clearly, Lu Ling would not agree not to wear it, because it is very comfortable.

For this girl, comfort is above all else.

Lu Ling is exactly the same as when she was young.

Shaking her head, she let Lu Ling be happy on her own.

And Lu Ling was naturally happy.

Why does she need so many ice talents? ? ?
Shocking Rock Jue, Shen Lan, and her own Ice Bloodline talent all have high ice bonuses, but she has never found any effect... and Huo Liuli is so comfortable to wear, it is no better than anything else.

Lu Ling remembered that Huo Liuli could still recover blood, which was just right for her who was afraid of death.


So Lu Ling held the glass and couldn't put it down.

At this moment, a light blue figure suddenly jumped in from the window and threw itself into Lu Ling's arms.

Then, Liu Fufeng said by the window.

"This little thing is too fast, I didn't stop it."

"It's okay." Li Zhuzi nodded, and then looked at the little guy who threw himself into Lu Ling's arms just now.

phantom cat...

Oh, it's the spirit clan who came back from Shushan before...

Li Zhuzi remembered.

Seeing Lu Ling stroking the little guy's head, she felt that it would be a good choice to have this spirit tribe as a pet for Lu Ling... Because this spirit tribe has no airs at all, and likes Lu Ling very much, a good partnership finally became Master and servant.

This little guy is not an ordinary spirit clan at first glance, but now he has become a pet, Lingshan won't get into trouble, right?
Of course, Li Zhuzi also thought the same way, Lingshan and the Lingzu have always been friends, and...

Xihuang is currently guarding the Tianguang Ruins, and her attitude towards Lu Ling is ambiguous. With her around, Lu Ling can raise almost anything she wants. Relying on Li Zhuzi's intuition, she thinks that Lu Ling just wants to raise a Luo Xian... Maybe Xihuang will agree.

And the phantom cat in front of him knew at a glance that it was of the ice attribute, so it was normal for him to get close to Lu Ling.

"Meow~" Xuechen called softly, and then looked at the fire glass on Lu Ling's chest, and was instantly amazed. It was her master's name, why it was so beautifully written...

She stretched out her paws to touch the red ball, but quickly pulled herself together, grabbed Lu Ling's neckline, and hung her whole body on it.

"What are you doing... I'm talking business with my husband, get out quickly." Lu Ling tore Xuechen off her body.

"Okay, don't drive her away." Li Zhuzi glanced at Xuechen and nodded. The status of this spirit clan is similar to that of Lu Ling. Although he is not a companion spirit clan, he will definitely be a good partner in the future.

"It's also a girl." Li Zhuzi observed Xuechen for a while, and finally came to a conclusion. She was full of yin, so she was definitely a girl.

"Sir won't let you go, then you can stay."

"Aling, you should be able to communicate with her." Li Zhuzi asked.

"Ah..." Lu Ling was taken aback for a moment, then nodded.

"Well, sure enough, it has been fully approved. It's okay. What's the matter with this little guy? You can talk about it first. I'll go make a cup of tea." Li Zhuzi shook his head and went to pour tea.

[Xuechen, what are you doing? ] Lu Ling was dissatisfied: [However, it is a good thing that Mr. accepts you]

【Master, what happened meow, why are you sealed meow? 】 Xuechen asked hurriedly.

【You didn't see it, it was this bead. 】Lu Ling holds Huoliuli.

[is it?Then I'll help the master get rid of meow...] Xuechen said that he was going to tear Lu Ling's glass.

"Don't move!!" Lu Ling suddenly yelled, making the little guy in her arms tremble in fright.

[This is given to me by my husband, what do you want to do? 】Lu Ling looked at Xuechen warily.

[Master, it suppressed your ability meow...] Xuechen was also very wronged, she didn't understand why the master's talent was locked up all at once, although the glass before was also of the fire attribute, but at most it was the power of spells Falling, and this time to get it again, it actually directly suppressed her master.

[It doesn't matter, I can just take it off if I feel comfortable. Fighting... I don't need it now, just take it off when I really can't fight. ] Lu Ling didn't care at all.

