Chapter 591
"Junior Sister, the four of us... where do we sleep at night?" Lu Ling lightly raised her little hand. She was very happy that the two sisters entered the Ninth Peak, but the problem was that there was no place to live.

Liu Fufeng: "..."

That's right...their sisters' small house and small bed can't sleep four people at all. Usually, A Ling is entangled with her, and one person can barely sleep. Now two people may have no choice.

"Not enough space? The thatched bed..." Xifeng understood what Lu Ling meant, and waved her hand: "It's okay, we'll sleep here today at worst."

Living in this Baiyulou is quite comfortable.

"But it can't always be like this, there must always be a solution." Liu Fufeng shook his head: "Since Master Wang asked us to leave, it's better not to cause trouble, there may be some problems."

"Really..." Xifeng didn't understand very well.

"There is always a way, otherwise we can sleep on the floor, it's not cold anyway." Lu Ling thought for a while and said.

Speaking of which, she remembered that Master also slept in their hut, if everyone was crowded together... Lu Ling thought about the scene of five people sleeping on the ground, and swallowed her saliva.

"Okay, let's talk about it at night." Xifeng got up: "I'm going to pack up my things, and I'm ready to go."

"Well, if it doesn't work, I'll get a bed." Liu Fufeng nodded: "The main reason is that the senior sister just came back, and I haven't had time to choose the house or anything, and I don't know the process of getting the house."

Seeing that Xifeng had gone back to pack her things, Lu Ling turned her head to look at Zhao Yingge, who had been in a daze since just now, and the short-haired girl stared blankly at the sky outside, her dark eyes reflecting the flickering rainbow light in the sky.

The mole of tears was covered a little by the short hair.

"Sister Zhao, what about you? Don't you have anything to pack?" Lu Ling asked.

Hearing Lu Ling's words, Zhao Yingge's thoughts returned to her, her hand holding the silver gun tightened a little, and she looked at Lu Ling: "A Ling, my only luggage is this silver gun, what, you want to help me carry it ?"

"No, I can't hold it." Lu Ling looked at Zhao Yingge's hand that was easily holding the silver gun, and shook her head vigorously.

It would be bad luck if it hit her foot, sister Zhao likes to tease her.

"Well... Ah Ling, how does it feel to live on Lingshan?" Zhao Yingge asked Lu Ling.

"How about it... I think it's very good, much better than all the previous lives." Lu Ling glanced at Zhao Yingge, blinked, and became serious: "No matter how unsatisfactory it was before, as long as you stand in this white jade Come on, feel at ease."

"Understood." Zhao Yingge looked at Lu Ling's rising beauty mole, nodded, and lifted her side hair to expose the mole to the air.

Slightly surprised.

It was the first time she saw Lu Ling who was serious.

Standing up with the silver gun in hand, all the suspicions about Lingshan these days disappeared.

"Then I'll look forward to it for a while." Zhao Yingge walked up to Lu Ling and patted her head.

"I don't think Lingshan will disappoint you." Liu Fufeng followed suit.

"En." Zhao Yingge nodded, and continued: "As for the luggage, there is one piece."

As he said that, Zhao Yingge pushed a wheelchair and walked out: "A few days ago, I was able to walk by myself, so this chair was put away."

"Ah!" Looking at the wheelchair that Zhao Yingge pushed out, Lu Ling suddenly thought of something: "Junior Sister, my wheelchair is left at Mr.'s place."

"Go and get it tomorrow." Liu Fufeng didn't care.

"A Ling, come up, just sit here, I will push you away." Zhao Yingge said.

"Oh, I can walk..." Lu Ling looked at the green bamboo in her hand, and just as she was about to say something, Liu Fufeng pushed her into the wheelchair.


"Okay, let you sit down." Liu Fufeng shook his head, today is the first day, so let's give A Ling to Sister Zhao for "playing".

"Okay, I've packed it too." At this time, Xifeng came down with some luggage on her back, saying that the luggage was actually small items, and the most precious of them was the letter addressed to Dongfang Lianren, which said "Many days I haven't met, I miss you very much" letter——

In fact, it is more appropriate to say that the wedding invitation letter is more appropriate.

"Let's go, I can't wait to see what Feng Jiu looks like." Xifeng said.

"En." With that said, several people went out.

"By the way, this..." Xifeng looked outside the door and asked Han Xue, who was sitting on the ground reeking of alcohol, suspiciously.

"Master asked me to take me to the Ninth Peak... I don't know him either." Liu Fufeng shook his head.

