Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 589 Attribution Issues

Chapter 589 Attribution Issues
Ascending to the Lingtai, Lu Ling took Liu Fufeng's hand and walked into some small buildings on the Lingtai.

There are many small buildings in the huge Lingtai, but there are not many people.

This place is for newcomers and girls who have not yet determined their qualifications, and now... there are only a few people living here, and the others are either sent back to the secular world, or they have already divided the mountains.

Liu Fufeng took Lu Ling's hand and walked through the small building. She used to live here too, so she was familiar with it.

After a while, the two sisters stopped in front of a small building.

"Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, I'm here to see you!" Lu Ling knocked on the door and shouted loudly.

Then, a few people came out.

It wasn't Xifeng or Zhao Yingge, it was a familiar face to Liu Fufeng, and it turned out that they were the ones who took care of her as a newcomer.

"Uncle Wang, Senior Sister Ding." Liu Fufeng stepped forward and said.

"You are... Liu Fufeng, Feng Jiu... Oh, you are here to see Xifeng and the others." Daoist Wang was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses.

"Yes." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"Well, they live in the back, they heard the voice, they will come out soon." Taoist nun explained, then looked at the female cultivator who was pointing at Lu Ling behind her, and pulled Liu Fufeng aside.

"Is that the current elder sister of Feng Jiu?" Daoist Wang asked Liu Fufeng in a low voice.

Lu Ling is one of the few people who did not go through this process, directly entered the main peak, and became a master sister... The last person was Shen Gui who was brought back by Shen Canghai.

Although there are only two people in Lu Ling Jiufeng, the big sister is the big sister... Even if there are only two people, if Lu Ling can stand firm, it means that she is recognized by the Lingshan people.

These women who are in charge of managing the newcomers are still very interested in children like Lu Ling.

At such a young age, she is a big sister of Yifeng. How about when she grows up?

Maybe they can break arms with Shen Gui, right? These women who live on gossip all day are getting tired of watching Xu Xu and Shen Gui fight all day long. It's a good thing to have fresh blood join in.

"Senior sister and I are the only two people in Feng Jiu now." Liu Fufeng nodded, then tugged at Lu Ling: "Senior sister, come over and say hello."

"Hello Wang, Uncle Wang..." Lu Ling said timidly. Although the Taoist nun in front of her was kind, she always felt a little serious. If Taoist Wang knew Lu Ling's thoughts, she would laugh lightly. This is the effect she wanted, not serious How can you calm down those new little girls?
"Okay, okay." Daoist Wang said three good words in a row, and it could be seen that she had a good impression of Lu Ling.

"Have you had lunch yet?" she asked.

"I've eaten." Lu Ling nodded.

At this moment, a female voice came from behind.

"Sister Liu, you just remembered to come to see me, my sister is very sad."

As he said that, Xifeng, who was dressed in a black Taoist robe and had disheveled hair, came out from behind, her body was wet, and the outline of a mature woman's body was exposed in the air.

"Sister Xifeng, I'm quite busy these days." Liu Fufeng looked at Xifeng, the corners of his mouth raised unnaturally.

The experience of Luoyan City made her relationship with Xifeng much better than it seemed.

"I know you're busy, that's what my sister said." Xifeng shook her head and walked over.

"Sister Wang, Sister Ding, good afternoon." Xifeng waved to Daoist Wang and the female cultivator behind her.

"good afternoon."

"good afternoon."

The others are no longer surprised, Lingshan has no requirements on seniority, Xifeng has a girl who has not started yet called Liu Fufeng's younger sister, as long as Liu Fufeng has no opinion, others can't control her.

"Xifeng, were you taking a bath just now?" Daogu Wang asked, looking at the water droplets rolling slowly on Xifeng's neck.

"En." Xifeng nodded, then walked to Lu Ling's side and looked at her: "I heard the little girl calling me just after I took off my clothes and went into the water, how could I be in the mood to take a bath..."

"...Sister Xifeng." Lu Ling blushed a little, and pulled her black sleeve to tell her not to speak any more.

"Bath at noon?" Liu Fufeng gave Xifeng a strange look.

"Is Ah Ling here?" At this time, Zhao Yingge came out from another direction, also dripping with sweat, almost drenched all over... But unlike Xifeng, she was holding a pole in her hand. silver gun.

The white clothes contrasted with the black Xifeng.


He put the spear in his hand on the ground, and at the same time as there was a loud noise, a hole was smashed out of the white jade on the ground.