【oh. 】 Xuechen stopped talking and lay on Lu Ling's lap.

The owner likes it is the best.

You're right, just take it off when you need it.

But if this is the case, the coldness leaking out due to the master's cultivation of Shenlan will be even less, and she can hardly eat it...

"Finished? Is it because of Liuli?" Li Zhuzi came out with a cup of tea.

"Well, but I think it's okay." Lu Ling nodded.

"As long as you feel good." Li Zhuzi put Lu Ling's consciousness first.

"By the way, sir, what name should I give this fire glass?" Lu Ling said suddenly.

Li Zhuzi swallowed a sip of tea, with a satisfied expression on his face, he shook his head after hearing Lu Ling's words: "Oh? Name it? I'm not very good at it, as long as you like it."

Otherwise, the exercises given to Lu Ling would not be without names.

"I like it..." Lu Ling thought for a while, and then her eyes lit up: "Sir, this bead is red and has my name on it, otherwise it should be called Hong Ling!"

"Hong Ling?"

[Hong Ling? 】


After Lu Ling finished speaking, three people were taken aback.

"Red Ling..." Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling's red skirt and nodded. It was very appropriate. She had no objection, but was a little hesitant.

There is no big problem with a single word silk, which symbolizes toughness and beauty, and white silk doesn't have much meaning, but changing the color can completely change the meaning.

Hong Ling... This word is a deterrent no matter what race it is.

But she didn't think there was anything wrong, as long as Lu Ling liked it.

"Okay, let's call it Hong Ling, it's very suitable." Li Zhuzi said.

"Right." Lu Ling nodded with a smile.

【Master... Hong Ling... Can I change my name to meow? 】 Xuechen has an unnatural expression on his almost has dislike written on his face, how can the master's things use that rbq's name.

[What's the matter... Wait, Xiaoxue, isn't your sister's name is Hong Ling? ] Lu Ling suddenly remembered that the rbq of Shushan last time seemed to be the name.

【She's not my sister, but master, she's not clean, let's change her name, meow. 】

Lu Ling hesitated for a moment, but immediately shook her head: 【Just use this. 】

She must always use this name to spur herself, and when she is strong enough, she will rescue Xiaoxue's sister...

At this time, Lu Ling, who has little understanding of the world of cultivating immortals, has no concept of the word Hong Ling, otherwise, knowing that Xuechen is a fairy sword, she can easily guess the identity of the other party, and now she only thinks that the other party may be a Take the imprisoned sword or something.


[Okay, stop talking. ] Lu Ling shook her head, she had made up her mind.

【Oh. 】

"Liu Li's name is Hong Ling, so pretty." Lu Ling went out to share the joy with her junior sister.

"Hong Ling? Good name, and very beautiful." Liu Fufeng was taken aback for a moment, and after thanking Li Zhuzi, he didn't hesitate to praise him, but only touched the roundness of his chest.

This one of hers is of ice attribute, can I also learn to sculpt by myself, try it?
After a long time, the two resigned from Li Zhuzi.

Later they are going to see Xifeng and Zhao Yingge together.



At this time, Hong Ling in Lu Ling's body had a strange emotion on her calm face all day long.

Lu Ling and Xiaoxue, each mouthful of rbq... It's fine if you didn't know the meaning before, but now...

But she was not angry, and when Lu Ling said that she named Huo Liuli Hong Ling, she felt the breath of fate. Although it was very faint, it did mean that the two had a connection.

The material of this fire glass is actually just average, but the forging process is not bad, but in Hong Ling's eyes, it is still too bad.

However, she now has an idea.

Perhaps, she can transfer the spirit body to that prop.

In fact, this is exactly what Hong Ling did. She has been staying in Lu Ling's sea of ​​consciousness. As Xuechen's cultivation level grows, she will be discovered sooner or later. They wouldn't be interested, especially if they had the same name as me.

Startled for a moment.

Slightly bitter.