"It's her!" The moment Lu Ling saw Han Xue, her heart began to beat gradually **** Sister, do you know her? "Liu Fufeng was taken aback.

"I saw it once when I came out of the secret realm." Lu Ling explained briefly: "I didn't expect it to be someone Master knew..."

"Let's take it back first and then we'll talk about it." Liu Fufeng said.

"Yes, I really have no place to live today." Lu Ling spread her hands, and then got off the wheelchair: "Junior Sister, let Shishu sit, I can't let you carry her back."

"That's right." Zhao Yingge nodded, and helped Liu Fufeng put Han Xue, who smelled of alcohol, into the wheelchair.

"It's not very polite, but I don't like the smell." Xi Feng slapped her nose.

"..." Zhao Yingge didn't speak, but from her slightly disgusted eyes, it could be seen that she didn't like alcoholics either.

"Is this also a fairy from Lingshan?" Zhao Yingge asked.

"There are all kinds of people on Lingshan, and you will get used to it in the future." Liu Fufeng smiled and didn't care, after all, before going up the mountain, she thought that Lingshan was full of benevolent and gentle people like in the legend. Fairies... But after living for a while, I realized that there are girls with all kinds of personalities.

There is the talkative Senior Sister Qin, the domineering Senior Shen, and the gentle Senior Xu...

Everyone has their own name, and it can't be summed up by the simple four words [Lingshan Fairy]. I believe Zhao Yingge and Xifeng will understand in the future.

"Go home." Liu Fufeng said, and then she pushed Han Xue to take a step, and suddenly felt that she was pulled by someone, and when she turned her head, she found that it was Lu Ling who was pulling her sleeve.

"Junior sister, I... can I push?" Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng with pleading eyes.

"A Ling, it's inconvenient for you." Xi Feng said, Lu Ling can walk normally because of the green bamboo, can she push others like this?
"It's okay, the wheelchair I designed myself can be used with one hand, and... I..." Lu Ling spoke incoherently. For some reason, she had a very high affection for the drunk woman in front of her, almost second only to her. The junior sister is gone, and without knowing whether the other party will like her, Lu Ling wants to "take advantage of others' danger" to get in touch with Han Xue.

This emotion was incomprehensible to the three women present.

Although he didn't understand, Liu Fufeng would never refuse Lu Ling's request. Even though her A Ling might be inconvenient, for Liu Fufeng, it's okay for Lu Ling to be unhappy.

"Senior Sister, let her push if she wants to." Liu Fufeng said, moving away.

"This..." Xifeng was still a little worried.

"Junior Sister is the best." Lu Ling rubbed Liu Fufeng's hand, then held the push handle on the back with one hand, took a step, and looked at Han Xue who was sleeping soundly in the wheelchair like a baby, her face blushed unconsciously stand up.

"...Sister Liu, what's the relationship between Ah Ling and her?" Xifeng couldn't help asking.

"I don't know either." Liu Fufeng narrowed his eyes...

Where did this uncle come from?

Why does Aya like her so much?

Looking at Lu Ling who was excited because he could see Han Xue up close, Liu Fufeng felt a sense of crisis.

Zhao Yingge didn't have any idea, maybe this drunkard has a good relationship with Lu Ling... She is still curious about what the Jiufeng will look like in the future.

Thus, the five of them left the area of ​​Baiyu Xiaolou and set foot on the Lingtai again.

Han Xue who is sleeping in a wheelchair, Lu Ling who pushes the wheelchair with some difficulty and peeks at Han Xue from time to time, Liu Fufeng who follows behind Lu Ling thoughtfully, a handsome Xifeng in black clothes, with broken hair , spear, tear mole, Zhao Yingge who is both weak and heroic.

Walking on the altar, these five people were quite eye-catching.

"Why is Ah Ling pushing things... Let's go help..." Several girls looked at this strange group of people and whispered.

"Didn't you see Junior Sister Liu? With her here, we were just making fun of ourselves in the past."

"The one behind is the new disciple... The one with the long hair seems to be the current city lord of Luoyan City..."

"It's her? She's pretty and has a lot of temperament, but the makeup is too heavy."

"You're blind, her body has already entered the setting sun stage, and now she is enduring severe pain when she walks a step, her face should be ugly." The female cultivator looked at Xifeng distressedly.

"Now that I'm in Lingshan, these are not problems... But rather than being cured all at once, maybe the Shaodian will let her focus on nurturing her."

"It doesn't matter, I want to know who that girl with short hair is."

The sound of drooling.

"Yes, what about short hair?"