"Tsk..." Seeing Zhao Yingge, Xifeng shook her head: "Sweaty all over."

"In front of Ah Ling, don't force me to scold you." Zhao Yingge said coldly, then walked in front of Lu Ling and the others.

"Sister Liu, Ah Ling, are you here?"

"En, here we come." Liu Fufeng nodded.

"Sister Zhao, good afternoon." When Lu Ling saw Zhao Yingge, her beauty mole rose slightly. She also liked this young lady very much.

"good afternoon."

"You guys talk, I'll go get busy first." Daoist Wang and the others saw that the people here were reminiscing about the past, and asked to leave, but Liu Fufeng stopped her with words.

"Uncle Wang, when will Sister Zhao and Sister Xifeng be able to allocate a residence?"

It was said that both Zhao Yingge and Xifeng looked at Wang Daogu. They also wanted to know about this problem. After living here for a few days, they checked everything that could be checked, and everyone passed easily. It’s not top-notch, but they are all top-notch among Lingshan disciples. Xifeng found out from a few girls that they have nowhere to go for the time being. It seems that there is an arrangement from above...

After the first day's inspection, the girls in the same period were assigned to leave the next day, and she and Zhao Yingge had been adapting to life in Lingshan here for four or five days, and they still had no clue.

"For Xifeng and Zhao Yingge, there's nothing wrong with their talent and inspiration. It stands to reason that they could have been assigned away long ago, but... before Luo Xian from Qifeng came over and said that he wanted Zhao Yingge, and then retracted... Xifeng If so..." Daoist Wang glanced at Lu Ling and shook her head.

"The assignment hasn't come down yet, so wait a little longer."

In the past few days, people from almost every peak have come to try to get Xifeng... After all, he is the city lord of Luoyan City, but because Shen Gui explained Li Zhuzi's meaning, they have been dragging on. Zhao Yingge is not so popular, but he is born with supernatural power It's also very eye-catching, originally it belonged to Luo Xian, but later Luo Xian said that Li Zhuzi arranged for these two people to enter the Ninth Peak... The matter just ran aground.

Entering Jiufeng, although Li Zhuzi arranged, but Jiufeng Chu Qishui's personal badge and peak master's order could not be seen, and she had no right to let people enter Jiufeng, so she kept it on hold.

"Okay, Uncle Wang, go get busy." Liu Fufeng said.

"it is good."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Fufeng, Lu Ling, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge entered the small building in front of them together.

"Sit down," Xifeng said, and then naturally went to make a small pot of tea, pouring a cup for both Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng, with skillful movements.

"Sister Xifeng, are you still used to living here?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"I'm used to it." Xifeng nodded: "It was a little strange to see some people flying around my head at first... But now I don't feel strange anymore, there is nothing to get used to, if there is no Zhao girl dangling in front of my eyes , it would be more comfortable."

With Lu Ling around, Zhao Yingge didn't want to scold Xifeng, but said to Lu Ling beside her, "A Ling, how are you feeling recently?"

"A lot of things happened..."

The two were talking quietly.

Xifeng is not jealous either.

In fact, both Xifeng and Zhao Yingge liked Liu Fufeng more.

"For me, I took part in a few simple tests on the first day, and I was able to see some red things flying in front of my eyes. I felt a little magical." Xifeng said: "Then no one cares about it. In the arranged house Eating and drinking, making tea and taking a rest... I feel a little bored."

Xifeng half-lyed on the chair, apparently not motivated at all.

"Sister Xifeng, you are used to being busy, it's time to take a break." Liu Fufeng shook his head, the life of salted fish on Lingshan Mountain and the busyness and intrigue in Luoyan City are naturally incomparable.

"It's unnaturally lazy." Xifeng smiled, then sat up.

"Sister Zhao, how have you been doing recently?" Lu Ling grabbed Zhao Yingge's hand.

"Me? I'm in good health. After I don't have to rely on the wheelchair you gave me, I started exercising." Zhao Yingge looked at the long spear leaning on the pillar beside him: "After resting for a few months, it's a bit difficult to hold a gun. It’s not stable, it will take some time to get used to it.”

"Come on." Lu Ling nodded.

Zhao Yingge and Xifeng are completely different people, and their reactions after being admitted to Lingshan are also very different. Xifeng doesn't care on the surface, but Zhao Yingge really doesn't care at all.

Liu Fufeng could tell their status at a glance.