Xiaoxue really doesn't like her at all, that kind of hatred is not fake, she really doesn't care about herself now.

Forget it.

Hong Ling is already preparing to move positions, and... the so-called system, the gold finger or something should have a carrier, this carrier is good, and rewarding Lu Ling in the future is also very good, it seems that it is also taken out of the glass.

What's worth mentioning is that with her spirit body here, Venerable Ye can be regarded as the world's number one craftsman in a sense. After all, with Hong Ling's glass and red silk, it is definitely the world's number one magic weapon.


There is one thing she cares about.

It was the woman in purple that Lu Ling met today... She had already guessed the identity of the other party, so it was easy to guess.

But even for Hongya, seeing her is very inconceivable...

It's just a human race, how did it avoid the rules given by the mother?
The human race is always talented to do things that surprise her, and even the mother's rules can find loopholes.

Although the soul of the woman in purple is broken and her body has entered the setting sun period, she is still alive...

She should have died long ago.

For this kind of existence that escapes death, sending them to death is originally the job of Xianjian or other public officials—such as elves.

It stands to reason that Hong Ling should kill the woman in purple right now, send her into reincarnation, or directly eliminate the existence of violations.

But she didn't intend to do this, the reason is of course because of Lu Ling... This woman's rhythm is not bad, and her attainments in a certain area are similar to Qin Qin's, so she can just use it to educate Lu Ling.

Hong Ling's master, the Immortal Master was once a master of music... Her civil and military talents have been crushed for several generations, and this is her master.

So she doesn't plan to send the other party into reincarnation, maybe she has to cover for her... You know, there is an elf in Lingshan now, if she sees it, even Lu Ling will have no effect, and even It's not the ice beauty alone, but a huge race of elves.

So Hong Ling simply cast a spell, covering the aura of the woman in purple.

As for the secret, there is no need to cover it up.

Since the fall of Xuenv, the secrets of the sky have been completely blocked, that is, she can only find one or two, and all the divination, prediction, fortune-telling, fortune-telling, and peeking at the secrets of other races have become completely impossible, so the current Immortal cultivators can no longer get a glimpse of the secrets. In the past, the game on the secrets was also a part of the frequent confrontation among the major races. Now the secrets are chaotic, and even the most precious exercises have become a pile of waste.

Among the four clans today, the only person who can see the secret is not Hong Ling, but the priest of the Hai clan.

Immortals visit all kingdoms, inheriting the secrets of heaven, this is the greatest ability of this high priest.

Back then, the priest trapped Xihuang in the sea tomb with his own strength, but he didn't suffer any harm.

Secret warfare is definitely the most important factor in the game, far better than cultivation, but that was in the past, and then the era of secrets and the age of Xuenv ushered in the end together.

The woman in purple probably took advantage of Xuenv's death to find an opportunity to hide her existence after Tianji passed away... But Hong Ling believed that this stowaway was definitely one of the few people who didn't want Tianji to be messed up.

Others include Xihuang and her younger sister.

Hong Ling shook her head.

The purple-clothed woman has an inseparable connection with Lingshan and the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods, and Lu Ling—or Snow Maiden, is already inseparable from the human race.

Lu Ling, who has most of the karma of the human race on her body, her growth is extremely important. In the future, her attitude can change the current situation of the entire world. Under the calculation of unknown people, even if Lu Ling does not have the fairy sword at this time, her importance is also very important. It won't drop a penny.

She can control her sisters for her mother, and she can also change the situation. Both the mother and the people behind the scenes are win-win.

What a big game of chess.

However, using a little girl to change the general it really that easy?Lu Ling is a learner.

Hong Ling laughed lightly.

The organs are too clever to calculate, and they are often given to the chess players behind the scenes.

But she still said that, she didn't care.

As long as her master can come back, even if it's just a wisp of remnant soul, she doesn't care about the rest, just let them go.



Ascending to the Lingtai, Lu Ling took Liu Fufeng's hand and walked into some small buildings on the Lingtai.

"Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, I'm here to see you!"

(End of this chapter)

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