"Yes, yes, I am more interested in her. Do you think she is handsome..."

"You mean like Senior Sister Shen?"

"Hey, can you talk, what does it look like, Senior Sister Shen, Senior Sister Shen is Senior Sister Shen, this Junior Sister is herself, no one looks like..."

"Don't get excited, I'm just saying... But, she's really handsome... That tear mole might look unexpectedly good with long hair."

"Tell me, what are the chances that I will pursue this little junior sister?" A female cultivator who is obviously "Lace" looked at Zhao Yingge and swallowed her saliva: "I can accept her or me."

"Forget it, I'll scare my junior sister... But, it's really attractive... And that spear, who of us can handle it?"

"Long gun..." A scantily dressed female nun licked her red lips, showing lustful eyes.

Obviously, this is also a carnivorous woman.

"A Ling is too young, I am reluctant to do anything with Junior Sister Liu. Now two new Junior Sisters have arrived, the Lord of Luoyan City, and such a good seedling... I am getting excited..."

As Lu Ling and her group shuttled through the Lingtai, there were bursts of whispering around.

From Lu Ling to the newcomer, the topic stayed on Xifeng for a while, and finally turned to Zhao Yingge, and it became more and more serious. This was unexpected by many people. Among the five people, the most popular one was actually Zhao Yingge.

It may be that there are too few such women on Lingshan, which means that in Lingshan's lace, the number of P is far greater than that of T. A neutral girl like Zhao Yingge is exactly what everyone likes.

As for Han Xue in the wheelchair... no one remembers her, and only a few complaints are noticed occasionally.

Everyone knows that Han Xue is unreliable. Now that she drinks like this, the junior sister pushes her...shameless.



Hearing the whispers around them, they speeded up, and when they reached the remote path, Xifeng had a strange expression on his face, and said, "Sister Liu, have they... always been like this?"

Xifeng couldn't imagine that those women with lustful eyes were the fairies from the legendary Lingshan Mountain.

"No... Maybe it's because I was excited to see the newcomers." Liu Fufeng also felt weird.

"What's wrong?" Lu Ling looked blank, she just looked at Han Xue's face and didn't notice what happened just now.

"..." Zhao Yingge didn't say a word, but her expression was not good.

During the short distance just now, she felt a lot of eyes falling on her, as if they were trying to peel her off... It was very weird.

Until now, she still feels that someone is watching her.

The impression of Lingshan was pulled to a very strange place in a short period of time.



Is that so?

More than half of the remaining girl's dream was shattered.

"The senior sisters are indeed a little enthusiastic..." Liu Fufeng explained palely, and then changed the subject: "The Shaodian is ahead, Sister Zhao, Sister Xifeng, you and A Ling wait here, I will go get daily necessities."

"it is good."

Several people nodded.

Xifeng didn't even ask what to do with her body... Now that she has entered Lingshan, there is no rush for a day or two.

She is used to the pain, and being able to hold on is also a good way to exercise perseverance.

Then, Liu Fufeng entered the young hall alone, and the four of them waited outside.

Zhao Yingge was no longer as calm as before because of those strange gazes, and looked back at the grass behind her from time to time—she always felt that someone was watching her.

Xifeng leaned against the tree, taking a nap with her eyes closed, looking forward to life in Lingshan.

Lu Ling's junior sister was not there, lying on the wheelchair, looking at Han Xueqing's pretty face from a close distance, unable to extricate herself, and rarely showed some slut's expression.

"Got you."

At this moment, a person fell from the sky and landed in front of Lu Ling, breaking the tranquility here.

"It's Master Feng!" Several exclamations came from the grass.

"What are you guys doing hiding here?" Master Luanfeng looked not far away, frowning.

"..." Zhao Yingge.

Sure enough, there were people there... What did they want to do after following me?
"It's nothing, Master Feng, you are busy, let's go first." Several female cultivators ran away without saying a word.

"Hello, master." Lu Ling looked at the woman in yellow who suddenly appeared, and said obediently.

"Hello Master." Zhao Yingge and Xifeng also said respectfully.

"Okay." Luanfeng glanced at several people: "Xifeng...and...en, both are new disciples, very good, welcome to Lingshan."

Xifeng and Zhao Yingge gave her a pretty good feeling.

"Uncle, do you have anything to do?" Lu Ling took the initiative to ask, since the junior sister is not here, she is an "old" disciple and has to shoulder the responsibility.

"Me? I'll catch her." Master Luanfeng pointed to Han Xue who was sleeping soundly in the wheelchair.


(End of this chapter)

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