Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 590 Entering the Nine Peaks

Chapter 590 Entering Nine Peaks

"But... Sister Liu, isn't it inconvenient for you and Ah Ling to be so special?" Xifeng asked tentatively.

Now she doesn't quite believe Liu Fufeng's words that she is a member of the bottom of Lingshan...

There is no way, other mountains have tens of thousands of people every day, and there are only nine disciple peaks in total, Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng actually occupy one, and there are only two people living in one mountain, even Zhao Yingge can feel the crowd in front of him. This pair of sisters is special.

"It's not very convenient." Liu Fufeng nodded, not hiding anything.

"Is it inconvenient?" Lu Ling said with a natural face, "It's just that the place where I live is a little worse..."

"Poor living???" Xifeng was taken aback, and looked up at the small white jade building where she lived. The first time she saw the white jade building, Xifeng understood what a fairy gate is... her luxurious mansion In any case, it is not comparable to the Baiyun Tower surrounded by fairy mist.

And this is just for people who have not yet confirmed that they can live in the place where Lingshan people live, so what about formal disciples?
Xifeng can already foresee the extremely comfortable life of Lingshan disciples...

Even Zhao Yingge, who has no requirements for these things, has begun to understand the difference between immortals and mortals... And before Lu Ling told them that she and Liu Fufeng lived alone in a peak, it almost meant that she was at the level of "Emperor" in Xianmen.

But Lu Ling actually said it was not a good place to live?

"What do you mean by living poorly?" Xifeng asked, although it was very impolite, but the people in front of her were Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling, so she didn't have so many scruples.

"Junior Sister?" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng, who nodded, indicating that Lu Ling could say anything.

"It's just that the living is not good. My junior sister and I have been living in a thatched hut, sleeping on such a high thatched bed, only a layer of wool... Although it is soft, it is not as comfortable as a bed..." Lu Ling pursed her lips and complained: "And there is only one thatched cottage on the top of the mountain, nothing else, and the stove is also a primitive earthen stove. It's not as good as living in Luoyan City..."

Xifeng: "..."

Zhao Yingge: "..."

After holding back for a while, Xifeng said, "Is this... your interest?"

Hearing her words, Zhao Yingge's tear mole trembled, and she squinted her eyes at Lu Ling: "Did you get squeezed out?"

"It's not about fun, it's just that it's not a good place to live..." Lu Ling blushed and explained, then looked at Zhao Yingge: "Sister Zhao, you don't have to worry, you haven't been squeezed out, it's just that we don't know how to build a house, so we have been insisting down..."

"I know that senior sister has always wanted to live in a better place, and I have always envied where other people live." Liu Fufeng interjected.

"Junior Sister..." Lu Ling was shy.

"I've already started looking at the size of the house, and I can live in a new house after picking it up with my senior sister." Liu Fufeng said to Lu Ling.

"Really?" Lu Ling jumped up happily.

"That is to say... an undeveloped place? A Ling and sister Liu are you the first batch of people?" Xifeng thought.

"Well, you can say that." Liu Fufeng nodded: "It's quite desolate. There are no guardians and divisions. Although there are few people and life is not very convenient, but because I can be with my senior sister, I am very happy."


As Liu Fufeng opened his mouth, the eyes of the other two women present gradually lit up.

Is there a more comfortable place than Liu Fufeng's?

Zhao Yingge and Xifeng have learned a lot about Lingshan. Everyone living in Disciple Peak must be under the care and management of Sishi. Naturally, life is somewhat inconvenient. Now there is a place that is still under development, and Liu Fufeng Both with Lu Ling... We can live together...

Heart moved.

Look at each other.

Then turn away.

It would be fine if there was no other party.

"Sister Liu, it can't be just the two of you." Xifeng continued to ask.

"Well, there is also a master, but the master is busy and basically sees no one, and Feng Jiu's situation is a bit special, it may not be so easy to advance..." Liu Fufeng said, suddenly startled.

"It's just right that I can't see anyone. Behind... Sister Liu, what are you talking about?" Xifeng had already taken out her notebook, and at this moment, she suddenly turned her head to look outside.

A woman wearing a black and white Taoist robe, her hair tied up, and a wine gourd hanging around her waist stood in the sun, her bangs covered her eyes, and only her pale skin could be seen.

Not scruffy at all, just a little frail.