Xifeng was obviously getting impatient with the wait. After all, her purpose of coming to Lingshan was to read the information about the city lords of the past dynasties, and because her health was getting worse day by day, she cherished life very much in Luoyan City and used 1 minute as 2 minutes. Now she is wasting her life doing nothing in Lingshan, it's no wonder she can hold on.

And Zhao Yingge was infected by Shen Gui's charisma, plus she wanted to live as her mother compared to Xifeng, she hardly had any pressure.

"Sister Xifeng, Sister Zhao, I specifically asked a few senior sisters before. If you are speaking, you should be able to choose the main peak you want to go to." Liu Fufeng said.

"Can I choose? I haven't heard of it. I thought that newcomers like us could only be chosen." Xifeng was surprised, and it could be seen that her impression of Xianmen was still somewhat solidified.

"They said it before." Zhao Yingge nodded, "But I don't know much about Lingshan, so I never chose it."

The implication is to ask Liu Fufeng what he meant.

"Sister Zhao, don't you consider going to Master Luo's side?" Liu Fufeng was also very strange, she thought that Zhao Yingge would definitely go to Luo Hanyi's Seventh Peak, and with Luo Hanyi's relationship, she would be like a fish in water at the Seventh Peak Bar.

Zhao Yingge twitched the corners of her mouth.

Although now she roughly understands Luo Hanyi's status in Lingshan, she still doesn't feel that the other party is noble, but instead thinks that she is even more stupid?
"That silly woman? I wish I could stay away from her." Zhao Yingge said something that was not true, but Liu Fufeng could tell that Zhao Yingge really had no intention of going to Luo Hanyi...

"Sister Xifeng, how about you?" Lu Ling took a sip of sweet tea and looked at Xifeng.

"Me?" Xifeng shook her head: "To be honest, I don't have any clue... But, I think it's good to live with you, sister Liu, and the lovely A Ling is by my side."

Hearing this, Liu Fufeng froze for a moment.

Zhao Yingge nodded without any trace. Obviously, she also wanted to live with Liu Fufeng—after all, this woman's wish after taking revenge was to live with Liu Fufeng, the lifesaver...

In just a few months of getting along, both Xifeng and Zhao Yingge were completely conquered by Liu Fufeng. On this basis, Lu Ling became a factor of "seduction", using her "beauty" to seduce Xifeng and Zhao Yingge. Tethered to the Nine Peaks.

"I don't have any problems, and I'm very happy, but Feng Jiu's situation is quite special..." Liu Fufeng hesitated to speak.

"What kind of special method?" Xifeng was very curious. She also studied Lingshan recently. There are countless disciples in each peak of Lingshan, and each has its own characteristics. She was very curious about what the place where Liu Fufeng lived was like.

"Our Ninth Peak, currently there are only two disciples, my senior sister and me..."



After saying a word, both Xifeng and Zhao Yingge were a little confused.

Two people?
"Sister Liu, what do you mean, there are only you and A Ling in such a big place outside?" Xifeng pointed to the distant sky with her green fingers.

In the vast sea of ​​clouds, majestic and huge mountain peaks surround the nine-story Denglingtai like gods. They are huge, like the holy land of the fairy family, faintly, hazy and majestic, and there are countless rainbow lights that can be faintly shuttled back and forth.

Those are all fairies from Lingshan, and there are a huge number of them.

"Well... there are only two people." Liu Fufeng nodded. Although Jiufeng's facilities are very simple, but in terms of scale, Liu Fufeng thinks it is not inferior to any other peak. Besides, desolation is also a characteristic, and the current Jiufeng Because there are no buildings on the peak, the snow cover is the most uniform. It is a beautiful white world, and it is difficult to see the barren weeds.

Xifeng: "..."

Silence for a moment.

"I think Feng Jiu is good, I'm going here." Xi Feng patted the table.

She just didn't want to get in touch with other people from the immortal sect. Although Daoist Wang and the young girls are good, she always feels that getting along with them is not as comfortable as being with Liu Fufeng. Now she knows that there are only Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng in such a big place. ...the mind becomes active at once.

It just couldn't be more appropriate.

Zhao Yingge also nodded, obviously, she had the same idea as Xifeng.

"But... Sister Liu, isn't it inconvenient for you and Ah Ling to be so special?" Xifeng asked tentatively.

Now she doesn't quite believe Liu Fufeng's words that she is a member of the bottom of Lingshan...

There is no way, there are only two people living in a mountain, even Zhao Yingge can feel the specialness of the pair of sisters in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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