"Are you..." Xifeng was about to ask, when Lu Ling stood up in surprise and said with an incredulous expression.


The master who has been squatting at home has come out?
"Master?" Xifeng and Zhao Yingge were surprised.

"Master, what are you doing..." Liu Fufeng got up after being surprised, and walked to the door. She remembered that Master would not leave Feng Jiu.

"Oh, I'll come and catch this woman back." Taoist nun pointed to the corner, Liu Fufeng looked along, and saw Han Xue, whose clothes were disheveled and sleeping soundly on the ground.

Inside the room, Xifeng asked Lu Ling in a low voice: "A Ling, your relationship with Master...seems a bit strange."

"Actually... not very familiar with it." Lu Ling also replied cautiously.

The two continued to watch.

"It's just right, you can take her back later." The nun pointed to Han Xue behind her. Her own injuries hadn't healed yet, and her spiritual power was almost completely asleep. It would take some trouble to move Han Xue back.

"Take her back?" Liu Fufeng looked at Han Xue, who he didn't know at all, confused: "Master, where are you going back?"

"Oh, just find a place to throw it away at home." The nun said casually.

"Yes, Master." Liu Fufeng nodded, looking at Chu Qishui: "Master, is there anything else?"

"Yes, I just heard that you have friends who want to enter Jiufeng?"

"Back to Master, it's..." Liu Fufeng glanced at Xifeng and Zhao Yingge, and nodded.

"Okay." The Taoist nun nodded expressionlessly. In fact, she already knew something from Han Xue, which was arranged by Li Zhuzi.

"This is my personal token, take it to lead someone, the peak master's order should be with you." Taoist nun threw a token to Liu Fufeng.

"Yes... but Master..." Liu Fufeng glanced at the token in his hand, and at the same time took out the Peak Master's Token from his waist.

"Okay, I'll go back first." After finishing speaking, the nun walked slowly to the Lingtai.

If you only look at the back view, the current Chu Qishui is just an ordinary Lingshan person, and he can't see a little bit of his demeanor back then.

"This is the master of you and sister Liu? How do I feel..." Xifeng whispered to Lu Ling.

"It's normal, right, I think so, and she's pretty good at calling my junior sister." Lu Ling agreed.

"Who was that just now?" Daoist Wang came in from the outside at this time, looking at Chu Qishui's back, a little strange.

It looks familiar, but I can't remember where I saw it.

"Ah, that's my master." Liu Fufeng said, started to clean up Han Xue on the ground, helped her up, and sat on the wall on the ground.

"Oh, your master..." Daoist Wang nodded, then trembled.

"Your master!!!????"

The sound was so loud that even Xifeng and Zhao Yingge in the room were startled.

"Is it her? Really her?" Daoist Wang became excited in an instant, blushing up to her neck, and at the same time grabbed Liu Fufeng's collar and kept shaking it.

"It's my master... ah, cough cough..." Liu Fufeng was also startled, and then he was a little dizzy from the panic.

"Sorry, sorry, I'm too excited...too excited." Daoist Wang took a deep breath, calmed down temporarily, and looked at Han Xue on the ground.

"It's Master Hanxue... It really is Miss Juexian... It's been a long time since I saw you..."

The Taoist nun fell into a soliloquy, unable to extricate herself for a long time.

Several people looked at Aunt Wang strangely, especially Lu Ling and Liu Fufeng. Is their master some kind of powerful figure?Let the new person in charge get excited like this.

"I can't see the glamor of the past at all..." As she pondered, Daoist Wang's face gradually dimmed, as if she had seen something very disappointing.

After going through that kind of thing, even sister Juexian will find it difficult to cheer up again.


Saying goodbye to the person I once looked forward to, the initial excitement is quickly dissipating.

That's it... I am not the little girl who can't walk when she sees her senior sister.

After regaining consciousness, Wang Daogu looked at Liu Fufeng: "Is there anything for your master?"

"Master asked me to take the uncle on the ground to Jiufeng, and he gave me this." Liu Fufeng opened his palm, and there was a token lying quietly inside, and the character [别] underneath was extremely sharp and imposing. What came was a powerful sword intent.

"It's Senior Sister's personal token. By the way, you still have the Peak Lord's order on you. You are indeed a girl recognized by Senior Sister Juexian." Wang Daogu then confirmed that Liu Fufeng was a disciple recognized by Chu Qishui, not a disciple who was blocked by Chu Qishui. After being burdened by Feng Jiu, her attitude changed subtly. Although she was still very gentle, Liu Fufeng could clearly feel that Daoist Wang now regarded her as one of her own.

Watching Xifeng, she was stunned for a while, she is also a smart person, and she has met many people these days, and she knew in words that the status of the Daoist Wang with a newcomer in front of her is not low, at least she is a management, and Although she is only superficially kind, when you really want to get close to her, you will find that she is actually far away from you...

Including when they first faced Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling, they were superficially close.

But after that ordinary-looking woman came, Wang Daogu's attitude changed completely. Now she looked at Liu Fufeng and Lu Ling as if she was looking at her own daughter, making Xifeng wonder if she was I read it wrong……

"Both the peak master's order and the personal token are in the hands of one disciple, Liu girl, you are the second Luo Xian...the treatment is exactly the same." Daoist Wang patted Liu Fufeng on the shoulder.

Of course, the number of managers is completely different.

However, the status of Liu Fufeng holding these two tokens will definitely not be lower than that of Luo Xian, and in terms of influence at the top, she may be much higher than Luo Xian. After all, Luo Hanyi's personal token and Chu Qi Shui's personal token is not a heavyweight...

In fact, Liu Fufeng's status has been raised to a very high position just by being the commander of the Nine Peaks alone. The Lingshan people in charge of the newcomers are much taller, and now with Chu Qishui's approval, Liu Fufeng at this time is the actual person in charge of Feng Jiu.

"Peak master's order... Personal token..." Liu Fufeng was a little confused: "Actually, I don't understand very well... But just now Master said that sister Zhao and sister Xifeng can..."

Before Liu Fufeng finished speaking, Daoist Wang interrupted her.

"Go to Feng Jiu? No problem, it was reserved for Feng Jiu all the time, but because I don't have permission, now I have permission, you can take these two girls away anytime."

Xifeng: "..."

Zhao Yingge: "..."

take away?

Are the two of them goods...

"The Xifeng family has some connections with Lingshan, and they also practice Lingshan's foundation-building skills. Their inspiration and talent are all top-notch. As for their poor health... it's good to find someone to treat them in Nanyuan some time. Well, if it doesn’t work, I can do it too. For Zhao Yingge, the situation is more complicated. I am a literary soul, and I don’t know much about natural supernatural powers. Although my inspiration is a bit weak, my roots are pretty good..." Then, Daoist Wang really seemed to be introducing goods. Introduced Xifeng and Zhao Yingge.

"Well, Master Uncle, we are friends... we know each other better." Liu Fufeng blushed.

"I know, I'm used to it, it's fine, you can leave today, and you don't have any luggage to pack, and then you can go to the Shaodian to get two sets again... Wait... That's it, let me I see, you can do whatever you want, I have something to leave first." After speaking, Daoist Wang looked anxious.

She suddenly thought that after hearing that Chu Qishui's cultivation had fallen to the Void Transformation Realm, she might still be able to see her when she rushed to the teleportation formation, so she left in a hurry, leaving behind two pairs of girls staring at each other.

After a while, Xifeng twitched the corner of her mouth.

"This... even if it's assigned? Why do I think it's such a joke..."

"Maybe... yeah." Liu Fufeng was also a little confused, but she understood the matter, and smiled: "From today onwards, we will all be Feng Jiu's seniors..."

"Sister Xifeng! Sister Zhao, welcome to Nine Peaks!" Lu Ling giggled.

"I'm also very happy." Xifeng hugged Lu Ling. She had been tense since entering Lingshan, and now she could finally relax.

"En." Zhao Yingge didn't express it very clearly, but she was also happy.

"Later, let's go to the Shaodian to get some daily necessities and our own tokens. Specifically, the facilities of Lingshan, I believe you will be familiar with them soon, Sister Xifeng." Liu Fufeng said, and they were about to leave.

After going back, there are still many trivial matters to be dealt with. Xifeng and Zhao Yingge are newcomers, so she should help a little bit. From today onwards, we are all family.

At this time, Lu Ling was immersed in the joy of having two more big sisters. After hearing that she could go home, she was naturally very happy, but she was immediately stunned.

After a moment of hesitation, he raised a hand.


"What's wrong?" Liu Fufeng asked.

"Where do we... sleep at night?"

(End of this chapter)

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